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从事矫形外科(骨科)30余年,主持实施各种肢体残疾、骨科疑难杂症的外科手术治疗2万多例,在矫形外科领域创造了多个国际和全国第一,形成了具有中国特色、疗效奇特、医疗费低廉的下肢残缺修复与功能重建技术体系,我的系列创新、专业发展,身心与文化成长经历证明了一个道理--患者是我的导师.  相似文献   

我国肢体残疾病人的发病率、病种分类、病情特点、医疗需求的实际情况如何?矫形外科医生队伍的建设与学术研究现状怎样?众多的肢体残疾者是否得到正确的矫形外科治疗?骨科学术界缺乏这样的分析.作者实施了2万多例各种肢体残疾的矫形手术,对其中16678例病人进行了统计分析,结果发现,近10余年来我国大医院进入以市场为主导的发展阶段,外科治疗下肢畸形与残疾的矫形外科专业,由于缺乏强大的市场推动、治疗过程较复杂等原因,而被忽视.我国矫形外科医师严重缺乏,某些下肢残缺的矫形手术治疗甚至人才断档.从而出现数以百万计的各种肢体残痰病人,因为缺少经济能力和矫形外科医师,没有得到正确的矫形外科治疗.作者分析了我国肢体残疾病人的发生率、病种、病情特点、年龄分布、经济状况和医疗需求,提出了解决这一问题的对策和建议  相似文献   

我国肢体残疾病人的发病率、病种分类、病情特点、医疗需求的实际情况如何?矫形外科医生队伍的建设与学术研究现状怎样?众多的肢体残疾者是否得到正确的矫形外科治疗?骨科学术界缺乏这样的分析。作者实施了2万多例各种肢体残疾的矫形手术,对其中16678例病人进行了统计分析,结果发现,近10余年来我国大医院进入以市场为主导的发展阶段,外科治疗下肢畸形与残疾的矫形外科专业,由于缺乏强大的市场推动、治疗过程较复杂等原因,而被忽视。我国矫形外科医师严重缺乏,某些下肢残缺的矫形手术治疗甚至人才断档。从而出现数以百万计的各种肢体残疾病人,因为缺少经济能力和矫形外科医师,没有得到正确的矫形外科治疗。作者分析了我国肢体残疾病人的发生率、病种、病情特点、年龄分布、经济状况和医疗需求,提出了解决这一问题的对策和建议  相似文献   

矫形外科治疗的病人都是肢体畸形残疾的弱势群体,多经历了艰难的求医过程,承载着肢体残障与尊严浩劫的心灵创伤。为了给肢体残疾者创造一个好的医疗环境,提出并建立了"快乐矫形骨科病区",包括围手术期无痛病房、医患交流科普文化墙、定期举办医患联欢等。在不断实践中,提升了医生对生命的敬畏,对现代医术的驾驭和为病人解决问题的能力。在手术治疗复杂肢体畸形残疾近4 000例中,未发生1例大的医疗冲突事件,使矫形外科病房成为肢体残疾者恢复运动功能与心灵抚慰的康复乐园。  相似文献   

29岁的内蒙古青年,15年前车祸伤致小腿肌肉广泛坏死,遗留整个小腿皮包骨头,重度马蹄内翻足,用足背负重行走,去过多个大医院检查都建议膝关节下截肢,在秦泗河的矫形骨科用细钢针穿骨安装骨外固定器(Ilizarov环式外固定器),术后通过缓慢牵伸,足内翻畸形完全矫正,可以用足底全负重弃拐行走,避免了截肢。在秦泗河矫形外科用这项技术治疗的5000多例患者中,已经挽救了30多例濒临截肢的下肢残缺畸形,使许多无望、悲观的患者重新迈上了新生活。  相似文献   

正2018年是秦泗河教授从医45年,从事矫形外科(肢体残疾矫治)事业40周年,恰与中国改革开放同龄。40年来,秦泗河矫形外科团队创造了许多纪录。为探索中国特色肢体残障功能重建的"大康复策略",传播新时代医生维护人民健康应担当的使命与责任,在秦泗河的母校潍坊医学院隆重举行"千人大会"。同期成立"秦泗河教授肢体残疾矫治40年成就资料展馆",全景展现导致中国肢体残疾的病因、病种分类,矫形外科发展脉络和珍贵的历史资料。届时多个知名专家,将把最新的学术研究与人文报告奉献给每位与会代表。  相似文献   

