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范巍 《心理科学》2012,35(1):220-225
传统的人事选拔是以胜任力或者说是人-职匹配为基础的,即强调基于胜任力,但研究者和实践者们越来越多的强调人-组织匹配在人事选拔中的重要性,即强调人事选拔过程中招募者匹配评价的多维性。本研究通过实验运用策略捕捉技术,检验多种职位特征和不同层次的匹配评价对选拔雇佣结果的影响。通过HLM分析结果发现四种匹配类型需要-供给匹配、要求-能力匹配、个性匹配和价值观匹配对雇佣决策都有显著的独立主效应,招募者在长期招募比短期招募中更多依靠个性匹配来评价应聘者,招募者在对管理类职位更多依靠价值匹配来进行评价,而对专业类职位则更多依靠要求-能力匹配进行评价。  相似文献   

作假普遍存在于人事选拔各个阶段,并对最终选拔结果造成影响.研究者对于作假的内涵界定有较大差异,主要是由于研究者对作假结构、变异来源和作假水平有不同理解.根据不同作假定义可衍生出多种作假测量方法,常用的有基线差值法、认知模式法、嵌入量表法和行为模式法四类.从测量指标、次数和内容三个方面分析归纳这四类测量方法,其作假识别效用与选拔中作假测量的可行性各异.今后的研究应完善现有作假测量方法,开发作假动机测量工具,加强作假的过程性控制研究,并深入探索作假的个体差异.  相似文献   

采用现场研究的方法,对来自16个组织的1195名参加应聘的应聘者与招募者之间进行互动评价。结果验证了招募者对应聘者内隐匹配评价的二阶四维度模型,同时还验证了ASD成长模型的"A"阶段的作用机制,即在现实人事选拔过程中,招募者匹配评价和胜任力评价对雇佣推荐都有显著作用,且P-J匹配评价和基本管理特质的影响效果要大于其他。  相似文献   

应聘者反应是个体在选拔情境下由公平知觉导致的一种针对组织的态度或行为后果.应聘者反应的首个理论模型是Gilliland的选拔公正模型,随后,启发模型、整合模型和信任模型相继建立,极大丰富了应聘者反应的理论内涵.然而,应聘者反应的测量明显滞后于理论的发展,主要表现在测量工具不统一、测量结构混乱、信效度研究匮乏等方面.未来的研究方向有:(1)加强现有模型中论证不充分的环节;(2)进一步丰富跨文化研究;(3)从一般性问题向特定情境的研究进行深入;(4)结合跨领域内容,朝着多元化的方向发展.  相似文献   

履历数据测评的效度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严进  吴英杰  张娓 《心理学报》2010,42(3):423-433
履历数据是人员测评的重要手段, 但其组织情景性限制使得国外同类工具不能适用于国内人事选拔, 国内也缺乏实证研究验证其信度、效度。本研究结合某通信企业的招募选拔工作, 开发履历数据分析工具, 选取250名应聘者的履历数据、一般认知能力、大五个性和面试结果数据, 通过效标关联效度、增量效度思想, 分析履历数据有效性。结果表明, 以面试结果为效标, 履历数据具有良好的效标关联效度, 与其他测评工具组合使用时有良好的增量效度。  相似文献   

ProjectA对我军士兵心理选拔研究的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国军队选拔与分类项目(The Army’s Selection And Classification Project,Project A)是美军20世纪80年代为改进军队人员的选拔、分类和使用,加强军队质量建设而进行的一项大规模的研究工作,其目的是建立一套完整、科学、符合军队建设需要的军队人员选拔与分类方法,形成一整套用于军队人员军队人员选拔与分类的预测工具。本文简要介绍了Project A产生的背景、研究目的、基本实验设计、绩效评价系统建立、预测工具以及预测效度,并对我军开展士兵心理选拔分类以及安置的必要性和可行性做了简要分析,提出了基本构想  相似文献   

西方诚信度测验研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信度测验是指在招聘和选拔过程中用于评价应聘者的诚实、诚信、可依靠性,从而预测他们的偷盗、违反纪律、反工作行为以及今后工作业绩的以纸笔测验为主的测验工具。文章对西方诚信度测验的发展和应用现状做出了综述,指出诚信度测验具有较好的信度和效度。大五人格模型中的责任感、宜人性和情绪稳定性是诚信度测验潜在的测量内容,但诚信度测验与大五人格模型以外的其它人格维度也存在较高的相关性。诚信度测验对反工作行为和整体工作绩效具有良好的预测效度。文章在总结诚信度测验存在的一些争议和问题的基础上,提出了它在中国企业员工招聘和选拔中应用的若干建议  相似文献   

