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Journal Reviews     
A sher , C harles (New York): 'Dream responses to the Jungian training process.'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Identität, Identifizierung, Individuation'
B lomeyer , R. (Berlin): 'Aspekte der Persona'
F ierz , H. K. (Zürich): 'Crucial points at the start of a psychotherapeutic treatment'.
F inley , P atricia (New York): 'Dialogue drawing: an image-evoking communication between analyst and analysand'.
K luger H. Y. (Haifa): 'Archetypal dreams and "everyday" dreams: A statistical investigation into Jung's theory of the collective unconscious'.
K raemer , W illiam P. (London): 'The enemy within-without; psychotherapy and morals; psychotherapy—what it is'.
L äpple , J. & P rell , G. (Stuttgart): 'Krankendemonstration in der ausbildung analytischer Psychotherapeuten'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'The face in sacred art of the Upper Sepik river of New Guinea: analogies to neuro-developmental aspects and to prosopagnosia'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Developmental phases in visual recognition of the human face pattern, exemplified by the "smiling response"'.
P ontius , A. A. (New york): 'New frontiers of ecological ethics—or balance between over-and-under-control of outer and inner factors'.
P ontius , A. A. (New York): Zerstückelungsmord als unbewusstes Ritual'
M endelsohn , J. (Jerusalem): Psychotherapie eines Knaben mit schweren Verhaltungs-störungen im Rahmen eines Kinderheimes des Ichud-Hakibbuzim'
P sychological P erspectives
R ivista di P sicologia A nalitica
W ilke , H-J. (Berlin): 'Neurosentheoretische Überlegungen zur Struktur und Dynamik depressiver Erkrankungen'  相似文献   

Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories , F. L. D enmark and M. A. P aludi (Eds.).
The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse , E llen B ass and L aura D avis .
Victimized Daughters: Incest and the Development of the Female Self , J anet L iebman J acobs .
Women Creating Lives: Identities, Resilience, and Resistance , C. E. F ranz and A. J. S tewart .
Life Notes: Personal Writings by Contemporary Black Women , P atricia B ell -S cott (Ed.).
Paradoxes of Gender , J udith L orber .
Women in Context: Toward a Feminist Reconstruction of Psychotherapy , M arsha P ravder M irkin (Ed.).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
K ing , P. and S teiner , R. (eds) The Freud-Klein Controversies, 1941-45
B rooke , R. Jung and Phenomenology
W hitmont , E. and P erera , S. B. Dreams: A Portal to the Source: A Guide to Dream Interpretation
S chaverien , J. The Revealing Image: Analytical Art Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice
W ilmer , H. (ed.) Creativity: Paradoxes and Reflections
S chwartz -S alant , N. and S tein , M. (eds). Liminality and Transitional Phenomena  相似文献   

S amuels , A ndrew . Jung and the Post-Jungians
D ourley , J ohn P. The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity
N atoli , J oseph (ed). Psychological Perspectives on Literature: Freudian Dissidents and Non-Freudians: A Case-book  相似文献   

Feminism and Discourse, Psychological Perspectives , S ue W ilkinson and C elia K itzinger (Eds.).
Psychology Discourse Practice: From Regulation to Resistance , E rica B urman , G ill A itken , P am A llred , T om B illington , B renda G oldberg , A ngel G ordo L opez , C olleen H eenan , D eb M arks, and S am W arner .
The Psychology of Women's Health: Progress and Challenges in Research and Application , A nnette L. S tanton and S heryle J. G allant (Eds.).
Psychopharmacology and Women: Sex, Gender and Hormones , M argaret F. J ensvold , U riel H albreich, and J ean A. H amilton (Eds.).
The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy , A llan G. J ohnson .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Political psychology》1998,19(4):853-878
Sudhir Kakar, The Colors of Violence: Cultural Identities, Religion, and Conflict
Paul Kivel Uprooting Racism Benjamin P. Bowser and Raymond G. Hunt (eds.), Impacts of Racism on White Americans, Second Edition
Michael S. Lund, Preventing Violent Conflicts: A Strategy for Preventive Diplomacy
Marc Howard Ross, The Management of Conflict: Interpretations and Interests in Comparative Perspective
Amos Kiewe (ed.), The Modern Presidency and Crisis Rhetoric
Sarah Sanderson King and Donald P. Cushman (eds.), Political Communication: Engineering Visions of Order in the Socialist World
Donald P. Green and Ian Shapiro, Pathologies of Rational Choice  相似文献   

