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复兴中国传统文化的理论模型——“文化三层论”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族文化有共同的形上根源,价值根源平等,有独特的文化内容。复兴传统文化,要有理性认识。以柏拉图“理型论”和宋儒“理一分殊”观安置人类文化,形成“文化三层论”的文化思想模型,可以确立复兴中国文化的理论基础。  相似文献   

儒家思想体系是两千多年来养成中华民族价值观和文化的基础之一,而作为其核心价值概念的“仁”,仍然具有普世的意义。孔孟的思想可以用“仁学”来概括,它既包含心性之学也包含政治儒学。作为道德哲学的仁学不仅仅有伦理学暨政治学的内容,而且有宗教信仰的维度;不仅是价值体系,也是信仰体系。本文从“仁”产生的历史背景和历史意义、“仁”的...  相似文献   

齐鲁文化诸家思想中通体贯穿着推重稳定和谐发展的精神,她所蕴藏的丰富的思想文化资源,适可以为现代和谐社会建设提供重要借鉴和充足的精神滋养。高度的政治文明的建立是和谐社会建设的重要基础和根本保障,齐鲁文化中崇仁尚礼的思想学说,实是“以德治国”、“以人为本”治国方略及政治理念源头活水;而齐鲁文化中中庸贵和思想长期受到社会各个阶层的尊崇,“以宽厚处世”、“和为贵”等重和谐、求同存异的思想理念深深影响了中国历史几千年的发展,起到了维系、推动社会发展进步的重要作用。  相似文献   

“天人合一”是中国传统文化中的一个重要范畴。鲁迅曾言:中国文化的根柢全在道教。道教思想的核心则应在“天人合一”。在“天人合一”思想不断发展与完善的进程中,《太平经》“三一为宗”天人思想应起到承上启下的作用。它继承了老子之道和传统天神信仰,吸收了阴阳五行说和仙家之术,熔修身、治国于一炉,把前人较模糊的“天人合一”思想加以概括并深化为较具体的“三一为宗”思维模式,再以此统天道观、政治观和内养观于一整体思想体系。这一体系首先以“三一为宗”思维模式阐述天道,然后以天道观指导个人修行,以个人修炼去感悟大道,证得统…  相似文献   

新时代高校思想政治工作应坚持以文化人增强大学生文化自信,要坚持以马克思主义为根本指导、以社会主义核心价值观为根本遵循、以立德树人为根本任务,确保方向正确;要以马克思主义科学理论为基本源泉、以中华优秀文化为精神内核、以优秀外来文化为重要内容,确保内容科学;要构建中华优秀文化传承创新体系、搭建优秀外来文化吸收借鉴体系、打造特色校园文化弘扬践行体系,确保载体有效。  相似文献   

建设有中国特色社会主义的文化精神三特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
党的十五大报告明确指出:要“以马克思主义为指导,以培育有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民为目的,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化。”同时强调,这种文化“就其主要内容来说,同改革开放以来我们一贯倡导的社会主义精神文明是一致的。”这些表述主要从观念文化或知识文化的角度来界定建设有中国特色社会主义文化的内涵,并揭示了这种文化建设无论历史任务、目标取向还是就其思想基础、社会条件而言,都具有新的属性。那么,这种新的文化形态究竟“新”在哪里呢?笔者认为,就一个国家而言,…  相似文献   

朱汉民先生的《宋明理学通论》 (以下简称《通论》)一书 ,鉴于中国思想史具有综合性特点 ,作者主张从文化或文化学的视界、框架去理解、解释思想史。在把文化分为经验性层面、理性知识层面、信仰层面之后 ,作者指出 ,与此相应 ,“道”、“学”、“术”这三个概念几乎可以涵盖中国思想史的所有内容 :“道”是表现为形上信仰方面的思想 ,“学”是表现为知识体系方面的思想 ,“术”则是表现为操作技能 (经验性 )方面的思想。 (该书第 1 0页 )由此展开的研究给人带来耳目一新的感觉。本书从结构上共分四篇 :依次为总论、北宋理学、南宋元代的理…  相似文献   

人们常以为董仲舒“罢黜百家”、“独尊儒术”是文化专制,认定“天不变道亦不变”为形而上学,是为腐朽的反动统治阶级服务的。这种断章取义的评论,对董仲舒是不公正的。本文认为董仲舒具有齐学风气。他的大一统思想明显受齐国特有的黄老之学的影响,他吸收道法阴阳名等思想,对先秦儒学加工改造,创造了一个新的儒学体系,奠定了长期封建统治的理论基础。  相似文献   

