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We define and study abstract valuation semantics for logics, an algebraically well-behaved version of valuation semantics. Then, in the context of the behavioral approach to the algebraization of logics, we show, by means of meaningful bridge theorems and application examples, that abstract valuations are suited to play a role similar to the one played by logical matrices in the traditional approach to algebraization.  相似文献   

同性恋的社会伦理评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
按照WHO的健康定义与Engel疾病模式,同性恋仍然是一种疾病;也仍然是一种性偏离或性变异。同性恋如同其他性行为或性变异一样,必须受到社会控制和道德控制。而男同性恋对艾滋病传播的负面影响绝不能忽视。  相似文献   

休谟认为,道德评价的依据不能是理性,而是道德感;同情原则是道德感产生和发生作用的重要途径。笔者认为,休谟忽视了理性在道德评价中的重要作用;其道德感理论存在着理论困难,产生这种困难的原因是休谟不能理解理性与情感的辩证关系,以及他没有意识到客观的经济利益关系对道德评价的重要性。  相似文献   

"大一统"思想作为中华民族文化血脉中一个根深蒂固的成分,一向是中国人评价历史人物的重要尺度.无论在何种环境下,追求或顺应"一统"的人往往得到后世的好评,而企求"分裂"或满足于分裂状态的人则大多受贬斥.在通常情况下,"大一统"这一评价标准能超越人物的实际功绩、仁、和平、汉族主义和阶级意识等一系列其他的评价标准.  相似文献   

In three experiments we sought to determine the cause of the “inaction inertia” effect, which occurs when bypassing an initial opportunity decreases the likelihood that a subsequent similar action will be taken. Experiment 1 required some participants to estimate their likelihood of buying shoes as a function of the magnitude and geographical location of an earlier forsaken bargain; others estimated their amount of regret over failing to take advantage of the bargain. The inverse relation between regret and propensity to buy strongly implicated regret as the cause of inaction inertia. In Experiment 2 we found evidence that experienced regret over having missed an earlier bargain rather than anticipated regret over paying too much for the subsequent purchase was the source of our participants' inaction inertia. In Experiment 3 we demonstrated through a mediational analysis that those who had missed a large bargain placed a significantly lower value on the subsequent purchase opportunity than those who earlier had missed a more modest bargain. This difference in valuation, along with experienced regret, are two factors which play a significant mediational role in the inaction inertia effect.  相似文献   

生命自主:当代生命伦理学的终极价值追求   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 生命自主的含义人的生命 ,首先表现为一种自然存在形式和物质复合体 ,也就是指人的自然生命。但是 ,人之为人 ,不在于他有自然生命 ,而在于他还有着特定的人格 ,在于他的“价值生命”。“价值生命”作为对自然生命的否定 ,是人的自为之有的存在状态。在生命的类化过程中 ,人扬弃的是自然生命的自在性 ,超越的是生命的内在性和主观性 ,获得的是一个新的以意识自觉为前提的个体性的生命 ,即价值生命的创生。按照马克思的说法 ,“动物和它的生命活动是直接同一的。人则使自己的生命活动本身变成自己的意志和意识的对象。正是这一有意识的生…  相似文献   

Consequentialist Teleology and the Valuation of States of Affairs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Elizabeth Anderson claims that states of affairs are merely extrinsically valuable, since we value them only in virtue of the intrinsically valuable (e.g.) persons in those states of affairs. Since it considers states of affairs to be the sole bearers of intrinsic value, Anderson argues that consequentialism is incoherent because it attempts to globally maximize extrinsic value. I respond to this objection by distinguishing between two forms of consequentialist teleology and arguing that Anderson's claim is either harmless or her argument for the claim is uncompelling. On the first conception of teleology, consequentialists need not hold that states of affairs are the sole bearers of intrinsic value, which allows them to deflect this criticism. On the second account of teleology, even assuming that states of affairs are the sole bearers of intrinsic value, Anderson's argument does not necessarily defeat such views.  相似文献   


This paper introduces the logic QLETF, a quantified extension of the logic of evidence and truth LETF, together with a corresponding sound and complete first-order non-deterministic valuation semantics. LETF is a paraconsistent and paracomplete sentential logic that extends the logic of first-degree entailment (FDE) with a classicality operator ∘ and a non-classicality operator ∙, dual to each other: while ∘A entails that A behaves classically, ∙A follows from A’s violating some classically valid inferences. The semantics of QLETF combines structures that interpret negated predicates in terms of anti-extensions with first-order non-deterministic valuations, and completeness is obtained through a generalization of Henkin’s method. By providing sound and complete semantics for first-order extensions of FDE, K3, and LP, we show how these tools, which we call here the method of anti-extensions + valuations, can be naturally applied to a number of non-classical logics.


