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In a representative sample of the population (N = 950), this study investigated the influence of psychological resources on attitudes toward people with physical disabilities. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that 2 psychological resources (liking people, belief in a just world) had a significant influence on attitude toward people with disabilities, controlling for the demographic variables of age, education, and sex. Contact, social desirability, and the Big Five dimensions of Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Openness also proved to be significant. The psychological resources of self‐esteem, life satisfaction, and hope were not significant. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigated the relationship between racial identity and attitudes toward people with disabilities. Results indicate that higher statuses of racial identity correlate positively while lower and more racist‐oriented statuses correlate negatively with attitudes toward people with disabilities. The study supports the notion that attitudes from cultural memberships associated with power can transfer from one domain (i.e., White/People of Color) to another domain (i.e., Abled/Disabled). Este estudio empírico investigó la relación entre la identidad y actitudes raciales hacia personas con incapacidades. Los resultados indican que las posiciones más altas de la identidad racial se pone en correlación positivamente mientras bajan y más posiciones racista‐orientados se pone en correlación negativamente con actitudes hacia personas con incapacidades. El estudio sostiene la noción que actitudes de asociaciones culturales asociadas con el poder pueden transferir de un dominio (es decir, los Blancos/Personas del Color) a otro dominio (es decir, Capacitados/Incapacitados).  相似文献   

Contrary to many myths regarding their potential performance, workers with disabilities generally receive performance ratings similar to their nondisabled coworkers. However, their ratings possibly may be inflated above their actual performance levels. In a laboratory experiment, we constrained the performance of a worker with a disability to an extremely low level and assessed the effects of helping behavior, presence and type of disability in the worker, and the perceived attributions of controllability of the disability on task performance ratings for the workers with disabilities and on contextual performance ratings for their coworkers. We found that the perception that a worker is not responsible for the onset of a disability and that having any disability, regardless of type, artificially inflates task performance ratings. We also found inflated contextual performance ratings for coworkers who work with persons who are perceived as being responsible for the onset of their own disability.  相似文献   

This study examined 2 types of organizational citizenship behaviors: those that benefit the organization, and those that benefit one's coworkers. Parallel hypotheses were developed that predicted that support perceptions (both organizational and individual) would predict their respective type of citizenship behavior, and that exchange ideology (also both organizational and individual) would moderate this relation. The contributions of conscientiousness and empathy were also explored for their potential incremental value. Existing measures of perceived organizational support and exchange ideology were used to develop two new measures to assess perceived coworker support and individual exchange ideology. Results from a diverse sample support the importance of support perceptions as well as the moderating role of organizational exchange ideology. With respect to the 2 personality variables, conscientiousness played a significant role, but empathy did not. Implications for citizenship research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

While persons with disabilities comprise approximately 17% of American and Canadian populations, they comprise a mere 3% of the workforce. This study examined the attitudes of 231 Canadian management undergraduates toward employing persons with disabilities. Participants were assigned to MacLean and Gannon's (1995) fourfold table of low-high combinations of the sympathy and discomfort scales derived from the Interaction With Disabled Persons scale (IDP; Gething, 1991). Results showed that the fourfold classification of attitudes was useful in identifying differences in attitudes, as measured by the 13-item Attitudes Toward Employing Persons With Disabilities instrument (ATEPD; Loo, 2002). Scores on the IDP and ATEPD were independent of social desirability scores. Recommendations are presented for organizations and educators to promote positive attitudes toward employees with disabilities.  相似文献   

Considerable confusion and subjectivity has plagued the diagnosis of learning disabilities since the field was first established. Though clinical judgement is necessary for appropriate diagnosis and provision of services to learning disabled children, such judgement must be steeped in evidence and given clear empirical guidance. Application of the severe discrepancy criterion dictated in Federal regulations offers an excellent beginning point in objectifying learning disability diagnosis.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the applicability of a transactional theory of stress to the understanding of countertransference with male clients. Counselors responded to either a traditional or nontraditional videotaped male client vignette. As expected, counselors' stress appraisals predicted their countertransference behavior. Specifically, therapists' positive appraisals were linked with more positive diagnostic evaluations of the client, whereas negative appraisals were linked with increased distance from and hesitance with the client. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This experimental vignette study examined children's perceptions and evaluations of helping a peer, in the context of friendships and in the presence of by-standing peers. A total of 1246 children (8 to 12 years) reported their attitude toward helping when either friends of the helper, friends of the recipient of help, or no bystanders were present. In agreement with the competitive altruism model, children most strongly endorsed helping when friends of the helper were present compared to the other two situations. This indicates that children take reputation concerns into account when evaluating helping situations. However, in contrast to lower prosocial children, the evaluations of higher prosocial children were not influenced by the presence of by-standing peers. These children seemed to base their evaluation on increasing the recipient's welfare and less on reputation concerns of the helper.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of reinforcement following helping in one situation on subsequent helping behavior. It was predicted that helping behavior would increase following positive reinforcement and decrease following negative reinforcement. It was also predicted that the attractiveness of the dispenser of reinforcement would affect subsequent helping. The study was conducted using a 3 × 2 × 2 design with the variables bemg nature of reinforcement, attractivcness of the confederate, and sex of S. The data indicated that subsequent to negative reinforcement, helping responses decrease. There were no differences between the positive, neutral or control conditions. Sex of S interacted with reinforcemcnt condition, with mcn helping more than women following negative reinforcement. Malcs and females also differcd in quality of help given, with men offering more physical help than women, particularly following neutral reinforcement.  相似文献   


