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通过幼儿情绪表现规则知识的访谈、家庭情绪表露问卷和幼儿社会行为评估问卷调查,考察了112名3~6岁幼儿情绪表现规则知识的发展及其与家庭情绪表露、社会行为的关系。结果表明:(1)幼儿的表情调节知识存在显著的年龄差异,大班幼儿比小班幼儿具有更高的表情调节知识、更倾向于掩饰消极情绪;(2)幼儿的表情调节知识与情绪表达的人际支持、工具支持的结果期望存在显著正相关,即幼儿掩饰消极情绪是因为预期情绪表达不会得到他人理解和帮助;(3)幼儿报告面对父母同伴教师不同在场者时具有不同的情绪体验,且幼儿的人际支持结果预期存在年龄和在场者的交互作用;(4)家庭情绪表露与幼儿的人际支持的结果预期存在显著正相关、与工具支持的结果预期存在显著负相关;(5)倾向于掩饰消极情绪的幼儿表现出更多的亲社会行为,认为表达消极情绪会带来不良结果的幼儿表现出更多的害羞退缩行为。  相似文献   

幼儿的情绪认知发展及其与社会行为发展的关系研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
研究通过采用家庭情绪表露问卷、表情辨识程序和幼儿社会行为教师评估问卷,对82名3~4岁幼儿的家庭情绪表露气氛、情绪认知和社会行为表现进行测查,并分析三者间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)幼儿的情绪认知与其亲社会行为和退缩行为显著相关;(2)家庭情绪表露与幼儿情绪认知发展显著相关;(3)家庭情绪表露可能通过影响幼儿的情绪认知发展,进而影响幼儿的社会行为表现。  相似文献   

儿童情绪伪装能力的发展和影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情绪伪装体现了情绪的社会性和适应功能,是情绪的一种调节策略。该文综述了有关儿童情绪伪装的研究,分析了影响情绪伪装的家庭、同伴、文化等外部因素和言语能力、性别角色、气质特点等内部因素,探讨了儿童情绪伪装研究的未来方向  相似文献   

郭力平  许冰灵 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1332-1336
采用将作者情绪状态与图画作品相匹配的方法,分别以线条、颜色和内容为线索,考察了3.5~5.5岁儿童对图画作者情绪状态与其作品间关系的认知发展。结果表明:3.5岁儿童尚不能将作者情绪状态与图画特点联系起来,4.5岁儿童开始能够将作者情绪状态与图画特点联系起来,5.5岁儿童的水平在此基础上又有明显的发展。儿童对作者情绪状态与图画间关系的把握显示出一定的性别差异,但对图画传递的情绪信息的认知在各要素形式(颜色、线条、内容)之间差异不明显。  相似文献   

Maternal expressive styles, based on a combination of positive and negative expressive patterns, were identified at two points in time and related to multiple aspects of preschool children's emotional development. Mother–child pairs from 260 families participated when the children were 3 years old, and 240 participated again at aged 4 years. Expressive styles were identified at age 3 using cluster analysis, replicated at age 4 and examined in relation to children's emotional understanding, expressiveness and regulation. Three expressive styles were identified: high positive/low negative, very low positive/average negative and average positive/very high negative. Cluster membership was stable in 63% of families from age 3 to 4 years; no systematic patterns of change were evident in the remaining families. Expressive style was related to aspects of children's emotional expression at 3 years and to emotion expression and regulation at 4 years. Children's expressiveness and regulation at age 3 were also related to changes in mothers' expressive styles over 1 year. Identifying mothers' expressive styles provides a unique way to understand the potential role of the emotional climates in which preschool‐aged children learn to express and regulate their own emotions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

儿童对情绪表达规则的认知发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
情绪表达规则知识的建构是儿童社会化和情绪健康发展过程中的一项重要任务,该文考察了情绪表达规则的概念及个体对其认知发展的相关理论和测量。同时,对情绪表达规则的认知发展从3个方面进行了探讨:儿童对情绪表达规则认知发展的关键阶段是小学,并且具有显著的年龄差异和性别差异;家庭情绪环境分别从不同方面对儿童情绪表达规则的认知发展水平有显著影响;儿童对情绪表达规则的认知发展水平与其社会能力有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

幼儿心理理论与社会行为发展关系的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
研究短期跟踪57名新进入幼儿园的幼儿,测查他们心理理论(theory of mind)和社会行为的发展水平.结果表明,幼儿心理理论的发展差异确实与他们的社会行为发展存在某种密切关系,但其与社会行为发展的不同方面似乎存在不同的关系模式.对这些不同的关系模式,文中分别从幼儿的心理状态认识、执行性控制能力发展和个性倾向等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