高明 《中国宗教》2023,(1):44-45
<正>基督教中国化的根本是神学思想的中国化,只有实现神学思想的“自我”,才能成为真正的“中国基督教”。近年来,山东省基督教两会不断加强基督教中国化的理论研究和实践探索,逐步确立了“以圣经文本研究为基础、以两千年教会历史为借鉴、以齐鲁文化为表达、以回应新时代教会与社会需要为目的”的齐鲁神学体系研究进路。  相似文献   

朱志荣教授长期致力于中西美学思想的研究,逐渐形成了一种立足中国传统美学,以西方美学为参照坐标的研究方法,为构建中国美学体系打下了科学的基础.在梳理中国古典美学理论时,他能突出重点,将“生命意识”作为核心范畴贯穿整个体系,合理安排体系框架,做到提纲挈领、纲举目张.同时他还以深厚的文化功底为依托,用跨学科的理论背景为支撑,为构建颇具中国特色的美学体系做出了贡献.  相似文献   

Erin M. Cline 《Dao》2016,15(2):241-255
Early Confucian philosophy affirms and lends support to Karen Stohr’s argument that manners are a primary means by which we express moral attitudes and commitments and carry out important moral goals. Indeed, Confucian views on ritual can extend her insights even further, both by highlighting the role that manners play in cultivating good character and by helping us to probe the conceptual boundaries of manners. The various things that we call etiquette, social customs, and rituals (all of which the Confucians saw as expressions of li 禮 “ritual”) do much of the same work for us, ethically, and this work not only expresses moral attitudes and commitments, but cultivates them as well. Accordingly, Confucian thinkers can help us to recognize how Stohr’s argument can be applied more broadly than etiquette, and how good manners both express and cultivate good character.  相似文献   

In Western philosophy and psychology, shame is characterized as a self-critical emotion that is often contrasted with the similarly self-critical but morally active emotion of guilt. If shame is negative concern over endangered or threatened self-image (usually in front of others), guilt is autonomous moral awareness of one’s wrongdoings and reparative motivation to correct one’s moral misconduct. Recently, many psychologists have begun to discuss the moral significance of shame in their comparative studies of non-Western cultures. In this new approach, shame is characterized as a positive moral emotion and active motivation for self-reflection and self-cultivation. If shame is a positive and active moral emotion, what is its moral psychological nature? In this paper, I will analyze shame from the perspective of cultural psychology and early Confucian philosophy. Unlike many Western philosophers, Confucius and Mencius discuss shame as a form of moral excellence. In early Confucian texts, shame is not a reactive emotion of an endangered self but a moral disposition that supports a self-critical and self-transformative process of moral development.  相似文献   

蔡元培的道德教育思想及其实践在中国近现代伦理思想史上具有独特地位。他关于道德教育培养国民健全人格,以公民道德教育为“中坚”,重视公德、私德教育以及道德教育途径与方法等等,对于今天中国特色社会主义思想道德建设仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Consumer ethics is the moral principles and standards that guide consumers to determine the certain consumption behaviors are ethically right or wrong. Whereas cultural and personal dimensions are crucial constructs affecting individual ethical attitudes and behaviors, few studies consider Confucian dynamism and the role of money in consumer ethics. Confucian dynamism, a cultural dimension based on Confucianism, has played a central role in guiding moral obligations and ethics in human relations in several East Asian countries. Thus, this study tested its hypotheses using a sample of 521 respondents obtained via a systematic random sampling technique. The authors find that individuals with a higher tendency to Confucian dynamism are less tolerant of unethical practices. These findings also show that the role of money partially influences consumer ethical beliefs. Finally, we examine the impact of demographic variables and find age and education affect consideration of ethical values.  相似文献   

This paper reinterprets the findings of previous empirical research on moral reasoning and moral judgment conducted in Taiwan using Kohlberg's research paradigm. It consists of three major parts. The first part explores Kohlberg's theory of moral development and its limitations. Gibb's (1979) two-phase model is used to emphasize the necessity of studying cultural heritage in understanding the prevalent moral reasoning of existential phase adults in a given society. The second part presents an analysis of Confucian ethics (Hwang, 1995), and proposes a conceptual scheme for discerning the significant features of Confucian ethics by referring to distinctions between positive/negative and imperfect/perfect duties. The discretionary features of Confucian ethics are further analyzed in terms of Shweder et al .'s (1990) scheme for discerning a rationally defensible moral code. In addition, the Confucian moral dilemma and its modern fate in the New-Culture Movement of the May Fourth period on mainland China, and the 1960s Gong De Movement in Taiwan are discussed. The third part of this paper reinterprets the findings of several empirical studies on moral reasoning in Taiwanese society. Special attention is paid to Cheng's (1991) data from interviews with a group of college students using Kohlberg's moral dilemma. The implication of her findings is discussed on the basis of the new conceptual scheme.  相似文献   

