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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Book reviews in this article:
Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology. By D aniel R. B rooks and E. O. W iley .
Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics. By F red A lan W olf .
Reality and Scientific Theology. By T. F. T orrance .
Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God. By D onald W ayne V iney .
Aldous Huxley and Eastern Wisdom. By B ansi L. C hakoo .
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. By R obert N. B ellah , R ichard M adsen , W illiam M. S ullivan , A nn S widler , and S tephen M. T ipton .
Culture and the Evolutionary Process. By R obert Bom and P eter J. R icherson .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Science and Relipon, A Critical Survey. By H olmes R olston , 111.
Two Faces of Time. By L awrence W. F agg .
Science and Religious Thought: A Darwinian Case Study. By W alter J. W ilkins .
Jung's Treatment of Christianity. The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition. By M urray S tein . Wilmette, III.
Polanyian Meditations: In Search of a Post-Critical Lopc. By W illiam H. P oteat .
Michael Polanyi: A Critical Exposition By H arry P rosch .  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2006,56(222):132-134
Book reviewed in this article:
Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy . B y S imo K nuuttila .
Locke's Philosophy of Language . B y W alter O tt .
The Two Intellectual Worlds of John Locke: Man, Person, and Spirits in the 'Essay' . B y J ohn W. Y olton .
True to Life: Why Truth Matters . B y M ichael L ynch .
Relativism . B y M aria B aghramian .
Veritas . B y G erald V ision .
Understanding Phenomenal Consciousness . B y W illiam S. R obinson .
Brute Rationality . B y J oshua G ert .
Evidentialism: Essays in Epistemology . B y E arl C onee and R ichard F eldman .
Liberalism . B y P aul K elly .
Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties and Plausibility of Hedonism . B y F red F eldman .
Art and Morality . E dited by J ose L uis B ermudez and S ebastian G ardner .  相似文献   

Essay Review of:
The Dynamics of Divorce: A Life Cycle Perspective , F. W. Kaslow and L. L. Schwartz, New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1987.
Divorced Families: A Multidisciplinary Developmental View , C. R. Ahrons and R. H. Rodgers, New York: W. W. Norton, 1987.
The Difficult Divorce: Therapy for Children and Families , M. B. Isaacs, B. Montalvo, and D. Abelson, New York: Basic Books, 1986.  相似文献   

Book review in this article:
The Advancement of Science: Science without Legend Objectivity without Illusions . By P hilip K itcher .
Steps toward Life: A Perspective on Evohtion . By M anfred E igen , with R uthild W inkler -O swatitsch .
The Religious Critic in American Culture . By W illiam D ean .
Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life . Edited by H olmes R olston , III.  相似文献   