王明生 《学海》2006,3(3):62-68
毛泽东思想在形成和发展过程中曾出现了不同的提法。毛泽东反对“毛泽东主义”的提法,认同了“毛泽东思想”的提法。建国以后对是否要继续坚持提毛泽东思想,毛泽东多次提出不同意见。在他的一再坚持下,党的八大在进行党章修改时没有再提以毛泽东思想作为党的指导思想。他始终认为毛泽东思想不是他个人的思想,而是党和人民集体智慧的结晶,是人民群众实践经验的总结,需要在实践的基础上不断地发展和创新。  相似文献   

Anchoring effects influence a wide range of numeric judgments, including valuation judgments, such as willingness‐to‐pay (WTP). However, prior research has not established whether anchoring only temporarily distorts responses or exerts persistent influence on preferences. This article presents three incentive compatible experiments examining the long‐term effects of random anchoring on WTP. Study 1 evaluated the persistence of anchoring effects over long durations, and showed that the strength of the effect decayed but did not disappear completely even 8 weeks later. In Study 2, a random anchor significantly influenced WTP after one week, regardless of whether WTP was also elicited immediately following the anchoring procedure, showing that consistency motivations do not account for persistence of anchoring effects. Study 3 showed relatively low anchors resulted in more stable valuations, compared with participants who reported WTP with no anchoring procedure. Together with the pattern of decay over time in Study 1, this suggests that anchoring facilitates the “imprinting” of valuation judgments for later retrieval. These studies show that anchoring effects can lead to lasting changes in valuation judgments, providing the first demonstration of long‐term persistence of constructed preferences as a result of an uninformative and arbitrary manipulation.  相似文献   

赵永生 《学海》2007,(4):56-60
中国工伤死亡赔偿已经走过50余年的历程,对其评估必须立足中国国情,全面审视,客观、公正和理性.而对工伤死亡赔偿制度进行完善与重构已成为当务之急,提高立法层次、统一立法和完善工伤保险制度,提高工伤保险待遇标准以及建立多层次工伤死亡赔偿体系是现实之举.  相似文献   


Sometimes one needs to classify individuals into groups, but there is no available grouping information due to social desirability bias in reporting behavior like unethical or dishonest intentions or unlawful actions. Assessing hard-to-detect behaviors is useful; however it is methodologically difficult because people are unlikely to self-disclose bad actions. This paper presents an unsupervised classification methodology utilizing ordinal categorical predictor variables. It allows for classification, individual respondent ranking, and grouping without access to a dependent group indicator variable. The methodology also measures predictor variable worth (for determining target behavior group membership) at a predictor variable category-by-category level, so different variable response categories can contain different amounts of information about classification. It is asymmetric in that a “0” on a binary predictor does not have a similar impact toward signaling “membership in the target group” as a “1” has for signaling “membership in the non-target group.” The methodology is illustrated by identifying Spanish consumers filing fraudulent insurance claims. A second illustration classifies Portuguese high school student’s propensity to alcohol abuse. Results show the methodology is useful when it is difficult to get dependent variable information, and is useful for deciding which predictor variables and categorical response options are most important.  相似文献   

Recent developments in self-research show the self to be increasingly conceived as an organized and highly dynamic phenomenon. In combination with the arguments presented in the preceding article, these developments are a good reason for adopting a method in which the psychologist and the subject work together in the study of the self: The self-confrontation method and the theory on which it is based—valuation theory—are presented as an example of such an approach. This method construes the self as an organized process of valuations, a valuation being any unit of meaning that the person finds of importance in thinking about his or her life. Formulated in the language of the person him- or herself; these valuations and how they develop over time are considered in a dialogue between the psychologist and the subject. For the purposes of demonstration, two phenomena that are not easily observedare discussed here: (a) the existence of an imaginal figure not visibly present but functioning as a signifcant other in the person's daily life, and (b) the presence of a character in a recurring dream, which later gets included as an integral part of the self: Finally, the present approach is briefly discussed as representing a constructivist view of personality psychology.  相似文献   

Modernist approaches to research in the social sciences dominate academia, including much of organization science. Discovery through reason, observation, and analysis are the quintessential modernist quests. However, this reductionist approach to essentialize the social through the usage of language, a product of culture with its inevitable entanglement with cultural ideology, values, sensibility, intelligibility, and history, is akin to capturing a moving target on shifting grounds. Positing social constructionism as an alternative, we explain it has revolutionalized the social sciences and organization science alike; offer an array of social constructionist inquiry methodologies to fuel generative possibilities for organization research; compare and contrast modernist and social constructionist organization theories, research methodologies and assumptive metaphors to accentuate the textual and dialogic potential social constructionism brings to organization science; and conclude with creative ways social constructionism can realize actionable knowledge through co-creation among communities.  相似文献   

