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The School Tradition of the Old Testament (Bampton Lectures 1994), E. W. Heaton Augustine (Outstanding Christian Thinkers Series), Mary T. Clark The Church as Polis: From Political Theology to Theological Politics as Exemplified by Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas , Arne Rasmussen Pantheism: A Non-theistic Concept of Deity , Michael P. Levine Religion in Britain since 1945: Believing without Belonging , Grace Davie Sarah Laughed , Trevor Dennis John's Gospel , Mark W. G. Stibbe Ephesians , Martin Kitchen II Thessalonians, Maarten J. J. Menken The Catholic Faith , Richard Conrad Faith and Criticism , Basil Mitchell Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis and Religion , Neville Symington  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Michele Dillon (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Religion
James A. Beckford, Social Theory and Religion
Christian Smith, Moral, Believing Animals: Human Personhood and Culture
John Schmalzbauer, People of Faith: Religious Conviction in American Journalism and Higher Education
Omar M. McRoberts, Streets of Glory: Church and Community in a Black Urban Neighborhood
Kenneth J. Guest, God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York's Evolving Immigrant Community
Tony Carnes and Anna Karpathakis (eds.), New York Glory: Religions in the City
Richard A. Schoenherr and David Yamane, Goodbye Father: The Celibate Male Priesthood and the Future of the Catholic Church
Susan A. Eisenhandler, Keeping the Faith in Late Life
Roger W. Stump, Boundaries of Faith: Geographical Perspectives on Religious Fundamentalism  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2000,18(1):125-144
Books reviewed:
David F. Ford, Self and Salvation: Being Transformed
Francis Clark, Godfaring: On Reason, Faith, and Sacred Being
David Kamitsuka, Theology and Contemporary Culture: Liberation, Postliberal and Revisionary Perspectives
Robert Alter, Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture
Laurence Paul Hemming (ed.), Radical Orthodoxy?—A Catholic Enquiry
John E. Thiel, Senses of Tradition: Continuity and Development in Catholic Faith
S. Mark Heim, The Depth of the Riches: A Trinitarian Theology of Religious Ends
Serene Jones, Feminist Theory and Christian Theology: Cartographies of Grace
Martin X. Moleski, S.J., Personal Catholicism: The Theological Epistemologies of John Henry Newman and Michael Polanyi
Denis Donoghue, Adam's Curse: Reflections on Religion and Literature  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Heretics: The Other Side of Early Christianity , Gerd Lüdemann Spitting at Dragons: Towards a Feminist Theology of Sainthood , Elizabeth Stuart Hermeneutics as Theological Prolegomena: A Canonical Approach , Charles J. Scalise Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism , Alastair H. B. Logan, T. & T. Clark Judas - Betrayer or Friend of Jesus? , William Klassen Celibacy: A Way of Loving, Living and Senving , A. W. Richard Sipe, Gill & Macmillan Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism , Grace Jantzen Postmodem Theologies: The Challenge of Religious Diversity , Terence W. Tilley (ed.) On Naming the Present: cod, Hermeneutics and Church , David Tracy The Character of Our Communities: Toward an Ethic of Liberation for the Church , Gloria Albrecht The Future of Anglicanism - Essays on Faith and Order , Robert Hannaford (ed.) Our Lady: The Mother of Jesus in Christian Faith and Devotion , Norman Pittenger The Cross on the Sword Catholic Chaplains in the Forces , Tom Johnstone and James Hagerty, Geoffrey Chapman In Search of the Sacred: Anthropology and the Study of Religions , Clinton Bennett Transforming Practice: Pastoral Theology in an Age of Uncertainty , Elaine Graham Religion in the Modern World: From Cathedrals to Cults , Steve Bruce Global Gods: Exploring the Roles of Religions in Modem Societies , David W. Shenk  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
Catherine Wessinger, How the Millennium Comes Violently: From Jonestown to Heaven's Gate
John R. Hall, Philip Schuyler and Sylvaine Trinh, Apocalypse Observed: Religious Movements and Violence in North America, Europe, and Japan
Tim Jensen and Mikael Rothstein, (eds) Secular Theories on Religion: Current Perspectives
J. A. van Belzen, (eds) Van Gisteren tot Heden: Godsdienstpsychologie in Nederland
David C. Lewis, After Atheism: Religion and Ethnicity in Russia and Central Asia
Ariela Keysar, Barry A. Kosmin, and Jeffrey Scheckner, The Next Generation: Jewish Children and Adolescents
Robert Kisala, Prophets of Peace: Pacifism and Cultural Identity in Japan's New Religions
Michele Dillon, Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power
Michael McMullen, The Baha'i: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity
John J. Guthrie, Jr., Philip Charles Lucas, and Gary Moore, (eds) Cassadaga: The South's Oldest Spiritualist Community
David Lyon, Jesus in Disneyland: Religion in Postmodern Times
Albert J. Bergesen and Andrew M. Greeley, God in the Movies  相似文献   

