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The current project is an initial attempt at validating the Virtual Reality Cognitive Performance Assessment Test (VRCPAT), a virtual environment-based measure of learning and memory. To examine convergent and discriminant validity, a multitrait-multimethod matrix was used in which we hypothesized that the VRCPAT's total learning and memory scores would correlate with other neuropsychological measures involving learning and memory but not with measures involving potential confounds (i.e., executive functions; attention; processing speed; and verbal fluency). Using a sequential hierarchical strategy, each stage of test development did not proceed until specified criteria were met. The 15-minute VRCPAT battery and a 1.5-hour in-person neuropsychological assessment were conducted with a sample of 30 healthy adults, between the ages of 21 and 36, that included equivalent distributions of men and women from ethnically diverse populations. Results supported both convergent and discriminant validity. That is, findings suggest that the VRCPAT measures a capacity that is (a) consistent with that assessed by traditional paper-and-pencil measures involving learning and memory and (b) inconsistent with that assessed by traditional paper-and-pencil measures assessing neurocognitive domains traditionally assumed to be other than learning and memory. We conclude that the VRCPAT is a valid test that provides a unique opportunity to reliably and efficiently study memory function within an ecologically valid environment.  相似文献   

How in real-life or through the use of technical devices can we recognize the presence of other persons and under what conditions can we differentiate them from objects? In order to approach this question, in the study reported here we explored the most basic conditions necessary for participants to recognize the presence of another person during a perceptual interaction. We created a mini-network of two minimalist devices and investigated whether participants were able to differentiate the perception of another person from the perception of a fixed and a mobile object even when the pattern of sensory stimulation was reduced to a bare minimum. We show that participants can recognize when the all-or-none tactile stimulation they experienced was attributable to an encounter with the other participant's avatar or the mobile object rather than with a fixed object. Participants were also able to establish different strategies in order to favor the situations of mutual perception. Thus, in the minimalist conditions of our experiment, the perception of another intentional subject was not based purely on any particular shape or objective trajectories of displacement; it was also based on properties that are intrinsic to the joint perceptual activity itself.  相似文献   

During everyday life the brain is continuously integrating multiple perceptual cues in order to allow us to make decisions and to guide our actions. In this study we have used a simulated (virtual reality--VR) visual environment to investigate how cues to speed judgments are integrated. There are two sources that could be used to provide signals for velocity constancy: temporal-frequency or distance cues. However, evidence from most psychophysical studies favours temporal-frequency cues. Here we report that two depth cues that provide a relative object--object distance--disparity and motion parallax--can provide a significant input to velocity-constancy judgments, particularly when combined. This result indicates that the second mechanism can also play a significant role in generating velocity constancy. Furthermore, we show that cognitive factors, such as familiar size, can influence the perception of object speed. The results suggest that both low-level cues to spatiotemporal structure and depth, and high-level cues, such as object familiarity, are integrated by the brain during velocity estimation in real-world viewing.  相似文献   

We have developed an experimental platform that allows a large number of human participants to interact in real time within a common virtual world. Within this environment, human participants foraged for resources distributed in two spatially separated pools. In addition to varying the relative replenishment rate for the two pools (50-50, 65-35, or 80-20), we manipulated whether the participants could see each other and the entire resource distribution or had their vision restricted to resources at their own location. Two empirical deviations from an optimal distribution of the participants were found. First, the participants were more scattered within a resource pool than the resources were themselves. Second, there was systematic underutilization of the richer pool. For example, the participants distributed themselves 73% and 27% to resource pools that had replenishment rates of 80% and 20%, respectively. In addition, there were oscillations in the harvesting rate of the pools across time, revealed by a Fourier analysis with prominent power near 50 sec per cycle. The suboptimalities and oscillations were more apparent when the locations of the participants and the food were not visible. Individual participant knowledge thus affects the efficiency with which a population of participants harvests resources.  相似文献   

