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在柏拉图那里,政治与伦理是浑然一体的,若没有灵魂的超验性运动对权力欲的节制,城邦和个人都不可避免地走向腐败;在奥古斯丁“上帝之城”与“地上之城”的二元架构中,真正的德性完全归“上帝之城”所有,一座以自我中心为特征的“地上之城”浮现了出来,使得现代意义上的政治与伦理的冲突具有了可能性;在马基雅维利那里,政治被界定为权力政治,灵魂救赎问题被排除出政治问题之外,放逐到私人领域,从而确立了政治与伦理的冲突.  相似文献   

奥利金的灵魂先在学说对理解自由意志问题有重要意义。在《上帝之城》第11和12卷,奥古斯丁重点批评了这一学说。在奥古斯丁看来,奥利金主张灵魂先在,进而主张灵魂的善恶与身体的好坏相配,这一说法既与上帝创世的善好目的相悖,也与人在宇宙中应有的地位不符。奥古斯丁的批评尽管部分切中要害,但没有充分把握灵魂先在说的用意和复杂性。一方面,奥利金提出灵魂先在学说,主要是为了回应灵知派的挑战,以维护理性造物的自由意志;另一方面,灵魂先在说并非没有考虑到上帝创世的善好目的,恰恰相反,它极大地保证了上帝创世时的绝对平等,缓解了神义论的难题。不过,正如许多学者所指出的,灵魂先在说一旦推向上帝创世的初始阶段,就会引发与柏拉图《蒂迈欧篇》中类似的原始质料问题。  相似文献   

弗雷泽介绍了她与中国的家族渊源,说明了批判学派第三代关于“承认”争论的宏观背景,陈述了全球化背景下政治文化发生的四大变化,并言简意赅地介绍了四本书之间的理论联系:《正义的中断》评价“承认政治”与“分配政治”的分离;《再分配,还是承认》展开弗雷泽的“观点的二元论”和霍耐特的“承认一元论”之争;《正义的尺度》引进了正义的政治维度;《伤害+侮辱》展示了欧美理论家关于承认的辩论。  相似文献   

刘振 《学海》2004,(3):117-122
国有划拨土地使用权抵押登记的效力问题 ,理论界少有探讨 ,司法实践则历来存在争议。焦点集中在应否履行“批准”手续上 ,由此产生了“登记”即生效的“一元论”和“登记”加“批准”才生效的“二元论”两种截然不同的观点。最高法院法释 [2 0 0 3]6号《批复》完全采纳了二元论观点 ,而国土资源部“国土资发[2 0 0 4 ]9号《通知》”所作结论虽与“一元论”相同 ,本质上仍是二元论。作者通过对现有土地法律法规和规章立法本意和立法阶段的全方位考察 ,结合法学原理 ,认为一元论符合土地法精神 ,并具体指出了在划拨土地使用权抵押登记的效力认定方面应当着重考虑的几个因素。  相似文献   

马丁·路德继承了奥古斯丁的“两座城”理论,发展出“两个王国”理论,初期认为两个对立王国基础上存在两种对立的治理,后来转变为超越了二元对立、转而进行合作创世的两种治理思想,天职的作用从与魔鬼斗争到末世转变为与上帝合作创世,因此,路德神学的重点从末世论转变为创世论,反映了路德从出世到入世越来越积极的尘世伦理.以“两个王国”理论为基础,路德促进了近代国家的世俗化进程,对宗教改革以来的政教关系产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

《管子》《经言》组包括《牧民》、《形势》、《权修》、《立政》、《乘马》、《七法》、《版法》、《幼官》和《幼官图》,共9篇。就其政治理论、政治体系、方针政策而言,《经言》集中体现了齐法家管理国家的系统学说,该学说的核心可以称之为“牧民”学说。它表现出三个鲜明的特色:1、它体现了对儒家思想的密切传承。2、它体现了法家政治的法治精神;3、它体现了道家对齐法家思想的哲理基础作用。本文就这三个特点作浅陋的阐述,以求大家方正。  一、孟子民本思想的继承与变异列宁在《论国家》中指出:“国家一直是从社会中分化出…  相似文献   