Mind in a Physical World: An Essay on the Mind‐Body Problem and Mental Causation. By Jaegwon Kim . Sacred Cosmos: Christian Faith and the Challenge of Naturalism. By Terence L. Nichols . The Faith of Biology & The Biology of Faith: Order, Meaning, and Free Will in Modern Medical Science. By Robert Pollack .  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Lawrence H. Schiffman, James C. VanderKam (eds), Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Robert Elinor, Buddha & Christ: Images of Wholeness
Larry J. Kreitzer and Deborah W. Rooke (eds), Ciphers In the Sand: Interpretation of The Woman Taken in Adulter
Thomas Harrison, Divinity and History. The Religion of Herodotus
Bernard Lonergan, Frederick E. Crow and Robert M. Doran (eds), Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
John W. O'Malley, Trent and all That: Renaming Catholicism in the Early Modern Era
Douglas J. Davies, The Mormon Culture of Salvation: Force, Grace and Glory
Philip Jenkins, Mystics and Messiahs: Cults and New Religions in American History
Michael D. Emerson and Christian Smith, Divided By Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America
Martin Ott, African Theology in Images
Keith Ward, Religion and Community
Martin Sutherland (ed.), Mission Without Christendom: Exploring the Site
Serene Jones, Feminist Theory and Christian Theology: Cartographies of Grace
John Webster (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth
Philip Clayton, The Problem of God in Modern Thought
Andrew Shanks, God and Modernity: A New and Better Way to Do Theology
James P. Mackey, The Critique of Theological Reason
John E. Thiel, Senses of Tradition: Continuity and Development in Catholic Faith
Anne Primavesi, Sacred Gaia: Holistic Theology and Earth System Science
Michael H. Barnes, Stages of Thought: The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science
Stanley L. Jaki, The Savior of Science
George Lovell, Consultancy, Ministry and Mission, A Handbook for Practitioners and Work Consultants in Christian Organizations  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2002,18(1):125-144
Books reviewed: David F. Ford, Self and Salvation: Being Transformed Francis Clark, Godfaring: On Reason, Faith, and Sacred Being David Kamitsuka, Theology and Contemporary Culture: Liberation, Postliberal and Revisionary Perspectives Robert Alter, Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture Laurence Paul Hemming (ed.), Radical Orthodoxy?—A Catholic Enquiry John E. Thiel, Senses of Tradition: Continuity and Development in Catholic Faith S. Mark Heim, The Depth of the Riches: A Trinitarian Theology of Religious Ends Serene Jones, Feminist Theory and Christian Theology: Cartographies of Grace Martin X. Moleski, S.J., Personal Catholicism: The Theological Epistemologies of John Henry Newman and Michael Polanyi Denis Donoghue, Adam’s Curse: Reflections on Religion and Literature  相似文献   

Why God? Thinking Through Faith, Jim Thompson The Mandate of Heaven: The Divine Command and the Natural Order, Michael Keeling, T. & T. Clark The Times Best Sermons of 1996, Ruth Gledhill (ed.) Calendar: Christ's Time for the Church, Laurence Hull Stookey The ‘Obscrurism’ of Light: A Theological Study into the Nature of Light, Iain M. MacKenzie The Beginning and the End of ‘Religion’, Nicholas Lash Clinging to Faith, Peter D. Bishop Walter Benjamin and the Bible, Brian Britt Religion and Rational Theology: The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant, Allen W. Wood and George di Giovanni (eds) The New God-Image: a Study of Jung's Key Letters conceming the Evolution of the Western God-Image, Edward F. Edinger Zeal for Truth and Tolerance, Jan Mili? Lochman Qumran Cave 4 XIII: The Damascus Document (4Q266–273) (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert XVIII), Joseph Barmgarten (ed.) Mark Pryce, Finding a Voice: Men, Women and the Community of the Church  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2005,21(1):163-187
Books reviewed
Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited by Charles Taylor (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), vii + 116 pp.
A Theology of the Built Environment: Justice, Empowerment, Redemption by Timothy J. Gorringe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), x + 282 pp.
Sweet Violence: The Idea of the Tragic by Terry Eagleton (Oxford and Malden, MA: Routledge Publishing, 2003), xvii + 328 pp.
Contesting Sacrifice: Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France by Ivan Strenski (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002), ix + 228 pp.
Aquinas by Eleonore Stump (London: Routledge, 2003), xx + 611 pp.
Capitalism and Religion: the price of piety by Philip Goodchild (London: Routledge, 2002), xvi + 260 pp.
Paul Among the Postliberals: Pauline Theology Beyond Christendom and Modernity by Douglas Harink (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2003), 276 pp.
In the Ruins of the Church: Sustaining Faith in an Age of Diminished Christianity by R. R. Reno (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2002), + 208 pp.
Jonathan Edwards and the Bible by Robert E. Brown (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002), xxi + 292 pp.
George P. Schner, S. J., Essays Catholic and Critical , edited by Philip G. Ziegler and Mark Husbands (Hants, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002), xix + 195 pp.  相似文献   