In this paper we take an interactivist perspective on the computer-mediated classroom, and explore the autopoietic teaching approach in the context of emergence of diversity in the classroom. The POPSICLE (Patterns in Orientation: Pattern-Aided Simulated Interaction Context-Learning Experiment) is presented and discussed, as well as its multiple consequences. POPSICLE is a study of learning in human subjects, as well as of interaction and transfer of knowledge between subjects in a collaborative environment.  相似文献   

This study examined forgetting in spatial memories acquired in a virtual environment. In the two experiments, participants learned the locations of eight objects. In Experiment 1, the objects were presented as photographs in either a laboratory or in an equivalent virtual environment. Irrespective of learning condition, accuracy of recall of the locations was found to deteriorate after a retention interval of approximately 1 week. In Experiment 2, following virtual learning, three groups of participants performed a series of non‐spatial tasks of low, intermediate or high difficulty. The tasks were presented in a retention interval of 2 hours. A comparison of recall accuracy before and after presentation of the interference tasks indicated that that the groups were not differentially affected by the difficulty of the retroactive interference tasks. However, the groups differed in their subjective assessment of the mental workload involved in the tasks. The results are discussed with reference to a prominent theory of forgetting. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Falls and fall-related injuries are a major problem for elderly persons. Most falls occur during walking and turning, and the risk of falling increases when attention is diverted to something besides walking. It is often difficult to standardize methods for testing balance and fall tendency in a clinically relevant setting. We describe the development of a system using a virtual environment (VE) to assess how attention demanding and unexpected events influence a person's capacity to control balance and movement. The hardware in the system consists of a head-mounted display (HMD), a magnetic tracker system, and two SGI computers. The software consists of the image generation of the VE and the management and visualization of motion tracking data. In a preliminary pilot study eight subjects (age 23-80) participated. Each subject walked on a normal floor and was visually presented a familiar outdoor environment in the HMD. They were exposed to different unexpected events, such as a virtual snowfall and tilting of the VE. Disturbances of balance and walking patterns such as changes in speed, stride length and balance reactions like slipping were observed. Two subjects experienced symptoms of cyber sickness with a SSQ score above 25 points. Walking with sensors only did not affect walking time, but in VE the subjects generally walked more slowly. Virtual tilting of the environment had an impact on balance performance during walking. This effect was not observed while the test subjects were walking in a virtual snowfall. The model needs further development but may hold a potential for clinical use.  相似文献   

The role of context was examined in the selection and integration of independently learned spatial relationships. Using a dynamic 3D virtual environment, participants learned one spatial relationship between landmarks A and B which was established in one virtual context (e.g., A is left of B) and a different spatial relationship which was established in another virtual context (e.g., A is in front of B). A spatial relationship between B and a goal was then established, using the same landmark-to-goal relationship in each context. When given A in either context at test, participants were more likely to choose a position in expectation of the goal, based on the relationship of A to B previously established in that context. Thus, context can be used to disambiguate conflicting spatial information. This research is discussed in light of Miller and Escobar's (2002) retrieval model.  相似文献   

Feeling lonely motivates people to reconnect with others, but it can also trigger a vicious cycle of cognitions and behaviours that reinforces their loneliness. In this study, we examined the behavioural consequences of loneliness in a virtual social environment. A total of 176 participants navigated a character (protagonist) through a two-dimensional browser game and rated the character's loneliness multiple times during the game. In the first part of the game, another character is introduced as the protagonist's spouse. At one point, the spouse leaves for an undetermined period of time but later returns. Immediately before this separation, higher ascribed loneliness of the protagonist was associated with more frequent interactions with the spouse. After the reunion, however, higher ascribed loneliness was associated with less frequent interactions with the spouse. Ascribed loneliness was not significantly related to the frequency of interactions with others nor to the frequency of solitary activities. These patterns held after controlling for ascribed positive affect. Participants' levels of loneliness were related to the level of ascribed loneliness only when the spouse was present but not when the spouse was absent. In sum, these findings suggest that the conditions that trigger the vicious cycle of loneliness are person- and situation-specific.  相似文献   

