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In this article we discuss the network paradigm as a useful base from which to integrate attachment and family systems theories. The network perspective refers to the application of general systems theory to living systems, and provides a framework that conceptualizes the dyadic and family systems as simultaneously distinct and interconnected. Network thinking requires that the clinician holds multiple perspectives in mind, considers each system level as both a part and a whole, and shifts the focus of attention between levels as required. Key epistemological issues that have hindered the integration of the theories are discussed. These include inconsistencies within attachment theory itself and confusion surrounding the theoretical conceptualizations of the relationship between attachment and family systems theories. Detailed information about attachment categories is provided using the Dynamic Maturational model. Case vignettes illustrating work with young children and their families explore the clinical implications of integrating attachment data into family therapy practice.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that developmental improvements in immediate recall stem from increases in the speed of mental processes. However, that inference has depended on evidence from correlation, regression, and structural equation modeling. We provide counter-examples in two experiments in which the speed of spoken recall was manipulated. In one experiment, second-grade children and adults recalled lists of digits more quickly than usual when the lists were presented at a rapid rate of two items per second. In a second experiment, children received lists at a rate of one item per second; half the children were trained (successfully) to speak their responses more quickly than usual, at a rate similar to adults' usual rate. Recall accuracy was completely unaffected by either of these response-speed manipulations. Thus, although response rate is a strong marker of an individual's maturational level, it does not appear to determine the accuracy of immediate recall. These results have important methodological and theoretical implications for human development.  相似文献   

H Op de Beeck  J Wagemans 《Perception》2001,30(11):1337-1361
We designed a new stimulus set with 269 line drawings of everyday artifacts and animals. The stimulus set contains several typical exemplars from a sample of 25 basic-level categories. We determined to what extent these stimuli were named at the basic level and at a more subordinate level. An additional experiment showed the validity of this calibration: typicality ratings were correlated significantly with the level of naming. In a final experiment we found that this effect depends largely on the global configuration of a stimulus as it was still apparent with degraded images obtained by locally shifting small fragments of the drawings.  相似文献   

A widely held view in linguistics and psycholinguistics is that there are distinct levels of processing for context-independent and context-specific representations of sound structure. Recently, this view has been disputed, in part because of the absence of clear evidence that there are abstract mental representations of discrete sound-structure units. Here, we present novel evidence that separate context-independent and context-specific representations of sound structure are supported by distinct brain mechanisms that can be selectively impaired in individuals with acquired brain deficits. Acoustic data from /s/-deletion errors of 2 aphasic speakers suggest both a phonological level of processing at which sound representations (e.g., /p/) do not specify context-specific detail (e.g., aspirated or unaspirated) and a distinct level at which context-specific information is represented. These data help constrain accounts of sound-structure processing in word production and crucially support the claim that context-independent linguistic information affects language production.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge can have a large influence on recall when the memory for the original event is error prone or incomplete. We investigated the interaction between memory and prior knowledge in a recall task involving natural objects such as fruits and vegetables. We first quantified prior knowledge for the sizes of objects in a norming experiment. We then assessed the influence of prior knowledge in a memory experiment in which we compared the actual size of objects shown during a study phase with the reconstructed size of an object during the test phase. Recall was biased both by the mean size of the specific object studied and by the mean size of all objects in the category. This result suggests that the influence of prior knowledge can come from multiple, hierarchically related levels of representation, such as the object-category and superordinate-category levels.  相似文献   

The term 'multi-agency' family is preferred to 'disorganized' family. Multi-agency family systems present special problems of the relationships (a) within the family, (b) between family and professional network, (c) among members of the professional network and (d) between family, network and treatment centre to whom the family is referred. Pressures on the family and professional workers can create a locked system which prevents natural development of the family or effective problem solving by the workers. A systems approach to such problems is presented which includes consultation to the family/professional network system.  相似文献   

