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年龄、焦虑与情节记忆之内容与来源的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将情节记忆区分为内容记忆和来源记忆,筛选年老和年轻的高、低特质焦虑者完成记忆任务,以探讨情节记忆年老化的选择性和变异性及其与焦虑之间的联系。两项实验结果表明来源记忆是否随增龄而有选择性受损受来源性质影响,与来源呈现方式和来源识记意识性无关。焦虑干扰了老年组的记忆操作,是老年人情节记忆存在个体差异的原因之一;但焦虑对青年组没有不利影响,提示焦虑调节两类记忆的年龄差异。  相似文献   

本文报告的实验,以句子验证范式为基础,采用常规试验和信号试验相混合的程序,对汉语句子加工的有关问题作了考察,实验结果表明,句子理解的时间,依赖于人对句中所含概念之间语义关系的认知度;人对句子的理解是一个部分信息逐渐积累的过程。根据实验材料,作者对语义记忆的结构问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

王常生  耿昌明 《心理科学》1999,22(2):112-115
采用WMS—CR和MMSE对临床脑损伤患者进行了认知功能与记忆功能两方面的筛选,获得9名遗忘症患者。然后采用偏好和自由联想两项语义性启动效应任务进行测验,发现遗忘症患者在外显记忆受损情况下,的确存在语义性启动效应,且与正常对照相近。推论语义性启动效应任务与遗忘患者损伤的颞叶或间脑结构无关。同时还讨论了启动效应任务,认为偏好任务采用言语性材料不是理想的方法。  相似文献   

Abstract— Frontal-lobe activation during semantic memory performance was examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a noninvasive technique for localizing neural activity associated with cognitive function. Left inferior prefrontal cortex was more activated for semantic than for perceptual encoding of words, and for initial than for repeated semantic encoding of words. Decreased activation for semantic encoding of repeated words reflects repetition priming, that is, implicit retrieval of memory gained in the initial semantic encoding of a word. The left inferior prefrontal region may sub-serve semantic working memory processes that participate in semantic encoding and that have decreased demands when such encoding can be facilitated by recent semantic experience. These results demonstrate that fMRI can visualize changes in an individual's brain function associated with the encoding and retrieval of new memories.  相似文献   

徐秉? 《心理学报》1990,23(4):94-100
国外一些科学家设想,神经系统获得和储存信息的能力很可能编录于基因。如能引起单个基因突变,导致学习和记忆能力的变化,那么,从遗传、生化和行为上来研究这种变化,确定相关的基因及基因产物,从而有可能阐明学习记忆的分子机制。这些研究开辟了学习记忆神经生物学基础研究的一个全新的探索领域。果蝇正好是进行这项研究的合适材料。本文分三部分叙述这一研究概况,一,学习记忆有缺陷的果蝇突变型的一般描述;二,突变型的分子损伤;三,问题讨论(包括,1,学习记忆有缺陷的突变型的定义;2,对学习记忆影响的普通性;3,机制的考虑。)  相似文献   

Abstract— Professors from the University of California at Berkeley were administered a 90-min test battery of cognitive performance that included measures of reaction time, paired-associate learning, working memory, and prose recall. Age effects among the professors were observed on tests of reaction time, paired-associate memory, and some aspects of working memory. Age effects were not observed on measures of proactive interference and prose recall, though age-related declines are generally observed in standard groups of elderly individuals. The findings suggest that age-related decrements in certain cognitive functions may be mitigated in intelligent, cognitively active individuals  相似文献   

汉语句子理解中语义分析与句法分析的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
两个实验研究了中文句子理解中句法分析与语义分析的关系。实验1采用被试者自控阅读速度的方法,要求被试者对每个句子(合理句或不合理句)进行语法判断。结果表明,在歧义词(AW)和解歧词(DAW)上,合理句与不合理句的错误率存在显著差异,而反应时差异不显著。实验2研究了语境对句子理解的作用。结果表明,在有语境和无语境条件下,两类句子在歧义词和解歧词上的反应时,均有明显的差异。这些结果支持了句子理解中句法与语义加工的弱相互作用模型。  相似文献   

