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知识创新与心理学的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在知识经济时代,创新能力决定国家的前途命运,建设国家创新体系是提高国家创新能力的重要举措。知识创新是国家创新体系的一个重要组成部分,是提高我国整体创新能力的关键所在。心理学是一门横跨自然科学和社会科学的交叉科学,其成果在人类生活的许多方面有重要影响。根据当前国家需求和心理学的发展前沿,我们认为,在知识创新活动中,应当将心理健康与创新能力、认知与复杂信息环境、社会经济与心理行为作为重要研究方向。  相似文献   

In just three generations, American psychology grew from a fledgling science to a culturally authoritative discipline. Standard accounts of psychology's meteoric rise typically omit what most needs to be illuminated: the resonance between psychological theory and the symbolic universe underlying America's popular religious imagination. This article sketches a cultural history of American psychology by examining how many of its core concepts invoke a metaphysical horizon associated with the nation's heritage of unchurched spirituality.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a role for psychology in the development of information technology. Because of the popularity of psychology as an undergraduate major, psychology’s expertise in measurement, and the assertion of some that cognitive science provides the scientific basis for advancements in information technologies, psychology has a responsibility as a discipline to advance information technology and to educate students about this technology. Studies suggest that higher education in psychology can facilitate reasoning about general issues. A process-oriented course in psychology and computers is suggested as a way of incorporating computer literacy into the psychology curriculum. The role of the Society for Computers in Psychology is also discussed.  相似文献   

As professional practice in health psychology has matured, mechanisms for board certification through the American Board of Professional Psychology have been developed. This article describes the American Board of Health Psychology and its role in the credentialing of practitioners who demonstrate advanced competence in the science and practice of psychology related to health, including the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of illness.  相似文献   

本文在将心理学视为一门学科同时也是一种职业的前提下,超越各种具体条件和内容之上对心理学进行了总结。为此,考察了心理学在其发展中所体现的规律性,为了更好地表达,可以称之为从心理学历史所归纳出的“经验教训”。首先,从心理学作为一门科学的历史,可以总结出6条规律:1)心理学具有双重学科的地位。心理学既是一门科学,也是一门综合了生物学、社会学和文化学研究方法的“桥梁”学科;2)必须以实验学作为方法学的指南;3)基础研究和应用研究成果的整合利用;4)需要接受各方面的启发;5)全球化和本土化的相互补充;6)心理学在科学发展史中的学科力量。从将心理学视为一种职业来考察心理学发展史,还可以看到3条普遍的规律:1)职业化的快速发展;2)需要科学研究与实际应用之间的双向交流;3)跨学科专业知识的相互启发  相似文献   

These three outstanding papers are important for the discipline of school psychology, the field of school-based mental health, and more generally for systems of education and mental health for children and adolescents. As the authors emphasize, there is an unprecedented focus on improving programs that remove barriers to learning and enhance development, health, and mental health in youth, in the most universal natural setting—the schools. The authors also correctly highlight that school psychology is uniquely positioned to play a leading role in this reform and change effort. Two interconnected themes of the public health approach—applying the evidence base and moving toward preventive and population-focused interventions—are emphasized in these papers, and while they focus on school psychology, the issues discussed are generalizable to the many disciplines that operate within educational and mental health systems. In the following discussion, I react to the papers' two major themes, discuss realities that should be addressed for progress to be made, and comment on their implications for school psychology.  相似文献   

An exciting challenge exists for psychology to establish itself in the general health care delivery system. Advances in treating physical as well as emotional disorders offer the discipline the chance to expand its traditional and formerly limited role. Convincing empirical evidence suggests that psychology can simultaneously improve health care treatment and reduce its costs. Opportunities and obstacles on the path to success in this expanded venture are examined.  相似文献   

With the progression of health psychology as a new field in psychology specific training programs are more and more needed. A survey of the training situation of health psychology in Northern America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand highlighted a lack of formalized training programs in most countries except the United States and Canada, as well as an enormous variety between countries on standards of training, and on the differentiation of health psychologists from clinical psychologists.

