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从经济与伦理结合角度去研究我国市场经济的伦理本性是建构市场经济体制的伦理基础的主要内容,是社会伦理道德在市场经济生活中的本质要求。因此,从市场经济关系出发来建构市场经济的伦理本性应当成为我们研究这一问题的根本思路,沿着这一思路,我们认为市场经济关系所建构起的伦理本性只能是工具理性伦理。一、市场经济的工具理性伦理的本性社会学家马克斯·韦伯在研究人类理性行为时,把其分为工具理性行为和价值理性行为。所谓工具理性行为是指那些行为者以可以计算、可预测的技术性方式和可以带来的现时利益对目的加以选择,同时致力…  相似文献   

教育是人类的一种传承知识和经验的社会活动,具有“外求于物”的工具理性和“内求于心”的价值理性的功能.孙中山教育思想针对近代教育发展的不平衡和不平等,突出强调教育的公益性质,倡导普及教育;孙中山教育思想针对近代救亡强国主题,特别重视教育的工具理性,疾呼教育救国;孙中山教育思想针对封建陈旧教育理念,注重教育的价值理性,主张现代人格教育.  相似文献   

政治哲学是对政治事件、政治生活、政治现象等的形而上反思,它以正义、善恶、好坏等道德标准对各种政治制度安排的正当性问题做出评判。伦理是政治哲学的内在维度,也是它的生命力所在。近代科学技术的发展,工具理性的张扬消解了价值理性和意义世界,也导致了政治哲学的危机和衰落。当代政治哲学的复兴必须自觉回归伦理维度,重塑政治与道德的辩证关系,把正义作为政治制度和个人行为的首要原则。  相似文献   

黄铭 《哲学研究》2012,(5):78-83
<正>近代科学革命和启蒙运动使人类理性空前凸显出来,但其抽象化发展却导致了人类中心主义的立场和经济人的社会模式。怀特海在《理性的功能》中把人类理性分为实践理性和思辨理性,并从自然进化和科学发展中考察了两者的功能。根据其机体宇宙论,可以将人类理性视为既内在于自然(理性之  相似文献   

现代医学在保障人类健康方面做出重大贡献的同时,也出现了各种异化现象。现代医学异化的哲学根源在于:资本价值增值运行逻辑是现代医学异化的终极原因;人类认识的局限性是现代医学异化的客观原因;工具理性和价值理性的分离是现代医学异化的根本原因;医学技术的过度使用是现代医学异化的直接原因。针对上述原因,提出了以下扬弃路径:发展生产力、完善社会经济制度,促进社会发展;提高人类认识水平,增强责任感;在医学的工具理性和价值理性之间保持必要的张力;医生和患者树立合理的医学技术价值观。  相似文献   

论儒家伦理精神及其现代遭遇潘自勉儒家的伦理精神,来源于周易,在发展过程中又融汇了佛道禅的精神。形成了一种在上能使人孜孜于天理,在下可使人亲亲于五伦;居前可诱人于朝廷仕途,处后又令人安于尽心知性的自我省察之中。总之,它是一种二元化的处世精神。它的孕育成长,主要受社会关系的演化以及封建政治条件下道德理性的超前发展形式等因素的影响,其中最主要的是由于中国古代社会结构的封闭性与精神思维的直觉作用所致。这种带有历史烙印的价值体系在现代处于一种什么境地呢?如何才能使其具有一种现实的指导意义呢?这就要求我们从价值认识论的角度,并在关注形式合理性的基础上,去认识儒家伦理在近代以来的历史命运。首先,从民族道德发展的社会背景来看,儒家伦理道德本体范畴和终极价值关怀在近代以来的衰落,已经证明儒学现代阐释的价值方向失去了社会行动力量。与人类早期的共同精神要求相适应的仁学遗产,必遭工业化进程中所滋长起来的现代境遇伦理意识的冲击,从而导致社会善恶标准存在的主观化和多元化。这正是儒家伦理在近现代面临的最大危机。其次,从中酉文化互补的角度上来看,近代以来,民族的历史已经转化为世界历史,各个民族都深受工业文化价值观的影响而处于日益紧密的相互  相似文献   

