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This study sought to develop and test a diagnostic tool for the measurement of professional human resource management (HRM) competencies in the South African context. Data on HRM competencies were collected from South African human resource (HR) practitioners (N = 189; females = 49.2%, blacks = 91.2%). Exploratory factor analyses resulted in three distinguishable HR competency dimensions: Professional behaviour and leadership (i.e. leadership-personal credibility, organisational capability, solution creation, interpersonal communication, and citizenship); Service orientation and execution (i.e. talent management, HR governance, analytics and measurement, and HR service delivery); and Business intelligence (i.e. strategic contribution, HR business knowledge, and HR technology).  相似文献   

叙事治疗是后现代心理治疗的一个分支,兴起于上世纪80年代。其理论源于后结构主义、社会建构论和福柯思想。后结构主义中对"意义"和"自我认同"的不同解读,社会建构论中对"现实"概念的独特阐述以及福柯在知识/权力上与众不同的观点都为叙事治疗奠定了深厚的哲学基础。  相似文献   

个人主义及其方法,是近代尤其是当代具有影响的伦理思想及其方法。对于其产生与发展颇具争议:一方面,个人主义的方法原则把人从社会中剥离出来,使他成为周围事物和他自己的惟一评判,赋予他不断膨胀的权利;另一方面,它也为遭到长期压迫的人类思想提供了呼吸的空间和活动的范围,使一个人可以满怀尊严,能够亲自解决自己的幸福与命运问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The biopsychosocial model treats pain as resulting from a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. Individual differences in approaches to coping with pain-related symptoms are important determinants of pain-related outcomes, and are often classified under the "psychological" category within the biopsychosocial model. However, engagement in various cognitive, affective, and behavioral pain-coping strategies appears to exert biological effects, which we review here. Pain-coping activities such as catastrophizing, distracting oneself from pain sensations, or reappraisal of pain may exert effects on activity in a variety of pain-processing and pain-modulatory circuits within the brain, as well affect the functioning of neuromuscular, immune, and neuroendocrine systems. The interface between pain-related neurobiology and the use of specific pain-coping techniques represents an important avenue for future pain research.  相似文献   

工具理性在利用技术手段达到技术目的的过程中创造了支撑现代社会的技术和物质。但工具理性也因过度重视技术和“去情感化”、“对象化”等特征忽视人的价值意义。在众多被工具理性主义渗透、强力冲击的领域中,使用基因编辑技术对人类胚胎细胞按照既定目标进行编辑就是被工具理性控制的例子。将人类胚胎视为研究对象,崇拜唯技术论、机械思维主导、道德情感缺场,展现社会责任虚化,导致社会信任危机。把作为主体的人客体化为试验对象进行基因人为修改试验,违背法律规定,挑战伦理界限,是未能有效引导工具理性导致的技术事故。  相似文献   

命门学说是对藏象学说、阴阳理论、太极理念的进一步发展,它拓展和完善了中医理论体系;命门学说既是中医临床实践经验的总结,又以其独特的理论价值推动了中医临床的发展.命门学说在中医学术的发展史上有着十分重要的地位.着重从其学术背景、哲学基础与理论渊源进行阐述.  相似文献   


This paper offers a critique of Christine Korsgaard’s interpretation of Kantian instrumental reason. Korsgaard understands Kantian hypothetical imperatives to share a common normative source with the categorical imperative – namely self-legislating, human rational agency. However, her reading of Kantian hypothetical imperatives is problematic for three reasons. Firstly, Korsgaard’s agent-centred approach renders incoherent Kant’s analytic-synthetic division. Secondly, by minimising the dualistic framework of Kant’s practical philosophy the dialectical character of practical rationality is lost: norms of instrumental reasoning therefore become confused with those of moral reasoning. Thirdly, this in turn curtails the distinct critical authority of pure practical rationality over instrumental choice. The paper argues that we need to understand the normativity of instrumental rationality through the lens of Kant’s dualisms. An alternative interpretation is offered which highlights how the norms of hypothetical imperatives appeal to standards of theoretical cognition and practical efficiency rather than the self-legislative demands of pure practical reason.  相似文献   