Nagel, Thomas The Last Word
Phillips, D.Z. (ed.) Religion and Morality
Kellenberger, J. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche: Faith and Eternal Acceptance  相似文献   

Books Reviewed:
Greenwood, Susan, Magic, Witchraft and the Otherworld: An Anthropology
Prothero, Stephen, Purified by Fire: A History of Cremation in America
Hervieu-Léger, Danièle, Religion as a Chain of Memory
Skotnicki, Andrew, Religion and the Development of the American Penal System
Baggett, Jerome P., Habitat for Humanity: Building Private Homes, Building Public Religion
Warner, Carolyn M., Confessions of an Interest Group: The Catholic Church and Political Parties in Europe
Burdick, John and Hewitt, W. E., The Church at the Grassroots in Latin America: Perspectives on Thirty Years of Activism
Shipps, Jan, Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years Among the Mormons
Zuckerman, Phil, Du Bois on Religion
Stout, Daniel A. and Buddenbaum, Judith M., Religion and Popular Culture: Studies on the Interaction of World-views
Mazur, Eric Michael, The Americanization of Religious Minorities: Confronting the Constitutional Order
Sklar, Deidre, Dancing with the Virgin: Body and Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico
Eisenstadt, S. N., Fundamentalism, Sectarianism, and Revolution: The Jacobin Dimension of Modernity
Koenig, Harold G., McCullough, Michael E. and Larson, David B., Handbook of Religion and Health
Eskridge, Larry and Noll, Mark A., More Money, More Ministry: Money and Evangelicals in Recent North American History  相似文献   

The Missions of Jesus and the Disciples according to the Fourth Gospel. With Implications for the Fourth Gospel's Purpose and the Mission of the Contemporary Church , Andreas J. Köstenberger, Eerdmans 1998 Beginning Old Testament Study , J. Rogerson (ed), new edn Language and Imagery in the Old Testament , J. C. L. Gibson Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha. Struggle for Liberation in the Ther?gāthā, K.R. Blackstone The New Liberalism. Faith for the Third Millennium , Jonathan Clatworthy (ed), After Noah: Animals and the Liberation of Theology , Andrew Linzey and Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Mowbray 1997 Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age , John J. Collins, T. & T. Clark 1998 Rereading the Rabbis. A Woman's Voice , Judith Hauptman Women in the Holocaust , Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (eds) Seeds of Hope. A Henri Nouwen Reader , Robert Durback (ed) The Road to Peace: Writings on Peace and Justice , Henri Nouwen, John Dear (ed) Who are we Now? Christian Humanism and the Global Market from Hegel to Heaney , Nicholas Boyle, T. & T. Clark 1998 Grace and Mortgage. The Language of Faith and the Debt of the World Rationality and Religion. Does Faith Need Reason ?, Roger Trigg The Religion of Being , Don Cupitt Religious Traditions in South Asia. Interaction and Change , G.A. Oddie (ed) The Western Church in the Middle Ages , John A. F. Thomson, Arnold 1998  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2005,21(4):663-691
Books reviewed:
David Bentley Hart, The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth Reviewed by Oleg Bychkov
Ingolf U. Dalferth, Die Wirklichkeit des Möglichen: Hermeneutische Religionsphilosophie Reviewed by Matthias Gockel
Vincent J. Miller, Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture Reviewed by Michael L. Budde
John David Dawson, Christian Figural Reading and the Fashioning of Identity Reviewed by John C. Cavadini
Stanley Hauerwas, Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Nonviolence Reviewed by Clifford Green
Stephen van Erp, The Art of Theology: Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics and the Foundations of Faith Reviewed by Mark Alan Bowald
John Inge, A Christian Theology of Place Reviewed by Belden C. Lane
Graham Hughes, Worship as Meaning: A Liturgical Theology for Late Modernity Reviewed by Jim Fodor
Denys Turner, Faith, Reason and the Existence of God Reviewed by David Burrell
Francesca Aran Murphy, Art and Intellect in the Philosophy of Étienne Gilson Reviewed by Trent Pomplun  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-Paganism and Witchcraft in the United States , by Helen A. Berger
Religion in the News:Faith and Journalism in American Public Discourse , by Stewart M. Hoover
Seventh-Day Adventism in Crisis: Gender and Sectarian Change inan Emerging Religion , by Laura L. Vance
Prophetic Pentecostalism in Chile: A Case Study on Religion and Development Policy , by Franz Kamsteeg
Process, Praxis, and Transcendence , by James L. Marsh
Sociology and the World's Religions , by Malcolm Hamilton
American Evangelicalism: Embattled and Thriving , by Christian Smith
Journeys to the Spiritual Lands: The Natural History of West IndianReligion , by Wallace W. Zane
Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion And Religious Aspects of Organizations , edited by N.J. Demerath III, Peter Dobkin Hall, Terry Schmitt, and Rhys H. Williams
The Psychology of Ultimate Concerns , by Robert A. Emmons
Becoming Religious: Understanding Devotion to the Unseen , by Susan Kwilecki

