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Vanessa C. Milota Audra A. Widau Montie R. Mcmickell James F. Juola Greg B. Simpson 《Memory & cognition》1997,25(3):333-344
The present study investigated strategic variation in reliance on phonological mediation in visual word recognition. In Experiment 1, semantically related or unrelated word primes preceded word, pseudohomophone (e.g.,trane), or nonpseudohomophone (e.g.,trank) targets in a lexical decision task. Semantic priming effects were found for words, and response latencies to pseudohomophones were longer in related than in unrelated prime conditions. In Experiment 2, related or unrelated word primes preceded word or pseudohomophone targets. A relatedness effect was found for words, although it was significant at a 600-msec prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) and not at a 200-msec SOA. There was no relatedness effect for pseudohomophones. Experiment 3 was a replication of Experiment 2, except that pseudohomophones were replaced by nonpseudohomophonic orthographic controls. Facilitation effects for related target words were greater in Experiment 3 than in Experiment 2. The results reflect apparent variations in the expectation that a related prime reliably indicates that a target is a word. Although reliance on phonological mediation might be strategically contingent, there could be a brief time period in which phonologically mediated lexical access occurs automatically. Whether phonological information is maintained or suppressed subsequently depends on its overall usefulness for the task. 相似文献
Roberta Corrigan 《Infant and child development》2003,12(4):305-328
Adults and 4‐year‐olds explained who caused prosocial or antisocial interactions between two characters who differed in two dimensions that underlie interpersonal traits. Participants saw pictures depicting every pairwise combination of four characters (good/powerful, good/weak, bad/powerful or bad/weak) as initiators or recipients of six actions. Both children and adults made causal attributions to ‘good’ characters for prosocial behaviours and to ‘bad’ characters for antisocial behaviours. Potency influenced the frequency of attributions. Adults and children differed in the justifications of their attributions and in their reconciliations of contradictory information, e.g. a positive character initiating an antisocial act. Explanations of social events are based on characteristics of both interactants in combination with whether the event is prosocial or antisocial. The findings thus extend work on children's ‘theory‐of‐mind’ to the realm of interpersonal interactions, where beliefs, desires or dispositions of either of two characters can cause an event. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
There is increasing evidence that face recognition might be impaired in older adults, but it is unclear whether the impairment is truly perceptual, and face specific. In order to address this question we compared performance in same/different matching tasks with face and non-face objects (watches) among young (mean age 23.7) and older adults (mean age 70.4) using a context congruency paradigm (Meinhardt-Injac, Persike & Meinhardt, 2010, Meinhardt-Injac, Persike and Meinhardt, 2011a). Older adults were less accurate than young adults with both object classes, while face matching was notably impaired. Effects of context congruency and inversion, measured as the hallmarks of holistic processing, were equally strong in both age groups, and were found only for faces, but not for watches. The face specific decline in older adults revealed deficits in handling internal facial features, while young adults matched external and internal features equally well. Comparison with non-face stimuli showed that this decline was face specific, and did not concern processing of object features in general. Taken together, the results indicate no age-related decline in the capabilities to process faces holistically. Rather, strong holistic effects, combined with a loss of precision in handling internal features indicate that older adults rely on global viewing strategies for faces. At the same time, access to the exact properties of inner face details becomes restricted. 相似文献
Children often extend names to novel artifacts on the basis of overall shape rather than core properties (e.g., function). This bias is claimed to reflect the fact that nonrandom structure is a reliable cue to an object having a specific designed function. In this article, we show that information about an object's design (i.e., about its creator's intentions) is neither necessary nor sufficient for children to override the shape bias. Children extend names on the basis of any information specifying the artifact's function (e.g., information about design, current use, or possible use), especially when this information is made salient when candidate objects for extension are introduced. Possible mechanisms via which children come to rely less on easily observable cues (e.g., shape) and more on core properties (e.g., function) are discussed. 相似文献
Xenia Schmalz Elisabeth Beyersmann Eddy Cavalli Eva Marinus 《Journal of Cognitive Psychology》2016,28(6):658-672
The Orthographic Depth Hypothesis [Katz, L., & Frost, R. (1992). The reading process is different for different orthographies: The orthographic depth hypothesis. In R. Frost & L. Katz (Eds.), Orthography, phonology, morphology, and meaning (pp. 67–84). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science] proposes cross-linguistic differences in the involvement of lexical processing during reading. In orthographies with complex, inconsistent, and/or incomplete sublexical correspondences, decoding is more difficult and therefore slower. This gives more time to the lexical route to retrieve information, and leads to a greater ratio of lexical processing. We test whether this mechanism applies both for words with inconsistent (in English) and for words with complex (in French) correspondences. As complex correspondences are sufficient to derive a correct pronunciation, an increase in lexical processing may not occur. In a reading-aloud task, we used the frequency effect to measure lexical processing. The data showed stronger involvement of lexical processing for inconsistent compared to consistent words, and for complex compared to simple words. The results confirm that Katz and Frost’s proposed mechanism applies to different sources of orthographic depth. 相似文献
Yee E Huffstetler S Thompson-Schill SL 《Journal of experimental psychology. General》2011,140(3):348-363
Most theories of semantic memory characterize knowledge of a given object as comprising a set of semantic features. But how does conceptual activation of these features proceed during object identification? We present the results of a pair of experiments that demonstrate that object recognition is a dynamically unfolding process in which function follows form. We used eye movements to explore whether activating one object's concept leads to the activation of others that share perceptual (shape) or abstract (function) features. Participants viewed 4-picture displays and clicked on the picture corresponding to a heard word. In critical trials, the conceptual representation of 1 of the objects in the display was similar in shape or function (i.e., its purpose) to the heard word. Importantly, this similarity was not apparent in the visual depictions (e.g., for the target Frisbee, the shape-related object was a triangular slice of pizza, a shape that a Frisbee cannot take); preferential fixations on the related object were therefore attributable to overlap of the conceptual representations on the relevant features. We observed relatedness effects for both shape and function, but shape effects occurred earlier than function effects. We discuss the implications of these findings for current accounts of the representation of semantic memory. 相似文献