论手术时间与外科医生的手术风格   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
手术操作时间的长短是衡量外科医生手术技能的重要指标,作者根据自己实施2万多例矫形外科手术的体会,试论手术速度与外科医生的性格特征、工作态度、手术风格及综合能力的关系.提出了要成为一个好的外科医生应具备的基本素质、技能训练和学习要求.  相似文献   

骨科收治病种复杂,急症多,治疗方法较多、涉及患者肢体功能和美观,因此,它的伦理问题显得复杂.作者总结了医患之间在入院及诊治全过程中可能出现的伦理问题,并提出解决问题的初步方法.以期了解骨科诊疗过程中的伦理问题,来促进医疗行为的规范、体现骨科诊疗中的人性关怀,促进骨科医生个人的成长和骨科医学的发展.  相似文献   

社会因素与骨科学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会因素与骨科学的发展第四军医大学创伤骨科研究所(西安710032)陶惠人,王全平,李寰一、骨科学技术的发展与社会、经济的发展及相关学科的发展是密不可分的社会的需求是科学技术发展的最重要的推动力,而社会的经济支持又是科学技术发展的重要支柱,骨科学也不...  相似文献   

本文以孟氏骨科复位固定器疗法的实践为基础,从科学学与文化学的角度。论述了骨科中西医结合的意义。首先,这种结合不仅有促进中医骨科现代化的意义,而且对西医现代骨科学的发展有深远的影响。第二,传统中医骨科是保留最完整的传统医学形状,而且具有西医传统所无、现代医学发展所需的宝贵基因。第三,骨科中西医结合的实践已经证明了中西骨科学的互补性。第四,高层次中西医结合是现代医学的一个新生长点,也是中国骨科工作者的  相似文献   

Reasonable accommodation under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for employees with mental disabilities is explored from a behavior analytic perspective. Although much of the attention in issues of reasonable accommodation is concentrated on persons with physical disabilities, it is argued that the needs of individuals with mental disabilities are in greater need of further study. The criteria for successful accommodation in the workplace for employees with mental disabilities is seen to be structurally different, but functionally similar to successful accommodations for employees with physical disabilities, and is based on the development of enabling environments. Behavior analysis offers a theoretical basis and performance management presents a methodological basis for analyzing, developing, implementing, and evaluating reasonable accommodation for persons with mental disabilities, largely in terms of effective supervision. It is concluded that Title I of the ADA may be seen as providing a mandate for effective supervision, which may also be extended to all employees.  相似文献   

In certain ways, many disabilities seem to occupy a middle ground between illnesses like cancer and identity‐traits like race: like illnesses, they can present a wide variety of obstacles in a range of social and natural environments and, insofar as they do, they are something we should prevent potential people from having for their own sake; at the same time, those same types of disabilities can be, like race, a valuable part of the identity of the persons who already have them. I consider this seemingly dual nature of a significant class of disabilities to attempt to understand the proper relation of those disabilities to persons and how we should value or respect them. I argue for a distinction between embedded disabilities (e.g. John's blindness) and general disabilities (e.g. blindness‐in‐general); importantly not everyone with a disability will turn out to have an embedded disability. I then show that expressing negative value judgments about general disabilities does not typically express disrespect for people with disabilities — thereby addressing a long‐standing charge made by many in the disabilities community. Finally, I show that unlike with disabilities, expressing negative judgments about the general form of identity‐traits like race does typically express disrespect for people with those identity‐traits.  相似文献   


Achieving superior sport performance is often the result of well developed psychological skills (Morris &; Thomas, 1995). However, little is known about psychological skill development in athletes with disabilities (Hanrahan, 1998). The purpose of the present paper is to help sport psychologists in their work with athletes with physical disabilities. Although there are many similarities among athletes with and without disabilities, sport psychologists would benefit from an awareness of information unique to athletes with disabilities (Asken, 1991). I use a broad interpretation of psychological skills based on a holistic perspective and a personal development model (Vealey, 1988). Information is presented in the three areas of foundation, psychological, and facilitative skills, methods, and factors.  相似文献   

