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A visual search paradigm was employed to examine hemispheric serial and parallel processing. Stimulus arrays containing 4, 9, or 16 elements were tachistoscopically presented to the right visual field-left hemisphere (RVF-LH) or left visual field-right hemisphere (LVF-RH). Subjects judged whether all of the elements within an array were physically the same (all X's) or whether one (O) was different from the rest. Left hemisphere presentations were processed more quickly and accurately than LVF-RH presentations for all stimulus conditions. As the number of array elements increased, more errors and longer response times were obtained for different stimulus items whereas fewer errors and somewhat shorter response times were obtained for same stimulus items. These and previous results suggest that the left hemisphere obtains an advantage for visual search because of that hemisphere's superiority for fine-grained feature analysis rather than because of a fundamental hemispheric serial/parallel processing dichotomy.  相似文献   

In perception, divided attention refers to conditions in which multiple stimuli are relevant to an observer. To measure the effect of divided attention in terms of perceptual capacity, we introduce an extension of the simultaneous-sequential paradigm. The extension makes predictions for fixed-capacity models as well as for unlimited-capacity models. We apply this paradigm to two example tasks, contrast discrimination and word categorization, and find dramatically different effects of divided attention. Contrast discrimination has unlimited capacity, consistent with independent, parallel processing. Word categorization has a nearly fixed capacity, consistent with either serial processing or fixed-capacity, parallel processing. We argue that these measures of perceptual capacity rely on relatively few assumptions compared to most alternative measures.  相似文献   

It was formerly demonstrated that virtually all reasonable exhaustive serial models, and a more constrained set of exhaustive parallel models, cannot predict critical effects associated with self-terminating models. The present investigation greatly generalizes the parallel class of models covered by similar "impossibility" theorems. Specifically, we prove that if an exhaustive parallel model is not super capacity, and if targets are processed at least as fast as non-targets, then it cannot predict such (self-terminating) effects. Such effects are ubiquitous in the experimental literature, offering strong confirmation for self-terminating processing. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997 Academic Press  相似文献   

A set of functional equations is investigated that, when satisfied, yields equivalence on the minimum completion time between serial models and parallel models having the property of within-stage independence. Within these classes of models, it is shown that any parallel model is equivalent to a serial model, but not any serial model is equivalent to a parallel model. The necessary and sufficient conditions for a serial model to have an equivalent parallel counterpart are observed and then two sufficient conditions on the survivor functions that produce this result are exhibited. A number of examples satisfying the various theorems are discussed and a special case leading to an extension of a property of exponential distributions is derived.  相似文献   

A reaction time (RT) paradigm was developed to study retrieval processes in paired associate (PA) recall. Prior to the experimental session, subjects learned lists of PAs (varying in length from three to 24 pairs); during the experimental session, subjects' RT to say the response word from the onset of a visually presented stimulus word was measured. The implications of several classes of retrieval models were discussed in the context of this paradigm. The shape of the RT-list length function, practice, and sequential effects were all of interest in distinguishing among models. Four experiments were reported which were designed to (1) establish the baseline effects in this paradigm, (2) determine which of these effects should be attributed to the retrieval stage of processing, and (3) investigate the effect of semantic memory in this task. Results suggest that simple serial scanning models are inadequate to handle the data from this task. Strength, direct-access, or parallel processing models, on the other hand, seem to capture the qualitative effects present in our experiments. When a strength model was formalized and fit to the data from Experiment I, it was found that a two-trace version gave good quantitative fits while a one-trace version did not, suggesting that both short- and long-term memory independently contribute in this task.  相似文献   

When the human parser encounters a local structural ambiguity, are multiple structures pursued (parallel or breadth-first parsing), or just a single preferred structure (serial or depth-first parsing)? This note discusses four important classes of serial and parallel models: simple limited parallel, ranked limited parallel, deterministic serial with reanalysis, and probabilistic serial with reanalysis. It is argued that existing evidence is compatible only with probabilistic serial-reanalysis models, or ranked parallel models augmented with a reanalysis component. A new class of linguistic structures is introduced on which the behavior of serial and parallel parsers diverge the most radically: multiple local ambiguities are stacked to increase the number of viable alternatives in the ambiguous region from two to eight structures. This paradigm may provide the strongest test yet for parallel models.  相似文献   

Due to the significant research effort devoted to discovering whether certain psychological processes are serial or parallel, it seems important to establish the degree to which such processes are identifiable and to investigate possible ways in which such knowledge can improve our experiments. General definitions of parallel and serial systems are given, followed by a qualitative summary of identifiability results obtained with special classes of exponential systems. Some of these results are applied to a current experimental paradigm, and possible  相似文献   