This study investigates abstracted processes and introduces a new prototype abstraction model adapted to estimation tasks. This prototype abstraction model assumes that the processing of whole exemplar patterns supports the detection of the underlying statistics necessary for the abstraction of two extreme prototypes on the continuous criterion dimension of the task. The prototypes are stored in memory as valid reference points for future similarity-based judgments. This prototype model was compared with the cue abstraction model, which assumes that people abstract cue weights in learning and add the cue information from exemplars to infer their criterion values varying on the continuous dimension. This study hypothesises that the training mode and the number of exemplars in training interact and affect subsequent model performance at test. The results from an experiment confirmed this hypothesis and showed that observational training supports an efficient prototype abstraction and feedback training supports an efficient cue abstraction.  相似文献   

The author discusses how subgroups represent the basic focus of the systems-centered group therapist. Particular attention is given to boundary issues and to how therapy takes place by facilitating the process of discriminating, communicating, and integrating perception of differences in the apparently similar and similarities in the seemingly different. Communication occurs at the boundaries between systems at all levels of the hierarchy: the group, the subgroup, and its members. Clinical vignettes are provided to illustrate important process issues, such as work with difficult patients, levels of intervention, and group resistance and defense.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a framework by which the structural and communicative-interactive theories of family therapy can be logically and systematically applied with Asian/Pacific American families. It begins with an introduction to Schutz's FIRO theory and model. Application and relevance to work with Asian/Pacific American families is discussed and illustrated with a case application.Paper originally presented at the 1987 annual program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, St. Louis, Missouri, March 8, 1987.  相似文献   

Characteristics of traditional Mexican-American families with consequent family rules that affect these family systems are discussed along with selected clinical cases. The specific cases discussed involve: (1) interactions with family of origin in intercultural marriages, (2) intracultural differences in levels of acculturation and traditional family rules, and (3) extended family impact in response to severe life crisis. The development of therapeutic processes from structural and strategic family therapy approaches, which reflect appreciation for cultural differences and strengths, is suggested.This material was presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, January, 1994, San Antonio, TX.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use behavioural methods and event-related potentials (ERPs) to explore the relations between informational and instantiated features, as well as the relation between feature abstraction and rule type. Participants are trained to categorize two species of fictitious animals and then identify perceptually novel exemplars. Critically, two groups are given a perfectly predictive counting rule that, according to Hannah and Brooks (2009. Featuring familiarity: How a familiar feature instantiation influences categorization. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 63, 263–275. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1037/a0017919), should orient them to using abstract informational features when categorizing the novel transfer items. A third group is taught a feature list rule, which should orient them to using detailed instantiated features. One counting-rule group were taught their rule before any exposure to the actual stimuli, and the other immediately after training, having learned the instantiations first. The feature-list group were also taught their rule after training. The ERP results suggest that at test, the two counting-rule groups processed items differently, despite their identical rule. This not only supports the distinction that informational and instantiated features are qualitatively different feature representations, but also implies that rules can readily operate over concrete inputs, in contradiction to traditional approaches that assume that rules necessarily act on abstract inputs.  相似文献   

This study examined the family system differences between 40 volunteer natural-father and stepfather families. Family triads consisting of the husband, the wife, and a child whose age ranged from 12 to 15 years were studied. Four instruments were used: (a) the Family Concept Q-Sort; (b) a Semantic Differential; (c) a demographic questionnaire; and (d) an interaction-reaction questionnaire. Analyses of variance on the data obtained from the Q-sorts and the Semantic Differentials indicated that stepfather family systems are different from natural-father family systems along several salient dimensions including psychological adjustment, satisfaction with family, reciprocal understanding, and perceived goodness and potency. It was concluded that the differences between the family systems in terms of their interpersonal relations and perceptions affect the entire stepparent family system and its ability to function adequately.  相似文献   

This paper describes three frames of reference for understanding family function. The three frames are (1) The Life-cycle of the Family, (2) The Intergenerational, Historical Aspects of the Family, (3) The Interactional Structure of the Family. It is suggested that these three frames can provide a detailed formulation of family functioning and disturbance in order to plan rational foci, strategies, techniques and aims of family therapy.  相似文献   

