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Criticisms were raised about methods used in previous studies which have led to the conclusion that, compared to boys, girls have weaker preferences for their own versus the opposite sex role. In addition, it was argued that if children's own conceptions of sex roles — rather than an a priori adult definition — were investigated, girls would prefer their conception of femininity more than boys would prefer their conception of masculinity. This argument rested on evidence that for children, masculine traits often meet with social disapproval. Results indicated that both boys and girls judged their own sex role as more desirable than the opposite sex role. Results were stronger for the girls; and girls judged traits they assigned to the feminine sex role to be, on the average, more desirable than boys judged traits they assigned to masculinity. The difference between present findings and previous findings in regard to children and adults was discussed.Dennis Quintana assisted with the initial selection of items for the questionnaires described below. Elizabeth Bates, Ph.D., offered helpful suggestions for rewriting an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

Marsiglio W 《Sex roles》1985,12(5-6):655-663
Little attention has been given to examining the relationship between males' sex roles and their attitudes and behaviors regarding contraceptive issues. The present study addresses this shortcoming by examining the relationships among husbands' sex-role preferences, perceptions of contraceptive responsibility, and hypothetical intentions regarding the possible adoption of a male birth control pill. Data are drawn from a mailed survey of 49 husbands during 1982 in Columbus, Ohio. Egalitarian sex-role preferences are moderately related to a greater stated likelihood of male pill usage for the sample as a whole and more strongly related for husbands not overly concerned with the chemical nature of a male pill. Modern sex-role preferences are also related to husbands' perception of contraception as a shared responsibility, although this perception is not related to the stated likelihood of male pill usage.A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the North Central Sociological Association meeting in Columbus, Ohio, April 1983. I would like to thank Elizabeth G. Menaghan and Clyde W. Franklin, II, for their helpful critiques of early drafts of this paper. I am also indebted to an anonymous reviewer for his/her critical comments.  相似文献   

The differential encoding theory of the spacing effect was tested utilizing Martin's (1968) encoding variability notion, in which it is hypothesized that low-meaningfulness items are more variable in their encodings than are high-meaningfulness items. In a series of three experiments using a continuous paired associate learning task, it was predicted that the spacing vs. performance curves for CCC items would show a faster improvement in performance than would the curves for high-meaningfulness CVC items. None of the experiments supported this prediction. In addition, it was found that items recognized on their second presentation were more likely to be recalled than were those items not recognized. It was concluded that an item's repetitions are more effective if one code is formed and elaborated with each repetition rather than if more than one code is formed.  相似文献   

The present experiments demonstrate that picture-word stimuli are differentially encoded in anticipation of a recognition test than in anticipation of a free-recall test. Subjects perform better on the retention test of which they have been informed, and different information from the stimuli is used to pass each test. These findings cannot be attributed to stimulus selection nor to pure pictorial encoding in anticipation of recognition and pure verbal encoding in anticipation of recall. Recognition is enhanced by encoding which integrates the details within each item while recall is enhanced by encoding which interrelates the items of a list.  相似文献   

Middle-class children between the ages of 4 and 8 were interviewed about their sex-role attitudes, in order to determine the extent to which recently changing cultural mores have influenced children's sex-role concepts. The children were asked about their career goals; the careers they would choose if they were the opposite sex; the reasons why they like being a boy or girl; and their opinions regarding the appropriateness of men and women participating in 14 sex-stereotypic occupations and activities. The children's parents provided demographic information. The children expressed very nonstereotypic attitudes towards the 14 occupations and activities, compared to children in recent studies; but they chose very traditional careers for their own choices and opposite-sex career choices, and often gave stereotypic reasons for preferring their own sex. Parents' education, mothers' employment status, fathers' nontraditional careers, and the children's gender predict responses to several of the sex-role-related questions. Implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the proposition that the amount of cognitive effort expended to encode information will be directly related to recall of that information. While previous research has shown that amount of processing may affect recall, these studies have generally drawn on the notion of an elaborated memory representation to explain their results. In this study, the amount of processing required to correctly interpret anaphoric relations was varied while the elaboration of the memory trace was held constant. These experiments employed a self-paced reading paradigm in which subjects read a series of short paragraphs and later were cued to recall the final sentence of each paragraph. It was found that recall was significantly improved when more processing was required to correctly interpret the anaphoric relationship expressed in the final sentence. These findings suggest that encoding processes can affect recall performance without elaboration of the memory representation.  相似文献   

