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We examined whether the homogeneity of the two profiles of Rubin's goblet affects figure/ground perception in infants. We modified the two profiles of Rubin's goblet in order to compare figure/ground perception under four test patterns: (1) two profiles painted with horizontal lines (horizontal-line condition), (2) two profiles painted middle gray (uni-color condition), (3) one profile painted light gray and the other dark gray (two-color condition), and (4) a goblet painted with concentric circles (concentric-circles condition). In the horizontal-line condition the homogeneity of the profile was strengthened, and in the two-color condition the homogeneity of the profile was weakened compared to the uni-color condition, which was an original Rubin's goblet. In the concentric-circles condition the homogeneity of the reversed areas of the horizontal-line were strengthened.  相似文献   

Summary Three experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that a target line that forms an outer contour of a stimulus figure is detected better than an internal target line. In the first experiment tridimensional stimuli similar to the object stimuli of Weisstein and Harris (1974), were used. In the second and third experiments arrows and triangles were used as stimuli, composed of one of the four right angles of a square and a diagonal. In the first two experiments the diagonal lines served as targets, and external diagonal lines were detected better than internal diagonals or diagonals without context. In the third experiment the right angles served as targets; these were detected better in arrows than in triangles or without the context diagonal. In each experiment the targets formed vertices and intersections with other line segments of the stimulus. It is argued that these local configurational features facilitated target detection by automatically attracting attention, particularly if they were located at the boundaries of the stimulus figure.This study was supported by grant Wa 419/1 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The author wants to thank U. Bauer, J. Beringer, Cl. Gall, and U. Jacob for their help in performing the experiments  相似文献   

In this study we sought to determine whether infants, like adults, utilize previous experience to guide figure/ground processing. After familiarization to a shape, 5-month-olds preferentially attended to the side of an ambiguous figure/ground test stimulus corresponding to that shape, suggesting that they were viewing that portion as the figure. Infants’ failure to exhibit this preference in a control condition in which both sides of the test stimulus were displayed as figures indicated that the results in the experimental condition were not due to a preference between two figure shapes. These findings demonstrate for the first time that figure/ground processing in infancy is sensitive to top-down influence. Thus, a critical aspect of figure/ground processing is functional early in life.  相似文献   

Bistable figures provide a fascinating window through which to explore human visual awareness. Here we demonstrate for the first time that the semantic context provided by a background auditory soundtrack (the voice of a young or old female) can modulate an observer's predominant percept while watching the bistable "my wife or my mother-in-law" figure (Experiment 1). The possibility of a response-bias account-that participants simply reported the percept that happened to be congruent with the soundtrack that they were listening to-was excluded in Experiment 2. We further demonstrate that this crossmodal semantic effect was additive with the manipulation of participants' visual fixation (Experiment 3), while it interacted with participants' voluntary attention (Experiment 4). These results indicate that audiovisual semantic congruency constrains the visual processing that gives rise to the conscious perception of bistable visual figures. Crossmodal semantic context therefore provides an important mechanism contributing to the emergence of visual awareness.  相似文献   

Observers adjusted the luminance of a target region until it began to appear self-luminous, or glowing. In Experiment 1, the target was either a face-shaped region (figure) or a non-face-shaped region (ground) of identical area that appeared to be the face's background. In Experiment 2, the target was a square or a trapezoid of identical area that appeared as a tilted rectangle. In Experiment 3, the target was a square surrounded by square, circular, or diamond-shaped elements. Targets that (1) were perceived as figures, (2) were phenomenally small in area, or (3) did not group well with other elements in the array because of shape appeared self-luminous at significantly lower luminance levels. These results indicate that like lightness perception, the luminosity threshold is influenced by perceptual organization and is not based on low-level retinal processes alone.  相似文献   

The ambiguous rat-man figure was tachistoscopically presented to 36 subjects in successive segments to test the hypothesis that the starting segment would determine the perception of the figure. Starting segments were selected which were expected to produce the perception of a rat, a man, or either a rat or man. The remaining segments came from figures evaluated in a preliminary study. The selected figures differed in drawn bias and tended to be seen as a rat, a man, or either a rat or a man. The three starting segments were combined factorially with the three levels of drawn bias of the remaining segments. The effect of the starting segment was significant; the effect of drawn bias was not. A further experiment showed that presentation of the rat vs. man starting segments by themselves did not produce a reliable difference. The results support a constructive model of form perception in which the stimulus material first presented establishes a hypothesis which is used to interpret the remaining material.  相似文献   