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed:
Pamela E. Klassen, Blessed Events: Religion And Home Birth In America
James V. Spickard, J. Shawn Landres, and Meredith B. McGuire (eds.), Personal Knowledge And Beyond: Reshaping The Ethnography Of Religion
Jayne Seminare Docherty, Learning Lessons From Waco: When The Parties Bring Their Gods To The Negotiation Table
Joseph B. Tamney, The Resilience Of Conservative Religion: The Case Of Popular Conservative Protestant Congregations
Paula D. Nesbitt (ed.), Religion And Social Policy
Ann Burlein, Lift High The Cross: Where White Supremacy And The Christian Right Converge
Grant Wacker, Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals And American Culture
Arlene Stein, The Stranger Next Door: The Story Of A Small Community's Battle Over Sex, Faith, And Civil Rights  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2003,19(3):429-431
Books reviewed: Christopher D. Marshall, Beyond Retribution: A New Testament Vision for Justice, Crime, and Punishment J.‐M.‐R. Tillard, Flesh of the Church, Flesh of Christ: At the Source of the Ecclesiology of Communion Scott Matthews, Reason, Community and Religious Tradition: Anselm's Argument and the Friars Kenneth J. Howell, God's Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern Science Clayton Crockett, A Theology of the Sublime Rowan A. Greer, Christian Hope and Christian Life: Raids on the Inarticulate Merold Westphal, Toward a Postmodern Christian Faith: Overcoming Onto‐theology James Alison, Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay Gavin Hyman, The Predicament of Postmodern Theology: Radical Orthodoxy or Nihilist Textualism? Terrence W. Tilley, Inventing Catholic Tradition  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Universes. By J ohn L eslie .
Physical Cosmology and Philosophy. Edited by J ohn L eslie .
The Biology of Moral Systems. By R ichard D. A lexander .
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent. By J ohn H ick .  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2003,19(2):287-313
Books Reviewed:
Jan–Olav Henriksen, The Reconstruction of Religion: Lessing, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche
Edward Farley, Faith and Beauty: A Theological Aesthetic
Oliver Davies, A Theology of Compassion
Jamie Ferreira, Love's Grateful Striving: A Commentary on Kierkegaard's Works of Love
Cyril O'Regan, Gnostic Apocalypse: Jacob Boehme's Haunted Narrative
Joseph L. Mangina, Karl Barth on the Christian Life: The Practical Knowledge of God
Eric O. Springsted, The Act of Faith: Christian Faith and the Moral Self
Paul Valliere, Modern Russian Theology: Bukharev, Soloviev, Bulgakov. Orthodox Theology in a New Key
Oona Ajzenstat, Driven Back to the Text: The Premodern Sources of Levinas's Postmodernism
Eric Santner, On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Saving and Secular Faith: An Invitation to Systematic Theology , by B. A. Gerrish.
Jesus is My Uncle , by Luis G. Pedraja.
The Human Person in Science and Theology , edited by Niels HenrikGregersen, Willem B. Drees and Ulf Görman.
Down, Up, and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology , by Dwight N. Hopkins.
Religion and Popular Culture in America , edited by Bruce David Forbes and Jeffrey H. Mahan.
God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion , by Christopher Southgate.  相似文献   

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