李欢欢  林文娟 《心理学报》2003,35(4):563-567
神经颗粒素(Neurogranin,NG)是一种新发现的脑特异性蛋白质。它分布在多个脑区,特别在对学习记忆至关重要的脑区海马。该物质自发现以来,许多学者对其生物学作用,特别是与学习记忆的关系进行了大量的研究,并取得了相当的进展。研究表明NG参与了在学习记忆功能中起核心作用的脑内几种蛋白信号传导途径、长时程增强(Long-term potentiation, LTP)和长时程抑制(Long-term depression, LTD)等突触可塑性机制。NG基因敲除后,动物出现学习记忆能力缺陷。因而它可能涉及学习记忆的形成和巩固  相似文献   

Abstract— Current cognitive models of verbal working memory include two components a phonological store and a rehearsal mechanism that refreshes the contents of this store We present research using positron emission tomography (PET) to provide further evidence for this functional division In Experiment I, subjects performed a variant of Sternberg's (1966) item recognition task Experiment 2 used a continuous memory task with control conditions designed to separate the brain regions underlying storage and rehearsal The results show that independent brain regions mediate storage and rehearsal In Experiment 3, a dual-task procedure supported the assumption that these memory tasks elicited a rehearsal strategy  相似文献   

语义联系类型和强度对预期推理生成的制约作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
崔耀  陈永明 《心理学报》1998,31(1):14-20
首先采用开放式问卷实验方法,由被试生成日常生活中的事件以及组成这些事件的各种活动和活动的参加者。然后,对这些事件熟悉性、对活动的典型性和可区分性三个维度进行主观评价,形成事件以及每个事件活动序列,并据此编制实验材料。实验主要考察活动的典型性和可区分性对于熟悉性高的事件的预期推理的影响,以及不同工作记忆能力的被试进行事件预期推理时的加工模式。实验结果表明:(1)高工艺记忆能力的被试对事件的预期量小于  相似文献   

中文阅读中主题与语意信息在句子加工中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用移动窗口技术,初步探讨了主题、语意信息在句子早期加工中的作用。结果发现:(1)在中文阅读中,当主题信息比较弱时,对句子的早期加工没有作用;当主题信息比较强时,对句子的早期加工有作用。(2)句子语意信息的加工是即时的。  相似文献   

句法和语义在汉语简单句理解中的作用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
江新  荆其诚 《心理学报》1999,32(4):361-368
两个实验探讨句法和语义在汉语简单句加工中的作用及其相互关系。实验一采用施事判断任务,发现句法作用与语义可逆性的作用都很显著;实验二采用快速句子判断任务,发现句法作用是主要的,语义可逆性无显著作用;两个实验都发现句法与语义可逆性之间的交互作用不显著。这些结果表明:(1)在汉语简单句理解的过程中句法因素的作用是主要的,语义因素的作用是次要的,只要当实验任务更多地强调语义分析时,语义因素才有显著的作用。  相似文献   

预测性、语义倾向性对惯用语理解的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
佘贤君  宋歌  张必隐 《心理学报》2000,32(2):203-209
通过两个移动窗口阅读实验,探讨了不同预测性和语义倾向性的惯用语在不同语境下的阅读时间。实验一发现:倾向字面意义的惯用语在比喻意义语境下有抑制效应;倾向比喻意义的惯用语在字面意义语境下有抑制效应。实验二发现:低预测性惯用语在比喻意义语境下有抑制效应;高预测性惯用语在字面意义语境下有抑制效应。研究结果否认了惯用语已词汇化的观点,支持了结构假说的观点,证明惯用语的理解是一个构造过程。  相似文献   

杨志新 《心理学报》2001,34(4):41-45
该项研究通过设计4种实验条件,旨在探讨不同嗓音词的再认和嗓音判断过程各自的特点及其相互联系。4种实验条件是由2种诵读方式和2种测试方式组合而成,2种诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音和同范畴异嗓音,2种测试方式为视觉呈现和听觉呈现。52名大学生被试随机分成4个独立的组,分别接受一种实验处理。实验结果显示:(1)同范畴同嗓音条件与同范畴异嗓音条件相比,前者项目词的嗓音源判断效果好。提示增加相同记忆源项目间语义联系将有利于记忆源的检测判断。(2)项目再认与项目嗓音判断结果不完全一致,只有在诵读方式为同范畴同嗓音测试方式为听觉呈现情境下,两者有较高的正相关。(3)在同范畴同嗓音诵读条件下,再认反映出学习和测试通道源一致性优势效应,嗓音判断没有反映出通道源一致性优势效应。  相似文献   

