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叙事取向团体辅导对大学生自我认同的干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵君  李焰  李祚 《心理科学》2012,35(3):730-734
自我认同的发展与大学生心理健康水平及其今后的社会适应关系密切。本研究用叙事取向团体辅导对大学生自我认同进行干预。结果发现,叙事治疗强调的好奇、尊重、珍惜的态度,为成员创设了安全、温暖、支持的团体氛围;外化和解构使成员与问题拉开距离,探讨问题的影响力;寻找并丰厚特殊意义事件,让成员看到自身的正向力量和资源;局外见证人团队,进一步巩固成员身上的正向力量。结论:叙事取向团体辅导是促进大学生自我认同发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

自传体叙事中的自我欺骗是一种从个体内角度理解的自我欺骗,是无人际压力情况下个体自我建构过程中所使用的一种认同策略。这种自我欺骗发生在自传体叙事过程中,个体通过叙事语言拉开"新我"和"旧我"的叙事距离,建立新的目标追求并实现,最终构建新的叙事认同。在这个过程中,个体在维持正性自我概念的动机驱动下,采用有偏差的信息加工方式叙述自我故事,满足情绪体验与情绪评价一致性的需要,进而影响个体的自我意识,引发自我改变。未来研究可以探讨自传体叙事中自我欺骗在临床中的行为表现与治疗策略,考察其认知神经机制,并探讨不同社会文化背景下自我欺骗的特点与影响因素。  相似文献   

刘方 《宗教学研究》2007,2(2):99-104
出于唐代李复言《续玄怪录》中的“延州妇人”故事,影响广泛、久远,特别是被不断改写后记载于宋、元两代三种佛教历史著作之中。这一事实,无论是作为宗教事件、文学事件还是文化事件都是极不寻常的。本文从叙事视角和叙事者身份等角度,通过对“延州妇人”这则故事在叙事中的时间、结构、人物、情节、结局和寓意等方面的变化、文学叙事如何在历史的演变中成为历史叙事及其所处文化背景的分析来讨论叙事身份、叙事话语的潜在目的与意识形态关系等理论问题。  相似文献   

哲学的叙事就是有关生命和生活的道德叙事,道德叙事的主体通过生命体验和生活经历中的事件叙述,呈现或揭示隐藏在这些体验、经历、事件或行为背后的道德思想和价值观念,以创造出生命或生活的意义。生命的存在形式和生活运行轨迹表明道德叙事的主体是一个在时间流逝中呈现的历史主体;有意义的人生和道德生活表明道德叙事是基于一个统一主题对人性目的的理解。"道德主体""历时性""人性目的论""主题统一性"和"可理解性"构成了道德叙事的基本要素。这些基本要素通过"道德训诫"把"未受教化而偶然所是的人"转化为"实现其目的而可能所是的人",这是人类深层次的道德叙事。  相似文献   

狄金森在诗歌创作中善于使用第一人称的视角叙事,这种叙事视角主要包括以故事中的人物的口吻叙事,以诗人的口吻讲述和以自传色彩的"我"叙述故事.有时,尽管诗人的叙事视角不是十分明确,但还是有一个隐含的诗人叙事者.狄金森诗歌的叙事视角有时还以第一人称"我"和第三人称"他"相结合叙事的形式以及以第三人称与第三人称相结合的口吻叙事.在这些情况下,诗人一般采用的是戏剧对话的叙事方式.狄金森丰富的叙事视角充分展现了她在诗歌叙事方面的卓越才能.  相似文献   

东西先生的《没有语言的生活》由小说到影视剧改编,均获成功,究其本源在于其主题都切中了“无形语言”这块璞玉,由此切出三块“玉石”,实则“本同而末异”.“无形语言”从小说文本到影视文本涉及叙事话语材料的变化,这不仅造成了审美观感的不同,还折射出不同材质叙事语言背后整个话语权力结构的变化.考察“无形语言”如何在此话语转换中成功穿透精英文化文本和大众文化文本的场域,对于多元文化空间的构建具有重要意义.  相似文献   

严进  杨珊珊 《心理科学进展》2013,21(6):1125-1132
叙事传输是人们沉浸在故事情景中的独特心理过程,也是故事信息特有的说服机制.叙事传输会使决策者产生与现实世界脱离的感觉,体验到强烈的情绪,然后对故事产生认同,改变态度.本文在界定叙事加工、叙事传输等理论概念基础上,重点比较叙事传输与分析加工的差异,认为两者在信息内容组织、作用途径、判断逻辑、认知努力及问题距离上都有区别.进一步研究叙事传输与分析加工、自我控制、情景决策等理论领域的关系具有重要价值.  相似文献   

叙事心理治疗通过故事叙说、问题外化以及由薄到厚等方法重构积极的"替代性"故事取代"无效的"支配性故事。本文结合"失独者"哀伤心理辅导的实践,探寻叙事心理治疗在失独者哀伤心理辅导中的应用。  相似文献   

叙事心理治疗的后现代视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叙事心理治疗,作为一种本体存在一伦理实践的总体取向,隐含着某些基本的后现代主义视角,尤其是语言观的根本转变。现代主义的观点把语言看作是对现实的表征,而后现代主义关注语言的本体论地位,关注我们如何使用叙事和文本来建构和解构我们的生活世界,强调话语实践的自我反思性。该文探讨了后现代语境中心理治疗的几个关键问题,并讨论了叙事观在心理治疗的临床实践中的应用含义。  相似文献   

