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个体认识论的研究现状与展望   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
个体认识论是个体对知识性质和认识过程的信念,这些信念深刻地影响知识获得和知识建构过程。学生的认识信念是理解学生学习过程的关键成分之一。关于个体认识论研究有个体认识论的发展研究、个体认识的信念系统研究和个体认识的元认知过程研究等三种主要研究取向,这些研究取向既面临着新的问题又各具挑战性的展望  相似文献   

基于个人认识论理论中较为成熟的反省判断模型,本研究构建了中学生个人认识论的理论框架,并进一步编制了中学生个人认识论问卷,随后调查了459名中学生,结果发现:(1)初测问卷具有良好的项目区分度、结构效度和内部一致性信度。(2)个人认识论的结构由五个一阶因素、两个二阶因素构成:一阶因素分别包括知识的确定性、知识的简单性、知识的来源、求知的论证性、表征多元;二阶因素包括知识的本质和求知的本质。  相似文献   

对于认识论信念的层次划分,实际上反映了研究者对于认识论信念本质和结构的认识。研究者们对于认识论信念的认识,随着一般领域——特殊领域——特殊主题的层次之分而逐渐深化。他们普遍认为,当学习者身处特定的学习情境时,与之相对应的不同层次认识论信念则被优先激活。但是,对于不同层次认识论信念之间的内部关系、发展顺序和作用途径,相关研究仍然需要不断扩展和深化。  相似文献   

通常认为,获得知识不能靠碰运气,凭借好运气获得的真信念不足以被视为知识。知识与运气是近年来认识论研究的热门话题。一般认为,一个好的知识理论应该能排除认知运气的影响。在当代认识论中,过程可靠主义、德性认识论和反运气认识论这三条主要进路都分别在一定程度上排除了认知运气,但各自都存在明显不足。由于缺乏对"运气"统一的、明晰的概念,迄今为止还没有一种认知论进路能够完全满足排除认知运气这一要求。  相似文献   

该研究采用自编的初中生认识论信念问卷、R-LPQ-2F问卷等工具,对557名初中生一般领域的认识论信念、学习方式、学业成就之间关系进行调查研究。结果表明:1)不同类型学校、年级、性别的初中生在认识论信念的某些维度上存在差异,学校与年级两个变量在接受-建构信念上存在交互效应,学校与性别两个变量在零散-联系信念上存在显著的交互效应;2)认识论信念对学业成就既有直接作用,又有间接作用;3)学习方式在认识论信念对学业成就的影响中发挥着中介作用。  相似文献   

本文是欣迪卡生前最后一部论文集《苏格拉底认识论》的第一篇文章。欣迪卡认为,我们不应该孤立地探讨知识和信念这些认知概念,而应该把它们放到人的行动和决策的语境中去探讨。在这种探讨中,至关重要的概念不是知识和信念,而是信息。我们不应该把研究重点放在知识的定义和证成,而应该放到知识的发现和获取,即把知识作为探究过程的结果。由此,他提出了基于问答逻辑的询问探究模型,试图由此去建立认知逻辑和认识论,其中知识和信念都不具有关键地位。  相似文献   

奥卡姆的唯名论的认识论吸收了强烈的现代意义上的外在论元素。他认为,一个信念是否是一种知识,取决于它是如何获取的,而认知者对这一获取过程可能并没有觉察。本文从两个部分分析这一理论。首先考察奥卡姆对知识这一概念的逻辑分析,然后集中讨论奥卡姆关于不存在之物的直观认知的特别理论,本文将说明,这一学说是认识论中一般的可靠论态度促成的。  相似文献   

多文本阅读理解,是将不同来源和内容的多文本信息整合为统一心理表征的认知过程。研究者对于多维度认识论信念与多文本阅读理解之间的关联进行梳理。除知识来源外,其余认识论信念维度促进多文本信息的整合。基于文档模型的理论框架,认识论信念各维度对于整合心智模型与跨文本模型的影响,中介效应与调节效应并存。未来的研究可以采用眼动追踪技术和出声思维法等实时的研究方法,对于相关理论模型进行确证和完善。  相似文献   

人性理论、自然法学说和契约建国方案构成了霍布斯论述从自然状态到政治社会的关键环节。以往研究多从理论逻辑探讨其实质意义,本文试图从认识论教导的角度,将霍布斯的论述看作是其对读者与世人的认识论教导。这带来三个方面的结果,一是人性理论作为认识论教导的根本是对新个体的制造;二是自然法作为认识论教导的作用是完成对自然人性的和平倾向的操练,以及对建立利维坦的预先期待;三是契约建国的本质是在个体与个体、个体与国家之间达成一种永远有待完成的信约。同时,它们在整体上也构成了对新君主的认识论教导,新君主是国家这架机器的操作者,而法律是其最重要的操作方式。  相似文献   