以一日龄小鸡为实验对象,进行一次性厌恶回避反应训练,并应用加压素的放射免疫测定法,分析比较记忆保持测验中,成绩优、劣及对照组动物与其脑内加压素含量的相关。实验结果表明,记忆保持良好的动物,脑内加压素含量明显低于对照组和记忆不良组,而记忆不良组与对照组之间则无明显差异。提示在正常生理状态下,加压素参与记忆过程的调制,并可能在这一过程中有一定的耗竭或合成减少,如适时得以补充,则对记忆的巩固和再现起易化作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: While engaged in the analysis of philosophically central concepts, analytic philosophers have traditionally relied extensively on their own intuitions about when such concepts can be correctly applied. Intuitions have, however, come under increasingly critical scrutiny of late, and if they turned out not to be a reliable tool for the proper analysis of our concepts, then a radical reworking of analytic philosophy's methodology would be in order. One influential line of criticism against the use of intuitions argues that they only tell us about our conceptions of things, and not the things themselves. This venerable line of criticism can seem considerably strengthened if one endorses “externalist” accounts of meaning. Nevertheless, the move from semantic externalism to the rejection of intuitions will be shown to be illegitimate if one has a constitutive rather than expressive understanding of the relation between our intuitions and our concepts.  相似文献   

“我将试图作记忆的分析……因为记忆在某种形式上是几乎所有其他知识的先决条件”。 (伯特兰·罗素《心智分析》 ,192 1年 )“开始于智人 ,一种社会记忆器官的形成 ,它突显为人类进化的首要问题”。 (安德烈·勒鲁瓦 -古尔昂《手势与言语》 ,196 5年 )“Meme(密姆 )”和“Mneme(摹涅姆 )”、“Mnemosyne(谟涅摩西涅 )” 是两个新术语 ,前者出现于 1976年 ,另一个出现于 190 4年 ,而将记忆人格化为提坦时代就出现的神话形象 ,一位想象力产生的奇异的原始神灵 ,甚至存在于凡人起源之前。她的名字一直长久存在于神话的各时…  相似文献   

Abstract— Amnesic patients have impaired explicit memory that is evident in poor recall and recognition of words, yet can have intact implicit memory for words as measured by repetition priming, the enhanced efficiency for reprocessing those word's. The dissociation between explicit and implicit memory for words is a fundamental characteristic of normal cognition that could reflect two different functional architectures of the human brain two separate processing systems or two levels of operation of a single system with implicit memory less demanding of that system. We present a patient who has a lesion in the right occipital lobe and who showed intact explicit and impaired implicit memory for words. The deficit was specific to visual priming. The double dissociation between explicit and implicit visual memory for words indicates that separate processing systems mediate these two forms of memory, and that a memory system in right occipital cortex mediates implicit visual memory for words.  相似文献   

Michelle A. Marvin 《Zygon》2020,55(3):713-732
I explore the impact of memory altering technologies in the science fiction drama (2016–2020) in order to show that unreconciled altered traumatic memory may lead to a dystopian breakdown of society. I bring Miroslav Volf's theological perspectives on memory into conversation with the plot of Westworld in order to reveal connections between memory altering technologies and humanity's responsibility to remember rightly. Using Volf's theology of remembering as an interpretive lens, I analyze characters’ inability to remember rightly while recalling partial memories of their trauma. In virtue of this examination, I contend that memory altering technologies may inhibit individuals from relational processes of healing, such as forgiveness. Consequently, I argue that this study leads to a richer understanding of the potential that memory altering technologies have for undermining humanity's ability to interact in a relational capacity, specifically in terms of forgiveness.  相似文献   

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