民主不仅是一种政治制度,而且是一种文化形态,内在于人们的民主理念和伦理观念。民主的伦理意蕴在范畴上体现为个体与社会、个体与国家之间的一种政治与伦理关系。在个体与社会维度蕴含于平等、自由、自主、尊重、参与、包容等民主的前提和价值追求之中;在国家层面和行政层面体现在回应、责任、促进人的全面发展等方面。探究民主的伦理意蕴,有助于我们进一步加深对民主政治的认识,推进民主政治建设,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

工程设计的伦理意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程设计不是单独的个人行为,而是富有文化意蕴的社会性的系统行动。它以生态保护为基本伦理原则,以以人为本为主要评价标准。工程设计伦理的主要特征是科学精神与人文精神的有机结合,价值理性挑战工具理性的集中体现,环境伦理、技术伦理与社会伦理的融合统一。  相似文献   

“自发生成论”和“理性创设论”是传统道德哲学关于社会伦理秩序生成的两种理论模式。“自发生成论”认为,伦理道德不是纯粹人类理性设计的产物,而是人类行为实践的自然结果;“理性创设论”认为,伦理道德是人类自觉建构的结果,是人类理性创设的产物。这两种理论模式都以抽象的人性为其理论基础,无法合理解释个体与类之间的伦理关系。基于现实伦理实体的“创生拓展”应成为现代社会伦理秩序的发生路径。  相似文献   

"人类命运共同体"是基于全球化潮流、全球发展风险、国际新秩序构建等视角提出的新理念,也是走向世界过程中中国话语和中国声音的典型体现,不仅具有深刻的政治内涵,还具有深邃的伦理意蕴。它体现了资本逻辑全球化过程中对发展正义的追寻,凸显了多元文明场域中共同价值的守护,彰显了构建国际新秩序中中国的责任和道义担当。从伦理视角透视"人类命运共同体"这一理念,有助于展现其价值理性和实践诉求。  相似文献   

通过近百年的发展,心理传记学作为心理学的一个分支学科逐渐被认可。然而,在科学社会学和科学哲学的视角下,作为分支学科的心理传记学当前还面临以下两大困境:研究对象的非匿名性和知情同意难以实施使得研究的伦理风险受到前所未有的挑战;该领域如何实现学科共同体间的代际传递……在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,本研究回顾解决该领域伦理困境的相应方案和分支学科研究成果如何获得学科共同体的社会承认的尝试性方案,并为推进该领域知识形成自己独特的分支学科范式提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

The project of articulating a theological ethics on the basis of liturgical anthropology is bound to fail if the necessary consequence is that one has to quit the forum of critical modern rationality. The risk of Engelhardt's approach is to limit rationality to a narrow vision of reason. Sin is not to be understood as the negation of human holiness, but as the negation of divine holiness. The only way to renew theological ethics is to understand sin as the anthropological and ethical expression of the biblical message of the justification by faith only. Sin is therefore a secondary category, which can only by interpreted in light of the positive manifestation of liberation, justification, and grace. The central issue of Christian ethics is not ritual purity or morality, but experience, confession and recognition of our own injustice in our dealing with God and men.  相似文献   

丁雅婷  伍麟 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1267-1272
抑郁症患者倾向于在网络社交平台上发布带有抑郁信号的推文。基于这些文字信息,借助自然语言处理进行分析,提取归纳用户的语言特征,可以预测潜在用户的抑郁症状况。由于隐私信息的敏感、相关技术的不成熟等原因,出现了诸如信息获取与隐私侵犯、算法偏见与信息误判、信息权利与信息利益、责任界定与权限模糊等现实问题,成为进一步发展的掣肘。进行算法技术升级、完善法律法规、加强行业伦理约束等是避免道德风险的重要措施。  相似文献   

From a twenty-first century partnership between bioethics and neuroscience, the modern field of neuroethics is emerging, and technologies enabling functional neuroimaging with unprecedented sensitivity have brought new ethical, social and legal issues to the forefront. Some issues, akin to those surrounding modern genetics, raise critical questions regarding prediction of disease, privacy and identity. However, with new and still-evolving insights into our neurobiology and previously unquantifiable features of profoundly personal behaviors such as social attitude, value and moral agency, the difficulty of carefully and properly interpreting the relationship between brain findings and our own self-concept is unprecedented. Therefore, while the ethics of genetics provides a legitimate starting point--even a backbone--for tackling ethical issues in neuroimaging, they do not suffice. Drawing on recent neuroimaging findings and their plausible real-world applications, we argue that interpretation of neuroimaging data is a key epistemological and ethical challenge. This challenge is two-fold. First, at the scientific level, the sheer complexity of neuroscience research poses challenges for integration of knowledge and meaningful interpretation of data. Second, at the social and cultural level, we find that interpretations of imaging studies are bound by cultural and anthropological frameworks. In particular, the introduction of concepts of self and personhood in neuroimaging illustrates the interaction of interpretation levels and is a major reason why ethical reflection on genetics will only partially help settle neuroethical issues. Indeed, ethical interpretation of such findings will necessitate not only traditional bioethical input but also a wider perspective on the construction of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   