For the qualification of health psychology as an independent psychological discipline a plea is made for international standardization of quality control and suggestions for the content of formalized training programs in health psychology are given.  相似文献   

确立心理学的学科属性是审查该学科发展状况的基础。心理学作为一门人性科学,却没有按照人的本质属性来发展适合自身独特对象的研究方法而直接照搬探究物的自然科学的客观实验方法。因此,人作为心理学的主题和对象逐渐迷失在大量的经验研究中,以至于当人们读完心理学的著作之后,根本不能回答"人是什么"这个促使近代心理学诞生的古老哲学问题,甚至没有意识到这是一个问题。要使心理学健康发展,就必须认识到本学科旨在探究人性的历史使命,必须意识到心理学作为人性科学这个基本前提。只有在这个基础上,才可能建立起符合人性本身的方法论、学科观、价值观,进而发展出具有独特学科价值的心理学。  相似文献   

Positive psychology. An introduction   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
A science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life and prevent the pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. The exclusive focus on pathology that has dominated so much of our discipline results in a model of the human being lacking the positive features that make life worth living. Hope, wisdom, creativity, future mindedness, courage, spirituality, responsibility, and perseverance are ignored or explained as transformations of more authentic negative impulses. The 15 articles in this millennial issue of the American Psychologist discuss such issues as what enables happiness, the effects of autonomy and self-regulation, how optimism and hope affect health, what constitutes wisdom, and how talent and creativity come to fruition. The authors outline a framework for a science of positive psychology, point to gaps in our knowledge, and predict that the next century will see a science and profession that will come to understand and build the factors that allow individuals, communities, and societies to flourish.  相似文献   

As an essential contributor to the scientific understanding of mental health and illness, psychology continues to be the leading discipline receiving National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) research support. Future behavioral science research initiatives at NIMH are likely to emphasize cognitive science, behavioral genetics, behavioral patterns and physiological systems, and personality, motivation, emotion, and interpersonal processes. Although prognostication is particularly risky in times of transition such as the present, advocacy efforts focused on mental-illness-related research are most likely to help the NIMH and the field if they avoid polarization and factionalization by providing equal encouragement for studies of biological aspects, of behavioral aspects, and of their interaction.  相似文献   

Cet article est une étude de cas de la psychologie en tant que discipline et profession dans un jeune pays asiatique, Singapour. Il y est décrit les aspects les plus importants de sa courte histoire et de son actuel statut. On met en évidence l'apparence dichotomique de la psychologie, vu que les membres de cette discipline adoptent souvent des positions apparemment intransigeantes. Des points communs apparaissent avec le cycle de développement de la psychologie aux Etats-Unis. Il s'agit de la scission entre les approches pratique et scientifique (art ou science?), l'intérêt pour la recherche fondamentale ou appliquée, et une préférence tranchée pour la recherche de laboratoire ou de terrain. On conclut en réfléchissant sur l'avenir de la psychologie internationale et sur les conséquences d'une approche sceptique de cette discipline.
This is a case study of psychology as a discipline and a profession in a young Asian country, Singapore. Salient aspects of its brief history and present status are presented. The paper highlights what appear to be dichotomous issues in psychology, where members of the discipline often adopt seemingly intransigent positions. Parallels are drawn with similarities in the developmental cycle for psychology in the United States. These include divisions with regard to practitioner versus scientist approaches to the discipline (art or science?), commitment to basic versus applied research, and an entrenched preference for laboratory versus field research. The paper concludes by examining the future in international psychology, and the implications of a prevalent skeptical approach within the discipline.  相似文献   

舒跃育 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1510-1516
人们曾在不同层面上讨论心理学的危机,而这种对危机认识的偏离本身又进一步加强了学科本身的分裂。在总结前人对危机认识的基础上,通过分析表明,心理学危机是心理学学科发展中自我同一性危机的表现,其实质在于心理学学科同一性的缺乏,而根源来自于心理学建立之初的理论基础。因此,心理学危机的解决有待于其学科同一性的确立,心理学学科的发展则有待于其学科同一性的展开。  相似文献   

郭永积 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1222-1229
摘 要 为了促进中国本土化心理学体系建设和心理学学科的整体发展,从中国与发达国家心理学学科管理制度的比较中发现中国心理学学科归属所存在的问题,并在反思中探讨形成问题的原因。通过心理学在现有学科归属中的局限性,心理学成为独立学科门类的可能性,心理学成为独立学科门类后学科新体系的系统性,心理学成为独立学科门类的社会性四个方面的分析与讨论,研究了使心理学成为独立学科门类与学位类别的必要性与可行性。特别是从建设和谐社会的角度对心理学的学科归属、心理学的未来发展、现代社会发展及心理学与其它学科的广泛联系等需要的讨论中,指出中国心理学在专业设置方面隶属于理学和教育学的不足之处,认为这种隶属关系将会制约心理学的发展和学科成熟。提出应该在现有学位体系中增加心理学学科门类与学位类别,使心理学作为一个与理学和教育学并列的独立学科门类。通过改进学位体系让心理学在更大的学科背景中,建设中国本土心理学自身体系,使心理学研究方法更加多样化,为产生众多边缘学科和更好地发挥社会应用功能创造条件,也为今后心理学发展带来许多发展机遇,并在此基础上为展望心理学未来发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   