The present experiment assessed the impact of a person's sex role and occupational preferences on his/her social attractiveness, attractiveness as a coworker, and attractiveness to a prospective employer. Male and female subjects were provided information describing a competent male or a competent female stimulus person. Stimulus persons (SPs) were portrayed as favoring either traditionally masculine or traditionally feminine occupations, and as masculine or feminine in their sex-role preferences. As expected, both male and female SPs were seen as most socially attractive when their sex-role preferences were “gender consistent.” In contrast, subjects favored SPs who expressed masculine sex-role preferences when assessing the individual's attractiveness as a prospective employee. These findings were compared and contrasted with the results of earlier research, and the implications of sex-role deviance for males and for females were discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments are presented that deal with the effect of stimulus probability on the encoding of both alphanumeric characters and nonsense figures. Experiment I replicated a previous finding of an interaction between stimulus probability and stimulus quality in a memory scanning task with numbers as stimuli. Experiments II and III investigated the same paradigm with unfamiliar visual forms as stimuli, and no interaction was found. Results were interpreted as showing that probability affects the encoding mechanism only when the encoding process results in a representation of the name of the stimulus. When stimulus materials are visual forms without names, probability does not appear to affect encoding processes.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the sex roles of homosexual and heterosexual men and women on the Bem Sex Role Inventory, Personality Attributes Questionnaire, Personality Research Form Androgyny Scale, Adjective Checklist Masculinity and Femininity Scales, Extended Personality Attributes Questionnaire and Undesirable Characteristics Scale. The results indicated that homosexuals and heterosexuals differ in their response to different aspects of sex roles. The most consistent difference was the greater femininity of male homosexuals in respect to male heterosexuals. Other differences were scale-specific and the low interscale comparability indicated such scales should not be used interchangeably. Differences between results of studies comparing sex roles of the homosexuals and heterosexuals appear attributable to sample heterogeneity and distinctions between sex-role scales.  相似文献   

An experiment was run to determine if androgynous people have transcended traditional sex roles or merely incorporated both sex roles into their repertoire. Masculine sex-typed, feminine sex-typed, and androgynous people listed as many masculine and feminine stereotypes as they could think of in a time-limited task. Highly sex-typed individuals showed more awareness of their own sex's attributes than the other sex's stereotypes. Androgynous people showed greater awareness of both sexes' attributes as compared with sex-typed people, indicating support for the incorporation hypothesis rather than the transcendance hypothesis. However, the stereotypes androgynous people listed were somewhat less evaluative in tone compared with those of sex-typed people, Overall, subjects listed more stereotypes of females than males, and female stereotypes were more negative than male stereotypes.  相似文献   

Encoding processes and attentional inhibition in directed forgetting.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lexical decisions were used to evaluate whether forget (F)-cued prime words affect subsequent encoding of target words relative to remember (R)-cued prime words. In 3 experiments, R-cued primes were better recalled than F-cued primes. Targets that followed F-cued primes were responded to faster than targets that followed R-cued primes in same-case and different-case identity priming. Semantic priming occurred for targets that followed both types of memory-cued primes. However, response times were longer for both related and unrelated targets following R-cued primes relative to F-cued primes. These results indicate that R and F items are processed to similar levels of representation and inhibitory mechanisms do not attenuate encoding of F items. However, there is slower access to working memory for information that follows R-cued items.  相似文献   

