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Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord (Jer. 9:23–at)  相似文献   

Facing accusations about weak military discipline following the supposedly poor behavior of American soldiers held captive during the Korean War, President Dwight Eisenhower instituted a Code of Conduct for the Armed Services in 1955. In response, military leaders hired numerous social and behavioral scientists to investigate the nature of the prisoner‐of‐war (POW) experience. These researchers not only challenged official government accounts of POW activities but opened up a new field of study—stress research. They also changed military training policy, which soon focused more on stress inoculation training, and, in so doing, helped lead the shift in psychology away from behaviorism to ego and cognitive psychology. In this sense, my article ties shifts within the social and behavioral sciences in the 1950s to the military history of the early Cold War, a connection generally missing from most accounts of this period.  相似文献   

Aside from the different schools of therapy in reeducational neuropsychology, an overview of the main strategies used by therapists allows us to distinguish three principal techniques: reestablishing strategies, reorganisation strategies, and the use of mental prothèses. It seems to us less a question of choosing the correct strategy than of carefully considering the different pathological contexts in which they will be applied. The concern with strategies indicates, of course, that there is a certain contradiction in wishing to combine their use in the treatment of the same problem. Reestablishing strategies are undoubtedly adequate in pathological contexts with rapidly evolving semiology and where the qualitative analysis of the recovery seems to indicate that there is in fact a progressive renewal of conditions prior to the cerebral attack. The reorganisation strategies are indicated where it seems possible to circumvent the defective processes in the midst of a functional network with clearly defined contours. Their effectiveness is, it seems, subordinate to the selective nature of the problems. Finally, the strategies involving the use of prothèses should not be attempted except as a last resort where no progress can be expected by direct intervention.  相似文献   

When Ms. was first introduced as an alternative to Miss or Mrs. it was perceived as a radical feminist innovation. Today, its use is unremarkable, even normative. This study examines two aspects of the meaning of Ms.: changes in its connotative meaning over time, and its current comparability to other titles. Female (n = 83) and male (n = 54) college students rated courtesy titles (Ms., Miss, Mrs., Mr.) on a set of bipolar adjective pairs composing a semantic differential scale in an exact replication of a 1978 study. Of the four titles, the largest change in meaning over time was for Ms., and the direction of the change was positive. These results document the social assimilation of a new gender-related concept.  相似文献   

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