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Individuals often produce alarm or mobbing calls when they detect a threat such as a predator. Little is known about whether such calling is affected by the facial orientation of a potential threat, however. We tested for an effect of facial orientation of a potential threat on tufted titmice, Baeolophus bicolor, a songbird that uses chick-a-dee calls in a variety of social contexts. In two studies, a human observer wore an animal mask that either faced or faced away from the focal bird(s). In Study 1, focal birds were individual titmice captured in a walk-in trap, and the observer stood near the trapped bird. In Study 2, focal birds were titmouse flocks utilizing a feeding station and the observer stood near the station. In both studies, calling behavior was affected by mask orientation. In Study 2, foraging and agonistic behavior were also affected. Titmice can therefore perceive the facial orientation of a potential threat, and this perception affects different behavioral systems, including calling. Our results indicate sensitivity of titmice to the facial orientation of a potential predator in two quite different motivational contexts. This work suggests the possibility of strategic signaling by prey species depending upon the perceptual space of a detected predator.  相似文献   

This study surveyed the vocalization repertoire of descendants of wild-trapped Rattus rattus. Sound recordings synchronized with behavioral observations were conducted in an animal colony living undisturbed under seminatural conditions. Analyses of sound recordings revealed 10 distinct acoustic signals, 5 of which were in the ultrasonic frequency range. The time course and the frequency pattern of the analyzed sounds were similar to those described for R. norvegicus, and they occurred in comparable situations. A species-specific difference may be the intensity of the emitted sounds. The possible communicative function of the acoustic signals is discussed.  相似文献   

Morton, Marcus, and Frankish (1976) defined “perceptual center,” or “P-center,” as a neutral term to describe that which is regular in a perceptually regular sequence of speech sounds. This paper describes a paradigm for the determination of P-center location and the effect of various acoustic parameters on empirically determined P-center locations. It is shown that P-center location is affected by both initial consonant duration and, secondarily, subsequent vowel and consonant duration. A simple two-parameter model involving the duration of the whole stimulus is developed and gives good performance in predicting P-center location. The application of this model to continuous speech is demonstrated. It is suggested that there is little value in attempting to determine any single acoustic or articulatory correlate of P-center location, or in attempting to define P-center location absolutely in time. Rather, these results indicate that P-centers are a property of the whole stimulus and reflect properties of both the production and perception of speech.  相似文献   

The startle threshold of the albino Sprague-Dawley rat runs parallel to the curve of the hearing threshold. The difference between the startle and hearing threshold is 87 dB (SPL) at a background noise level of 75 dB (SPL). At 110 dB (SPL), the threshold has a range from 2 kHz to 50 kHz with a minimum at 10 kHz and a second minimum at 40 kHz. Amplitude and latency of the startle response are not only dependent on the sensation level of the acoustic stimulus but also on the frequency. At threshold, only the head movement component of the startle response is elicited.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) has been studied intensively, the "chick-a-dee" call being among the most well described. This call consists of 4 note types; chickadees perceive these notes as open-ended categories and do so in a continuous manner, with As more similar to Bs and Bs more similar to Cs. Acoustic features contributing to the note-type differentiation are unknown. Recent analyses suggested that certain acoustic features may play a role in note-type classification. Here, the authors tested black-capped chickadees in an operant-conditioning paradigm to determine which features were controlling note-type perception. The results suggest that the note pitch and the frequency modulation in the initial portion of the note control the perception of note types.  相似文献   

Detour behaviour is the ability of an animal to reach a goal stimulus by moving round any interposed obstacle. It has been widely studied and has been proposed as a test of insight learning in several species of mammals, but few data are available in birds. A comparative study in three species of birds, belonging to different eco-ethological niches, allows a better understanding of the cognitive mechanism of such detour behaviour. Young quails (Coturnix sp.), herring gulls (Larus cachinnans) and canaries (Serinus canaria), 1 month old, 10–25 days old and 4–6 months old, respectively, were tested in a detour situation requiring them to abandon a clear view of a biologically interesting object (their own reflection in a mirror) in order to approach that object. Birds were placed in a closed corridor, at one end of which was a barrier through which the object was visible. Four different types of barrier were used: vertical bar, horizontal bar, grid and transparent. Two symmetrical apertures placed midline in the corridor allowed the birds to adopt routes passing around the barrier. After entering the apertures, birds could turn either right or left to re-establish social contact with the object in the absence of any local sensory cues emanating from it. Quails appeared able to solve the task, though their performance depended on the type of barrier used, which appeared to modulate their relative interest in approaching the object or in exploring the surroundings. Young herring gulls also showed excellent abilities to locate spatially the out-of-view object, except when the transparent barrier was used. Canaries, on the other hand, appeared completely unable to solve the detour task, whatever barrier was in use. It is suggested that these species differences can be accounted for in terms of adaptation to a terrestrial or aerial environment.  相似文献   