古希伯来人并没有系统的、集中的对人的看法(也就是“人论”),《旧约》更没有将“人”当成静止的、绝对的“客体”去进行“研究”。为集中说明《旧约》对人的看法,本文特地基于汪老师的“生生神学”途径,采用主题式方法对这个话题的属灵含义集中做一点探索。旧约》中对人的生命的认知,是集合了情、意、志,以及历史、文化等诸多要素的一种世界观和价值观。抓住这一点,我们对“人性”的理解,就不会陷入“灵”与“肉”对立的、分裂的、非此即彼的状态。《旧约》经文对人的描述,使我们产生一种一亲切感,而不会坠入西方神学主导的“主-客”、“物-我”两分或二元论式喋喋不休的思辨——古今之人,虽然生活条件不同,但人的受造性、人身外心内的困境与挣扎却一如既往。我们要从赐生命的上帝与“有灵的活人”相互联系的角度,结合以色列人的人文历史、生活情景、灵命沧桑,对相关的《旧约》经文进行解读。  相似文献   

《圣经》伦理简述陈霞本文通过对《圣经》四个时期的代表作:“契约书”、《阿摩司书》、“登山训众”和《罗马书》的伦理思想的分析,考察了《圣经》伦理思想的演变过程,指出:早期伦理强调上帝与人立在两块石板上的约,后来的使徒们则强调上帝与人的心灵之约。《圣经》...  相似文献   

埃及是一个伊斯兰国家,绝大多数居民信奉伊斯兰教,清真寺是伊斯兰国家最突出的建筑性标志。尽管清真寺的规模有大小之分,但每座清真寺必定有一至四个宣礼塔。埃及首都开罗是一座古城,位于尼罗河三角洲的南端,由开罗、吉萨、盖勒尤比3省组成。公元前3200年,上埃及国王统一上下埃及,在尼罗河三角洲顶端建立了首都孟菲斯城,古埃及许多王朝以此为其统治中心,并在附近建立了大批陵墓。该城距现在的开罗市区约30公里。公元696年,法蒂玛王朝征服埃及,在该城附近建立新城。开罗,即征服者、胜利者之城。1805年,穆罕默德·阿里成为埃及的统治者,从此成…  相似文献   

卢龙光  叶菁华 《天风》2006,(8):30-31
“万有都是借着他造成的”上一期谈了《尼西亚信经》第二段一连串反驳亚流主义的内容,其高峰是宣认基督“与父本体相同”。换言之,圣子基督有着与圣父上帝完全相同的神性。随即紧接的一句说“万有都是借着他造成的”。骤眼看来,这句说话跟前面一连串阐述圣子与圣父关系的内容看似无关。其实不然。相信大家还记得,《尼西亚信经》第一段认信“独一上帝,全能  相似文献   

Richard H. Jones 《Zygon》1983,18(2):139-165
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to explore certain parallels and divergencies between contemporary philosophy of science and the comparative study of mysticism. Two types of mystical experiences, "depth-mystical" and "nature-mystical," are first differentiated. Next, the role of both experience and doctrine in the development and justification of mystical knowledge is defended. Finally, the issue of whether one mystical system can be established as superior to others is discussed.  相似文献   

Per Sandin 《Philosophia》2009,37(1):153-167
This paper discusses the application of the supreme emergency doctrine from just-war theory to non-antagonistic threats. Two versions of the doctrine are considered: Michael Walzer’s communitarian version and Brian Orend’s prudential one. I investigate first whether the doctrines are applicable to non-antagonistic threats, and second whether they are defensible. I argue that a version of Walzer’s doctrine seems to be applicable to non-antagonistic threats, but that it is very doubtful whether the doctrine is defensible. I also argue that Orend’s version of the doctrine is applicable to non-antagonistic threats, but that his account is not defensible, regardless of whether the threats are antagonistic or not.
Per SandinEmail:

孟子“以意逆志”说考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文学解释学的角度系统研究孟子的“以意逆志”说 :考察其诗学背景 ,论列其理论基础 ,我们就可以从另一个视角较为深入地分析其理论内涵 ,充分地论证它在中国古典解释学史上的开创意义 ,即“以意逆志”说是中国第一个具有自觉理论意识和深厚理论内涵的心理解释方法论。在当时 ,它具有可贵的创造性 ;对后世 ,它具有深远的启示性。  相似文献   