邓欣媚  王瑞安  桑标 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1345-1352
本研究使用追踪法考察情绪调节的发展及与其影响因素之间的关系,并对不同情绪调节策略在个体发展过程中的适应性进行探讨。对569位来自于上海地区的初中预备班和八年级学生进行测查,并于10个月之后进行第二次测查。 研究发现,随着个体的发展,其正性情绪体验逐渐减少,各种情绪调节态度的强烈程度均下降,情绪增强调节的使用呈递减趋势;情绪体验、情绪能力、情绪调节态度三者的变化在一定程度上能够预测情绪调节发展;在测试阶段一较多使用情绪减弱调节的青少年,在日后的发展过程中情绪能力提高的幅度较大且体验到更多正性情绪,说明了该策略在个体发展过程中具有更高的适应价值。  相似文献   

徐琴美  何洁  钟莹 《心理科学》2006,29(4):822-825,829
以80名二、五年级儿童为被试,采用临床访谈法,考察在困难情景中儿童的情绪反应,包括情绪类型、情绪表达、表达与否的理由和后继行为。结果表明:1)儿童报告羞愧/伤心多于生气,倾向于表达情绪,在解释是否表达情绪的原因时主要强洞自我保护和强调事实等理由,主要采取改变情景的后继行为。2)儿童倾向于表达生气,不表达羞愧/伤心。3)儿童对情绪反应各变量的认知还存在性别、年级和观众类型的个体差异。  相似文献   

As self-esteem is likely to build on favorable social experiences, such as those derived from achievement (i.e., GPA) and social competence, emotional intelligence is likely to be pivotal in fostering social experiences conducive to self-esteem. Accordingly, emotional intelligence is likely to underlie social competence and mediate the contribution of achievement to self-esteem. This uncharted role is the focus of this study, which surveyed 405 undergraduates in Hong Kong, China. Results demonstrated the pivotal role of emotional intelligence. Essentially, emotional intelligence appeared to be a strong determinant of self-esteem and explain away the positive effect of social competence on self-esteem. The results imply the value of raising emotional intelligence in order to consolidate the basis for the young adult's self-esteem.  相似文献   

9~11岁儿童对失败学习情景的情绪反应和情绪表达研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐琴美  鞠晓辉 《心理科学》2005,28(2):447-450
本研究对180名9-11岁儿童在失败学习情景下的情绪反应和情绪表达进行了研究。结果表明:(1)儿童在失败学习情景中情绪表达的意愿受年龄影响。(2)儿童在失败学习情景中的情绪表达原因受年龄和观众背景影响。儿童隐藏情绪的原因主要是害怕消极的后果,表达情绪的原因是为了得到积极的结果。(3)儿童在失败学习情景中情绪表达和隐藏的策略受年龄、性别和观众背景的影响。(4)儿童的后继行为受年龄的影响。  相似文献   

当代情绪发展理论述评   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
罗峥  郭德俊 《心理科学》2002,25(3):310-313
本文从情绪的定义、情绪发展的实质、情绪在个体发展中的作用等方面,评述了当代比较有影响的情绪发展理论不同的情绪发展观。这些情绪发展理论有生物观点、机能主义观点、认知观点、组织观点和社会文化观点。  相似文献   

该研究旨在编制情绪感染问卷并探讨问卷的信度与效度,问卷以Doherty编制的《情绪感染问卷》(the emotional contagion scale)作为蓝本,删除了不适合东方文化的项目,增加了符合中国人的情绪情境和展现情绪方式的项目,经过预测修订后,最终问卷包含5个维度25个项目,正式施测共回收747份有效问卷,并对数据进行了信效度检验。结果表明,探索性因素分析KMO为0.802,总问卷的标准化的Cronbach’sα系数为0.852,项目分析表明项目的鉴别指数D值在0.340~0.479之间,验证性因素分析具有较好的模型拟合度,问卷的重测信度与效标关联效度均达到显著水平。情绪感染问卷的信效度均达到了测量学的要求。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed findings from a counselor‐delivered social and emotional learning and mindfulness‐based intervention with twenty‐three 3‐ and 4‐year‐olds from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Using a multilevel modeling approach to illustrate students' growth across multiple behavioral observations in a randomized controlled design, the authors found that the treatment group exhibited more self‐regulatory‐related behaviors on days when the intervention occurred. Qualitative analyses revealed that the students adopted kindness language consistent with the intervention. Implications for practice are suggested.  相似文献   