Although individuals with physical disabilities have special needs regarding preparedness for a natural or human-made disaster, little is known about the factors involved in motivating members of this population to engage in behaviors which reduce the probability of negative health outcomes. This study proposes and empirically tests an integrated theory-based model for individuals with physical disabilities in which perceived self-efficacy for emergency preparedness moderates the relationship between perceived threat and emergency preparedness behaviors. A nationwide convenience cross-sectional sample of 294 adults self-identifying as having a physical disability completed an online survey. The general linear model was used to assess the effects on preparedness of perceived threat, perceived self-efficacy, and their interaction. In addition to the hypothesized moderating effect of self-efficacy, it was found that minimal (if any) relationship exists between perceived threat and preparedness among those who reported low levels of self-efficacy. Results suggest that self-efficacy and perceived threat operate jointly to motivate individuals with physical disabilities to take precautionary steps to reduce the consequential adverse health effects of natural and human-made disasters. These findings have important implications for the design of effective interventions for individuals with disabilities.  相似文献   

Research has shown the stigma attached to mental disabilities, yet little research has directly compared the experiences of people with physical disabilities and those with mental disabilities. Not only are both conditions likely perceived as stigmatizing, but the pervasive use of mobile technology may be one means by which people with disabilities can manage and understand their disability. Four hundred and eighty-seven individuals with physical and/or psychological disabilities completed a survey examining whether they would be willing to use mobile technology to manage their disability and how stigmatizing they perceived their disability to be. Willingness to use mobile technology was related to the age of the sample as well as the type of disability. Individuals with psychological disabilities were more likely to use certain forms of mobile technology relative to those with physical disabilities. Observed differences between physical and psychological disabilities are discussed in terms of the symbolic interaction stigma model.  相似文献   

Acquired physical disabilities are a critical issue that confronts many adults today, and they are projected to continue to increase over the next several years. For many individuals with acquired physical disabilities, the disabilities affect sexuality, thus requiring a renegotiation of disability and sexuality. This article reviews the extant literature on physical disabilities and sexuality and provides best practices for counselors to effectively address the needs of this growing population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore self‐determination among adolescents with physical disabilities living in inclusive‐community settings of Makonde Urban, Zimbabwe. An inclusive community is one that aims to remove exclusionary practices within the community and promote community systems that accept all people irrespective of their difference. Inclusive communities on their own are not uniquely designed for people with disabilities, but they have been adopted by most developing countries as a basic strategy to influence and enhance self‐determination among people with disabilities. A constructivist‐lived experience perspective underpinned this research, in which multiple case studies were used to interact with the participants on inclusion and self‐determination in adolescents with physical disabilities. Fourteen participants, 9 males and 5 females, were purposively sampled. Data were collected through face‐to‐face interviews and transcribed verbatim. Three themes emerged from the inductive thematic analysis of data sources. It was found that participants were having low levels of self‐determination in choosing inclusive‐community activities to participate at home, at school, and in their communities. The findings of this study have the potential for the inclusive communities' policy makers and researchers to better understand the level of self‐determination in choosing inclusive‐community activities to participate among adolescents with physical disabilities in inclusive‐community settings.  相似文献   

What makes your life meaningful?" is a question previous researchers explored with people of various ages, but not of individuals who have significant physical impairments. In this study, 26 individuals with physical disabilities were asked to describe what makes their lives meaningful. Analysis showed human relationships were the most frequently reported source of meaning in life, the sources being family members, friends, and people in the community. The second most frequently cited meaning was service, specifically, helping and educating others, such as other people with physical disabilities.  相似文献   

甲状腺癌的诊治原则   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
甲状腺癌是内分泌系统最常见的恶性肿瘤,它的发病率正逐年增加,其诊断方法包括体格检查、超声检查、细针穿刺、影像学检查及实验室检查等,甲状腺癌的治疗以外科手术为主,对较晚期或远处转移的患者可行综合治疗(I131,放疗,化疗)。总之,甲状腺癌经合理治疗,可获得较好的预后。  相似文献   

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