探讨儒家德育课程思想,不仅可以使我们充分认识儒家思想的精华和糟粕,而且可以使我们从中探求其之所以长期占据我国传统思想文化统治地位的原因,寻求其中所蕴含的深刻的民族文化心理,对我国当前思想道德教育提供有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Suseno  Yuliani  Chang  Chiachi  Hudik  Marek  Fang  Eddy  Liu  Na 《Motivation and emotion》2021,45(4):397-421

This study examines the role of cultural values in influencing counterproductive work behaviours (CWBs). In particular, it focuses on the cultural values of power distance, long-term orientation and collectivism (both horizontal and vertical collectivism) as well as the Confucian values of guanxi and harmony. In line with recent approaches in moral psychology and sociology, we consider how Confucian values become moral triggers or inhibitors for employees to engage in CWB. In addition, we consider the moderating effects of guanxi and harmony on the relationships between the cultural values of power distance, long-term orientation, collectivism and CWB. The results from a survey of 489 white-collar employees in China confirmed the importance of cultural values in influencing CWB. Specifically, our findings indicate that guanxi moderates the relationship between cultural values and CWB and acts as a moral trigger for an employee to engage in CWB. With the exception of horizontal collectivism, we also found that harmony moderates the relationship between cultural values and CWB. Specifically, harmony acts as a moral inhibitor for an employee to engage in CWB. Lastly, we discuss the implications of the findings for theory and practice in the context of managing an increasingly global workplace and business environment.


Sungmoon Kim 《Dao》2012,11(3):315-336
In this paper, I attempt to revamp Confucian democracy, which is originally presented as the communitarian corrective and cultural alternative to Western liberal democracy, into a robust democratic political theory and practice that is plausible in the societal context of pluralism. In order to do so, I first investigate the core tenets of value pluralism with reference to William Galston??s political theory, which gives full attention to the intrinsic value of diversity and human plurality particularly in the modern democratic context. I then construct a political theory of Confucian pluralist democracy by critically engaging with two dominant versions of Confucian democracy??Confucian communitarian democracy and Confucian meritocratic democracy. My key argument is threefold: (1) the unity in Confucian democracy should be interpreted not as moral unity but as constitutional unity; (2) Confucian virtues should be differentiated (or pluralized) between moral virtues and civic virtues; (3) in Confucian democracy minorities have the constitutional right to contest public norms in civil society.  相似文献   

阎书昌 《心理科学进展》2011,19(8):1242-1248
“洁净近于圣洁/美德”的隐喻广泛存在于文化、宗教领域之中。近年来的实证研究表明身体洁净能减轻不道德情绪, 得以清洁的身体自我会提升道德自我意象, 对他人道德判断的苛刻性降低, 并且不同身体部位(嘴、手)执行不道德行为之后个体有清洁相应部位的倾向。隐喻观和具身认知观构成了这一效应的两种解释理论。对身体洁净与道德关联性的稳定性、特异性以及跨文化的一致性仍是有待深入探讨的问题。文章从身体洁净对道德自我影响的临界点、不同形式身体洁净的心理效应、身体洁净在道德应对中的地位、跨学科理论的融合等几个方面提出了未来研究的设想。  相似文献   

韦伯伦理—经济“理想类型”的历史哲学取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦伯关于“新教资本主义”的伦理—经济“理想类型” ,表现为道德哲学与历史哲学的二重向度和二元分离。在道德哲学方面 ,它建立了一个具有一定普遍意义的逻辑模型 ,然而在历史哲学方面 ,“理想类型”却潜隐着深刻的文化霸权与文明霸权的价值取向 ,它与后来的“文明冲突”理论和“全球化”思潮 ,以及黑格尔的“绝对精神”的历史观 ,同属一种历史哲学谱系。“儒教资本主义”的命题 ,因与之在道德哲学方面不同构 ,历史哲学方面不同质 ,只是对“新教资本主义”“理想类型”的一种错位的回应。  相似文献   

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