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道德风险普遍存在于社会生活的各个领域,社会救助制度的环境决定了社会救助制度道德风险的特殊性.社会救助制度的道德风险主要体现在救助依赖、"贫困陷阱"等方面.社会救助制度道德风险的规避策略包括:构建合理的社会救助责任主体的关系;强化社会救助的激励和约束机制;降低社会救助参与各方的信息不时称程度;坚持政府责任与个体责任的统一,实现社会救助制度中个体德性与制度正义的伦理生态.  相似文献   

从分析医患合谋道德风险的影响因素入手,结合卫生经济学的供给曲线和需求曲线探讨产生医患合谋道德风险的原因和规避策略.发现医疗保险的供给方(保险机构)、医疗服务的提供方(医疗服务机构)和医疗保险的被保险方(医疗保险的消费者,即接受医疗服务的消费者或患者)三者之间信息不对称是导致道德风险的重要因素,保险基金风险更多是来自医疗服务提供方的道德风险.建议从建立信息公开制度,加强监督;加强激励,遏制道德风险;运用技术,规范行为三方面规范医疗服务提供方的行为.  相似文献   

委托代理关系与企业道德风险   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
企业有所权与经营权的分离引发了委托代理关系,而道德风险是委托代理关系的必然产物;在委托代理关系中产生道德风险的原因在于代理人的利己性和委托人与代理人之间的信息的不对称性的同时存在;在企业委托代理关系中,所有者(雇主、股东、董事或政府等)、经理人和员工是其基本的链条,股东与经理、经理与员工都可以归结为委托人与代理人的关系,由此,企业道德风险存在于所有者、经理人和员工三个层面;规避企业道德风险既要从经济人的假设出发,探寻良好的激励约束机制,更要从社会人的事实出发,诉诸于企业人员的职业化和企业的职业化管理.  相似文献   

社会医疗保险道德风险博弈与防控措施研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对社会医疗保险道德风险产生原因与特征的探讨,根据不完全信息重复博弈模型对社会医疗保险道德风险进行了系统分析,据此提出了社会医疗保险道德风险的防控措施,以期实现对道德风险的有效防控,提高社会医疗保险基金的安全。  相似文献   

通过对社会医疗保险道德风险产生原因与特征的探讨,根据不完全信息重复博弈模型对社会医疗保险道德风险进行了系统分析,据此提出了社会医疗保险道德风险的防控措施,以期实现对道德风险的有效防控,提高社会医疗保险基金的安全.  相似文献   

公务员履责过程中的道德风险及其消减   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公务员履责过程的道德风险表现为消极不作为、积极作为不当和积极不当作为.从客观机会来看,公务员履责过程的道德风险首先来源于客观上存在障碍,其次是某些现实条件又提供了公务员道德风险行为的免责可能,加剧了道德风险.基于风险控制流程来考虑公务员履责过程的道德风险消减,我们应该提升道德风险预估水平,提高道德风险检测频率,厘定道德风险评判标准,实施道德风险有效控制,预留道德风险对冲方式.  相似文献   

中国金融道德风险的伦理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对金融道德风险的内涵进行分析的基础上,对道德风险进行了分类.认为道德风险的生成机理源于道德个体的人性诱发、不良社会环境诱发、金融行业的特性诱发及道德的本质属性诱发,为此,应从风险防范理念、金融生态环境、法人治理结构、金融制度、从业人员职业道德等方面进行综合治理.  相似文献   

金融监管在体制转型和金融发展过程产生了道德风险,新时代对金融监管提出了更高要求。金融监管制度缝隙中滋长的道德风险,对金融机构自身的风险管理和金融监管形成了挑战,具体表现在:金融俘获、道德责任缺失、自利性冲动以及金融创新引起监管缝隙。金融监管中的道德风险带来了跨行业、跨市场、跨区域的风险传递,其深层次原因主要是供给与需求、委托与代理、权利与义务的矛盾。未来,防范金融监管中的道德风险,需要平衡内修和外治,处理好金融监管体系中制度建设、法律规制和伦理规制的关系。  相似文献   

商业银行信贷道德风险是由于信贷利益各方道德不确定性使信贷内部或外部利益遭受损失的可能,具有关系复杂性、形式多样性、后果严重性等特点。由于信贷人员的道德缺失、信贷社会责任的忽视、信贷主体目标的冲突、信贷机构制度的漏洞等原因导致了商业银行信贷道德风险的产生,必须从信贷制度、信贷主体的道德素质等方面入手加强对商业银行信贷中的道德风险控制。  相似文献   

论知识管理中的道德风险及其规避   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
由知识经济而带来的知识管理同样面临种种风险 ,道德风险就是其中之一。道德风险是一种本质性风险而非过程性风险 ,不但缘于道德自身的不确定性 ,也缘于知识价值本身的不确定性。要消解知识管理中的道德风险 ,必须对知识进行道德规制 ,使知识内容、知识主体、知识传播都符合德性要求  相似文献   

