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Contrary to the claims of recent commentators, I argue that Boethius holds a modified version of the Ammonian three-fold universal (transcendent, immanent, and conceptual). He probably identifies transcendent universals as divine ideas, and accepts too forms immanent in corporeal particulars, most likely construing these along the Aphrodisian lines that he hints at in a well-known passage from his second commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge. Boethius never states the theory of the three-fold form outright, but I attempt to show that this theory nevertheless underlies and gives structure to what Boethius has to say on the topic.  相似文献   

Abstract: A continuation of the debate over the intelligibility, and plausibility, of Yolton's reading of Locke's account of perception. Here, the issue turns on the de‐reification of ideas and its implications for the putative axioms of symmetry and transitivity governing the identity of ideas. The issue is illustrated by what Locke says about confused ideas.  相似文献   

Drawing on emerging multilevel theorizing in human resources management, we tested a multilevel model of high-performance work systems (HPWS), using data obtained from 324 managers and 522 employees in 76 Japanese establishments. Results from cross-level analyses indicated that the relationships between establishment-level HPWS and employee job satisfaction and affective commitment were fully mediated by establishment-level concern for employees climate. These results shed new light on the mechanisms through which HPWS impacts employee outcomes and serve to bridge between macro and micro perspectives of human resource management. The research and practice implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides an interpretive, critical overview of Peter Ochs' Peirce, Pragmatism and the Logic of Scripture , and raises four thematic criticisms. The first considers Ochs turn to language, and its implications for pragmatism and understanding Peirce. The second interrogates the tension between Ochs' particularism and Peirce's universalism. The third concerns the relation between science and religion implied by Ochs, and its adequacy in relation to Peirce, pragmatism and modernity. The final question regards the scope of the community of inquirers Ochs seems to have in view, in light of pragmatism's seemingly more general concern with an inclusive democracy.  相似文献   

Abstract: John Yolton has argued that Locke held a direct realist position according to which sensory ideas are not perceived intermediaries, as on the representational realist position, but acts that take material substances as objects. This paper argues that were Locke to accept the position Yolton attributes to him he could not at once account for appearance‐reality discrepancies and maintain one of his most important anti‐nativist arguments. The paper goes on to offer an interpretation of Locke's distinction between ideas of substances and modes, a distinction that helps Locke to explain appearance‐reality discrepancies, although not in a large enough range of cases to strengthen Yolton's interpretation.  相似文献   

This study assessed the structure of a widely used measure of masculinity ideology, the Male Role Norms Scale (Thompson & Pleck, 1986), using data from four samples of male college students (total N= 656) at two large, public universities (one Midwestern, one Eastern-Central). Exploratory factor analysis suggested a four-factor model best fit the data in the exploratory sample (sample 1; N = 210). The four factors were Status/ Rationality, Antifemininity, Tough Image, and Violent Toughness. A series of confirmatory factor analyses on a validation sample (samples 2, 3, and 4; N = 446), tested four models based on theory (i.e., Brannon, 1976) and previous research (i.e., Thompson & Pleck, 1986). Results from Study 1, our exploratory analysis, indicated that the four-factor model derived from the exploratory sample in Study 1 provided the best fit for the validation sample data of all models tested and also provided a good fit in absolute terms, according to several model-data fit indices. Implications for the assessment of masculinity ideology and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

张积家 《心理学报》1996,29(1):97-103
康有为的人性论思想包含三个部分:(1)自然人性论,它是康有为人性论思想的核心;(2)情欲合理论,它是康有为人性论思想中重要的和颇具特色的组0成部分;(3)变化气质论,它是康有为人性论思想中具有实践意义的内容,也是康有为的自然人性论与中国古代的自然人性论的区别所在。康有为的人性论思想汲取了我国古代人性论思想的精华,并有新的发展,批判地继承康有为的人性论思想,对于我国心理学思想的发展和当前的教育实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张世英 《心理学报》1985,18(1):25-32
本文共分三部分。一、从苏联十月革命后新的社会制度对心理学提出创立新体系的客观要求、维果茨基文化历史理论的影响和列昂节夫本人的早期研究,初步分析了列昂节夫活动理论的历史形成;二、从活动是心理学研究对象、活动的定义、活动的基本特征与分类以及活动之间的相互关系、活动的结构、分散与合并等方面,概括地阐述了活动理论的基本思想;三、“一分为二”地评价了活动理论,指出这一理论虽然存在着一些问题和错误,但在建立马克思土义心理学方面仍有很大的参考价值。  相似文献   

The rule of universal instantiation appears to be subject to counterexamples, although the rule of existential generalization is not subject to the same doubts. This paper is a survey of ways of responding to this problem, both conservative and revisionist. The conclusion drawn is that logical validity should be defined in terms of assertibility in a context rather than in terms of truth on an interpretation. Contexts are here defined, not in terms of the attitudes of the interlocutors, but in terms of the goals of conversation, and assertibility is explained in terms of cooperation.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper argues that Locke has a representative theory of sensitive knowledge. Perceivers are immediately aware of nothing but sensory ideas in the mind; yet perceivers think of real external substances that correspond to and cause those ideas, and they are warranted in believing that those substances exist (at that time). The theory poses two questions: what warrants the truth of such beliefs? What is it in virtue of which sensory ideas represent external objects and how do they make perceivers think of those objects? Both the epistemic and semantic issues need to be addressed. This paper urges that Locke's basic account of warrant is roughly reliabilist. The causal origin of sensory ideas assures that, in general, sense based beliefs are true. Locke defines the limit of this warrant by the theoretical point that we cannot discuss skeptical doubt without assuming the truthfulness of our perceptual faculty. Turning to the semantic question, the paper argues that ideas are mental modifications or entities. They are not intrinsically representative (satisfiable), but rather represent only by virtue of their causal origin. They merely “track” the presence of substances and their qualities. Ideas nevertheless prompt perceivers to think of their causes. This is roughly because sensory ideas have a specific mental role, namely, to serve as marks for distinguishing substances and their respective qualities for purposes of action. The paper suggests that, for Locke, the challenge posed by the semantic veil of ideas is to explain this externally directed marking function within bounds of his anti‐innatism. But it concludes that his answers to the twin questions fit together reasonably well.  相似文献   

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