Decisions and the evolution of memory: multiple systems, multiple functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Memory evolved to supply useful, timely information to the organism's decision-making systems. Therefore, decision rules, multiple memory systems, and the search engines that link them should have coevolved to mesh in a coadapted, functionally interlocking way. This adaptationist perspective suggested the scope hypothesis: When a generalization is retrieved from semantic memory, episodic memories that are inconsistent with it should be retrieved in tandem to place boundary conditions on the scope of the generalization. Using a priming paradigm and a decision task involving person memory, the authors tested and confirmed this hypothesis. The results support the view that priming is an evolved adaptation. They further show that dissociations between memory systems are not--and should not be--absolute: Independence exists for some tasks but not others.  相似文献   

Marijuana is complex chemically and not yet fully understood, but it is not a narcotic. Like alcohol, marijuana acts as both stimulant and depressant, but it lingers in body organs longer than alcohol. Smoking marijuana can injure mucosal tissue and may have more carcinogenic potential than tobacco. Research has indicated that marijuana intoxication definitely hinders attention, long-term memory storage, and psychomotor skills involved in driving a car or flying a plane. Expectations and past experience with marijuana have often influenced results more than pharmacological aspects have. Marijuana has triggered psychotic episodes in those more vulnerable. Psychological and some instances of physiological dependence on marijuana have been demonstrated. As a psychoactive drug, marijuana surely alters mental functioning. Although it is possible that chronic use of marijuana produces irreversible damage to mind or brain areas, this has not been determined by research.  相似文献   

Maladaptive cognitive responses to stressful life events represent well-replicated risk factors for depression. Research indicates that stressful life events that are dependent on the individual to occur or are interpersonal may generate more maladaptive cognitive responses than those that are independent and/or non-interpersonal. The current study examined the roles of sex and life event domains in eliciting depressogenic cognitive responses. Participants were 212 (71% female) undergraduate students who completed seven weekly questionnaires on participant-identified most negative and most positive life events over the previous 7 days. Additionally, participants reported levels of brooding and cognitive style in response to the most negative event and levels of positive rumination and dampening in response to the most positive event. Data were analyzed using mixed ANOVAs. Results indicated that females engaged in greater brooding regardless of event dependency. In addition, dependent and interpersonal life events generated greater brooding while dependent and non-interpersonal negative events generated greater negative cognitive style. An interaction between sex and domain was observed for dampening positive life events, such that males did not differ between interpersonal and non-interpersonal life events while females were more likely to dampen following interpersonal life events than non-interpersonal events.  相似文献   

Functional arm movements, such as reaching while standing, are planned and executed according to our perception of body position in space and are relative to environmental objects. The angle under which the environment is observed is one component used in creating this perception. This suggests that manipulation of viewing angle may modulate whole body movement to affect performance. We tested this by comparing its effect on reaching in a virtually generated environment. Eleven young healthy individuals performed forward and lateral reaches in the virtual environment, presented on a flat screen in third-person perspective. Participants saw a computer-generated model (avatar) of themselves standing in a courtyard facing a semi-circular hedge with flowers. The image was presented in five different viewing angles ranging from seeing the avatar from behind (0°), to viewing from overhead (90°). Participants attempted to touch the furthest flower possible without losing balance or stepping. Kinematic data were collected to analyze endpoint displacement, arm-postural coordination and center of mass (COM) displacement. Results showed that reach distance was greatest with angular perspectives of approximately 45-77.5°, which are larger than those used in analogous real world situations. Larger reaches were characterized by increased involvement of leg and trunk body segments, altered inter-segmental coordination, and decreased inter-segmental movement time lag. Thus a viewing angle can be a critical visuomotor variable modulating motor coordination of the whole body and related functional performance. These results can be used in designing virtual reality games, in ergonomic design, teleoperation training, and in designing virtual rehabilitation programs that re-train functional movement in vulnerable individuals.  相似文献   

