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亚当·斯密的“同感说”是其道德情感学说的基础和核心。“同感”产生于“公正的旁观者”的设身处地的想像 ,是在经验基础上产生的一种“公正的”共鸣感情。它的作用是对他人行为和自身行为进行道德评价。斯密把主观的感情当作了客观的评价标准 ,其“公正的旁观者”也是抽象的 ,实际上是不存在的。  相似文献   

也谈亚当·斯密的两种人性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点论述了亚当·斯密在《国富论》、《情操论》中所阐发的关于利己心与同情心以及两者之间的关系问题 ,还论述了“看不见的手”在利益调节中的作用  相似文献   

A substantial portion of Adam Smith's discussion of Stoicism in TMS VII is dedicated to the Stoic “principle of suicide,” according to which suicide is sometimes morally required. While scholars agree that Stoicism exercised considerable influence over Smith, no recent work has explored his views on suicide, despite the central role it plays in his treatment of Stoicism. I argue that Smith opposes the principle of suicide on both epistemic and moral grounds, providing an important critique of Stoicism. I also show how Smith departs from other early modern accounts of suicide by offering a notably humane analysis of this tragic act. I conclude by considering what Smith's discussion of Stoicism and suicide tells us about how his moral theory, and I forward a reading of Smith as a skeptic.  相似文献   

“亚当·斯密问题”的逻辑张力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“亚当·斯密问题”是指斯密的《国富论》与《道德情操论》之间存在着对立或不一致的问题,最初由十九世纪中叶的德国历史学派所提出。此后,随着现实与理论的发展,出现了不同的看法。学者们普遍认为,斯密的两大著作之间、经济学与伦理学之间存在着对立或者不存在对立,而是相互一致的。这些看法都具有各自的积极合理的内容,但缺乏辩证的观点,而没有看到“斯密问题”自身的逻辑张力,也就是说,“斯密问题”所指涉的是现实的经济与伦理之间及作为其理论表现的经济学与伦理学之间的关系。“斯密问题”所含的这些关系呈现出了一个动态的、由肯定到否定再到否定之否定的辩证过程。  相似文献   

王莹 《道德与文明》2003,3(3):42-44
斯密接受了西方近代启蒙思想家和法国重农学派关于自然秩序的思想 ,认为人类社会有着自然的秩序 ,人们只要遵从这种自然秩序 ,不进行人为干预 ,社会就会自然和谐。从社会经济生活方面看 ,促进国民财富的增长就必须遵循自然秩序 ,而遵循自然秩序就必须实行经济自由的原则 ,无须国家的干预 ,这样才会有社会经济的和谐。从社会政治的角度说 ,一只“看不见的手”不仅调节着社会经济 ,也促使社会政治生活的和谐 ,它使追求个人利益的各个人得以和平共处 ,实现政治生活平衡。同样 ,这只“看不见的手”作为中间桥梁 ,实现了个人利益向社会利益的过渡 ,使个人利益和社会利益达到和谐统一。  相似文献   

本文从分析孟子的仁德之端的同情感(恻隐之心)概念入手,进一步从现象学上阐发胡塞尔的移情观念、亚当·斯密的同情观念与仁爱德性的关系.  相似文献   

众所周知,亚当@斯密是一位伟大的经济学家,以英国资产阶级古典政治经济学的奠基人而著称于世.他的经济思想,不仅对西欧,甚至对世界资本主义都产生过重大影响.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Mexican American adolescents (N = 120) would perform on the MMPI-A given that Hispanic adolescents were seriously underrepresented in the national norming sample during the development of the MMPI-A. The participants completed the MMPI-A, a short demographic questionnaire, and a 5-item version of the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans. Results indicated that the present sample of Mexican American adolescents' performance on the Validity, Clinical, and Content scales differed minimally from the national norming group's performance, and their performance varied as a function of their levels of acculturation and socioeconomic status. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article it will be argued that post-capitalism operates from a reductionist understanding of capitalism as a market-driven ideology with the private ownership of the means of productions as core value. Post-capitalism envisions that contemporary socio-economic issues will be addressed with the implosion of capitalism under the forces of the market itself. However, this implosion envisioned by post-capitalism has been undermined because capitalism has the ability to transform and adapt to changing circumstances. The work of Deleuze and Guattari has shown how capitalism functions as the commodification of desire – a socio-economic system or machine that has the ability to de-territorialise under the guise of liberty. Deleuze and Guattari trace this back to Adam Smith, who de-territorialises the notion of wealth as object associated with the Middle Ages to the private ownership of the means of production. This is re-territorialised and commoditised as capital and exchanged for profit with self-love as the framework in which commerce takes place. Self-love is a natural value system that operates in conjunction with sympathy that is conditioned by societal approbation to avoid excess and narcissism in order to benefit society. Hence, private means of production for Smith does not equate to private distribution and consumption. The work of Deleuze and Guattari provides a perspective on the failure of post-capitalism to bring about change because of the ability of capitalism to re-territorialise. The functioning of self-interest and sympathy in conjunction highlights the role of values and society as the socio-ethical framework in which commerce is embedded, which may provide alternative views regarding post-capitalism that are able to address socio-economic issues like poverty, unemployment and inequality.  相似文献   


The Importance of Gender in Psychoanalytic Relations (Discussion). Int Forum Psychoanal 1992;1:32-36. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-706X

Patients assimilate the analyst's gender, appearance, age and the prevailing cultural climate into the transference. Differences in gender between analyst and patient may stir up a variety of social conventions, stereotypes and characterological ways of relating to same or different gendered people. Analytic inquiry must focus on the patient's invariant organizing principles, the themes along which a person organizes his or her experience. Two papers presented at the August, 1991 meetings of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies, that addressed the effect of the gender of each of the participants in the analyst-patient relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

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