Sex Surveyed 1949–1994: From Mass-Observation's "Little Kinsey" to the National Survey and the Hite Reports , L iz S tanley .
(Hetero)sexual Politics , M ary M aynard and J une P urvis (Eds.).
Spirituality As Therapy: The Psychological Value of Women's Religious Experiences, Women's Spirituality, Women's Lives , J udith O chshorn and E llen C ole (Eds.).
Bringing Cultural Diversity to Feminist Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice , H ope L andrine , (Ed.).
Jewish Women Speak Out: Expanding the Boundaries of Psychology , K ayla W einer and A rinna M oon (Eds.).
Friendships Between Women: A Critical Review , P at O'C onnor .  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1938,6(3):243-253
Book reviews in this article
P ersonality : A Psychological Interpretation. By Gordon W. Allport.
T he N ature of H uman N ature and O ther E ssays in S ocial P sychology . By Ellsworth Faris.
S urprise and the P sycho-analyst : A Study of the Conjecture and Comprehension of Unconscious Processes. By Theodor Reik.
C hrist's P sychology of the K ingdom : A Study in Modern Psychology of the System of Jesus in the Gospels. By L. W. Lang.
V isual P erception . By M. D. Vernon.
P sychology of P ersonality . By Ross Stagner.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(3):609-661
Book Reviewed in this article:
D avis , S tanley M. and L awrence , P aul R. Matrix.
M oses , J oseph L. and B yham , W illiam C. (Editors) Applying the Assessment Center Method.
G albraith , J ay R. Organization Design.
P alm , G öran . The Flight from Work.
M irvis , P hilip H. and B erg , D avid N. (Editors) Failures in Organization Development and Change: Cases and Essays for Learning.
H ill , H erbert . Black Labor and the American Legal System. Volume I: Race, Work, and the Law.
D octoroff , M ichael . Synergistic Management: Creating the Climate for Superior Performance.
H ebden , J ohn and S haw , G raham . Pathways to Participation.
M iller , R ichard B. (Editor) Participative Management: Quality of Worklife and Job Enrichment.
M igliore , R. H enry . MBO: Blue Collar to Top Executive.
M oore , B rian E. and R oss , T imothy L. The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity: A Practical Guide.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Leadership: The Cutting Edge.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Leadership Frontiers.
G oodman , P aul S., P ennings , J ohannes M. and A ssociates . New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness.
P eterson , R ichard B. and T racy , L ane . Models of the Bargaining Process: With Special Reference to Collective Bargaining.
S tockard , J ames G. Career Development and Job Training: A Manager's Handbook.
W allace , P hyllis A. and L a M ond , A nnette M. (Editors) Women, Minorities and Employment Discrimination.
A lbers , H enry H. and S choer , L owell . Programmed Organization and Management Principles.
S chindler -R ainman , E va and L ippitt , R onald . Taking Your Meetings Out of the Doldrums.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Richard Eldridge, The Persistence of Romanticism: Essays in Philosophy and Literature
Robert Stern, Transcendental Arguments: Problems and Prospects
Linda LeMoncheck and James P. Sterba (eds), Sexual Harrassment: Issues and Answers
Margaret A. Crouch, Thinking About Sexual Harrassment: A Guide for the Perplexed  相似文献   

