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中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会第十届常务委员、著名爱国宗教界人士、中国共产党的亲密朋友、中国道教协会会长闵智亭道长,因病于2004年1月3日在北京逝世,享年80岁。闵智亭1924年5月5日出生于河南省南召县。幼年因日寇侵华被迫辍学,由于家学渊源,喜读《留侯传》及陶渊明诗词,常有出世之想,于1941年2月入华山出家修道,宗奉全真华山派。1945年任八仙宫知客、行堂执事。1946年任武汉长春观高功、巡寮等执事。1947年任杭州玉皇山福星观知客,研习书画及古琴弹奏。新中国成立后,先后住西安八仙宫和华山玉泉院。其间积极参加学习和生产劳动,投身…  相似文献   

中国人民政治协商会议第九届委员会委员、中国道教协会副会长、湖北省道教协会会长、十堰市政协副主席、丹江口市政协副主席、武当山旅游经济特区副区长、武当山道教协会下光德会长因病医治无效,于2001年10月18日21时58分在武当山紫霄宫羽化,享年54岁。 王光德(道名王通圣)会长,出生于1947年12月27日,湖北省丹江口市人,年幼时,随李诚玉、赵元量等道长参道,后又师从萧耀宛道长习武当功夫。1981年3月,他怀着对道教名山的神圣向往和对真武祖师的虔诚崇拜,出家武当山,潜修道教教理,深悟道教教义。19…  相似文献   

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会第五届委员、第六、七、八届常务委员,中国道教协会第三、四届会长、第五、六届顾问黎遇航道长,因病于2002年12月20日凌晨2时30分在北京逝世,享年87岁。黎遇航,道名黎顺吉,1916年10月17日出生于江苏省金坛县。自幼随父黎洪春学道于茅山元符万宁宫西斋道院,拜道教法师徐龙田为师,学习道教音乐与斋醮科仪;又拜当地名流吴济之先生为师,学习诗词文章、琴棋书画。1924年任元符宫高功法师。1937年至1938年间,辗转于安徽含山、河南信阳、湖北孝感、湖南长沙、江西吉安等地,有幸结识了抗日救国的新四军,为之作过向导…  相似文献   

Toward a biological account of music experience   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Education and rehabilitation research with persons with developmental disabilities is often based on single-case designs (with small numbers of ordinal data points collected at irregular intervals) and relies upon graphic display and visual inspection of the data. This paper (a) provides a brief account of some statistical tests, which may serve to supplement the visual inspection process and (b) underlines some of their strengths and limitations to help education and rehabilitation personnel make a reasonable choice among them.  相似文献   

Gender and relationships. A developmental account   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This article argues that behavioral differentiation of the sexes is minimal when children are observed or tested individually. Sex differences emerge primarily in social situations, and their nature varies with the gender composition of dyads and groups. Children find same-sex play partners more compatible, and they segregate themselves into same-sex groups, in which distinctive interaction styles emerge. These styles are described. As children move into adolescence, the patterns they developed in their childhood same-sex groups are carried over into cross-sex encounters in which girls' styles put them at a disadvantage. Patterns of mutual influence can become more symmetrical in intimate male-female dyads, but the distinctive styles of the two sexes can still be seen in such dyads and are subsequently manifested in the roles and relationships of parenthood. The implications of these continuities are considered.  相似文献   

Recent research in the areas of animal conditioning, the neural systems underlying emotion and memory, and the effect of fear on these systems is reviewed. This evidence points to an important distinction between hippocampally-dependent and non-hippocampally-dependent forms of memory that are differentially affected by extreme stress. The cognitive science perspective is related to a recent model of posttraumatic stress disorder, dual representation theory, that also posits separate memory systems underlying vivid reexperiencing versus ordinary autobiographical memories of trauma. This view is compared with other accounts in the literature of traumatic memory processes in PTSD, and the contrasting implications for therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Although brief confinement in novel or fearful places may occasionally produce flooding-like effects with regard to hastening avoidance response extinction, the results of the three experiments reported here indicate that this is not as robust a phenomenon as is flooding. Experiments 1 and 2 found that any tendency for a brief confinement effect to occur is likely to result from the use of a procedure where extinction is started on the grid floor as opposed to on the ledge of a jump-up box. Experiment 3 found no evidence at all that confinement in either a novel or a fearful place can hasten the extinction of a more well-learned jump-up response than that studied in previous experiments, even when the grids extinction procedure was used. Overall these results do not support the SSDR account of flooding, which has derived its chief support from experiments demonstrating a brief confinement effect.  相似文献   

音乐和语言是人类最重要的两种交流系统。与语言一样, 音符的排列和组织也是建立在一定的句法规则之上。尽管现有研究发现听众具有感知音乐句法的能力, 音乐句法加工的认知机制以及影响因素仍不清楚。基于此, 拟深入探究预期和整合在音乐音高句法加工中的作用, 以及音乐层级结构和时间结构对音高句法加工的影响。以期进一步揭示音乐句法加工的本质, 为音乐和语言的比较以及探索人类更一般的交流机制提供实证依据。  相似文献   

张继先是天师道史上作出过杰出贡献的天师。虽然他的令名与事迹早已跨越了时间、空间的界限,但迄今教内外有关论著对其生平的论述都较为简略,并且存在着几个疑点。本文将解决其中的疑点,并对其生平作出较为详细的论述,以助读者对这位神童天师的进一步了解。  相似文献   

HELLAN  PATRICK A. 《Synthese》1998,115(3):269-302
Two philosophical traditions with much in common, (classical) pragmatism and (Heidegger's) hermeneutic philosophy, are here compared with respect to their approach to the philosophy of science. Both emphasize action as a mode of interpreting experience. Both have developed important categories – inquiry, meaning, theory, praxis, coping, historicity, life-world – and each has offered an alternative to the more traditional philosophies of science stemming from Descartes, Hume, and Comte. Pragmatism's abduction works with the dual perspectives of theory (as explanation) and praxis (as culture). The hermeneutical circle depends in addition on the lifeworld as background source of ontological meaning and resource for strategies of inquiry. Thus a hermeneutical philosophy of research involves three components: lifeworld (as ontological and strategic), theory (as explanatory), and praxis (as constitutive of culture). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

姚国宏 《学海》2008,(2):194-199
G.A.柯亨,是20世纪70年代后期出现于英美的分析学派马克思主义的代表人物之一.本文初步探讨了1990年代以来柯亨围绕平等、自由、正义等政治哲学问题的研究.柯亨的政治哲学研究源于其对马克思历史唯物主义研究的转型,通过与右派的自由至上主义者诺齐克和左派的平等的自由主义者罗尔斯的论战,展示了他的独具特色的激进的平等主义立场.这样极左的平等主义,尽管有理论上的魅力,但在现实中毕竟是一种幻像.  相似文献   

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