In the Patient's Best Interest: Women and the Politics of Medical Decisions, S ue F isher
Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work, P hyllis G rosskurth
The Psychology of Women, M argaret W. M atlin
Career Women and Childbearing: A Psychological Analysis of the Decision Process, C arole A. W ilk
First-time Motherhood: Experiences from Teens to Forties, R amona T. M ercer
Diagnosis Today: Women and Mental Health,
Personal Decisions,
Seraphita's Diary,  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology . By W illiam L ane C raig and Q uentin S mith .
Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural theory . By M ary D ouglas .
Theology for a Scientific Age: Being and Being–Natural Divine, and Human . By A rthur P eacocke .
On the Nature and Existence of God . By R ichard G ale .
The Natural Contract . By M ichel S ew .
René Girard and Myth: An Introduction . By R ichard J. G olsan .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Wholeness and the Implicate Order. By DAVID BOHM.
Conscience: Development and Self-Transcendence. By W alter conn. Birmingham, Alabama.
The Morality of Scarcity: Limited Resources and Social Polity. Edited by W illiam M. F innin , Jr. and G erald A lonzo S mith . Baton Rouge.
Environmental Ethics. By K. S. S hrader -F rechette . Pacific Grove.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Meaning. By M ichael P olanyi and H arry P rosch .
The Relevance of Natural Science to Theology. By W illiam H. A ustin .
Rhythms of Vision. By L awrence B lair .
The Tuo of Physics . By FRITJOF CAPRA. Berkeley
Teleological Explanations. By L arry W right .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1966,19(1):83-110
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Fifth Conference on Human Relations in Industry
The Sixth Conference on Human Relations in Industry.
Selecting and Training Negroes for Managerial Positions. (Proceedings of The Executive Study Conference).
C ooper , W illiam W., L eavitt , H arold J., and S helly , M aynard W., II. (Eds.) New Perspectives in Organization Research.
R ichardson , S tephen A., D ohrenwend , B arbara S nell , and K lein , D avid . Interviewing: Its Forms and Functions.
M ott , P aul E., M ann , F loyd C., M c L oughlin , Q uin , and W arwick , D onald P. Shift Work: The Social, Psychological, and Physical Consequences.
The Obstinate Audience . (Report of a Seminar)
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industry (Third Edition).
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Widening Horizons in Creativity .
K irsh , B enjamin S. Automation and Collective Bargaining .
V room , V ictor H. Motivation in Management.  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(220):504-540
Book reviewed in this article:
Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays . By G ail F ine .
The Dialectic of Essence: a Study of Plato's Metaphysics . By A llan S ilverman .
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: an Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy . B y R oss H arrison .
A Defense of Hume on Miracles . B y R obert J. F ogelin .
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy . B y P atrick R. F rierson .
Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens . B y J ens T immermann .
On Liberty . By J ohn S tuart M ill . E dited by D avid B romwich and G eorge K ateb .
Donald Davidson . E dited by K irk L udwig .
A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals . B y J onathan B ennett .
Modality . B y J oseph M elia .
Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology . E dited by J ohannes R oessler and N aomi E ilan .
Defending Science – Within Reason . B y S usan H aack .
Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition . B y W illiam C ase-beer .
Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy . B y R ussell H ardin .
Indeterminacy and Society . B y R ussell H ardin .
Does God Exist? The Craig—Flew Debatez . E dited by S tan W. W allace .
The Creation of Art . E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Faith in Theory and Practice: Essays on Justifying Religious Belief. Edited by E lizabeth R adcliffe and C arol W hite .
The Knight's Move-The Relational Logic of Spirit in Theology and Science. By J ames E. L oder and W. J im N eidhardt .
The Problem of Consciousness. By C olin M c G inn .
Rediscovery of the Mind. By J ohn S earle .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The New Faith-Science Debate: Probing Cosmology, Technology and Theology . Edited by J ohn M. M angum .
The Social Meaning of Modern Biology—from Social Darwinism to Sociobiology . By H oward L. K aye .
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes . By S tephen W. H awking .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief By M ichael C. B anner .
Theology and the Justification of Faith. By W entzel V an H uyssteen .
Explanation from Physics to Theology . By P hilip C layton .
Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning . By N ancey M urphy .  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(221):662-696
Books reviewed in this articles:
The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus . D avid S edley .
Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: a Critical Introduction and Guide . J ames W illiams .
John McDowell . M aximilian D e G aynesford .
Real Natures and Familiar Objects . C rawford E lder .
Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change . J oseph L a P orte .
Powers: a Study in Metaphysics . G eorge M olnar E dited with an I ntroduction by S tephen M umford and A F oreword by D.M. A rmstrong .
Anti-Individualism and Knowledge . J essica B rown .
Consciousness and its Objects . C olin M c G inn .
Reasonably Vicious . C andace V ogler .
Ethics Without Principles . J onathan D ancy .
Getting Even: Forgiveness and its Limits . B y J effrie E. M urphy .
Justice . B y H arry B righouse .
Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical . B y J ohn H aldane .
The Non-Existence of God . B y N icholas E veritt .
Art as Performance . B y D avid D avies .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Science, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas. By J ohn C. G reene .
The Evolutionary Vision: Toward a Unifying Paradigm of Physical, Biological, and Sociocultural Evolution. Edited by E rich J antsch .
Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future OJ Western Civilization. By N inian S mart .
The Omega Seed, An Eschatological Hypothesis. By P aolo S oleri .
Advice and Planning. By M artin H. K rieger .
Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. S chuurman . Translated by H erbert D onlad M orton .
The Transforming Moment: Understanding Convictional Experiences. By J ames E. L oder .
Psychology and Christianity: Integrative Readings. Edited by J. R oland F leck and J ohn D. C arter .
Philosophie des Lebendigen. Der Begner des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualitat. By R einhard L ow .
The Ten Commandments and Human Rights. By W alter H arrelson .
The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of justice. Vol. 1 of Essays on Moral Development. By Law KOHLBERG.
The Primordial Bond: Exploring Connections Between Man and Nature Through the Humanities and Sciences. By S tephen H. S chnieder and L ynne M orton .
Knowledge and the Sacred. By S eyed H ossein N asr .
Green Paradise Lost. By E lizabeth D odson G ray .
Creation, Science, and Theology. By W. A. Whitehouse. Edited by A nn L oades .
From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. By I lya P rigogine .  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this article:
The Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists . By M artin J. S. R udwick
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis . By M ichael D enton .
Images of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism, with a Reply from Bos C. van Fraassen . Edited by Paul M. C hurchland and C lifford A. H ooker .
In Search of the Person–Philosophical Explorations in Cognitive Science . By M ichael A. A rbib .
What They Are Saying About Genetic Engineering . By T homas A. S hannon .
Cosmogony and Ethical Order: New Studies in Comparative Ethics . Edited by R obin W. L ovin and F rank E. R eynolds .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetic Structural Analysis. By E ugene G. D'A quili , C harles D. L aughlin , J r ., and J ohn M c M anus , with Tom Burns, Barbara Lex, G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., and W. John Smith.
Beginnings in Ritual Studies. By R onald L. G rimes .
Pluralism and Personality: William James and Some Contemporary Cultures & Psychology. By D on S. B rowning .
Primordiality, Science and Value. By R. M. M artin .
After Virtue, a Study an Moral Theory. By A lasdair M acintyre .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Moralist . By A LLEN W HEELIS .
Between Science and Religion: The Reaction to Scientijic Naturalism in Late Victorian England. By F rank M iller T urner .
Science and Creation. By S tanley L. J aki .  相似文献   

The Psychology of Intimacy. K aren J. P rager .
Divided Sisters: Bridging the Gap Between Black Women and White Women. M idge W ilson and K athy R ussell .
Psychology and Sexual Orientation: Coming to Terms. J ane S. B ohan .
Bisexuality: The Psychology and Politics of an Invisible Minority. B eth A. F irestein (Ed.).
The Social Psychology of Gender. S hawn M eghan B urn .
Feminist Social Psychologies: International Perspectives. S ue W ilkinson . (Ed.).
Women, Leisure and the Family in Contemporary Society: A Multinational Perspective. N icole S amuel (Ed.).  相似文献   

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