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The present study investigated differences in the thresholds of phoneme duration in word and sentence contexts by participants' sex. In the word condition, 27 participants listened to two pairs of words in a dual pair discrimination task. One pair contained the same durations of /s/, and the other pair contained different durations of /s/. Participants were to select the pair which contained different durations of /s/ in the words. In the sentence condition, the other set of 27 participants listened to two pairs of sentences and selected the pair containing different durations of /s/ in the sentences. Throughout these tasks, the participants' just-noticeable-difference and trials-to-completion were analyzed. The results showed that the participants demonstrated better performance in detecting just-noticeable-difference in the sentence condition than in the word condition. In addition, a sex difference was found in just-noticeable-difference in both conditions with better performance in men than women. No significant differences in trials-to-completion were found in either condition.  相似文献   

Previous research on age and schooling effects is largely restricted to studies of children who begin formal schooling at 6 years of age, and the measures of phoneme awareness used have typically lacked sensitivity for beginning readers. Our study addresses these issues by testing 4 to 6 year-olds (first 2 years of formal schooling in the United Kingdom) on a sensitive dynamic measure of phoneme awareness and tests of early literacy. There were significant effects of both age and schooling on the dynamic measure of phoneme awareness, word reading, spelling, and letter name knowledge, but there were no significant Age × Time interactions. This indicates that older children within this age group generally outperform their younger classmates (although they do not make faster progress) and that this advantage is developed prior to the start of school.  相似文献   

Age differences in rereading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Younger and older adults read a series of expository and narrative passages twice in order to answer comprehension questions. Reading time was used to index attentional allocation to word, textbase, and situation model processing and to assess shifts in the allocation policy from the first to the second reading. Older readers' comprehension was at least as good as that of younger readers. Analysis of reading times suggested that for both genres, older adults allocated more attention to situation model features than younger adults did on the first reading, whereas young and old allocated attention similarly to this level of representation on the second reading, suggesting that mature readers may give greater priority to situation model construction when first encountering text. Also, for both genres, older adults showed relatively less facilitation than the young in word-level processing in rereading, suggesting that representation at this level is not as firmly established during reading or decays more quickly for older readers. For narrative texts only, this pattern also obtained for textbase processing. Collectively, these data show that age equivalence in text comprehension at the molar level may be accomplished through different processing routes at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Studies have shown the existence of inter-individual differences in choice behavior, some people seeking for the best (maximizers) and others for a good enough option (satisficers). Here, we explored whether these inter-individual differences are influenced by aging and common personality traits (i.e., Big Five model). Young (n = 125; 19 years old) and elderly adults (n = 101; 86 years old) completed different scales assessing – among others – maximization and Big Five traits. Our results indicated a greater proportion of maximizers in elderly than in young adults. We also found a minor association between maximization and Big Five traits in both groups. In sum, aging influences choice behavior, but this cannot be explained by changes of common personality traits.  相似文献   

Five-year-olds recalled fewer items than adults in memory-span tasks involving both familiar and unfamiliar faces. This occurred even though the use of rehearsal and recoding strategies was minimized for adults. This residual age difference may be partially accounted for by two further processing limitations in children. The five-year-olds needed more time than adults to name a face (Experiment 1) and to encode a face (Experiment 2). In order to test whether limitations in children's initial recognition and stimulus-identification processes could account for recall performance, Experiment 3 reduced adults' exposure duration in the memory-span task. This led to a drastic reduction in the age difference. Other factors contributing to remaining age differences included adults' adaptability in using various alternative encoding and retrieval strategies which elevated their recall performance.  相似文献   

Younger and older adults were asked to saccade to an orientation-defined target that was presented alone, with a more central distractor, or with a more peripheral distractor. Both age groups exhibited saccadic averaging that was more pronounced in the central distractor condition, wherein older adults had the larger effect. These results are relevant to questions of oculomotor control and also have implications for the study of age differences in other visually guided behaviors.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that short-term memory (STM) performance decreases from maturity to old age, but the present paper questions the generality of this conclusion. The first experiment reported is a short-term recognition probe study—no significant age differences were found in either acquisition or the rate of forgetting. It is suggested that age decrements in STM are limited to situations where attention is divided at input or where the material must be manipulated during storage. Experiment II confirmed previous findings of minimal age losses in secondary memory word recognition. The results of this second study support the conclusion that there is poorer accessibility to stored verbal material with advancing age.  相似文献   

Refractive error was measured at 0 degrees to 40 degrees temporal to fixation in 10 young adults (M age = 26 years) and 10 older adults (M age = 63 years). Older adults exhibited a greater amount of sphere (i.e., overall) error, but no more so in the periphery than in the fovea. Although age differences were small, younger adults were found to exhibit more peripheral astigmatism than the older adults. Discrepancies between obtained results and those of Millodot (1985) may be attributed to the relationship between peripheral astigmatism and presenting refractive status. Alternatively, a two-mechanism model of age-related change in lens curvature is capable of accounting for across-study outcome differences. Recommendations are made concerning optimal viewing conditions for the study of age differences in visual perceptual processes.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of venipuncture pain and anxiety was conducted with 180 consecutively referred children and their parents. Analysis indicated that younger children report more venipuncture pain than older children. Anxiety was related to both age and pain. As well, anxiety was lowest among children with no previous venipuncture experience and among those with the greatest experience.  相似文献   

