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The Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Couch and Keniston Agreement Response Scale (ARS) were administered to 70 male and 72 female undergraduate students. Using the ARS scores as the dependent variable in a 2 (gender) X3 (sex-role identification) unweightedmeans factorial analysis of variance, the results showed that the two main effects and the interaction. effect were not statistically significant (F< I in each instance) indicating the lack of relationship between the BSRI and acquiescent responding.  相似文献   

The 40 masculine and feminine items of 746 Bern Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI; Bern, 1974) were subjected to a principal axis factor analysis with varimax rotation. Results revealed a four-factor solution, indicating that the original BSRI items do not provide two unidimensional ratings of femininity and masculinity. However, some support is given to Bern's initial two-factor thesis in that two principal factors emerged: one consisting of items that were originally identified as feminine, the other consisting of items that were originally identified as masculine. Content examination of the two principal factors resulted in an interpretation of the factors as Interpersonal Sensitivity and Interpersonal Potency. Internal consistency and validity of these two scales were examined and found to be adequate.  相似文献   

Holt  Cheryl L.  Ellis  Jon. B. 《Sex roles》1998,39(11-12):929-941
The Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) is a widelyused instrument in measuring gender role perceptions.Recent concerns regarding the validity of the adjectiveshave arisen as changes in the roles of men and women have occurred in American society sincethe 1970's. A partial replication of the method that Bem(1974) used to validate the masculine and feminineadjectives comprising the instrument was conducted. All but two of the adjectives were validatedusing Bem's criteria. These findings suggest that theBSRI may still be a valid instrument for assessing genderroles. However, evidence was revealed that traditional masculine and feminine gender role perceptionsmay be weakening. Future validation of the BSRI iswarranted in light of these patterns.  相似文献   

Several studies have recently recommended that items which fail to load substantially (< .40) on one of several primary factors characterizing the Bem Sex-Rote Inventory (BSRI) could be deleted without substantial loss of interpretability. This recommendation is questioned on the basis that the extent of interrelatedness of the items is an insufficient indicator of the contribution each item makes towards the classification (identifying sex-types by Bem's median split technique) efficiency of the inventory. Empirical support of this contention was provided by conducting several discriminant analyses (predicting sex-types) on a sample of 1117 BSRI protocols and excluding the various items suggested by the earlier research. These results were then compared with the results of a discriminant analysis using the 40 masculine and feminine items. The analyses using less. than all 40 items produced substantially poorer discrimination than when all 40 items were included. The results Suggest that decisions to exclude items on the basis of factor analysis may be inappropriate and risk serious loss of power in classifying individuals by sex-type.  相似文献   

This study compares two instruments which have recently been devised to measure sex-role identification, Heilbrun's Masculinity and Femininity Scales and the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Correlations between the masculine and feminine scales of these instruments were significant for male but not female subjects; intrascale comparisons found no relationship between the Bem scales but moderate correlations between the Heilbrun scales for male subjects. There was agreement between the two measures in classifying approximately 47% of the subjects into one of the four sex-role categories. Misclassification occurred primarily on categories which have been found to show considerable overlap in personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the social desirability of Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) items. Mean social desirability of the masculinity subscale was significantly higher than that of the femininity subscale in both experiments. A revision of the BSRI femininity subscale was suggested which replaced three items of questionable social value with three more socially desirable items and virtually eliminated the social desirability difference between masculinity and femininity subscales.  相似文献   

Norms based on large random samples of introductory psychology college students are presented for the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (N = 1,133) and the Wiggins Interpersonal Behavior Circle (N = 564). The use of normative data, as compared with raw data or data standardized separately within studies, should result in more precise and meaningful measurement of subjects' locations on sex-role dimensions (i.e., instrumentality and expressiveness) by future researchers using these instruments, although norms should be updated to reflect future research results. Conventional definitions of moderately extreme and statistically extreme scores are presented for these instruments based on these norms, encouraging standardization of sample characteristics of future studies.  相似文献   