职业选拔情境下人格测验作假研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在职业选拔情境下被试很容易对人格测验作假,从而制约了人格测验在企业中的应用。许多研究者在努力解决作假问题,分别就应聘者是否会作假,作假给人格测验带来的负面影响、应聘者如何作假以及如果应对作假等问题进行了深入的探讨。经过几十年的发展,该研究领域已经形成了包括实验诱导设计、已知群体设计和量表设计等几种特定的研究范式。研究结果显示,大多数应聘者会作假,但其负面影响并不严重;作假不同于社会称许性反应,它是一种工作称许性反应。目前的几种应对作假的方法尚存在一些问题,其有效性有待提高。总之,人格测验的作假作用明显,其研究难度较大,有待革新性理论和方法的出现  相似文献   

在部队汽车驾驶员选拔中运用心理测验的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本项研究包括六个阶段,(1)工作分析;(2)相应的心理测验的选择;(3)进行预备测验;(4)制订选拔程序;(5)进行选拔试验,(6)结果分析.本研究着重检验了这些测验的各种效度,结果表明;所选的测验不仅具有很好的结构效度,而且还有较好的预测效度;按照我们的选拔程序选出的学员比按常规方法选出的具有明显的职业能力优势。  相似文献   

西方国家军事飞行员选拔技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴剑涛  张侃   《心理科学进展》1993,11(2):29-37
军事飞行员选拔可查的历史距今已有八十年,其中三项主要的选拔原则及三种主要的选飞测量方法贯穿于始终。每一测量方法与研究内容都因时代背景特点、技术水平和战略需要、各国的经济实力的不同而有所变化。就选拔的理论原则而言,长期以来,智力一直是作为预测飞行绩效的信度、效度均很稳定的心理指标;最近的将来,在性格、人格特征及动作操作协调性方面极可能有新的理论突破。从测量的方法来看,纸笔测验长期以来一直作为选飞的主要测试形式,而现今,它逐渐让位于由微机支持的心理仪器检测。新问世的电脑化选飞测试具有测试环境逼真、生动的优势,必将成为选飞测验有史以来最有效的测量方式。  相似文献   

In selection procedures like assessment centers (ACs) and structured interviews, candidates are often not informed about the targeted criteria. Previous studies have shown that candidates' ability to identify these criteria (ATIC) is related to their performance in the respective selection procedure. However, past research has studied ATIC in only one selection procedure at a time, even though it has been assumed that ATIC is consistent across situations, which is a prerequisite for ATIC to contribute to selection procedures' criterion‐related validity. In this study, 95 candidates participated in an AC and a structured interview. ATIC scores showed cross‐situational consistency across the two procedures and accounted for part of the relationship between performance in the selection procedures. Furthermore, ATIC scores in one procedure predicted performance in the other procedure even after controlling for cognitive ability. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to correctly identify the criteria (ATIC) that are being evaluated in a selection procedure is a relatively new construct attracting attention because of its significant relationship with performance in selection assessments and its potential for explaining their criterion validity. Multiple source data from 319 applicants undergoing a high-stakes medical student selection procedure were used to test a moderated mediation model that extends current understanding of the nomological net of this construct. Results show that ATIC fully mediated the relationship between interview preparation and performance, partially mediated the effect of social understanding on performance, and moderated the effect of impression management on performance. Findings are explained in terms of cognitive theories of cue recognition, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In selection contexts, applicants’ ability to identify criteria (ATIC) refers to individual differences in the accuracy of perceptions with regard to what is required to be successful in evaluative situations. Despite promising findings regarding this construct, the cross-situational consistency necessary to infer that ATIC is a stable characteristic has generally been assessed in situations that have similar demands in terms of the competencies required for success. The purpose of this study was to provide a strong test of the theory underlying the construct by examining convergence in ATIC scores across assessment center (AC) exercises with very different demands. Participants (N?=?173) of a developmental AC completed 6 exercises and made ATIC judgments following the completion of each exercise. These judgments were used to create ATIC scores and to examine the consistency of these scores across exercises with similar and dissimilar demands. Results showed that ATIC scores converged across both similar and dissimilar exercises. Furthermore, participants who shifted their perceptions across dissimilar exercises the most were those who scored high in ATIC, whereas across similar exercises those who scored high in ATIC were those who evaluated the situations more similarly. Overall, ATIC demonstrated strong predictive ability, as it correlated with overall AC performance (r = .40) and predicted performance equally well across pairs of similar and dissimilar exercises.  相似文献   