论脑死亡立法的生物医学基础、社会学意义及推动程序   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
随着现代医学科学的发展 ,以脑干死亡作为临床死亡诊断的标准已为大多数发达国家和地区所接受 ,并以法律的形式加以界定 ,以保障现代医疗实践的顺利进行。到目前为止 ,除台湾、香港外 ,我国主体行政管辖区内尚无一份正式的关于脑死亡的法律、法规、规章、条例。因此 ,医疗实践仍以传统的心跳停止作为死亡的标志。这种落后的医疗常规严重阻碍了我国人文学、社会学、法律学、卫生经济学、器官移植学等全方位的发展。脑死亡后毫无意义的继续抢救正在给有限的人力及医药资源造成巨大的浪费 ,改革势在必行。本文就脑死亡立法问题提出若干个人研究…  相似文献   


Social reward refers to the motivational and pleasurable aspects of our interactions with other people. While some people experience social encounters as pleasurable, others experience them as aversive. However, the current knowledge on individual differences in social reward valuation in relation to pro- and antisocial personality characteristics is limited. The Social Reward Questionnaire (SRQ) was developed to assess individual differences in the value of different types of social rewards. First, the present study examined the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the SRQ in a Dutch and Flemish community sample (N?=?1892). Second, using latent profile analysis (LPA), it was investigated whether subgroups of participants existed with distinctive patterns of social reward valuation, and whether these subgroups differed in their level of psychopathic traits, aggression, and social anxiety. The results confirmed the original six-factor structure and showed good reliability and validity. The LPA identified four classes of individuals, labelled as: Low Social Interest, High Social Interest, Undifferentiated Social Reward-seekers, and Socially Cruel. These classes were further typified by distinct levels of psychopathy, reactive and proactive aggression, and social anxiety. The present findings contribute to our understanding of individual variability in the underlying motives of social behaviors.


This article presents an invited commentary on the two previous articles by Hermans and Bonarius (1991) and by Hermans (1991). Primary focus is placed on certain enduring confusions regarding the historic ‘nomothetic vs. idiographic’ controversy in personality psychology, the traces of those confusions in the writings of Hermans and Bonarius, and the importance of eliminating those confusions if the full potential of valuation theory and the self-confrontation method is to be realized, not only as a means of gaining idiographic knowledge and clinically helpful insights, but also as a means of gaining genuinely nomothetic knowledge in the domain of personality.  相似文献   

垂体瘤是颅内常见的良性肿瘤,但却存在着较高的复发率.Jefferson于1940年提出侵袭性垂体腺瘤的概念,认为这部分垂体腺瘤的生物学行为介于良性垂体瘤和垂体癌之间.随后人们从分子生物学、病理学等多个角度对侵袭性腺瘤的发病机制进行了探讨,以期寻找到特异性的侵袭性指标.众所周知,细胞增殖能力的增强和凋亡的抑制是导致肿瘤恶性生物学行为的重要机制.但对垂体瘤的研究却发现有为数不少的侵袭性垂体腺瘤并不呈现高细胞增殖状态,而凋亡的研究则更是出现了不同甚至相反的结果,那到底是什么原因导致了侵袭性的形成呢?本文从细胞增殖和凋亡各自的临床意义以及其联合检测的角度探讨侵袭性的确切机制.  相似文献   

增殖和凋亡的单独与联合检测对垂体瘤侵袭性诊断的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
垂体瘤是颅内常见的良性肿瘸,但却存在着较高的复发率。Jefferson于1940年提出侵袭性垂体腺瘸的概念,认为这部分垂体腺瘤的生物学行为介于良性垂体瘤和垂体癌之间。随后人们从分子生物学、病理学等多个角度对侵袭性腺瘸的发病机制进行了探讨,以期寻找到特异性的侵袭性指标。众所周知,细胞增殖能力的增强和凋亡的抑制是导致肿瘤恶性生物学行为的重要机制。但对垂体瘤的研究却发现有为数不少的侵袭性垂体腺瘸并不呈现高细胞增殖状态。而凋亡的研究则更是出现了不同甚至相反的结果,那到底是什么原因导致了侵袭性的形成呢?本文从细胞增殖和凋亡各自的临床意义以及其联合检测的角度探讨侵袭性的确切机制。  相似文献   

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