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一、目的儿童知觉—运动协调发展的问题是儿童心理学中具有重要理论意义的问题之一。皮亚杰的认知发展理论特别重视知觉和运动在儿童认知发展中的作用。皮亚杰认为儿童通过感知—运动的协调活动所逐渐建构起来的最初的感知—运动水平的认知结构,是儿童日后认知发展的基础。皮亚杰肯定了感知觉—运动协调活动在儿童最初的心理发展阶段即感知—运动阶  相似文献   

研究目的近年来,皮亚杰的理论受到挑战,人们批评皮亚杰虽然强调社会因素对于认识发展的作用,但在实验中并未真正加以研究。具体到三山课题上,已有的研究多是在儿童单独作业条件下分析儿童关于三山课题认识发展的过程、自我中心现象的变化趋势以及知觉经验在儿童掌握空间表象中的作用。而儿童间的相互作用对儿童掌握空间表象是否存在影响,至今尚未见到过实验研究报告。本实验试图通过对儿童在单独作业和相互作用两种条件下进行训练,然后对比两组儿童对空间表象的掌握情况,分析两组间是否存在差异,为进一步完善皮亚杰的儿童空间认知发展理论提供实验上的依据。研究方法被试随机抽取一至四年级学生200名,其中一年级40名,二年级50名,三年级50名,四年级60名,按所在年级分成四个年级组。初试后,将各年级回答错误的儿童,按等组法的原则分成单独作业组与相互作用组两组。两组儿童的初试成绩不存在差异。  相似文献   

陈会昌 《心理学报》1984,17(4):120-128
本文介绍了六十年代以来皮亚杰和科尔伯格的继承者在儿童道德认知发展领域里的一些研究。其中有些研究验证了皮亚杰和科尔伯格的理论,有些则修正、扩展了他们的研究,还有一些研究对他们的理论提出了批评和异议。作者据此认为,应该全面评介西方各派理论,批判地分析它们,学习西方研究者的好方法,结合我国实际深入开展对儿童和青少年道德发展的研究。  相似文献   

皮亚杰主张儿童从发生到成人的认知发展经历了人人共同的、按不变顺序相继出现的、有着质的差异的几个阶段。近十年来,有些心理学家发现问题比皮亚杰想像的要复杂得多,从不同角度提出了挑战。有人怀疑认知发展是否真正有明确的阶段,人类的思维活动是否真正有普遍性。皮亚杰的研究方法也受到批评。在中国,人们还从辩证唯物主义的角度评价了皮亚杰的发生认识论。阶段论是一个还待继续争论下去的问题。而且皮亚杰的贡献不限于阶段论。我们应继续研究皮亚杰。  相似文献   

近年来新皮亚杰学派的理论日益受到重视。这一理论在继承皮亚杰基本观点的基础上,发展和开拓了皮亚杰理论未研究的领域。新皮亚杰学派在许多方面提出了自己的见解。本文就新皮亚杰学派在儿童认知发展方面的研究作一介绍。新皮亚杰学派关于儿童认知发展的研究分为二个方面:一是关于儿童思维如何发展变化的问题;另一方面是关于思维发展机制的研究。  相似文献   

一、引言皮亚杰发生认识论中关于儿童守恒概念的研究是人们早已熟悉的课题。他的认知发展阶段理论在世界各地跨文化研究中得到了大量支持的材料,但也受到来自不同方面的挑战。当代认知心理学家通过训练或改进实验技术使前运演阶段的儿童完成具体运演阶段的作业。Gellman(1969年)让儿童自己运用各种方式摆弄物体,成人给以反馈信息使4和5岁的幼儿园儿童获得守恒。70年代以来,欧洲的心理学界出现了一种新的研究趋向,即“发生社会心理学”。他们重视社会作用对儿童认知发展的因果关系,注意到儿童之间相互交往对认知发展的作用,  相似文献   

儿童认知发展研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1引言本世纪发展心理学的研究成果颇丰,期间最有影响的人物当推瑞士心理学家皮亚杰。现代儿童认知发展的研究在基本理论和研究方法上都得益于皮亚杰的先驱研究,在很大程度上可以说是对皮亚杰理论的验证、补充和发展,皮亚杰去世后的近十几年来,有关儿童认知发展的研究也有了长足的进步。以下仅就下述3个重要的论题回顾一下近年来的研究成果:一是关于认知发展的阶段;二是关于认知发展的机制;三是关于幼儿对人类基本知识领域朴素理论的发生和发展的研究。2关于儿童认知发展的阶段阶段论和连续论一直是发展心理学中争论不休的经典问题,…  相似文献   