From a twenty-first century partnership between bioethics and neuroscience, the modern field of neuroethics is emerging, and technologies enabling functional neuroimaging with unprecedented sensitivity have brought new ethical, social and legal issues to the forefront. Some issues, akin to those surrounding modern genetics, raise critical questions regarding prediction of disease, privacy and identity. However, with new and still-evolving insights into our neurobiology and previously unquantifiable features of profoundly personal behaviors such as social attitude, value and moral agency, the difficulty of carefully and properly interpreting the relationship between brain findings and our own self-concept is unprecedented. Therefore, while the ethics of genetics provides a legitimate starting point—even a backbone—for tackling ethical issues in neuroimaging, they do not suffice. Drawing on recent neuroimaging findings and their plausible real-world applications, we argue that interpretation of neuroimaging data is a key epistemological and ethical challenge. This challenge is two-fold. First, at the scientific level, the sheer complexity of neuroscience research poses challenges for integration of knowledge and meaningful interpretation of data. Second, at the social and cultural level, we find that interpretations of imaging studies are bound by cultural and anthropological frameworks. In particular, the introduction of concepts of self and personhood in neuroimaging illustrates the interaction of interpretation levels and is a major reason why ethical reflection on genetics will only partially help settle neuroethical issues. Indeed, ethical interpretation of such findings will necessitate not only traditional bioethical input but also a wider perspective on the construction of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Abstract. E. O. Wilson argues that we must use scientifically based reason to solve the values dilemma created by the loss of a transcendent foundation for values. Peter Singer allows that sociobiology can help us understand the evolutionary origin of ethics, but denies the claim that sociobiology or any science can furnish us with ultimate ethical principles. We argue that Singer's critique of Wilson's attempt to bridge the gap between fact and value using empirical reason is unconvincing and that Singer's own ethical principle of disinterestedness requires major support from empirical reason and is not sustainable by pure reason alone.  相似文献   

论人体肾脏捐献中的合理补偿原则   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
无偿捐献作为当前获取肾脏的伦理原则,是最没有争议、最理想的,但是依靠单纯的无偿捐献所获器官远远不能满足医疗的需求。合理补偿原则既可以有效增加供体数量,又不违背伦理学原则,而且更具有道德上的广泛性和现实的可行性。相信合理补偿原则的实施将会大大促进我国器官移植事业的发展。  相似文献   

Decision theory is a theory of rationality, but the concept of rationality has several different dimensions. Making decision theory more realistic with respect to one dimension may well have the result of making it less realistic in another dimension. This paper illustrates this tension in the context of sequential choice. Trying to make decision theory more realistic by accommodating resoluteness and commitment brings the normative assessment dimension of rationality into conflict with the action-guiding dimension. In the case of resolute choice the conflict comes because of a clash of perspectives. The perspective from which resolute choice seems normatively compelling is not the perspective from which it can serve the purpose of guiding action.  相似文献   

This article argues that we must abandon the still predominant view of modernity as based upon a separation between the secular and the religious - a “separation” which is allegedly now brought into question again in “postsecularity”. It is more meaningful to start from the premise that religion and politics have always co-existed in various fields of tension and will continue to do so. The question then concerns the natures and modalities of this tension, and how one can articulate a publically grounded reason with reference to it. It will first be argued that this question cannot be articulated, let alone fully answered, from the position developed by John Rawls. A different approach will then be developed, building on the writings of Eric Voegelin. This involves a much more serious engagement with the classical tradition in thought and philosophy than found in Rawls. It also implies much more than a “pragmatic” recognition of religion as a possible source for overlapping consensus, since for Voegelin a true, balanced rationality can only depart from an experientially grounded encounter with the transcendent.  相似文献   

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