Information processing capabilities of normal and retarded individuals were studied within the context of a modified Sternberg recognition memory task. Presentation of items in the memory set was self-paced, and stimulus exposure times and response latencies were recorded.It was found that normal and retarded individuals spent the same amount of time processing subspan lists during input to the memory system; however, the normal subjects spent less time retrieving information from that system than did the retarded subjects. Part of the superiority of normal subjects was attributable to their higher scanning speeds during the stimulus comparison stage of memory retrieval. The scanning strategy of normal and retarded subjects, on the other hand, was found to be the same: serial and exhaustive. It was further demonstrated that the binary decision stage of retrieval was not related to differences in intelligence.  相似文献   

Two hundred college men and women completed self-report measures of sex-role traits (Personal Attributes Questionnaire), attitudes (Attitudes Toward Women Scale), and behavior (Sex-Role Behavior Scale). Intercorrelations among the three measures were examined to test two competing theoretical perspectives which dominate sex-role research today. The social learning point-of-view of Janet Spence and her colleagues asserts a general independence of sex-role personality traits, attitudes, and behaviors. The cognitive-developmental theory of Sandra Bem asserts that sex-role phenomena are fairly closely interrelated, at least for sex-typed individuals whose gender schemas cause them to adhere closely to traditional sex-role norms in their self-concepts and behavior. Findings of moderate relationships between masculine, feminine, and sex-specific personality traits, and the corresponding interest/behavior scales of the Sex-Role Behavior Scale, and between sex-role attitudes and behaviors lend partial support to both perspectives.  相似文献   

Memory for conceptually isolated (distinctive) words was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, recognition of distinctive targets was compared with recognition of targets from homogeneous lists and with recognition of background information. Distinctive targets were better recognized than the same words presented in homogeneous lists. No effects of distinctiveness on the recognition accuracy of background items were observed. These results fail to support the hypothesis that distinctive information receives extra resources during encoding at the expense of surrounding background information. In Experiment 2 the effects of distinctiveness on recall were evaluated. Distinctive targets were more likely to be recalled than targets from homogeneous lists. However, unlike the effects found in recognition, background items were more poorly recalled from lists containing distinctive targets than from homogeneous lists. Organizational processes in recall were also evaluated. There was greater subjective organization for target and background items from lists containing distinctive targets than from lists containing nondistinctive targets. These results were discussed in terms of encoding and retrieval explanations of the effects of distinctiveness.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present survey study was to investigate the relationship between life satisfaction and sex-role concept. Two hundred and seventeen respondents completed a two-part questionnaire, which consisted of the Life Satisfaction Survey, designed by the authors, and the Bem Sex Role Inventory. General satisfaction with life was found to be a function of the level of satisfaction derived from various aspects of life, particularly aspects chosen as the most important. Consistent with previous studies, general satisfaction with life is positively associated with education level, income level, and being married. In contrast to previous findings, age is not negatively correlated with overall satisfaction, and a significant difference between males and females showed up. As predicted, sex-role concept was found to be a useful construct in explaining the differential importance of various domains of life as well as the relative contribution of those domains to the individual's overall satisfaction with life. Psychologically masculine people choose as important and enjoy more the instrumental aspects of life; psychologically feminine people choose as important and enjoy more the socioemotional aspects of life; psychologically androgynous people choose as important and enjoy more both the instrumental and socioemotional aspects of life.The research presented here was supported by NSF Grant 77-160107, principal investigator Morton Deutsch. The authors wish to thank Morton Deutsch and Gary Bridge for their guidance and helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article. The assistance of Gidi Shichman. Kenneth Kressel, Joan Grosser, Lotti Tartell, Derry Ann Moritz, and Trinity Church on the Green—New Haven is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

827 undergraduate students, 549 males and 278 females, responded to a set of 18 questions relating to individual self-perceptions. A second group of 35 males and 29 females responded to the questions in terms of population sex-role stereotypes for both sexes. It was hypothesized that the sexes would demonstrate convergence in self-perceptions when compared with their sex-role stereotypes. The results tended to support the hypothesis, with females demonstrating a greater deviation from the traditional sex-role stereotypes than males. The possible relationship to much publicized social movements was noted.  相似文献   

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