In the present experiment, “lost” letters were placed on the cars of team supporters at a major football grand final. Significantly more letters were returned by supporters of the losing team than by supporters of the winning team. These results were interpreted as presenting a problem for the theory that negative mood only increases helping behavior when internal attribution of responsibility occurs (Rogers, Miller, Mayer, & Duval, 1982).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test for reciprocity and chaining in 4,897 children (2,568 boys, 2,329 girls) from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS). Cross-lagged correlations between maternal dysphoria and attitude at Waves 2 and 3 of the FFCWS revealed that maternal dysphoria and negative maternal attitudes toward parenting were reciprocally related. Regarding chaining, the direct effects of Wave 2 maternal dysphoria and attitudes on Wave 5 offspring physical aggression were nonsignificant, although both variables predicted Wave 5 physical aggression via their cross-lagged correlations with each other at Wave 3 and offspring externalizing behavior at Wave 4. These results indicate that dysphoria and negative maternal attitudes toward parenting are equally important in predicting offspring physical aggression.  相似文献   

Career education is as important for students in special education services as it was a decade ago. The majority of these students continue to experience extreme difficulties in making a successful transition from secondary programs to employment and independent living. The authors review the state of the art and then present a life-centered career education curricular approach to prepare students with the important competencies needed for successful adult adjustment. Sample programs are cited. The school counselor is viewed as an important contributor to this process, and several critical guidance functions are recommended by using a comprehensive guidance program model. A challenge to the professional is presented to complete the unfinished agenda that presently exists in services to students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Remedial strategies for children and adolescents with disabilities should have their roots in assessment. In this article the authors discuss improvements in assessment approaches, including new standards for psychological testing, updated and renormed cognitive assessments, and vocational assessments with increased ecological validity. The combined efforts of school psychologists, rehabilitation counselors, vocational evaluators, psychologists, and school counselors have yielded progress in the technical qualities of assessment and utilization. Through comprehensive and functional assessment, students with disabilities should find the transition from school to work with greater success.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between people's social value orientations and helping behavior. Subjects dassified a priori as either cooperators, individualists, or competitors were mailed a request to volunteer from zero to ten hours of their time to a worthy cause. Subjects were asked to indicate on their response forms the number of hours, if any, that they wished to contribute and to retum these forms using an enclosed self-addressed envelope regardless of whether they intended to donate any hours. The results revealed that subjects of all three social value orientations were equally likely to comply to the small request to return their response forms. However, the number of hours that subjects contributed differed as a function of their social values. As predicted, cooperators contributed significantly more of their time to the cause than did individualists and competitors. We relate these findings to previous research on social values and helping behavior.  相似文献   

It is often believed that helping behaviors benefit the recipients at the expense of the performers. However, we propose that costly helping behaviors could alleviate feelings of physical burden experienced by the performers. In support of the proposal, we found in five studies that both imaginary and real helping behaviors led the performers to perceive physically challenging tasks as less demanding (Studies 1, 2, 3, 5), such as perceiving a steep mountain road as less steep (Study 2), a heavy carton as lighter (Study 4), and a long path as shorter (Study 5). These results challenge the conventional wisdom that helping behaviors always come at the cost of the helper and corroborate a growing body of literature showing that helping others could benefit the performer.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that noise interferes with social cues from a person in need of help and reduces helping behavior. The research reported here investigates the role of other variables, such as nonverbal cues and sex of the participants involved, that may naturally accompany noise in influencing prosocial behavior. Two experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that noise alone may not reduce helping behavior, among other hypotheses. The results of the laboratory study were inconclusive because of the possible interference of demand characteristics. The results of a field study on the streets of a major city supported the major hypothesis and revealed that sex of the participants involved was the major predictor of helping behavior. The results were discussed in terms of adaptation to arousing stimuli and environmental load theories.  相似文献   

We examined aversive affect and racism as predictors of differences in helping White versus Black targets. According to aversive racism theory, Whites may express egalitarian attitudes but experience discomfort in interracial interactions, producing discrimination. Participants completed racism measures and reported their likelihood of helping White or Black targets. Racism negligibly predicted discriminatory helping across studies. In Studies 2 and 3, participants experiencing aversive affect were less likely to help Black than White targets. Results demonstrate negative feelings, more so than racial biases, impacts discriminatory helping. We hope to inspire future research examining why White bystanders experience aversion in interracial helping.  相似文献   

In the last decade mind-body strategies have evolved to extend possible counseling approaches to persons with disabilities. Using Beatrice A. Wright's principles of attention to individual needs, respect for situational complexities, and flexibility, the authors reflect on the work of Milton H. Erickson, from which modern mind-body counseling interventions can be traced. Included are strategies to develop rapport, the therapeutic use of imagery, reframing and other paradoxical techniques, and the use of metaphor in counseling with people with disabilities.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of assessment and counseling tools and strategies that may be used by employment counselors when working with adults who have mild and moderate mental disabilities.  相似文献   

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