The extent to which nonhumans are able to form conceptual versus perceptual discriminations remains a matter of debate. Among the great apes, only chimpanzees have been tested for conceptual understanding, defined as the ability to form discriminations not based solely on simple perceptual features of stimuli, and to transfer this learning to novel stimuli. In the present investigation, a young captive female gorilla was trained at three levels of abstraction (concrete, intermediate, and abstract) involving sets of photographs representing natural categories (e.g., orangutans vs. humans, primates vs. nonprimate animals, animals vs. foods). Within each level of abstraction, when the gorilla had learned to discriminate positive from negative exemplars in one set of photographs, a novel set was introduced. Transfer was defined in terms of high accuracy during the first two sessions with the new stimuli. The gorilla acquired discriminations at all three levels of abstraction but showed unambiguous transfer only with the concrete and abstract stimulus sets. Detailed analyses of response patterns revealed little evidence of control by simple stimulus features. Acquisition and transfer involving abstract stimulus sets suggest a conceptual basis for gorilla categorization. The gorilla's relatively poor performance with intermediate-level discriminations parallels findings with pigeons, and suggests a need to reconsider the role of perceptual information in discriminations thought to indicate conceptual behavior in nonhumans.  相似文献   

Marital and family researchers often study infrequent behaviors. These powerful psychological variables, such as abuse, criticism, and drug use, have important ramifications for families and society as well as for the statistical models used to study them. Most researchers continue to rely on ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression for these types of data, but estimates and inferences from OLS regression can be seriously biased for count data such as these. This article presents a tutorial on statistical methods for positively skewed event data, including Poisson, negative binomial, zero-inflated Poisson, and zero-inflated negative binomial regression models. These statistical methods are introduced through a marital commitment example, and the data and computer code to run the example analyses in R, SAS, SPSS, and Mplus are included in the online supplemental material. Extensions and practical advice are given to assist researchers in using these tools with their data.  相似文献   

A longstanding debate in the categorization literature concerns representational abstraction. Generally, when exemplar models, which assume no abstraction, have been contrasted with prototype models, which assume total abstraction, the former models have been found to be superior to the latter. Although these findings may rule out the idea that total abstraction takes place during category learning and instead suggest that no abstraction is involved, the idea of abstraction retains considerable intuitive appeal. In this article, we propose the varying abstraction model of categorization (VAM), which investigates the possibility that partial abstraction may play a role in category learning. We apply the VAM to four previously published data sets that have been used to argue that no abstraction is involved. Contrary to the previous findings, our results provide support for the idea that some form of partial abstraction can be used in people's category representations.  相似文献   

Two sets of values—the continuity and the discontinuity—are readily apparent in family conflict. Pathogenic relating erupts after an impasse between the sets of values. Husband-wife conflict, parent-child conflict, and conflict between the family and neighborhood or community are described in terms of conflict in value systems. Family therapy is a method for influencing the value systems.Each of the three role functions of the family therapist—the go-between, the side-taker, and the celebrant—expresses both continuity and discontinuity values which are described. Depending on his assessment of pathogenic relating and other features of family dysfunction, the therapist selectively expresses values that serve to disrupt and then repair destructive family interaction.The process of engaging families in therapy is crucial because many families, especially those that are poor and uneducated, do not like to sit and talk about problems. Short-term therapy works best with the majority of poor, uneducated families; it even works best with middle-class families. Short-term therapy works mainly because it least violates value expectations the majority of families have about therapy.An invited presentation for the First International Congress of Family Therapy held in Tel Aviv, Israel, in February, 1976. A brief version of this paper is scheduled forPsychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1978, but due to an extraordinary delay in publication of the above-named journal, the lengthier version here may actually appear in print first. The possibility is mutually acknowledged by the editors of both journals.  相似文献   

Understanding the systematic dynamics of one's family of origin is necessary in preparation for ministry and can be most powerfully effected by engaging students in one of several family therapy techniques. Moreover, a family systems orientation is useful for theological explorations regarding family and Church as family, as well as enhancing skills for ministering to the contemporary family in all its diversity.Dr. Anderson is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Waterburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. Dr. Fitzgerald is Chaplain Supervisor, Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. This article stemmed from a presentation made by the authors on November 11, 1977, at the annual Conference of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.  相似文献   

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