叙事辅导法是目前广受关注的后现代心理辅导方法之一,它摆脱了传统意义上将人作为问题的治疗辅导观念,通过"故事讲述""问题外化""由薄到厚"等方法,使来访者发现自身潜藏的力量和生活的意义,从而变得更自主、更有动力。叙事辅导法的产生深受后现代主义哲学思潮的影响,它将后现代主义"去中心化"、不确定性、差异性、多元解释和解构的思想具体应用于解决个体心理问题上,最终实现助人自助的目的。  相似文献   

Letter writing is a therapeutic tool used in many helping professions with many populations. In school counseling, letter writing can be a useful way for school counselors to build relationships and assess student needs. Letter writing may appeal to students who are more introspective and prefer less direct forms of communication (France, Cadieax, & Allen, 1995). Evidence to support school counselors’ use of letter writing with students is underdeveloped. Citing conceptual, empirical, and theoretical support, the authors propose prompting students to write Letters About Themselves (LAT) at the beginning, middle, and end phases of the school year. Considerations for school counselors using letter writing with adolescents are explored.  相似文献   

The developmental narrative model (DNM) to supervision introduces a creative postmodern supervision approach designed to increase counselor-in-training competency through counselor awareness, the use of storying, and a commitment to social advocacy. This collaborative supervision model pulls from narrative therapy and incorporates the developmental needs of counselors-in-training through the integrated developmental model. The purpose of this article is threefold: (a) review the major tenets of DNM supervision, (b) present the supervisors’ role within the approach, and (c) identify strengths and limitations of the DNM model in action.  相似文献   

日本的学校心理咨询模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄辛隐 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1466-1469
伴随着日本学校临床心理士派遣制度的实施,探索有效的学校心理咨询模式被提到了议事日程上。在日本的学校中,学校心理学模式、社区心理学模式、短期治疗模式和叙事治疗等四种模式比较多的为学校临床心理士们所关注。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore women's experiences in a narrative therapy-based group conducted to help participants re-author their stories. Seven women who were either patients or individuals enrolled in Transition Support for Employment at a psychiatric clinic participated in the meetings, one every fortnight. Each session explored a theme based on narrative therapy techniques such as externalization. The participants wrote their reflections during each session, and completed the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) during the initial and final sessions. An affinity diagram was developed to classify their written reflections into 22 lower categories (e.g., new understanding of self, forward-looking-understanding of life) and 4 upper categories (“Insight,” “Sharing with others,” “Changes with understanding of lives,” “Higher motivation”). The relationship among five lower categories comprising “Insight” was explored, and it became apparent that clarification of participants' own thoughts about social problems functioned as a mediator promoting the process. The largest portion of depressed feelings emerged during the initial session, and four participants had lower scores for BDI-II items such as self-criticism in the final session. The results suggest that the group's purpose was realized. However, future studies should examine participants' feelings more closely, especially during the initial session.  相似文献   

A team of 5 school counselors were interviewed to learn how they professionally and personally experienced the deaths of multiple students in 1 year in their school while attending to the needs of the school community. By using narrative inquiry, 5 themes emerged from the analysis: gravity of the losses, logistics of care, personal vs. professional conflicts, increased student cohesion, and efficacy. Recommendations for counselor preparation, research, and counseling practice are offered.  相似文献   

Referential process (RP) has been investigated in the psychotherapy domain to understand the mechanisms underlying clients’ problems and identify the process of change. RP shares some theoretical assumptions with another relevant construct in the psychotherapy domain, i.e. the reflexive process. However, the relation between RP and reflexive process has never been explored through an operational approach. This study aims at analyzing the relation between referential activity (RA), conceived as the linguistic index of RP, and two reflexive processes of different complexity, reflection and reflexivity, in a group counseling program. Audio recordings from seven group counseling sessions were analyzed through two procedures: (1) the latest Italian version of the computerized text analysis software developed for analyzing RA, and (2) the analysis of the narrative functions of reflection and reflexivity. Accordingly, reflection processes were mainly identified in the narrative excerpts by adopting the conventional procedure for RA software-based analysis and combining it with the analysis of the narrative functions. More complex processes of reflexivity were detected when the analysis of the narrative functions was combined with an innovative procedure for RA software-based analysis. Overall, these data indicated that a high level of RA is essential for activating reflexive processes of higher complexity.  相似文献   

Many professional counselors will experience the loss of a client to suicide. The effects of this loss are explored in this article. The supervisor’s role in supporting a supervisee after a client’s suicide is presented. Additionally, creative interventions that can be used by supervisors to support supervisees after the loss of a client are provided. These creative techniques are theoretically grounded within the cognitive behavioral, solution-focused, and narrative paradigms.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of narrative and drama therapies as creative therapeutic interventions to engage and assist vulnerable youth. Foster Care Chronicles was a collaboration between a state university social work program and a local department of social services in a child welfare unit. This 2-year exploratory project employed an innovative approach to work with foster care youth, all of whom were within 2 years of “aging out” of care. The project utilized narrative therapy and drama therapy in a group setting by building on youths’ individual and collective strengths in writing, speaking, and acting. As these youth assessed their participation in this program, their reflections addressed developing aspects of self-image, self-healing, self-efficacy, and lessons learned.  相似文献   

方建移  刘宣文  张英萍  何伟强 《心理科学》2006,29(2):430-432,422
“聚焦于问题解决的短期咨询”是一种新兴的心理咨询模式,它因其正向思考、省时省力等优点迅速在世界范围内崛起,并被广泛应用在不同的咨询情境中。文章在对聚焦于问题解决的短期咨询简介的基础上,介绍了其产生背景,指出了该模式的应用领域,并对其作了简要评价。  相似文献   

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