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Single letters were presented for varying numbers of repeated brief exposures. The S reported on the target after each presentation, identifying only those symbols perceived with certainty. A d’ analysis of the results revealed that target-uncertainty reduction produced significant facilitation in the average level of perceptual sensitivity only in a condition in which the target symbol was exposed prior to each trial. Prior knowledge of the target symbol without prior exposure produced a measurable, but nonsignificant, facilitation in sensitivity. The data suggested that the growth curve normally associated with the repeated-presentations paradigm may be the result of a progressive liberalization of the S’s criterion for reporting in some studies. The data further showed that prior exposure and perhaps prior knowledge can significantly alter the shape of the repetition curve when the target is a single letter. These findings were interpreted as an indication that both amount and kind of target-uncertainty reduction can produce significant changes in the repetition effect for single letters.  相似文献   

Payment notifications are becoming ubiquitous due to the popularity of online payment, which are usually considered to be records of consumption. However, the effect of payment notifications on consumer behavior has not been fully understood. Given this research void, this study explores the effects of payment notifications on consumers' consumption amount during a multiple-purchase shopping journey. Considering the prevalence of online payment in China, we conducted four experiments using Chinese samples. The results confirm that payment notifications can evoke consumers' pain of payment, which consequently reduces consumers' subsequent shopping amount. Additionally, we argue that the effects of payment notifications on consumer behavior are different in the early/late stage of the shopping journey or in the gift-purchasing/self-purchasing conditions. The findings of this article could help payment application developers to better design payment notification functions.  相似文献   

The Eysenck (1967) hypothesis that introverts have higher levels of cortical activation than extraverts has received support in a number of psychophysiological studies, though there is not complete consistency. The present study extended the habituation paradigm used in some previous work to include an examination of differences between extraverts and introverts during and following long-term overhabituation. Electrodermal activity was recorded while 72 extraverts and 72 introverts were subjected to criterion auditory habituation to a 1000-Hz, 90-db tone, followed by 60, 100, or 140 trials of overhabituation. The overhabituation run was followed by a test stimulus of 7000 Hz and a final repetition of the standard stimulus. Results showed that introverts increased in response frequency with increasing overhabituation exposure, while extraverts showed an increase only from 100 to 140 trials. In addition, the hypothesis that differences in test response amplitude favoring introverts would be eliminated by extended overhabituation training was supported. Specifically, extraverts showed increased responses at 100 and 140 trials, while introverts remained approximately constant across the three conditions. Finally, results supported the Sokolov hypothesis that overhabituation training produces test responses of larger amplitude.  相似文献   

Two independently conducted studies investigated stimulus variation effects on children's discrimination learning. The stimuli in the first study were generated by a conjunctive rule and were presented in pairs. Mean trials to criterion was significantly lower for the single-feature change treatment (17.4) than for the multiple-feature change treatment (29.9). Single-feature change-treatment transfer scores were significantly higher only for stimuli that differed in terms of one of the features. The second study not only replicated the initial finding concerning the single-feature change treatment but also found that students made more errors in reaching criterion when stimuli were generated by an exclusive disjunctive rule and were presented singly. For all tasks, the single-feature change treatment with stimuli presented in pairs was accompanied by fewer errors to criterion than the other treatments.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of students’ (a) receiving participation credit with and without self-recording their participation and (b) self-recording participation with and without receiving credit for participation on the percentage of students functioning at four participation levels: non-participation, credit-level participation, frequent participation (slightly above credit-level), and dominant participation (2.5+ times above credit-level). Participants came from three sections of a relatively large discussion course (initially 55 students per section). Credit (with and without self-recording participation) decreased the percentage of both non-participants and dominant participants and increased the percentage of credit-level participants, thus creating greater balance in participation across students in each class. In contrast, self-recording versus non-self-recording (with and without credit) did not significantly differentiate the percentages of either non-participants or frequent participants but did differentiate the percentages of credit-level and dominant participants under the recording conditions.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine whether attentional set affects the ability of visual transients (onsets and offsets) to capture attention. In the experiments, visual search for an identity-defined target was conducted. In the first 3 experiments, the target display either onset entirely or was revealed by offsetting camouflaging line segments to reveal letters. Prior to the target display, there was a noninformative cue, either an onset or an offset, at one of the potential target locations. Cues that shared the same transient feature as the target display captured attention. The lack of predictable target transients led to attentional capture by all forms of transients. The final experiments with luminance changes without offsets or onsets showed attentional capture when the luminance changes were large. The results suggest that attentional set can be broadly or narrowly tuned to detect changes in luminance.  相似文献   