The connections between parents' socialization practices and beliefs about emotions, and children's emotional development have been well studied; however, teachers' impacts on children's social–emotional learning (SEL) remain widely understudied. In the present study, private preschool and Head Start teachers (N = 32) were observed using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Comparison groups were created based on their observed emotional support and then compared on their qualitative responses in focus group discussions on beliefs about emotions and SEL strategies. Teachers acknowledged the importance of preparing children emotionally (as well as academically) for kindergarten, but substantial differences emerged between the highly emotionally supportive and moderately emotionally supportive teachers in three areas: (1) teachers' beliefs about emotions and the value of SEL; (2) teachers' socialization behaviours and SEL strategies; and (3) teachers' perceptions of their roles as emotion socializers. Understanding such differences can facilitate the development of intervention programs and in‐service training to help teachers better meet students' SEL needs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Target six of the national agenda to improve outcomes for students with or at risk of emotional disturbance is reviewed. Having discussed this target with multiple stakeholders, the authors present four underlying themes that support ongoing skill development of providers and parents alike. These include building capacity of providers, decreasing isolation of school staff, gaining commitment of all school staff to support students with challenging behavior, and including parents and family members in staff development activities. The four underlying themes are discussed and recommendations given for ensuring ongoing skill development and support in education.  相似文献   

Cooperative play between parents/caregivers and children is a positive and significant contributor to the development of children’s emotional, social, and cognitive skills and may set the stage for the formation of co-occupations. This article discusses the rationale for the development of Parent/Caregiver’s Support of Young Children’s Playfulness (PSYCP), an assessment that is based on children’s play and playfulness, adult’s playfulness, and parent–child interaction. The use of the PSYCP to assess co-occupations will allow therapists to identify the specific behaviors that either hinder or support playfulness and mutual play.  相似文献   

In this article we analyze the role of religion in the composition of Americans’ networks of anticipated emotional support. Drawing on data from the National Survey of Religion and Family Life, which contains information on multiple sources of potential emotional support, we use latent class analysis to uncover four different anticipated support profiles, which are organized along two dimensions of variation: religiosity and breadth. We label these profiles religious, secular, broad, and limited. Our analyses demonstrate associations between these anticipated support profiles and a person's gender, family status, age, race, socioeconomic status, and religious involvement. For instance, we find that Catholics are more likely than non‐Catholics to have secular rather than religious support profiles, and African Americans tend to have profiles that are either religious or limited. Finally, we show that these profiles have implications for well‐being. We contribute to research on religion and emotional support by describing how religious and secular sources combine into overall anticipated support profiles. Our conclusion addresses the implications of these findings for current scholarship on religion and emotional support networks.  相似文献   

Mother–child concordance regarding children's somatic and emotional symptoms was assessed in children with recurrent abdominal pain (n = 88), emotional disorders (n = 51), and well children (n = 56). Children between 6 and 18 years of age and their mothers completed questionnaires assessing the children's somatic symptoms, functional disability, and depression. Mothers of children with recurrent abdominal pain reported more child somatic and depressive symptoms than did their children, and mothers of children with emotional disorders reported more child depressive symptoms than did their children. Higher levels of maternal distress were associated with greater mother-child discordance in the direction of mothers reporting more child symptoms than did their children. No significant child age or sex differences were found in concordance patterns.  相似文献   

彭坚  刘毅  路红  刘映杰  吴伟炯 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1757-1769
情绪领导力是指领导者基于自身情绪能力, 通过情绪传染和策略运用来有效管理组织成员的正性和负性情绪, 充分发挥不同情绪的有利效价, 营造应景的组织情绪氛围, 带领组织成员为实现组织共同目标而奋斗。目前, 情绪领导力的测量主要是借用情绪智力量表, 缺乏标准化工具。情绪领导力的研究发展经历3个阶段:以领导情绪能力为中心、以领导情绪传染为中心和以情绪领导力为中心。基于各阶段研究梳理, 建构整合模型:遗传基因、人格和情绪特质对情绪领导力起预测作用, 大脑活动(右侧额叶)与情绪领导力互为因果关系。情绪领导力通过直接和间接两条路径对个体和组织层面的领导效能产生显著影响。未来研究应加强对概念、测量、调节机制、生物基础、组织层面议题和跨文化对比等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

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