The Gollin test (measuring recognition thresholds for fragmented line drawings of everyday objects and animals) has traditionally been regarded as a test of incomplete figure perception or 'closure', though there is a debate about how such closure is achieved. Here, figural incompleteness is considered to be the result of masking, such that absence of contour elements of a fragmented figure is the result of the influence of an 'invisible' mask. It is as though the figure is partly obscured by a mask having parameters identical to those of the background. This mask is 'invisible' only consciously, but for the early stages of visual processing it is real and has properties of multiplicative noise. Incomplete Gollin figures were modeled as the figure covered by the mask with randomly distributed transparent and opaque patches. We adjusted the statistical characteristics of the contour image and empty noise patches and processed those using spatial and spatial-frequency measures. Across 73 figures, despite inter-subject variability, mean recognition threshold was always approximately 15% of total contour in naive observers. Recognition worsened with increasing spectral similarity between the figure and the 'invisible' mask. Near threshold, the spectrum of the fragmented image was equally similar to that of the 'invisible' mask and complete image. The correlation between spectral parameters of figures at threshold and complete figures was greatest for figures that were most easily recognised. Across test sessions, thresholds reduced when either figure or mask parameters were familiar. We argue that recognition thresholds for Gollin stimuli in part reflect the extraction of signal from noise.  相似文献   

A reexamination of experiments on the brightness and darkness enhancement of flickering lights suggests that the mechanism responsible for the asymmetry of the effects (darkness enhancement being a stronger effect than brightness enhancement) is independent and central to the mechanism responsible for the frequency-dependent brightness and darkness variations.  相似文献   

Groups of typists with extensive experience of screen-based editing and groups of students with no such experience carried out a reading task under three conditions of illumination (50-Hz flicker, 100-Hz flicker, and steady illumination). Subjects read a sentence, which was followed by the presentation of a single stimulus word on the same line to the right-hand side of the display. The task was to decide whether or not the stimulus was present in the sentence. Subjects were free to re-inspect the sentence when making the decision. Eye movements were measured as subjects completed the task. In comparison with students, typists adopted a more cautious reading style, making more right-to-left saccades, shorter saccades, and more corrective eye movements. Flicker affected the performance of both groups of subjects in the first pass, leading to shorter saccades. In the second pass, its effect for students was to shorten the extent of large saccades made to check the presence of the stimulus word. In the group of typists, flicker led to an increase in the variability of saccade extent and a doubling in the number of small corrective saccades. The results are consistent with the view that flicker has two distinct effects on reading, both of which are potentially disruptive. The first relates to an increase in the number of prematurely triggered saccades, which are, as a result, less accurate. The second is an increase in the number of saccades perturbed in flight, which land short of their intended target. These two mechanisms may have different consequences for readers, depending on their reading style.  相似文献   

Kennedy, J. M. Misunderstandings of figure and ground. A note. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 207–209.MdashThe hypothesis that contours and lines shape only one of their adjoining regions is shown to be erroneously attributed to Rubin. Some well-known demonstrations supporting the hypothesis are shown to be confounded.  相似文献   

Because the environment often includes multiple sounds that overlap in time, listeners must segregate a sound of interest (the auditory figure) from other co-occurring sounds (the unattended auditory ground). We conducted a series of experiments to clarify the principles governing the extraction of auditory figures. We distinguish between auditory "objects" (relatively punctate events, such as a dog's bark) and auditory "streams" (sounds involving a pattern over time, such as a galloping rhythm). In Experiments 1 and 2, on each trial 2 sounds-an object (a vowel) and a stream (a series of tones)-were presented with 1 target feature that could be perceptually grouped with either source. In each block of these experiments, listeners were required to attend to 1 of the 2 sounds, and report its perceived category. Across several experimental manipulations, listeners were more likely to allocate the feature to an impoverished object if the result of the grouping was a good, identifiable object. Perception of objects was quite sensitive to feature variation (noise masking), whereas perception of streams was more robust to feature variation. In Experiment 3, the number of sound sources competing for the feature was increased to 3. This produced a shift toward relying more on spatial cues than on the potential contribution of the feature to an object's perceptual quality. The results support a distinction between auditory objects and streams, and provide new information about the way that the auditory world is parsed.  相似文献   

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