It is proposed that the mental health crisis in “developed” societies is largely due to the fact that psychology is heavily based upon an exact science model academically, and upon a medical model clinically. Indeed, these models favor an apperception of mental pathologies as essential entities with a biological etiology, and this reification facilitates a process of nonimplication of the sufferer as concerns his condition. The progress in brain sciences holds the promise of acknowledging psychology as an autonomous discipline, properly describing mental logics, which are constrained, but not determined, by brain characteristics; moreover, mental logical operations mandatorily need content from the contingent history of the subject's life to become instantiated. Psychology, then, is at the interface between an exact science and a human science epistemology. Consequently, we need psychologists and clinicians in the field of mental health who can apply a particularized approach to mental distress, who can deal with the personal feeling of nonmastery, who can base their clinical thinking on the patient's story, and who thereby systematically stay away from any essentializing temptation, while simultaneously being aware that the theoretical framework they operate from is embedded in a continuous scientific dialogue. Psychoanalysis is at that crossroads.  相似文献   

中文语境下的“心理”和“心理学”   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
钟年 《心理学报》2008,40(6):748-756
“心”或“心理”等词语在汉语中有相当长的历史,对这些词语的理解反映了中国人关于“心理”的认识。中文的“心”往往不是指一种身体器官而是指人的思想、意念、情感、性情等,故“心理学”这三个汉字有极大的包容性。任何学科都摆脱不了社会文化的作用,中国心理学亦曾受到意识形态、科学主义和大众常识等方面的影响。近年中国学者对心理学自身的问题进行了反思。从某种意义上说,中国人对“心理”和“心理学”的理解或许有助于心理学的整合,并与其他国家的心理学一道发展出真正的人类心理学  相似文献   

Thomas Teo 《Human Studies》2011,34(3):237-255
After identifying the discipline of psychology’s history of contributing pioneers and leaders to the field of race research, epistemological problems in empirical psychology are identified including an adherence to a naïve empiricist philosophy of science. The reconstruction focuses on the underdetermined relationship between data and interpretation. It is argued that empirical psychology works under a hermeneutic deficit and that this deficit leads to the advancement of interpretations regarding racialized groups that are detrimental to those groups. Because these interpretations are understood as actions that bring harm to certain racialized groups, and because these actions are made in the name of science and knowledge, the term epistemological violence is applied. Reflections regarding the meanings and consequences of this term in empirical psychology and the human sciences are presented.  相似文献   

心理学作为国际化学科所面临的国际化挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学是什么样的学科?是一个独立的学科还是众多本土化学科的联合体?对这些问题的回答将会使心理学面临许多学科国际化的挑战。从国际心理科学联合会的角度来看,围绕这些问题涌现出了各种各样的看法。一类看法涉及心理学家的培养是否具有共同的基础,需要何种水平的训练方可成为一名“心理学家”以及心理学家的跨国流动性如何;另一类看法涉及政府和公众对心理学的认识,即心理学是否是一门真正对社会福祉有所作为的学科。  相似文献   

Social‐health psychology has made substantial contributions to health psychology and is poised to make many more in the future. Some new developments will come from empirical progress in theoretical and empirical social psychology that can elucidate the psychological mechanisms whereby social variables affect health. Others will come from technological advances, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, that will uncover mechanisms that underlie effects of stress, coping, persuasive communications, and other factors on health. Progress will also come from social psychologists’ increasing comfort with biological processes and measures, including genetics and neuroendocrine mechanisms. As such, social‐health psychology will not only continue to enrich both health psychology and social psychology, but increasingly be able to speak to intervention possibilities. Moreover, by virtue of its emphasis on psychobiological mechanisms, social‐health psychology leads the way for an expanding role of social psychology in the integrative science of the future.  相似文献   

Health education must rest on the notion of responsibility, for the young must be aware of their own health. This can be achieved through the acquisition of a scientific approach, but also by realizing the realities of science. On this account, INSERM youth clubs are an illustration of the partnership which can exist between the worlds of science and of youth.  相似文献   

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