Age differences in the acculturation process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Age differences were assessed in a conceptual model that seeks to explain how acculturation affects psychological well-being among Mexican Americans. The data were from a national probability sample of 859 persons of Mexican decent. It was hypothesized that low acculturation creates financial stress. Moreover, low acculturation and financial stress were in turn predicted to erode feelings of personal control and self-esteem. Finally, diminished feelings of control and low self-esteem were hypothesized to exert a negative impact on psychological well-being. When data from respondents of all ages was assessed, empirical support was found for all of the hypotheses except the linkage between acculturation and financial stress. However, few age differences emerged in the model. The authors conclude that older Mexican Americans may not be more vulnerable to the stressors associated with acculturation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore differences in body satisfaction among female adolescents 14 to 18 years of age. Principal components analysis of a body cathexis measure completed by 751 high school cheerleaders indicated that six factors defined the adolescents' attitudes toward their bodies: satisfaction with the midsection and overall appearance, peripheral body parts, hair and face, mouth, hands, and height. An Age X Body Satisfaction multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted; a Bonferroni adjusted alpha of .007 was established for subsequent ANOVAs. Satisfaction with the mouth increased significantly as age increased, and a similar but nonsignificant trend was found for peripheral body parts. The findings contradict previous research reporting no age differences in the body satisfaction of adolescents. Role demands and physical maturation of the cheerleaders may explain differences based on age.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain the separation between positive emotion and negative emotion in times of stress has been construed as a resilience mechanism. Emotional resiliency is particularly relevant in old age given concomitant declines in cognitive performance. In the present study, the authors examined the dynamical linkages among positive emotion, negative emotion, and cognition as individuals performed a complex cognitive task. Comparisons were made between younger (n = 63) and older (n = 52) age groups. Older adults manifested significant unidirectional coupling from negative emotion to cognitive performance; younger adults manifested significant unidirectional coupling from negative emotion to positive emotion and from cognitive performance to both positive and negative emotions. Implications for age differences in emotion regulatory strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The capacities of 96 eight- and nine-year-old children and 96 adults to discriminate letters in the visual periphery were tested. Four-letter arrays were presented at the fixation point or centered 4 degrees to the left or right. Threshold exposure durations were estimated by a method of ascending limits. Analyses of a transformed threshold measure revealed that although children were less able than adults to discriminate letters in all positions, age differences were greatest for peripherally presented arrays. Development specific to the peripheral visual systems seems implicated.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that there are age-related differences in reasons for exercising. Adults (n=461), ranging in age from 18 to 86, were asked to indicate if they had considered different types of consequences in their exercise decisions, and how important they thought those consequences were to consider. A three-factor consequence measure examined individuals’ consideration and importance evaluations of various categories of exercise consequences. Results provided mixed support for the hypotheses that younger individuals exhibit greater concern for interpersonal attraction outcomes, while older individuals exhibit greater concern for health outcomes. These results have implications for designing educational and motivational training programs.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that older adults' lessened inhibitory control leads them to inadvertently bind co-occurring targets and distractors. Although this hyper-binding effect may lead to the formation of more superfluous associations, and thus greater interference at retrieval for older adults, it may also lead to a greater knowledge of information contained within the periphery of awareness. On the basis of evidence that younger adults only show learning for statistical regularities contained within attended information, we asked whether older adults may also show learning for regularities contained within to-be-ignored information. Older and younger adults viewed a series of red and green pictures and performed a 1-back task on one of the colors. Unbeknownst to participants, both color streams were organized into triplets that occurred sequentially. Implicit memory for the triplets from both the attended and ignored streams was tested using a speeded detection task. Replicating previous work, younger adults demonstrated more learning for the attended triplets than the unattended triplets. Older adults, however, demonstrated similar learning for both the attended and ignored triplets, suggesting that contrary to popular belief, they may actually know more than younger adults about the world around them, including how seemingly irrelevant events co-occur. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Age differences in estimating vehicle velocity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Automobile accidents among older adults may be related to difficulties in judging the speed of other vehicles. To examine this possibility, 3 groups of observers in the young adult, middle-aged, and older adult age ranges were asked to estimate the velocity of an isolated automobile traveling at 15-50 mph (24-80 kph). Across all age groups, perceived and actual velocity were related by a power function with an exponent of 1.36. Age was significantly and positively correlated with intercepts, but negatively correlated with exponents; that is, older observers showed less sensitivity to changes in actual velocity. Results bear on the issues of ontogenetic changes in accident involvement and sensitivity to motion.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that there are age-related differences in reasons for exercising. Adults (n=461), ranging in age from 18 to 86, were asked to indicate if they had considered different types of consequences in their exercise decisions, and how important they thought those consequences were to consider. A three-factor consequence measure examined individuals’ consideration and importance evaluations of various categories of exercise consequences. Results provided mixed support for the hypotheses that younger individuals exhibit greater concern for interpersonal attraction outcomes, while older individuals exhibit greater concern for health outcomes. These results have implications for designing educational and motivational training programs.  相似文献   

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