The effects of complete and partial cochlear extirpation at ages 9-11 days posthatch were assessed in 5 nestling budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to determine if auditory feedback is necessary for the production of nestling vocalizations. Although early deafening had no effect on the production of food-begging calls produced during the first 2 weeks posthatch, deafening did disrupt the expected transition from these early calls to the longer and more complex frequency-modulated, patterned food-begging calls normally appearing 3-4 weeks posthatch. All birds sustaining either complete or partial cochlear extirpation failed to develop stereotyped contact calls around the time of fledging at 5 weeks. These results are consistent with previous research showing that deafened nestlings do not develop normal contact calls (R. J. Dooling, B. F. Gephart, P. H. Price, C. McHale, & S. E. Brauth, 1987) and also indicate that a form of sensorimotor learning is involved in the production of mature, patterned food-begging calls in budgerigars.  相似文献   

Analysis of acoustic interactions between animals in active choruses is complex because of the large numbers of individuals present, their high calling rates, and the considerable numbers of vocalizations that either overlap or show close temporal alternation. The authors describe a methodology for recording chorus activity in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) using multiple, closely spaced acoustic sensors that provide simultaneous estimates of sound direction and sound characteristics. This method provides estimates of location of individual callers, even under conditions of call overlap. This is a useful technique for understanding the complexity of the acoustic scene faced by animals vocalizing in groups.  相似文献   

Acoustic variability and individual distinctiveness of vocal signals are expected to vary with both their communicative function and the need for individual recognition during social interactions. So far, few attempts have been made to comparatively study these features across the different call types within a species' vocal repertoire. We collected recordings of the six most common call types from 14 red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus) to assess intra- and interindividual acoustic variability, using a range of temporal and frequency parameters. Acoustic variability was highest in contact and threat calls, intermediate in food calls, and lowest in loud and alarm calls. Individual distinctiveness was high in contact, threat, loud and alarm calls, and low in food calls. In sum, calls mediating intragroup social interactions were structurally most variable and individually most distinctive, highlighting the key role that social factors must have played in the evolution of the vocal repertoire in this species. We discuss these findings in light of existing hypotheses of acoustic variability in primate vocal behavior.  相似文献   

The warble songs of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) are composed of a number of complex, variable acoustic elements that are sung by male birds in intimate courtship contexts for periods lasting up to several minutes. If these variable acoustic elements can be assigned to distinct acoustic-perceptual categories, it provides the opportunity to explore whether birds are perceptually sensitive to the proportion or sequential combination of warble elements belonging to different categories. By the inspection of spectrograms and by listening to recordings, humans assigned the acoustic elements in budgerigar warble from several birds to eight broad, overlapping categories. A neural-network program was developed and trained on these warble elements to simulate human categorization. The classification reliability between human raters and between human raters and the neural network classifier was better than 80% both within and across birds. Using operant conditioning and a psychophysical task, budgerigars were tested on large sets of these elements from different acoustic categories and different individuals. The birds consistently showed high discriminability for pairs of warble elements drawn from between acoustic categories and low discriminability for pairs drawn from within acoustic categories. With warble elements reliably assigned to different acoustic categories by humans and birds, it affords the opportunity to ask questions about the ordering of elements in natural warble streams and the perceptual significance of this ordering.  相似文献   

In light of the controversy about the linguistic properties of chimpanzee signing behavior, the recent sign use of 5 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) with long histories of sign use was analyzed while they interacted with longtime human companions. Four corpora from 1992 to 1999 consisting of 3,448 sign utterances were examined. The chimpanzees predominantly used object and action signs. There was no evidence for semantic or syntactic structure in combinations of signs. Longer combinations showed repetition and stringing of object and action signs. The chimpanzees mostly signed with an acquisitive motivation. Requests for objects and actions were the predominant communicative intentions of the sign utterances, though naming and answering also occurred. This recent sign use shows multiple differences with (early) human language.  相似文献   

The perceived locations of paired auditory images, simulating direct sounds and their echoes, have been recently studied in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus; M. L. Dent & R. J. Dooling, 2003a, 2003b). In this article, the authors extend those experiments to include measurements of the precedence effect using a discrimination paradigm in two additional bird species: canaries (Serinus canaria) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Although time courses of summing localization, localization dominance, and echo thresholds were similar across all species, budgerigars had slightly higher overall levels of discrimination. The results from these experiments add further support that the precedence effect in birds is similar to that found in other animals and that the ability to suppress echoes that might degrade localization and auditory object perception may be a general property of the vertebrate auditory system.  相似文献   