The same set of Ss was run In an LT (single late target letter followed an earher multiletter display) and an ET (single early target preceded a later multiletter display) condition. On one-half the trials, the multiletter set included the target. and on the other half, the target was absent. The task of S was to push the “yes” (“no”) button if the target was present (absent), and reaction times were recorded. The most plausible processing model assumed that LT comparisons took place in a verbal-acoustic store and that ET comparisons took place in a visual store. It further assumed that processing within these stores was self-terminating, with rates that differed on “same” and “different” comparisons and which changed as the multiletter set increased. Classes of serial and parallel models that are falsified or supported by the present and similar data are discussed.  相似文献   

Certain theories of visual attention assume that at least one processing stage must be serial when the target of search is defined as the conjunction of two or more separable features. To explain why conjunction-search response times do not always form linearly increasing functions of display size, recent versions of this general model have posited the existence of an early parallel process that guides the serial stage toward display elements that are likely targets. Other models have relaxed the seriality assumption, allowing for a limited number of parallel decisions. In the three experiments reported here, a redundant-target detection task was used with conjunctively defined targets and display sizes of two (Experiment 1), one or two (Experiment 2), and six (Experiment 3). In all three experiments, strong evidence for parallel processing was observed. The implications for models of elementary visual processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Many models of perceptual processing assume that participants integrate stimulus evidence over time, for example, random walk models. This class of models is tested in a luminance discrimination paradigm in which the onsets of the stimuli are either instantaneous (stepped) or slowly ramped. The ramped portion of ramped stimuli occurs prior to the stepped stimuli onsets. Consequently, there is more luminance energy in ramped stimuli. Therefore, if participants integrate luminance energy, they should perform better to ramped stimuli. This did not occur in 4 experiments. Participants performed better to stepped stimuli than ramped stimuli in earlier foreperiods and the reverse in later foreperiods. A new model is proposed in which participants monitor both integrated luminance energy and quick temporal changes in luminance, but they do so in a serial fashion. First, participants monitor temporal changes in luminance; later, they monitor integrated luminance energy.  相似文献   

The dichotomies verbal/visuospatial, serial/parallel and analytic/holistic are reviewed with respect to differences in hemispheric processing. A number of experimental parameters may be varied in such tasks, and together with certain frequently-occurring weaknesses of experimental design may account for the often discrepant results hitherto reported. The above factors are systematically reviewed, and three further experiments are reported which attempt to fill in the missing designs. Further evidence is given in support of the hypothesis that right-hemisphere superiority is most apparent in processes leading to identity matching. It is quantitative rather than qualitative, and may depend upon operations on the entire gestalt, such as holistic matching, mental rotation, reflection, distortion, etc., rather than, e.g., simultaneous (parallel) processing of discretely analysed or isolated features or elements. On the other hand left-hemisphere involvement in visuospatial processing is thought to reflect analysis of the configuration into its separable components; such processing may be either serial or parallel, and may frequently lead to a judgement different.  相似文献   

The Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) paradigm is a dual-task procedure that can be used to examine the resource demands of specific cognitive processes. Inferences about the underlying processes are typically based on performance in the second of two speeded tasks. If the effect of a factor manipulated in Task 2 decreases as the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between tasks decreases (underadditivity), the normative inference is that the effect of this factor occurs prior to a limited-capacity central processing mechanism. In contrast, if the effect of a factor is additive with SOA then the inference is that this indexes a process that either uses a limited-capacity central processing mechanism or occurs after some process that uses this mechanism. A heretofore unidentified exception to this logic arises when Task 2 involves two separate processes that operate in parallel, but compete. Interference with one process in Task 2 because of work on Task 1 will eliminate or reduce competition within Task 2 and is hence manifest as an underadditive interaction with decreasing SOA. This is illustrated here by reference to a PRP experiment in which the ubiquitous effect of spelling-to-sound regularity on reading aloud time is eliminated at a short SOA and by consideration of three converging lines of investigation in the PRP paradigm when Task 2 involves reading aloud.  相似文献   

Right isosceles triangles, which differed in size and orientation, were presented in a sequential visual recognition task. Subjects produced an identity match response if the first self-presented stimulus, now in memory, was identical to a sequentially presented stimulus and a nonidentity match response if the subsequently presented stimulus differed in either or both size and orientation. The pattern of nonidentity recognition reaction times produced was compared to predicted patterns deduced from several theories of form information processing. The pattern of responses for both group and individual data were better described by serial and parallel self-terminating models with probabilistic assumptions than they were by template or deterministic serial or parallel models. A second study, in which identity and nonidentity response bias was equated, found that the identity responses were significantly faster than nonidentity responses, supporting wholistic processing for the identity matches and, when combined with the nonidentity match results, supporting a dual process theory.  相似文献   