康吉莱姆把"生物规范性"看作有机体在病态状态下创造新的功能性规范的能力。从康吉莱姆的这一定义出发,可进一步分析皮亚杰如何从儿童认知心理学的角度研究儿童道德规则意识的起源,以及儿童道德规则意识在不同年龄段的演化。通过分析托马塞洛如何从人类认知的文化起源视角,比较文化因素在非人灵长类动物和儿童个体发育中的不同作用,则可发现"语言的建构作用"对于人类规范性意识发展的基础作用。把康吉莱姆和皮亚杰的理论联系起来,并以儿童创造和改变规范的心理学研究为例,是揭示规范性概念的理论内涵的一种路径。  相似文献   

方富熹   《心理科学进展》1984,2(4):21-28
众所周知,皮亚杰的儿童发展心理学的研究在西方心理学界中一直享有盛誉,故人们每当谈论起儿童的心理发展,特别是认知发展时,不能不首先提到皮亚杰的名字。皮亚杰总结自己的实验研究成果,提出了儿童智力发展的阶段理论:第一阶段,感知运动阶段(  相似文献   

皮亚杰有关认知发展理论的一个基本观点(1973)就是生物潜在压力使主体通过同化和顺化来适应于周围的环境,以及不断更新思维策略和结构,正是这种生物潜在压力使儿童在成长中通过四个连续的思维发展阶段。从性质上看,思维发展依赖于下述四个相互交织的因素:生物(成熟);物质环境的经验;社会(文化)影响;平衡,在某些场合中还有数理逻辑能力,因而确切地讲,如何揭示各种变化因素之间的相互关系就成了个难题。不过,皮亚杰和皮亚杰学派的研究者们提出的跨文化研究方法或许能提供些线索。因为生物(成熟)和社会(环境经验)这两个影响认知发展的主要因素是可以通过跨文化研究的方法加以研究和验证的。如果生  相似文献   

The theory of social representations occupies a place apart in social psychology both by the problems it raises and the scale of the phenomena with which it deals. This provokes many a criticism and misunderstanding. Such a theory may not correspond with the model of social psychology as it is defined at present. One attempts however to show that it answers important social and scientific questions, in what it differs from the classical conception of collective representations and, from the very beginning, adopts a constructivist perspective which has spread in social psychology since. Several trends of research have confirmed its vision of the relations between social and cognitive phenomena, communication and thought. More detailed remarks aim at outlining the nature of social representations, their capacity to create information, their function which is to familiarize us with the strange, according to the categories of our culture. Going farther, one insists on the diversity of methodological approaches. If the experimental method is useful to understand how people should think, higher mental and social processes must be approached by different methods, including linguistic analysis and observation of how people think. No doubt, social representations have a relation with the more recent field of social cognition. But inasmuch as the former depend on content and context, i.e. subjectivity and sociability of people, they approach the phenomena differently from the latter. Referring to child psychology and anthropology, one can contend, despite appearances, that it is also a more scientific approach. There is however much to be learned from criticisms and there is still a long way to go before we arrive at a satisfactory theory of social thinking and communication.  相似文献   

The Hawthorne interview program between 1929 and 1932 was one of the most significant industrial studies in the United States. The Hawthorne researchers applied Jean Piaget's clinical method in their extensive interviews with tens of thousands of workers. Chiefly responsible for the program's methodology was Elton Mayo, an Australian who saw interviewing as a means to promote social cooperation. Previous discussions of the Hawthorne experiments have ignored the influence of Piaget in the social sciences. This article provides an account of Mayo's and the Hawthorne researchers' efforts to fuse Piaget's innovation with burgeoning American industrial psychology. The endeavor was not an isolated event but rather drew on the theories and practice of Janet-Piaget psychology, on the support of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation, and on the discourse among social scientists about Piaget's work.  相似文献   