张俊 《哲学研究》2022,(1):97-106
情感广泛参与了认知活动,传统认识论对情感的忽略是一种缺憾。然而,情感并不能单独成就一种认识能力,因为它作为一个主体概念,其本质是由后知觉或超知觉的记忆表象或想象表象诱发,并直接作用于主体自身的一种内在心灵体验和意向活动。情感对象通过情感呈现出来,只有主观的实在性,没有客观的实在性。情感判断只能对生存活动本身进行意义赋值,既无法增加任何新的知识,也无法提供任何普遍的知识原则,所以它属于生存论、价值论范畴,不能在认识论中起基础性作用。企图绕过理性,通过信仰的情感认知主义进路重建宗教信仰对于知识领域的话语权,是反现代性的知识学方案。通过情感认识论获得上帝的实在性只有主观的价值,没有普遍的客观性,因此只能成为信念(信仰),不能成就真正的知识。因而,情感认识论在信仰领域内的真理论证也不可能实现。  相似文献   

Background. More empirical work is needed to examine the dimensionality of personal epistemology and relations between those dimensions and motivational and strategic components of self‐regulated learning. In particular, there is great need to investigate personal epistemology and its relation to self‐regulated learning across cultures and academic contexts. Because the demarcation between personal epistemology and implicit theories of intelligence has been questioned, dimensions of personal epistemology should also be studied in relation to implicit theories of intelligence. Aims. The primary aim was to examine the dimensionality of personal epistemology and the relation between those dimensions and implicit theories of intelligence in the cultural context of Norwegian postsecondary education. A secondary aim was to examine the relative contribution of epistemological beliefs and theories of intelligence to motivational and strategic components of self‐regulated learning in different academic contexts within that culture. Samples. The first sample included 178 business administration students in a traditional transmission‐oriented instructional context; the second, 108 student teachers in an innovative pedagogical context. Methods. The dimensionality of the Schommer Epistemological Questionnaire was examined through factor analyses, and the resulting dimensions were examined in relation to implicit theories of intelligence. We performed multiple regression analyses, separately for the two academic contexts, to try to predict motivational (i.e. self‐efficacy beliefs, mastery goal orientation, and interest) and strategic (i.e. self‐regulatory strategy use) components of self‐regulated learning with epistemological beliefs and implicit theories of intelligence. Results. Considerable cross‐cultural generalizability was found for the dimensionality of personal epistemology. Moreover, the dimensions of personal epistemology seemed to represent constructs separate from the construct of implicit theories of intelligence. Differences in the predictability of the epistemological dimensions were found for the two samples. For the student teachers, belief about knowledge construction and modification was a better predictor of self‐regulated learning. For the business administration students, belief about the certainty of knowledge played a more important role in self‐regulated learning. Conclusions. Epistemological beliefs predict self‐regulated learning among Norwegian postsecondary students and play more important roles than implicit theories of intelligence. Relations between epistemological beliefs and self‐regulated learning may vary with academic context.  相似文献   

As Helen Longino's overview of Hypatia's engagement with feminist epistemology suggests, the last twenty‐five years’ contributions to this field reveal a strong focus on the topic of knowledge. In her short outline, Longino questions this narrow focus on knowledge in epistemological inquiry. The main purpose of this article is to provide a framework for systematically taking up the questions raised by Longino, one that prevents us from running the risk of becoming unreflectively involved in sexist, racist, or otherwise problematic inquiry. I argue that a specific form of the method of Reflective Equilibrium, as it is widely discussed in moral epistemology, logic, and theories of rationality, enables us to cope with the problems of traditional epistemology, which feminist theorizers such as Sally Haslanger have pointed to. With the account of Reflective Equilibrium I am offering—drawing in many respects on the model provided by Catherine Z. Elgin—we have an ameliorative method that allows us to rethink epistemological values, goals, and standards in a systematic way, and that largely avoids implicit and explicit biases in epistemology.  相似文献   

Philosophically inclined psychologists and psychologically inclined philosophers often hold that the substantive discoveries of psychology can provide an empirical foundation for epistemology. In this paper it is argued that the ambition to found epistemology empirically faces certain unnoticed difficulties. Empirical theories concerned with knowledge‐gaining abilities have been historically associated with specific epistemological views such that the epistemology gives preferential support to the substantive theory, while the theory empirically supports the epistemology. Theories attribute to the subject just those epistemic abilities which associated epistemologies attribute to the scientist. The concept of epistemological significance is introduced as the significance a psychological theory can have for modifying the epistemological suppositions with which the theory was originally associated. Substantive psychological theories are strongly constrained by the epistemologies used in their development; the endorsement an epistemology receives from its associated theory should carry no weight. The alliance between psychology and epistemology is not progressive to the development of either field. Alternative sources of progress in epistemology and psychology are suggested.  相似文献   

社会心理学将阴谋论视作一种意识形态上的信念,并定义为人们将重大的政治或社会事件归因为有权力的群体或个人暗中预谋以达成其目的的解释倾向。社会认知视角为个体这种阴谋论信念的产生提供了三种解释。错觉模式感知导致人们认知上倾向于在不相关的事件之间建立联系;敏感性动因觉察影响人们过度感知并假定事件背后的动因、目的和意图等;投射是将自己愿意参与阴谋的意图归因于事件中的他人。  相似文献   

