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W. Widick Schroeder 《Zygon》1982,17(3):267-291
This essay sketches an interpretation of human experience utilizing the perspective of’ process philosophy. Beauty is a key notion, and emergent evolution is a central theme. The following topics are addressed: the emergence of modern evolutionary thinking and alternative responses to it; the nature of human nature in a process perspective; the place of humans in nature; the immanence of laws; emergent evolution on this planet; some implications of the hierarchy of nature for the interpretation of human life, human morality, and human values; and human religious experience.  相似文献   


Valeurs japonaises et américaines. — L'A. examine les changements politiques et sociaux intervenus au Japon après la seconde guerre mondiale et pose le problème de savoir si le système de valeurs psychologiques a changè de la mêmc manière. On soumet à des élèves de lycée et d'université une version de L'échelle de préférences personnelles d'Edwards et on compare les résultats avec les normes qui se sont dégagées des réponses de sujets américains pour la mêrac échelle. Les résultats indiquent qu'au niveau de L'universite, les étudiants japonais se situent plus bas que les étudiants américains en matière de réussite, dc déférence et de dominance, mais plus haut en matiére d'humilité, d'endurance et de besoin de changement. Les étudiantes japonaises se situent plus has que les américaines en matière de réussite, de déférence, d'affiliation, de dominance et d'éducation, mais plus haut en matière d'agression. L'A. interprète ces résultats comme le signe que le système de valeurs des Japonais ne peut donner une base solide à des formes démocratiques durables d'organisation (“démocratique” par opposition à “autoritaire et centralisé”).  相似文献   

Past research has consistently shown marked differences between religious believers and non-believers. Such differences were suggested in this study to be due to the presence of religious schema in believers. It was hypothesized that non-believers would be less schematic, or aschematic with respect to religion. This hypothesis was examined by comparing the value system of college student believers (Protestants and Catholics) and non-believers (those indicating no religious faith). Extensive differences were found. Consistent with the hypothesis, the differences were found mainly on the schema-relevant values. In essence, believers showed greater preference for and possession of the moral and relational values, and lesser on the personal-extrinsic, competency, and egoistic values. As predicted, no difference was found on the social and intellectual types of values which are basically schema-irrelevant. The notion of schema availability was also supported. When subjects' religiosity (as indicated by their preference for the salvation value and their self-rated possession of the religiousness value) was controlled for, all the above differences were removed. When high and low religiosity believers were compared, great differences were found. The differences between the high and low religiosity non-believers were however much less extensive.  相似文献   

There have been recent claims in the popular literature about the superiority of the Japanese-inspired participative principles of "Theory Z" management for business productivity. Yet motivational and value differences that might support these principles have seldom been evaluated psychometrically. In response to this need, middle-aged Japanese and American business managers were administered the Rokeach Values Survey and a questionnaire measure of upward mobility desires (Sarnoff). Results showed the Japanese attached greater importance to socially beneficial values in contrast to the American emphasis on individuality and straightforwardness. Yet the Japanese also showed greater valuation of accomplishments and, on the motivational instrument, more interest in advancement, money, and forward striving. Since the latter characteristics tend to be those most associated with success, it is suggested that achievement and advancement motivation may be one fuel for Japanese productivity and collective actions only their method for disciplining and rewarding it.  相似文献   

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