This study evaluated hand asymmetries in performance of a dexterous, controlled task under haptic feedback. Participants punctured a virtual membrane with a pushing or pulling movement, using the left or right hand. For pulling movements, the dominant (right) hand exhibited faster average stopping latency and shorter skidding distance. When the kinematic data were fit to a three-phase model previously applied to this task (Klatzky et al., 2013), the right hand exhibited faster force decay attributable to biomechanical factors. Analyses of the aggregated performance measures and model parameters showed that the left and right hands are associated with two different distributions, supporting handedness effects. Furthermore, while the majority of participants expressed right-hand dominance, which was consistent with their self-reported hand preferences, others showed partial or no dominance. This approach could potentially be extended to quantify and differentiate individuals with difficulties in manual behavior due to abnormal motor control (e.g., dyspraxia), progressive deterioration (e.g., Parkinson's syndrome) or improvement (neural regrowth after transplant).  相似文献   

Across a variety of operational environments, virtual reality (VR) is being increasingly used as a means of simulating hazardous work conditions in order to allow trainees to practice advanced cognitive skills such as problem-solving and decision-making. Replicating dangerous conditions particularly involving heavy machinery in the real world can be dangerous and costly. The use of VR is therefore appealing across many industries such as aviation, mining, and rail. However, while the number of training prototypes increase less focus is being given to appropriate evaluation of the training provided via this technology. Increasing skills acquisition and performance does not depend solely on the appropriate design of simulation training. Of equal importance are strong performance measures which can ultimately feedback on the success or otherwise of training and highlight any deficits to guide ongoing improvements. To ensure cognitive skills acquired in a virtual training environment (VTE) are transferable to the real world, training objectives need to be tied directly to realistic scenario events which in turn are directly linked to measures of specific required behaviors.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate children's and adults’ knowledge of time and speed in action and judgment tasks. Participants had to set the speed of a moving car to a new speed so that it would reach a target line at the same time as a reference car moving at a higher speed and disappearing in a tunnel at the midway point. In Experiment 1 (24 10‐year‐olds, 24 adults), children's and adults’ speed adjustments followed the normative pattern when responses had to be graded linearly as a function of the car's initial speed. In a non‐linear condition, only adults’ action responses corresponded with the normative function. Simplifying the task by shortening the tunnel systematically in Experiment 2 (24 10‐year‐olds, 24 adults) enabled children to grade the speeds adequately in the action conditions only. Adults now produced normative response patterns in both judgment and action. Whether people show linearization biases was thus shown to depend on the interaction of age, task demands and response mode.  相似文献   

Poppe R  Rienks R  Heylen D 《Perception》2007,36(7):971-979
Research has revealed high accuracy in the perception of gaze in dyadic (sender- receiver) situations. Triadic situations differ from these in that an observer has to report where a sender is looking, not relative to himself. This is more difficult owing to the less favourable position of the observer. The effect of the position of the observer on the accuracy of the identification of the sender's looking direction is relatively unexplored. Here, we investigate this, focusing exclusively on head orientation. We used a virtual environment to ensure good stimulus control. We found a mean angular error close to 5 degrees. A higher observer viewpoint results in more accurate identification. Similarly, a viewpoint with a smaller angle to the sender's midsagittal plane leads to an improvement in identification performance. Also, we found an effect of underestimation of the error in horizontal direction, similar to findings for dyadic situations.  相似文献   

We tested two pigeons in a continuously streaming digital environment. Using animation software that constantly presented a dynamic, three‐dimensional (3D) environment, the animals were tested with a conditional object identification task. The correct object at a given time depended on the virtual context currently streaming in front of the pigeon. Pigeons were required to accurately peck correct target objects in the environment for food reward, while suppressing any pecks to intermixed distractor objects which delayed the next object's presentation. Experiment 1 established that the pigeons’ discrimination of two objects could be controlled by the surface material of the digital terrain. Experiment 2 established that the pigeons’ discrimination of four objects could be conjunctively controlled by both the surface material and topography of the streaming environment. These experiments indicate that pigeons can simultaneously process and use at least two context cues from a streaming environment to control their identification behavior of passing objects. These results add to the promise of testing interactive digital environments with animals to advance our understanding of cognition and behavior.  相似文献   

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