“Moral hazard” is a term familiar in economics and business ethics that illuminates why rational parties sometimes choose decisions with bad moral outcomes without necessarily intending to behave selfishly or immorally. The term is not generally used in medical ethics. Decision makers such as parents and physicians generally do not use the concept or the word in evaluating ethical dilemmas. They may not even be aware of the precise nature of the moral hazard problem they are experiencing, beyond a general concern for the patient's seemingly excessive burden. This article brings the language and logic of moral hazard to pediatrics. The concept reminds us that decision makers in this context are often not the primary party affected by their decisions. It appraises the full scope of risk at issue when decision makers decide on behalf of others and leads us to separate, respect, and prioritize the interests of affected parties.  相似文献   

Building on the moral licensing literature, this paper examines whether highlighting the successful implementation of an equal opportunities policy in a company leads to covert forms of discrimination in hiring decisions (i.e., expressing a preference for a white candidate over an equally qualified black/Moroccan candidate in an ambiguous context). Furthermore, moral self‐image is indirectly tested as a possible underlying mechanism. Two scenario studies first revealed that covert discrimination is more likely after highlighting a successful implementation of an equal opportunities policy in the company (study 1) and that elevated levels of moral self‐image are related to covert discrimination (study 2). Subsequently, a field study revealed that the presence of successful equal opportunities policies positively related to employees’ moral self‐image (study 3).  相似文献   

农民合作组织介入下的新型农村合作医疗发展机制探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民合作组织是一种自治性的民间社团组织。在新型农村合作医疗体系中,农民处于弱势地位,可以借助农民卫生合作组织来提升农民在新型合作医疗中自我服务、筹资和监督的能力。政府要加强调研,引导农民成立科学的农民卫生合作组织,保障农民健康权益和社会利益实现,促进新型农村合作医疗的可持续发展。  相似文献   

赵南 《心理学探新》2004,24(2):20-23,33
《吕氏春秋》包含有丰富的道德心理思想。它对构成个体道德心理的各因素、赏罚的作用、个体道德修养的途径,以及影响个体道德的众多社会因素都有深刻的认识与精辟的见解,值得今人借鉴。  相似文献   

Psychotherapists manifest a severe discrepancy between practice and preachment when they espouse rejection of a medical model of human problems and psychotherapyand accept health insurance for their work. When psychotherapists accept health insurance they classify their actions and their client's problems as medical or quasi-medical entities, confuse the literal and metaphoric definitions of illness and treatment, and support the medical model. Acceptance of health insurance may serve numerous functions including: symbolic legitimization of psychotherapists; monetary gain; and the obfuscation of moral/social issues. Accepting health insurance while criticizing the medical view is hypocritical and interferes with understanding human problems.  相似文献   

国有企业经营者道德风险:深层导因及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国国有企业经营者出现道德风险行为的原因主要来自这样几个方面:国有企业产权制度本身的缺陷、法人治理结构的缺陷、国有企业经营者人力资本与其报酬的不对称、对国有企业经营者难以进行有效的监督。要消除国有企业经营者道德风险行为,需要从建立健全企业经营者的激励机制、建立健全公司内部的权利制衡机制、建立严格的约束机制、完善公司治理结构、加强监督等方面采取防范对策。  相似文献   

To assess the current status of reimbursement for cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier testing, we surveyed individuals tested in the Mid-Atlantic region. Results show that CF testing was covered by insurance in part or in full for greater than 50% of respondents. The test was nearly always covered when performed during pregnancy because of a positive family history, but it was also covered for more than 50% of pregnant respondents with a negative family history. There were no significant differences in coverage by type of insurance. Many respondents needed to supply additional information about the testing to their insurance company before a coverage decision could be made. Before population-based CF screening programs are initiated, more data are needed on insurance reimbursement for testing, especially when performed pre-conceptually.  相似文献   

This paper compares the conceptual base of psychoanalytically-informed psychotherapy with that of managed care. It is proposed that each is rooted in a discrete and incompatible system of thought and professional culture-one in psychoanalysis and the other in business. Differences exist between these cultures in the meaning of time, therapeutic goal, and clinical role. Case material illustrates the impact of managed care culture on the development of transference in both patient and therapist. The transitional space of treatment is expanded to a five party object relational system-patient, therapist, case manager, insurance company, and employer-that manifests culture clash.  相似文献   

This study compares the explanatory power of Fishbein and Ajzen's (1991) theory of reasoned action, Ajzen's (1975) theory of planned behavior, and a modified version of the theory of planned behavior, which includes a measure of moral obligation, to predict insurance agents' e]thical intentions toward their clients. Two hundred and forty-five insurance agents in the U.S. were sent surveys, and with 59% of them responding, results suggest that the modified version of the theory of planned behavior best explains agents' e]thical intentions. Theoretical considerations and suggestions for future research, highlighting the perceived behavioral control and moral obligation constructs, are provided.  相似文献   

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