This article proposes to address certain epistemological controversies in psychoanalysis by elucidating them through the religious field. The theological field serves the author as the repressed, which indicates the latent stakes that continue to do work at the heart of these debates. The goal is to show how debates that take place on the epistemological level bring into confrontation different anthropological concepts and discursive traditions that have their roots in religious discourses. The principal hypothesis of the author is that the dissident theories of psychoanalysis can be understood as a return to a pre‐monotheistic theological conception or to an idolatrous practice that aims, primarily, to undo castration. This hypothesis will be used to elucidate the debates with two authors: Adler and Rank. The author shows how these theorists, by leaving analytical ground, connect their theories to pre‐monotheistic conceptions and highlight conceptual tools that are characteristic to them.  相似文献   

Post-Gettier contemporary epistemology is different from traditional epistemology in the sense that the former is concerned more with the normative dimension of knowledge, while the latter is concerned more with how knowledge is actually formed. Due to the cultural differences concerning how to understand key epistemological terms like “knowledge,” “belief,” and “justification,” the Chinese-speaking philosophical world, analytic thinkers precluded, has long been unable to appreciate the fruits of the post-Gettier epistemology. Two intermediate moves are proposed to take for filling the gap between post-Gettier epistemology and the Chinesespeaking intellectual community: Firstly, the fusion of AI and epistemology is encouraged, hence, such a move would provide a chance to double-check the putative universal applicability of specific conclusions of the post-Gettier epistemology from an engineering perspective; secondly, an algorithmoriented reconstruction of the Confucian theory of the rectification of names is also encouraged to bring new life to some traditional Chinese-based thoughts on the process of epistemic justification.  相似文献   

Quine's argument for a naturalized epistemology is routinely perceived as an argument from despair: traditional epistemology must be abandoned because all attempts to deduce our scientific theories from sense experience have failed. In this paper, I will show that this picture is historically inaccurate and that Quine's argument against first philosophy is considerably stronger and subtler than the standard conception suggests. For Quine, the first philosopher's quest for foundations is inherently incoherent; the very idea of a self-sufficient sense datum language is a mistake, there is no science-independent perspective from which to validate science. I will argue that a great deal of the confusion surrounding Quine's argument is prompted by certain phrases in his seminal ‘Epistemology Naturalized’. Scrutinizing Quine's work both before and after the latter paper provides a better key to understanding his remarkable views about the epistemological relation between theory and evidence.  相似文献   

Virtue epistemology is the view that beliefs are attempts at truth (or perhaps knowledge) and, as a result, can be assessed as successful, competent, and apt. Moreover, virtue epistemology identifies central epistemic properties with normative properties of beliefs as attempts. In particular, knowledge is apt belief and justified belief is competent belief. This paper develops a systematic virtue epistemological account of defeat (of justification/competence). I provide reason to think that defeat occurs not only for beliefs but for attempts more general. The key constructive idea is that defeaters are evidence that attempting (in a certain way) isn't successful and that defeaters defeat the competence of an attempt when one stands in a certain normative relation to the defeater. I argue that while this account handles paradigm cases of defeat both within epistemology and beyond nicely, cases of external (sometimes also ‘normative’ or ‘propositional’) defeat continue to cause trouble. To handle these cases, I develop a distinctively functionalist version of virtue epistemology. This functionalist version of virtue epistemology allows me to countenance proficiencies, that is, roughly, abilities that have the function to produce successes under certain conditions. It is the normative import of proficiencies that delivers the normative relation that serves to explain defeat in cases of external defeat. In this way, the functionalist version of virtue epistemology ushers the way towards a satisfactory account even of external defeat.  相似文献   

Some, but not all, of the family theories of schizophrenia entail a shift from the Aristotelian/Cartesian/Newtonian epistemology of individual psychology to a systemic epistemology of pattern. Perhaps the most significant (and underappreciated) aspect of this epistemological shift pertains to etiology: The family theories of schizophrenia espoused by Bateson et al. and by Wynne and Singer do not claim that parents or families cause schizophrenia. The persistent failure of researchers to appreciate this has led to many fruitless studies that have sought to discover a causal link between the thought disorder and communication deviance of parents and the schizophrenia of their offspring. This paper reviews from an epistemological viewpoint the empirical literature that has attempted to assess the validity of the family theories of schizophrenia. Particular attention is given to restating and extending the epistemology of pattern within which schizophrenia occurs. The conventional psychiatric approaches to schizophrenia are shown to play an active role within the schizophrenic pattern.  相似文献   

儿童朴素物理学的错误概念及影响概念转换的因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建构主义的学习观认为,新知识的学习总是建立在旧知识的基础上,新旧知识经验进行双向交流。儿童在日常生活中形成的自发概念是科学学习的重要基础,而其中与基本科学理论不一致的错误概念阻碍了学习过程。该文概述了儿童朴素物理学的错误概念研究,探讨自发概念的结构及其争论,并总结了影响概念转换的重要因素,包括认知冲突感,元认知和动机因素,认识论信念因素等  相似文献   

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