Psychic trauma results when the ego is overwhelmed by intolerable affect. Some childhood experiences are directly traumatic, requiring no intervening interpretive process to render them traumatic. Troublesome affect that falls short of being truly traumatic, in the strict sense of the term, may nevertheless exert a psychopathogenic effect on the child's psychic development. Whether a child is troubled by an experience depends on what that experience meant to the child. Accordingly, the psychopathogenic effects of childhood experience are a function of the child's general level of cognitive sophistication and specific ability to appreciate the subtle nuances of social interactions. If a child's cognitive capabilities are not up to the task of providing the necessary explanations for a given social interaction, the child is left to fall back on fantasy to fill in the gaps. The field of "social cognition" proves particularly helpful in understanding what a child is capable of gleaning from an experience. Research in this area helps psychoanalysts understand how experience becomes constructed and reconstructed in the form of memories. Social cognition also helps psychoanalysts understand when and how a lived experience ends up being psychopathogenic or, alternatively, ceases any longer to exert an ongoing psychopathogenic effect on an individual's psyche. A review of social cognition research leads to a reconsideration of such psychoanalytic concepts as repression, dissociation, reconstruction, and resistance. It also directs attention to the concept of developmental (as opposed to psychoanalytic) reconstruction and deconstruction.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Alvin I. Goldman's truth-linked theory of group knowledge (veritism) omits individual components of social cognition, that all group based theories of knowledge lead to scepticism, and that if any sense is to be made of social knowledge, it must be done on individualist lines. I argue that Goldman's veritism can be reconstructed by adopting a reliabilist theory,social reliabilism. And I argue that Goldman's objections to a particular sort of consensualism are not telling. So there are now two plausible and competing theories of social knowledge-social reliabilism and consensualism.I am grateful to Keith Lehrer and Alvin Goldman for their criticisms of previous drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

This paper is mainly a response to Charles Morgan's criticisms (this journal, pp. 511–25) of the author's model of the (formal aspects of) explanation. It is claimed in the paper that with two modifications and some additional specifications the model withstands Morgan's criticisms.  相似文献   

The present study integrates findings from three lines of research on the association of social cognition and externalizing psychopathology, language and externalizing psychopathology, and social cognition and language functioning using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). To date these associations have been examined in pairs. A sample of 354 clinic-referred children (aged 7 to14 years) recruited from a children’s mental health centre were tested on measures of language, social cognition, working memory, and child psychopathology. We compared a hypothesized model presenting language functioning as a mediator of the association between social cognition and externalizing psychopathology to a model presenting the independent contribution of language and social cognition to externalizing psychopathology. As hypothesized, we found that the mediation model fits the data better than the alternative model. Our findings have implications for developing and modifying intervention techniques for children with dual language and externalizing psychopathology. This research was supported by a grant from Health Canada (NHRDP, 6606-4835) to the third author.  相似文献   

This article examines criticisms of existing models of adult development from both feminist and developmental psychologists. To answer these criticisms, a model of women's adult self-definition is presented that is based upon current research on women's adult experience. The model combines a dialectical approach, which considers the effects of social/historical factors, with a feminist approach, which emphasizes the importance of caring and relationships, to illustrate the critical factors affecting a woman's self-knowledge during the adult years.  相似文献   

The central arguments and counter-arguments presented by several participants during the debate between Piaget and Chomsky at the Royaumont Abbey in October 1975 are here reconstructed in a particularly concise chronological and “logical” sequence. Once the essential points of this important exchange are thus clearly laid out, it is easy to witness that recent developments in generative grammar, as well as new data on language acquisition, especially in the acquisition of pronouns by the congenitally deaf child, corroborate the “language specificity” thesis defended by Chomsky. By the same token these data and these new theoretical refinements refute the Piagetian hypothesis that language is constructed upon abstractions from sensorimotor schemata. Moreover, in the light of modern evolutionary theory, Piaget's basic assumptions on the biological roots of cognition, l language and learning turn out to be unfounded. In hindsight, all this accrues to the validity of Fodor's seemingly “paradoxical” argument against “learning” as a transition from “less” powerful to “more” powerful conceptual systems.  相似文献   

父母-孩子自传叙事是指父母与孩子共同对过去发生的生活事件进行回忆和交流, 是实现自传记忆社会功能的一种重要形式。父母-孩子自传叙事的社会功能有教育和指导孩子、保持亲子亲密性等作用。在父母-孩子自传叙事的风格、结构和内容三个层面, 父母-孩子自传叙事对儿童认知发展、社会情感发展、自传记忆表征等方面有重要影响; 另外, 父母-孩子自传叙事中还存在有性别和社会、文化差异。未来的研究应注意线索词材料的类型以及与儿童心理理论发展、社会层次、纵向研究设计的结合。  相似文献   

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