The failure of shape constancy from stereoscopic information is widely reported in the literature. In this study we investigate how shape constancy is influenced by the size of the object and by the shape of the object's surface. Participants performed a shape-judgment task on objects of five sizes with three different surface shapes. The shapes used were: a frontoparallel rectangle, a triangular ridge surface, and a cylindrical surface, all of which contained the same maximum depth information, but different variations in depth across the surface. The results showed that, generally, small objects appear stretched and large objects appear squashed along the depth dimension. We also found a larger variance in shape judgments for rectangular stimuli than for cylindrical and ridge-shaped stimuli, suggesting that, when performing shape judgments with cylindrical and ridge-shaped stimuli, observers rely on a higher-order shape representation. 相似文献
M Boucart G W Humphreys 《Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance》1992,18(3):785-806
Whether the global shape of objects can be processed without accessing semantic or identity information was tested. Ss judged which of 2 fragmented forms had the same global shape as a reference stimulus. Matching stimuli could be physically identical, semantically related, or unrelated. The reference stimulus and nonmatching (distractor) form could be semantically related or unrelated. Similarity effects in the related condition were unconfounded with matches nameable and nonnameable forms. For nameable forms, related matching forms facilitated performance; a related distractor disrupted performance. Semantic interference was eliminated when nameable distractors were replaced with nonnameable partners; semantic similarity effects on matching were eliminated with a nonnameable reference stimulus and with inverted targets and distractors. Access to information concerning global shape does not normally occur without object identification. 相似文献
A series of visual search experiments explored whether early visual processes are sensitive to the overall shape of objects. Previous work (Wolfe & Bennett, 1997) has suggested that information concerning overall shape is not coded in early vision. However, in Experiment 1, we demonstrate that these previous findings are explicable in terms of non-target heterogeneity rather than an absence of shape information in early vision. In Experiments 2 and 3, we demonstrate that shape similarity, rather than individual contour similarity, can determine search efficiency. In Experiments 4 and 5, we show that manipulating the contrast polarity of contours and defining shape using texture significantly impeded search for an odd-one-out shape. The implications of these results for shape processing in early vision are discussed. 相似文献
J M Beusmans 《Perception》1998,27(9):1079-1085
The 'direct-perception' model of heading perception posits that heading is computed directly from optic flow without an intervening structural representation of environmental layout. Here, I give an example in which such a representation is seen to play a role in the interpretation of optic flow. Manipulating the outline of concave objects to give an erroneous percept of convexity caused the perceived direction of heading during a stimulated approach to change as well. Thus, the representation of environmental structure provides the context for using and interpreting image motion. 相似文献
Michel Tuan Pham Tamar Avnet 《Organizational behavior and human decision processes》2009,108(2):267-278
Results from four studies show that the reliance on affect as a heuristic of judgment and decision making is more pronounced under a promotion focus than under a prevention focus. Two different manifestations of this phenomenon were observed. Studies 1–3 show that different types of affective inputs are weighted more heavily under promotion than under prevention in person-impression formation, product evaluations, and social recommendations. Study 4 additionally shows that valuations performed under promotion are more scope-insensitive—a characteristic of affect-based valuations—than valuations performed under prevention. The greater reliance on affect as a heuristic under promotion seems to arise because promotion-focused individuals tend to find affective inputs more diagnostic, not because promotion increases the reliance on peripheral information per se. 相似文献
Norman JF Norman HF Clayton AM Lianekhammy J Zielke G 《Perception & psychophysics》2004,66(2):342-351
In this study, we evaluated observers' ability to compare naturally shaped three-dimensional (3-D) objects, using their senses of vision and touch. In one experiment, the observers haptically manipulated 1 object and then indicated which of 12 visible objects possessed the same shape. In the second experiment, pairs of objects were presented, and the observers indicated whether their 3-D shape was the same or different. The 2 objects were presented either unimodally (vision-vision or haptic-haptic) or cross-modally (vision-haptic or haptic-vision). In both experiments, the observers were able to compare 3-D shape across modalities with reasonably high levels of accuracy. In Experiment 1, for example, the observers' matching performance rose to 72% correct (chance performance was 8.3%) after five experimental sessions. In Experiment 2, small (but significant) differences in performance were obtained between the unimodal vision-vision condition and the two cross-modal conditions. Taken together, the results suggest that vision and touch have functionally overlapping, but not necessarily equivalent, representations of 3-D shape. 相似文献
Jescheniak JD Hantsch A Schriefers H 《Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition》2005,31(5):905-920
Speakers are regularly confronted with the choice among lexical alternatives when referring to objects, including basic-level names (e.g., car) and subordinate-level names (e.g., Beetle). Which of these names is eventually selected often depends on contextual factors. The present article reports a series of picture-word interference experiments that explored how the designated target name (basic level vs. subordinate level) and contextual constraints rendering the name alternative either appropriate or inappropriate affect lexical activation and lexical choice. The experimental data demonstrate clear context effects on the eventual lexical choice. However, they also show that alternative nonselected object names are phonologically activated, even if a constraining context makes these alternative names currently inappropriate. 相似文献
We investigated dorsal visual stream involvement in the retrieval of a variety of visual attributes of common objects, using
functional magnetic resonance imaging. Seven subjects made binary decisions about the shape, color, and size of named objects
during scanning. Bilateral parietal activity was significantly greater during retrieval of shape and size information than
during retrieval of color information. Consistent with a domain-specific distributed model of semantic organization, the finding
that dorsal stream activity is associated with size and shape retrieval, as compared with color retrieval, may indicate that
both size and shape information are learned partly through dorsally mediated processes, such as visually guided grasping.