Previous research on interviewees’ ability to identify criteria (ATIC) found that interview performance is positively related to the degree to which interviewees identify the targeted performance criteria in a selection interview. Similarly, the use of self-promotion as an impression management tactic is also positively related to interview performance. The present study extended this research and used multilevel analyses to investigate whether intraindividual variation concerning identification of the performance criteria and the use of self-promotion is related to within-person performance fluctuations across interview questions. Furthermore, we also tested whether correct identification of the performance dimensions moderates the effects of self-promotion behaviour on interview performance. In a simulated selection interview, we found that ATIC and self-promotion were indeed positively related to interview performance on the between-person level (i.e., for the entire interview). However, no moderator effect was found. Furthermore, on the within-person level interviewees’ performance was better concerning questions for which they were better at identifying the performance criteria but worse concerning questions for which they used more self-promotion. Thus, identification of the targeted dimensions and self-promotion have diverging effects on the level of specific interview questions. Finally, we discuss implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

The present research examined the influence of constructs representing social effectiveness on assessment center (AC) ratings in two samples. We expected different effects of self‐monitoring (SM) on different dimension ratings, a positive effect of the ability to identify criteria (ATIC) on the overall AC rating and a moderating effect of the ATIC on the relationship between SM and the dimension rating. Forty‐six (Study 1) and 115 (Study 2) applicants participated in ACs in field settings. Across both studies, SM had a negative effect on the integrity rating. No relationship was identified between SM and social sensitivity or problem solving ratings. In Study 1, the ATIC had a positive effect on the overall AC rating. No support was identified for a moderating effect of the ATIC on the relationship between SM and the social sensitivity rating.  相似文献   

以情境面试和行为面试为主要形式的结构化面试,被广泛证明能够预测员工绩效,但其构念效度一直没被清晰地证明.面试的结构性、应聘者印象管理行为、动机、认知能力和人格特征等成分对结构化面试的预测效度都有积极贡献,这种对结构化面试预测效度贡献成分的分析有助于认清结构化面试的构念效度.未来的研究需关注结构化面试构念是否以人际技能为主,以及人际技能、动机、认知能力各自所占比重.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a multidimensional biodata form which used explicit constructs to guide item generation and rational scale development, construct validation, criterion measurement and empirical keying. These constructs were goal-orientation, teamwork, customer service, resourcefulness, learning ability and leadership. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses in both applicant and incumbent samples were used to identify and test the model which included the thirteen, more differentiated rational scales relating to these six, broader constructs. Empirical keying of the rationally developed scales was conducted against criterion construct scales conceptually related to each predictor construct. Empirical keying at the item level was found to result in higher validities and cross-validities than either empirical keying at the scale level, or rational keying. The item keyed instrument also demonstrated incremental validity over a test of cognitive ability for specific work performance domains as well as overall work performance.  相似文献   

Despite being an effective predictor of job performance, empirically keyed biodata assessments have been criticized as black box empiricism unlikely to generalize to new contexts. This paper introduces a model that challenges this perspective, explicating how biodata content, job demands, and criterion variables collectively influence the construct validity, and generalizability of empirically scored biodata. Across two field studies, expected changes in scale correlations with external measures were found that coincided with changes in the contextual similarity between calibration and holdout contexts, the criteria used, and the content validity of biodata items. Collectively, this paper offers a framework that helps understand and optimize empirical biodata keying in practice, furthering confidence for their use in applied settings.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a semistructured interview is valid in predicting training performance in theoretical and simulation examinations and overall training success; which aspects of the interview show incremental validity over cognitive ability tests; and whether additional variables enhance the prediction from the interview. The sample involved data from 337 trainees of the German Air Navigation Service Provider selected by the German Aerospace Center and 657 (interview) and 6,885 (cognitive ability) candidates being the corresponding reference samples. Findings indicate incremental validity of the interview over the cognitive ability tests. Additional variables contributed only to the prediction of theoretical examination performance. Attention, general motivation, and social competence predicted the criteria best, particularly the theoretical examination performance and overall training success.  相似文献   

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