Norms based on large random samples of introductory psychology college students are presented for the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (N = 1,133) and the Wiggins Interpersonal Behavior Circle (N = 564). The use of normative data, as compared with raw data or data standardized separately within studies, should result in more precise and meaningful measurement of subjects' locations on sex-role dimensions (i.e., instrumentality and expressiveness) by future researchers using these instruments, although norms should be updated to reflect future research results. Conventional definitions of moderately extreme and statistically extreme scores are presented for these instruments based on these norms, encouraging standardization of sample characteristics of future studies.  相似文献   

Konrad  Alison M.  Harris  Claudia 《Sex roles》2002,47(5-6):259-271
The Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) is a widely used instrument for measuring gender role perceptions, but questions have been raised regarding whether its items reflect contemporary views on gender. A recent study (Holt & Ellis, 1998) revalidated all but 2 of the 40 adjectives included in the masculine and feminine BSRI indices for a predominantly European American undergraduate sample in a rural Southern town. We examined whether European Americans in a different geographical area and 2 samples of African Americans would show similar findings. Study participants were recruited in undergraduate management courses in 2 universities and included 62 European American women, 69 European American men, 40 African American women, and 31 African American men in a large Northeastern city and 56 African American women and 33 African American men in a small Southern city. Findings indicated that European American men in the urban Northeast and African American men in the South gave the most traditional ratings, whereas European American women in the urban Northeast expressed the most liberal views. European American women considered only 4 of the 40 BSRI items to be differentially desirable for women and men, a considerable departure from the findings of Holt and Ellis (1998) as well as Bem (1974).  相似文献   

The Bem Sex Role Inventory and the PRF ANDRO Scales were administered to 158 (59 males, 99 females) undergraduates enrolled in an introductory psychology course. Data analysis was carried out by examining the amount of agreement between the BSRI and the PRF ANDRO Scale in terms of assignment of sex-role outcome. When both sexes are combined, only 66 of 158 (42%) subjects fell in the same sex-role category.  相似文献   

The scores of BSRI, a questionnaire measuring psychological androgyny, i.e. the extent to which a person possess traits that are traditionally considered feminine and traits that are traditionally considered masculine, were subjected to a factor analysis. The BSRI was administered to 100 women and 100 men, between 20 and 60 years of age. The analysis gave two factors for women, interpreted as a Femininity factor and a Masculinity factor, and three factors for men, interpreted as a Femininity factor and two Masculinity factors. A shorter version of the BSRI is also suggested. These results support the notion that femininity and masculinity are best considered two independent dimensions.  相似文献   

T. K. Peng 《Sex roles》2006,55(11-12):843-851
It has been over 30 years since the creation of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem in Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162, 1974). Although the BSRI is the most frequently tested instrument for measuring gender orientation, no researchers to date have examined its psychometric properties in Taiwan. Using the short version of the instrument, I asked a total of 381 men and 450 women college students, nurses, police officers, or managers in Taiwan to evaluate themselves on the BSRI. Among the findings are (1) satisfactory internal consistency of the BSRI, (2) more complex structure of masculinity and femininity than originally reported, and (3) doubtful ability of the BSRI to differentiate gender role orientation. These results suggest use of the BSRI in Taiwan with extreme caution before further validation of its applicability is conducted.  相似文献   

In 1973, Constantinople revolutionized the conceptualization of male and female sex roles when she advanced that masculinity and femininity were not opposite ends of a unidimensional continuum but rather independent constructs. This gave rise to androgyny theory, which advanced that individuals could be both masculine and feminine, and that in fact, the most healthy gender orientation was one containing elements of both. Nearly two decades after the development of the androgyny theory and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), one of its most popular measures, it seems prudent to reexamine the androgyny construct and its measurement. This paper does just that. Within the context of a predominantly middle-class, Caucasian population, this study uses factor analysis, reliability estimates, and measures of population agreement to assess the continuing validity and reliability of the BSRI and androgyny theory. While reinforcing the reliability of the BSRI, results raise both methodological and conceptual questions regarding the BSRI and the operationalization of androgyny.  相似文献   