When a person evaluates his or her confidence in a judgment, what is the effect of receiving more judgment-relevant information? We report three studies that show when judges receive more information, their confidence increases more than their accuracy, producing substantial confidence–accuracy discrepancies. Our results suggest that judges do not adjust for the cognitive limitations that reduce their ability to use additional information effectively. We place these findings in a more general framework of understanding the cues to confidence that judges use and how those cues relate to accuracy and calibration.  相似文献   

In this essay I review the advantages and challenges of contingent faculty service from a perspective which crosses programs, but chiefly from within one academic institution, a church‐related but independent theological seminary. I anecdotally relate certain “value‐added” potentialities which accrue for students and instruction when an adjunct faculty's primary institutional connections are outside the academic environment. I cite benefits to the student, school, and instructor. See companion essays published in this issue of the journal by Hoon J. Lee, Adam Wirrig, Bradley Burroughs, and Kyle A. Schenkewitz.  相似文献   

Research on gender differences in the effects of non-cognitive traits and behaviours on pay is rather scant and focuses largely on the big five personality traits. To address this gap, we consider the equivocal findings regarding the direct associations of intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, and networking with pay, arguing for gender differences in the degree to which actual pay and pay expectations are influenced by these non-cognitive factors. Hypotheses are tested using a sample of 250 individuals working in traditionally masculine jobs at a single high-technology firm. Participants completed two surveys, and income data were retrieved from the firm’s archives. Intrinsic motivation was positively related to actual pay and pay expectations among men and was negatively related to both pay measures among women. Self-efficacy was positively related to actual pay among women and was unrelated to actual pay among men. Networking was positively related to actual pay among men and was negatively related to actual pay among women. Finally, self-efficacy and networking were unrelated to pay expectations among both men and women. We draw from notions of gender stereotypes, backlash, and tokenism to discuss gender-based differences in how organizations appraise and reward non-cognitive traits and behaviours.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined human subjects' sensitivity to variation in reinforcer amount under different methods of reinforcer delivery. Subjects chose between schedules varying in terms of amount and/or delay of reinforcement, the reinforcer being points exchangeable for money. In Experiment 1, reinforcer amount was manipulated by varying the monetary value of the points across conditions while the number of seconds of access to a consummatory response remained constant. Choice was strongly sensitive to reinforcer amount and indicative of self-control, as in previous experiments. In Experiment 2, reinforcer amount was manipulated by automatically delivering different numbers of points during the amount period, and the consummatory response was eliminated. Sensitivity to variation in reinforcer amount was significantly lower than in Experiment 1. Furthermore, the subjects in Experiment 2 exhibited significantly less self-control than did the subjects in Experiment 1. Humans' sensitivity to variation in reinforcer amount appears to be affected by factors that enhance the discrimi-nability of the consequences of responding.  相似文献   

The owners of three restaurants requested help with the pay of waitpersons who were paid by the hour. The waitpersons asked for raises which the owners said they could not afford. This research changed the method of compensating waitpersons by making their pay contingent on dollars of food sold. Increased productivity and increased earnings per hour of work for all of the waitpersons followed the beginning of the performance-contingent pay. Most of the waitpersons also earned increased take-home pay when the performance-contingent pay began. There was little improvement in labor costs per dollar of food sold, a measure of benefit to the owners. The fact that benefits to workers occurred without benefits to owners is contrary to common views about the effects of performance-contingent pay.  相似文献   

The authors studied the general proposition that because social comparisons are so central to how people react to pay, the effect of an important pay condition likely depends on a social pay comparison that is relevant to that condition. To investigate this, the authors used actual pay data on more than 2,000 public school teachers across more than 400 school districts and tested whether pay equity perceptions resulted from interactions among objective measures of structural (pay dispersion, entry-level pay, pay range maximum, external competitiveness) and individual (pay relative to internal referents, pay relative to external referents) pay conditions. Cross-level interactions indicated that pay relative to internal referents moderated how pay structure conditions related to pay equity perceptions. Additionally, within-level interactions indicated that the effect of employee standing in the external pay hierarchy depended on where one stood in the internal pay hierarchy; this dynamic emerged both for individual-level measures of current standing and for organization-level measures that suggested future standing.  相似文献   

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