The conjunction fallacy occurs when people judge the conjunctive probability P(AB) to be greater than a constituent probability P(A), contrary to the norms of probability theory. This fallacy is a reliable, consistent and systematic part of people's probability judgements, attested in many studies over at least 40 years. For some events, these fallacies occur very frequently in people's judgements (at rates of 80% or more), while for other events, the fallacies are very rare (occurring at rates of 10% or less). This wide range of fallacy rates presents a challenge for current theories of the conjunction fallacy. We show how this wide range of observed fallacy rates can be explained by a simple model where people reason according to probability theory but are subject to random noise in the reasoning process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

String theory is at the moment the only advanced approach to a unification of all interactions, including gravity. But, in spite of the more than 30 years of its existence, it does not make any empirically testable predictions, and it is completely unknown which physically interpretable principles could form the basis of string theory. At the moment, “string theory” is no theory at all, but rather a labyrinthic structure of mathematical procedures and intuitions. The only motivations for string theory consist in the mutual incompatibility of the standard model of quantum field theory and of general relativity as well as in the metaphysics of the unification program of physics, aimed at a final unified theory of all interactions, including gravity. The article gives a perspective on the problems leading to and resulting from this situation.
Reiner HedrichEmail: Email:

从价值论、会计成本论,角度来看,单病种收费都不符合基本理论。在很大意义上,这种制度是迎合了一种社会公众心态而设置的一种理想主义的收费改革方式。收费制度不是一种单纯的行政行为,而是一种基于医疗会计成本的制度体系,为克服某种收费制度的弊端,提出一种脱离会计成本和一般哲学意义的主观收费制度是唯心主义和形而上学的思辨方式。  相似文献   

内—外倾人格(即外倾性)是与情绪活动密切相关的人格特质:该特质不但影响人类的适应能力与主观幸福感,还与焦虑、冲动等情绪—行为障碍的产生有密切关联。在以往研究中,外倾性与情绪健康的关系集中体现为内—外倾人格对情绪事件易感性的影响,如外倾人格得分的增高伴随着对奖赏刺激更强的积极情绪反应水平。然而,上述联系也有可能是由于外倾性不同的人群具有不同的情绪调节特点导致。因此,可通过系统操纵外倾性人格因素与情绪调节方式,从外倾性人格特质对情绪调节方式及调节效果影响的角度,深入探讨外倾性和人类情绪与健康的关系。拟综合使用行为调查与生理测量、EEG/ERP 与 fMRI 手段,开展如下三个层面的研究工作:1)情绪调节问卷的编制及内、外倾人群情绪调节策略的比较研究;2)外倾性对情绪调节的影响及其脑机制研究,探讨认知情绪调节的生理变化、时间进程及神经基础与内—外倾人格的关系;3)情绪稳定性不同的内、外倾人群其情绪调节的特点及其脑机制研究。通过上述系列研究,深化对情绪与人格关系的认识,从而为心理健康的维护,情绪障碍的治疗及相关疗法的开发应用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

摘要 本文采用问卷调查和字词辨别反应时任务的方法,考察了大学生对个体姓名信息反应时与文化倾向性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)自陈式《垂直、水平个人-集体主义问卷》的集体主义维度上具有较低的区分效度,有待改善;(2)在视觉通路中,个体对自我的姓名、姓、名的加工时均具有一定的优先性,并发现个体对自我姓名的知觉模式为整体知觉;(3)姓名信息所蕴含的文化信息与文化倾向问卷中所测量的信息具有一定的相关,支持并验证了文化倾向问卷的内容效度;同时研究发现姓、名作为自我结构的标识物比姓名更佳。  相似文献   

西方指导关系的理论概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指导关系研究是西方组织行为学界近30年来比较关注的话题,然而国内对它的介绍却非常少。作者总结了大量的国外文献,从指导关系的定义、功能、发展阶段和类型四个方面进行了详细的论述。现在西方指导关系的研究已经从理论建构转向了影响指导效果的因素上,结合国内的企业背景,文章最后提出了一些相关的研究建议  相似文献   