These results demonstrate that both visual-processing streams (i.e., the ventral “what” pathway and the dorsal “where” pathway)
are involved in the storage and/or retrieval of knowledge of object appearance but that, just as in vision, these two pathways
may play different roles in conceptual processing. 相似文献
Philosophical Studies - Moral realism and some of its constitutive theses, e.g., cognitivism, face the following challenge. If they are true, then it seems that we should predict that deference to... 相似文献
目的:编制学前儿童自我控制行为家长评定问卷并对其结构进行验证。方法:在理论分析和开放式问卷调查的基础上,编制了学前儿童自我控制行为家长评定问卷,并采用探索性因素分析与验证性因素分析相结合的方法,分别对263名和387名学前儿童的自我控制行为进行结构的探索与验证。结果:学前儿童自我控制行为由独立性、自觉性、坚持性、自制力和自我延迟满足五个维度构成;学前儿童自我控制行为问卷具有较好的信效度,其结构在不同性别、城乡样本中具有稳定性。结论:学前儿童自我控制行为是一个五因素的结构,所编制的问卷可作为学前儿童自我控制行为家长评定的工具。 相似文献
Apparent volume for geometric solids and life-sized two dimensional representations of these solids was scaled by magnitude estimation. Data were adequately fit by power functions whose exponents were less than those previously reported for judgments of apparent length and area. Object shape and mode of presentation affected both magnitude estimations of apparent volume and the best fitting power function exponents. The influence of shape, both across object shape classes and within the cylinder shape class, appears to depend upon the relative elongation of the vertical dimension. 相似文献
Speakers only sometimes include the that in sentence complement structures like The coach knew (that) you missed practice. Six experiments tested the predictions concerning optional word mention of two general approaches to language production. One approach claims that language production processes choose syntactic structures that ease the task of creating sentences, so that words are spoken opportunistically, as they are selected for production. The second approach claims that a syntactic structure is chosen that is easiest to comprehend, so that optional words like that are used to avoid temporarily ambiguous, difficult-to-comprehend sentences. In all experiments, speakers did not consistently include optional words to circumvent a temporary ambiguity, but they did omit optional words (the complementizer that) when subsequent material was either repeated (within a sentence) or prompted with a recall cue. The results suggest that speakers choose syntactic structures to permit early mention of available material and not to circumvent disruptive temporary ambiguities. 相似文献
An influential account of selective semantic deficits posits that visual features are heavily weighted in the representations of animals, whereas information about function is central in the representations of tools (e.g., Warrington & Shallice, 1984 ). An alternative account proposes that information about all types of objects-animate and inanimate alike-is represented in a distributed semantic architecture by verbal-propositional, tactile, visual, and proprioceptive-motor nodes, reflecting the degree to which these systems were activated when the knowledge was acquired (e.g., Allport, 1985 ). We studied a group of left hemisphere chronic stroke patients, some of whom were apraxic, with measures of declarative tool and animal knowledge, body part knowledge, and function and manipulation knowledge of artifacts. Apraxic (n=7) and nonapraxic (n=6) subjects demonstrated a double dissociation of performance on tests of tool and animal knowledge, suggesting that the apraxic group was not simply more severely impaired overall. Apraxics were relatively impaired in manipulation knowledge, whereas nonapraxics tended to be relatively impaired in function knowledge. Apraxics were also more impaired with body parts than nonapraxics. The association of gestural praxis, tool knowledge, body part knowledge, and manipulation knowledge suggests a coherent basis for the organization of semantic artifact knowledge in frontoparietal cortical regions specialized for sensorimotor functions, and thus provides support for the distributed architecture account of the semantic system. 相似文献