Two-choice classification RTs were collected for eight conditions designed to vary the number of comparisons necessary between one or two visual patterns in perception and one or two in short-term memory (STM). Overall RT data supported both a serial self-terminating and parallel self-terminating model with distributed search times, while rejecting corresponding exhaustive models. Precise predictions for the parallel model proved difficult to derive; however, the serial model predicted the fine detail of the data surprisingly well. RTs suggested that Ss searched through all stimuli in memory first and that stimuli in both memory and perception were searched from right to left. Comparison times between identical stimuli were estimated to be longer than comparison times between different stimuli. Error rates increased with the number of hypothesized comparisons; predicted error rates, based on independence of rates within stages, also increased but failed to predict the empirical error rates very well.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated how much time Ss take to verify a sentence with respect to a set of subject-verb-object (SVO) propositions they had learned. Three triplets of SVOs provided differing degrees of equivocation, including (1) unique SVOs, (2) a V with 3 SOs, and (3) an SV with 3 Os. A general class of models was proposed regarding the representation of prepositional trees in memory and an algorithm by which a probe tree might be verified against a set of trees in memory. In Expt I, verification times were least for Condition (1), slower and equal for Conditions (2) and (3). In Expt II, a fourth condition, an SO with 3 Vs, produced verification times as slow as those in Condition (3). Of several models considered, the closest-fitting one assumed parallel search processes proceeding simultaneously from S, V, and O positions of the probe, scanning through memory trees structered according to the HAM (Human Associative Memory) theory of Anderson and Bower.  相似文献   

Often used in cognitive studies measuring reaction times and in functional imaging studies, the subtraction paradigm is based on the comparison of performance on tasks presupposed to refer to different cognitive levels of processing. Within the framework of the study of phonological processing of words, manipulating the grapheme-phoneme transparency of stimuli can represent a means of counteracting the methodological drawbacks inherent to the subtraction paradigm. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the level of difficulty of grapheme-phoneme matching on the processing of transparent and nontransparent words. Grapheme-phoneme matching was carried out both on the final syllable of words and on sublexical segments within the word. The results indicate that processing is faster for the transparent than for the nontransparent stimuli. This task will now have to be reintroduced in brain imaging studies aiming to look at different levels of difficulty for grapheme-phoneme matching.  相似文献   

A rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm using both one and two response dimensions was used to test parallel processing models of stimulus dimensions. Fifty subjects were asked to report the identity and/or color of a target uppercase word inserted in a series of lowercase words. The results produced a predominance of posttarget intrusions for color responses and a predominance of pretarget intrusions for identity responses. The requirement of a response to a second dimension impaired hit rates but did not change the pattern of intrusions. An examination of the distributions of intrusions in each response dimension as a function of the response given to the other dimension showed an unexpectedly high percentage of simultaneous hits, a moderate covariation between both responses, and the same patterns of intrusions when compared with the general distributions. While these results seem to be compatible with parallel models of processing for stimulus dimensions, two modifications to this model are suggested. First, the processing of response dimension(s) needs some attentional resources. Second, provision for a mixed model is indicated, which would include trials where no illusory conjunctions are formed.  相似文献   

Aging, selective attention, and feature integration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study used feature-integration theory as a means of determining the point in processing at which selective attention deficits originate. The theory posits an initial stage of processing in which features are registered in parallel and then a serial process in which features are conjoined to form complex stimuli. Performance of young and older adults on feature versus conjunction search is compared. Analyses of reaction times and error rates suggest that elderly adults in addition to young adults, can capitalize on the early parallel processing stage of visual information processing, and that age decrements in visual search arise as a result of the later, serial stage of processing. Analyses of a third, unconfounded, conjunction search condition reveal qualitatively similar modes of conjunction search in young and older adults. The contribution of age-related data limitations is found to be secondary to the contribution of age decrements in selective attention.  相似文献   

Many mental tasks that involve operations on a number of items take place within a few hundred milliseconds. In such tasks, whether the items are processed simultaneously (in parallel) or sequentially (serially) has long been of interest to psychologists. Although certain types of parallel and serial models have been ruled out, it has proven extremely difficult to entirely separate reasonable serial and limited-capacity parallel models on the basis of typical data. Recent advances in theory-driven methodology now permit strong tests of serial versus parallel processing in such tasks, in ways that bypass the capacity issue and that are distribution and parameter free. We employ new methodologies to assess serial versus parallel processing and find strong evidence for pure serial or pure parallel processing, with some striking apparent differences across individuals and interstimulus conditions.  相似文献   

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