A constellation of joint probability estimates is semantically coherent when the quantitative relationship among estimates of P(A), P(B), P(A and B), and P(A or B) is consistent with the relationship among the sets described in the problem statement. The possible probability estimates can form an extremely large number of permutations. However, this entire problem space can be reduced to six theoretically meaningful patterns: logically fallacious (conjunction or disjunction fallacies), identical sets (e.g., water and H2O), mutually exclusive sets (e.g., horses and zebras), subsets (e.g., robins and birds), overlapping sets (e.g., accountants and musicians), and inconsistent overlapping sets. Determining which of these patterns describes any set of probability estimates has been automated using Excel spreadsheet formulae. Researchers may use the semantic coherence technique to examine the consequences of differently worded problems, individual differences, or experimental manipulations. The spreadsheet described above can be downloaded as a supplement from http://brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Sue Walrond-Skinner (Ed.), Family and Marital Psychotherapy—A Critical Approach
Emily and John Visher, Stepfamilies: A Guide to Working with Step-parents and Step-children
J. P. Forgas, Social Episodes: A Study of Interaction Routines
Michael Lewis and Leonard A. Rosenblum (Eds), The Child and His Family, Series: Genesis of Behaviour
Robert E. Grinder, Adolescence
Maurizio Andolfi, Family Therapy. An Interactional Approach  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(3):405-412
Book Reviewed in This Article:
G olembiewski , R obert T. Renewing Organizations: The Laboratory Approach to Planned Change.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
D yer , W illiam G. The Sensitive Manipulator: The Change Agent Who Builds with Others.
M arrow , A lfred J. (Editor) The Failure of Success.
V an C ott , H arold P. and K inkade , R obert G. (Editors) Human Engineering Grade to Equipment Design.
K ellogg , M arion S. Career Management.
H aney , W illiam V. Communication and Organizational Behavior: Text and Cases.
L uthans , F red . Organizational Behavior: A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management.
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industrial Organizations.
S chultz , D uane P. Psychology and Industry Today.
G orman , L iam and M olloy , E ddie . People, Jobs and Organizations.
Proceedings: Twelfth Human Relations Conference.
T orbert , W illiam R. with R ogers , M alcolm P. Being for the Most Part Puppets: Interactions Among Men's Labor, Leisure, and Politics.
T homas , J ohn M. and B ennis , W arreng . (Editors) Management of Change and Conflict. Baltimore. Penguin Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 507. $4.50 (Paper)
M ackenzie , R. A lec . The Time Trap: Managing Your Way Out.
M iller , M artin R. Climbing the Corporate Pyramid.
M iller , E rnest C. (Editor) Conference Leadership.
K orman , A braham K. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
H annings , R obert B., A sh , P hilip and S inick , D aniel . (Editors) Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience.
B acon , J eremy . Corporate Directorship Practices: Membership and Committees of the Board.  相似文献   

What I shall do in this paper is to propose an analysis of ‘Agent P tries to A’ in terms of a subjunctive conditional, that avoids some of the problems that beset most alternative accounts of trying, which I call ‘referential views’. They are so-named because on these alternative accounts, ‘P tries to A’ entails that there is a trying to A by P, and therefore the expression ‘P’s trying to A’ can occur in the subject of a sentence and be used to refer to a particular, namely an act or event of trying. A conditional account such as mine avoids having to answer questions about those alleged particulars, for example their location and their causal relation to physical actions, or alternatively their identity to physical actions. In brief, the analysis I propose eschews any need to quantify over any sort of trying particulars. I both clarify the proposal and deal with five possible objections to it: (1) metaphysically impossible actions: (2) cases of finking and reverse-cycle finking; (3) the empirical emptiness of preventers and blockers; (4) proximate intentions and trying; and (5) alleged explanatory loss.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1939,7(3):259-264
Book reviews in this article:
C linical P sychology . By C. M. Louttit.
C linical and E xperimental S tudies in P ersonality . By Morton Prince.
A S ource B ook of G estalt P sychology. By W. D. Ellis.
A B iological A pproach to T he P roblems of A bnormal B ehavior. By Milton Harrington.
R ecent E xperiments in P sychology. By Leland W. Crafts, Theodore C. Schneirla, Elsa E. Robinson, and Ralph W. Gilbert.
S cientists A re H uman . (No. 6, Library of Science and Culture .) By Dr. David Lindsay Watson.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(4):767-767