“佛法非宗教非哲学”的思想是近代佛学大师欧阳渐先生提出来的。该文考察了欧阳渐对“佛法”的理解,并在对“如何正确理解”、“如何客观评判”、“如何合理发扬”欧阳渐“佛法”思想等问题展开讨论的同时,简要分析了该思想的成因、价值及其学术意义。该文认为:要客观评判欧阳渐的“佛法”思想,应该正确区分“佛法”与“佛教”、“佛学”的关系,全面理解其“佛法”思想,并根据“佛法”的实际来加以评价;佛法非宗教非哲学而始终为人类所必需,乃是欧阳渐“佛法”思想留给我们的有益启示,值得在深入思考和研究的基础上加以发扬。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The view that death is the loss of a person's future is less defensible than many philosophers have thought, in part because it is often presented as a response to an indefensibly crude Epicurean doctrine. But the most direct argument for this view suffers from two sorts of ambiguity – the first concerning what it is to "have" a future to lose, the second concerning what the loss consists in. However, another conception of what is lost is possible, and this alternative, which is more congenial to the Epicurean outlook, does not depend on considerations about the future.  相似文献   

Jan A. Aertsen 《Topoi》1992,11(2):159-171
Aquinas presents his most complete exposition of the transcendentals inDe veritate 1, 1, that deals with the question “What is truth?”. The thesis of this paper is that the question of truth is essential for the understanding of his doctrine of the transcendentals. The first part of the paper (sections 1–4) analyzes Thomas's conception of truth. Two approaches to truth can be found in his work. The first approach, based on Aristotle's claim that “truth is not in things but in the mind”, leads to the idea that the proper place of truth is in the intellect. The second approach is ontological: Thomas also acknowledges that there is truth in every being. The famous definition of truth as “adequation of thing and intellect” enables him to integrate the two approaches. Truth is a relation between two terms, both of which can be called “true” because both are essential for the conformity between thing and intellect. The second part of the paper (sections 5–7) deals with the manner in which Thomas gives truth a place in the doctrine of the transcendentals, and shows that his conception of truth leads to important innovations in this doctrine: the introduction of relational transcendentals and the correlation between spirit and being. If “truth” is transcendental, it must be convertible with “being”. Sect. 6 discusses objections that Thomas advances himself to this convertibility. Sect. 7 deals with a difficulty in his account of truth as a relational transcendental. Ontological truth expresses a relation to an intellect but the relation to the human intellect is accidental for the truth of things. Essential for their truth can only be a practical intellect that causes things. In this way, Thomas argues, the divine intellect relates to all things.  相似文献   

论儒学基本原理与民主政治的兼容与接轨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早期儒家思想中的一些基本原理与现代民主政治的理念是可以兼容和接轨的。儒家以代表“天意”的“民意”作为政权合法性的依据 ,符合民主政治的权力观 ;儒家的“性善论”可以用来论证民主制度的合理性 ;儒家的“中庸”从政治决策的意义上来说往往是民主程序的自然结果 ;儒家提倡的“特立独行”精神所体现的负责任的个人主义是民主政治所需要的前提。  相似文献   

Two common complaints against Barth's doctrine of the Trinity are here addressed. First it is argued that Barth's adoption of the term Seinsweise , or 'mode of being' to refer to the trinitarian persons is not in any way a departure from the traditional doctrine. Second, the suggestion that Barth's doctrine shifts over the course of the Dogmatics is examined and refuted.  相似文献   

William P. Kiblinger 《Zygon》2007,42(1):193-202
Evolutionary theory is becoming an all‐encompassing form of explanation in many branches of philosophy. However, emergence theory uses the concept of self‐organization to support yet alter traditional evolutionary explanation. Biologist Stuart Kauffman suggests that the new science will need to tell stories, not simply as a heuristic device but as part of its fundamental task. This claim is reminiscent of C. S. Peirce's criticism of the doctrine of necessity. Peirce's suggestions reference Hegel, and this essay draws out this Hegelian background, addressing the question of subjectivity and issuing some Hegelian reminders so that such evolutionary and emergent theories will consider the implication of this research program on philosophy of mind. The primary focus is on two post‐Kantian, neo‐Hegelian thinkers in contemporary philosophy who deal with this problem: John McDowell and Robert Brandom.  相似文献   

冯友兰人生境界论的审美维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯友兰特别重视心的觉解功能 ,并依据心灵觉解的程度将人生区分为自然、功利、道德、天地四种境界 ,其天地境界有着深厚的审美意蕴。达到这一境界必须运用有别于逻辑分析的直觉方法 ,即冯友兰所说的讲形而上学时的“负的方法” ,而“近于道的诗”正是形而上学“负的方法”之一。所以 ,冯友兰新理学中的人生境界论与审美理论非常接近。这一理论显示出从思维方式上融合中西的学术努力 ,对于 2 0世纪中国文艺境界论有着一定的影响。  相似文献   

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