The Bem Sex Role inventory and the PRF ANDRO Scales were administered to 158 (59 males, 99 females) undergraduates enrolled in an introductory psychology course. Data analysis was carried out by examining the amount of agreement between the BSRI and the PRF ANDRO Scale in terms of assignment of sex-role outcome. When both sexes are combined, only 66 of 158 (42%) subjects fell in the same sex-role category.  相似文献   

Two procedures-a simple median split and a difference/median split method-were used to classify 102 male and 129 female college students into masculine, feminine, androgynous, and undifferentiated sex role orientations on the basis of their Bern Sex Role Inventory scores. Differences in classification occurred among nearly one-third of the subjects, and as expected, the difference/median split procedure was more successful in predicting sex-role ideology. Using this procedure, masculine-typed females were found to be most profeminist in their attitudes, while low masculinity females were most conservative. No significant differences were obtained for the male groups using either procedure. Future research with the BSRI and related sex-role measures should employ similar comparisons to determine the relative validity of the two procedures.  相似文献   

In order to assess the validity of the technique employed in selecting items for the Bern Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) 58 male and 62 female undergraduates took the BSRI under three different sets of instructions. Both males and females were able to produce extremely masculine and extremely feminine BSRI profiles which differed (p < .01) from their own BSRI profiles. The results support Bem's (1974) assertion that the BSRI Masculinity and Femininity scales are comprised of items which are consistent with widely held sex-role sterotypes.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jie  Norvilitis  Jill M.  Jin  Shenghua 《Sex roles》2001,44(3-4):237-251
To test the validity of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and its application in Chinese culture, the instrument was administered to 302 American (101 males and 201 females) and 273 Chinese (120 males and 153 females) college students. Factor analyses and analysis by gender yielded different patterns across cultures. Subsequent results yielded a short form of eight male-oriented items and eight female-oriented items that were equivalent across cultures. The short form constructed in this study is expected to apply to future cross-cultural research on gender orientation. The study supports previous findings that masculine and feminine do not load on the major factors, and therefore it is misleading to name the two shortened scales as such. Further, a comparison of the BSRI scores across samples revealed that Chinese scores are generally lower than those of Americans, and explanations are made in light of Chinese culture.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the masculinity and femininity scales of Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) among Turkish university students. Five hundred thirty-six students (280 men and 256 women) volunteered to complete the short-form of the BSRI and answer demographic questions. In factor analyses, the original factor structure (Bem, 1981) was found both in the mens and womens data. Comparisons of the factor structures with target rotation (Procrustes rotation) and comparison indexes showed no difference between the factor structures found among men and women. The internal consistency of the masculinity and femininity scales was acceptable, and t-tests showed that women scored higher on the femininity scale, and men scored higher on the masculinity scale. There were significant differences between men and women only on two masculinity items, but significant differences were found in 8 (of 10) femininity items.  相似文献   

LISREL analyses of data from a sample of 671 adults (90% Caucasian, 10% Black) evaluated (a) item factor structure of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), (b) second-order factor model for the item factors, and (c) structural equation models estimating age and gender differences in these factors. Seven first-order item factors were extracted and found to have equivalent factor loadings for males and females. Item factors were related to two second-order factors: Masculinity and Femininity. There were relatively small age and gender differences in the first- and second-order factors. There was a differential relationship between self-rated masculinity and femininity and the first-order BSRI item factors for males and females. Results suggest that the BSRI best assesses gender-related personality traits and represents only one component of the complex multidimensional construct of gender roles.We thank Herbert W. Marsh and an anonymous reviewer for valuable comments on previous drafts of this article.  相似文献   

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