《Personnel Psychology》1975,28(4):577-653

Two studies examined semantic coherence and internal inconsistency fallacies in conditional probability estimation. Problems reflected five distinct relationships between two sets: identical sets, mutually exclusive sets, subsets, overlapping sets, and independent sets (a special case of overlapping sets). Participants estimated P(A), P(B), P(A|B), and P(B|A). Inconsistency occurs when this constellation of estimates does not conform to Bayes' theorem. Semantic coherence occurs when this constellation of estimates is consistent with the depicted relationship among sets. Fuzzy‐trace theory predicts that people have difficulty with overlapping sets and subsets because they require class‐inclusion reasoning. On these problems, people are vulnerable to denominator neglect, the tendency to ignore relevant denominators, making the gist more difficult to discern. Independent sets are simplified by the gist understanding that P(A) provides no information about P(B), and thus, P(A|B) = P(A). The gist for identical sets is that P(A|B) = 1.0, and the gist of mutually exclusive sets is that P(A|B) = 0. In Study 1, identical, mutually exclusive, and independent sets yielded superior performance (in internal inconsistency and semantic coherence) than subsets and overlapping sets. For subsets and overlapping sets, interventions clarifying appropriate denominators generally improved semantic coherence and inconsistency, including teaching people to use Euler diagrams, 2 × 2 tables, or relative frequencies. In Study 2, with problems about breast cancer and BRCA mutations, there was a strong correlation between inconsistency in conditional probability estimation and conjunction fallacies of joint probability estimation, suggesting that similar fallacious reasoning processes produce these errors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Two Careers/One Family , L ucia A. G ilbert . Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Dual-Career Marriage: A System in Transition , L isa R. S ilberstein . Hillsdale, NJ:
Dual Career Couples: New Perspectives in Counseling , M arian S toltzloike . Alexandria, VA:
Teaching a Psychology of People , P hyllis A. B ronstein and K athryn Q uina . Washington, DC
Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World , P aula J. C aplan . Toronto, Canada
Making Violence Sexy: Feminist Views on Pornography , D iana E. H. R ussell (Ed.). New York:
Breast Cancer in the Life Course: Women's Experiences , J ulianne S. O ktay and C arolyn A. W alter . New York:
Challenging the Breast Cancer Legacy , R enee R oyak -S chaler and B eryl L ieff B enderly . New York:
New Directions in Feminist Psychology: Practice, Theory, and Research , J. C. C hrisler and D. H oward (Eds.). New York:  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. By C harles J. L umsden and E dward O. W ilson .
Myth, Creativity, Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Harry Slochower. Edited by M aynard S olomon .
The Mind-Body Problem: A Psychobiological Approach. By M ario B unge .
Towards a New Mysticism: Teihard de Chardin and Eastern Religions. By U rsula K ing .
The Practice of Process Meditation: The Intensive Journal Way to Spiritual Experience. By I ra P rocoff .
Meaning and the Moral Sciences. By H ilary P utnam .
Faith, Science and the Future. Edited by P aul A brecht .
Faith and Science in an Unjust World: Report of the World Council of Churches' Conference on Faith, Science and the Future , vol. 1: Plenary Presentations. Edited by R oger L. S hinn .
Faith and Science in an Unjust World , vol. 2: Reports and Recommendations. Edited by P aul A brecht .
The Image of Eternity: Roots of Time in the Physical World. By D avid P ark .  相似文献   

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