Summary  Big History – an integral conception of the past since the Big Bang until today – is a novel subject of cross-disciplinary interest. The concept was construed in the 1980–1990s simultaneously in different countries, after relevant premises had matured in the sciences and humanities.Various versions and traditions of Big History are considered in the article. Particularly, most of the Western authors emphasize the idea of equilibrium, and thus reduce cosmic, biological, and social evolution to the mass-energy processes; the informational parameter involving all mental and spiritual aspects are seen as epiphenomena of material structures” complication that do not play their own role in evolution. In Russian tradition ascending to A. Bogdanov, E. Bauer, I. Prigogine, and E. Jantsch, sustainable non-equilibrium patterns are used. This implies attention to the pan-material sources and evolution of mental capacities and spiritual culture (as basic anti-entropy instruments) and humans” growing intervention in the material processes on Earth and outside it.The non-equilibrium approach in the context of modern control and self-organization theories, alters the portrayal of the past, and still more dramatically, estimation of the civilization’s potential perspectives.  相似文献   

中西医学构成了一对不可通约的科学理论,分别代表不同的价值观念和认识方式。基于二者整体的互斥性,且为在实践中取得巨大成功的知识体系,互补是最佳选择。中西医互补的科学内涵为:"结构"医学与"功能"医学互补;"还原"医学与"整体"医学互补;"求简的"医学与"存繁的"医学互补。  相似文献   


Jürgen Habermas’s political philosophy incorporates the view that legitimacy is immanent to law, even though it makes morality a central component of democratic legitimacy. Taking this as a starting point, the article examines one criticism that applies to Habermas’s political theory, insofar as he puts morality at the centre of his reconstruction of the concept of legitimacy. Habermas claims that the moral point of view justifies only those norms that embody universalizable interests and rules out those that embody particular interests. Therefore, the objection is that particular citizens will have no reason to endorse these norms and act according to them because these norms do not incorporate their interests. The article goes on to show that Habermas can successfully answer this objection by means of the principle of discourse. The principle performs this function, inasmuch as it has a post-Kantian nature. On the one hand, it incorporates Kantian autonomy. And on the other, the Hegelian insight that autonomy has to be actualized through modern institutions and practices.  相似文献   

Philosophical theories about justice feelings and axiological feelings generally suffer from the fact that they look for simple criteria of justice, legitimacy, fairness. For this reason, they appear as of little help to account for the findings from sociological empirical studies. Weber's notion of "axiological rationality" can be interpreted as suggesting a "cognitivist" theory of axiological feelings. According to this theory, the causes responsible for the fact that a social actor endorses an axiological statement would not be basically different from the causes responsible for his endorsement of a representational statement. He would endorse the statement "X is fair" as he endorses "X is true", because these statements appear to him as grounded on strong reasons, though he may not perceive these reasons explicitly. This cognitivist theory was used by analysts of collective moral sentiments, as Adam Smith, before Max Weber. A careful examination of two empirical studies shows that the cognitivist theory can make the observational findings more easily understandable. The "cognitivist theory" eliminates the weaknesses of the major general philosophical and sociological theories of axiological feelings. It shows notably that these feelings can be context-dependent without this contextuality making them irrational. This theory includes two major principles: that instrumental rationality does not overlap with rationality shortly; that there are no simple criteria of "fairness", "legitimacy", etc.  相似文献   

Public support for government welfare programs is grounded in two potentially conflicting factors: a belief in individualism which undermines support for welfare assistance and the capacity for empathy which potentially enhances support. However, empathy is an expensive psychological commodity subject to pervasive up- and down-regulation. This article examines the degree to which a belief in individualism affects the expression of compassionate support for a person in need among those with the capacity for empathy. In two online survey experiments, empathic ability powerfully increases support for a welfare recipient and social welfare policies when it does not conflict with individualism. But, empathic ability decreases compassion and support for government welfare among strong individualists. Evidence that individualists down-regulate empathy for someone in need of government assistance is consistent with the conservative view that welfare promotes dependency and undermines individual agency. In contrast, charitable assistance is not associated with long-term dependency, and we find that empathy is up-regulated by strong individualists to generate charitable support for the same individual to whom they denied government assistance. The up- and down-regulation of empathy in response to someone in need of government welfare helps illuminate the sharp divisions over social welfare policy among the American public.  相似文献   

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