We tested for species differences in the perception of the cliff swallow chick begging call. One cliff swallow (Hirundo pyrrhonota), 3 European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), and 3 human (Homo sapiens) subjects were trained on go-no-go or repeating background tasks to discriminate between all possible stimulus pairs, measured by percentage of correct response and latency. We used multidimensional scaling to convert the similarity measures into a 2-dimensional map for each subject. Most of the maps were significantly correlated in Dimension 1 but not in Dimension 2. A cluster analysis separated bird and human maps. To identify the most important acoustic cues for each subject, we regressed the coordinates of each dimension on acoustic variables measured from the stimuli. For all subjects, center frequency was Dimension 1. Different acoustic cues were associated with Dimension 2, with agreement only on bandwidth, by the cliff swallow and 1 starling.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments classification of synthetic versions of species-typical snake and eagle alarm calls by vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) and human (Homo sapiens) control subjects was investigated. In a 2-choice, operant-conditioning-based procedure, this work followed up acoustic analyses that had used various digitally based algorithms (Owren & Bernacki, 1988). All subjects were first tested with alarm-call replicas that were based on analysis data. These models were classified in the same manner as natural stimuli, which verified the appropriateness of the acoustic characterizations. Synthetic stimuli were then presented to test the importance of specific acoustic cues. Spectral patterning was found to be the most salient cue for classification by the monkeys, whereas results from the human subjects were mixed. Implications for the study of nonhuman primate vocalizations and Lieberman's (1984) theory of speech evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

A 2-choice, operant-conditioning-based classification procedure was developed in which vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) categorized species-typical snake and eagle alarm calls recorded from individually identified free-ranging animals. After preliminary training with a pair of calls from a single animal, 2 vervets were tested with novel exemplars produced by a variety of callers. Experiment 1 combined testing with continued training in routine classification of 14 new calls. In Experiment 2, the subjects were tested with 48 novel calls in rapid succession. Human (Homo sapiens) control subjects participated in the first study without extended preliminary training. Monkey and human subjects both showed immediate transfer to classification of unfamiliar alarm calls, despite variations both in voice characteristics and reproduction quality.  相似文献   

Food-storing birds, black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla), and nonstoring birds, dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), matched color or location on a touch screen. Both species showed a divided attention effect for color but not for location (Experiment 1). Chickadees performed better on location than on color with retention intervals up to 40 s, but juncos did not (Experiment 2). Increasing sample-distractor distance improved performance similarly in both species. Multidimensional scaling revealed that both use a Euclidean metric of spatial similarity (Experiment 3). When choosing between the location and color of a remembered item, food storers choose location more than do nonstorers. These results explain this effect by differences in memory for location relative to color, not division of attention or spatial discrimination ability.  相似文献   

Although the domestic pigeon is commonly used in learning experiments, it is a notoriously difficult subject in auditory psychophysical experiments, even those in which it need only respond when it detects a sound. This is because pigeons tend to respond in the absence of sound—that is, they have a high false-positive rate—which makes it difficult to determine a pigeon’s audiogram. However, false positives are easily controlled in the method of conditioned suppression/avoidance, in which a pigeon is trained to peck a key to obtain food and to stop pecking whenever it detects a sound that signals impending electric shock. Here, we describe how to determine psychophysical thresholds in pigeons using a method of conditioned suppression in which avoidable shock is delivered through a bead chain wrapped around the base of a pigeon’s wings. The resulting audiogram spans the range from 2 to 8000 Hz; it falls approximately in the middle of the distribution of previous pigeon audiograms and supports the finding of Kreithen and Quine (Journal of Comparative Physiology 129:1–4, 1979) that pigeons hear infrasound.  相似文献   

Differential-approach tendencies of individual incubator-hatched chickens and Japanese quail were assayed using one exemplar of each of the species maternal calls in a simultaneous-choice paradigm. Within 24 hr after hatching, the birds received several short periods of exposure to rotating mounts of an adult female chicken and quail, which emitted the species-appropriate call. All birds were then tested with calls alone over the following 2 to 4 days. The test stimuli were played from speakers located behind pressure-sensitive panels so that approach behavior was recorded when a bird pushed against one of the panels. Both the chickens and the quail, as groups, spent significantly more time attempting to approach the exemplar of their own species maternal call, although there was considerable variation in the magnitude of the approach difference among individuals within each species. Sources of variation in preference scores are analyzed, and a simulation is used to interpret individual differences in response scores. This type of preference test is useful for a number of applications, notably for studying the behavior of quail-chick nervous system chimeras.  相似文献   

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