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Should software be sold “as is”, totally guaranteed, or something else? This paper suggests that “informed consent”, used extensively in medical ethics, is an appropriate way to envision the buyer/developer relationship when software is sold. We review why the technical difficulties preclude delivering perfect software, but allow statistical predictions about reliability. Then we borrow principles refined by medical ethics and apply them to computer professionals.  相似文献   

This article presents a review and critique of research on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) subtle items in regard to their validity as measures of their scales' characteristics. The main categories of focus are their convergent and discriminative validity, the paradoxical effect, and the issue of whether removing these items would improve MMPI validity. Important problems in the methodologies are noted and discussed in some detail. These methodological concerns and the conflicting results across studies obscure firm conclusions on the validity of the subtle items, although strong support is lacking. However, more evidence is needed before deciding to remove these items from the MMPI; therefore, this article provides recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

This article chronologically reviews the literature relating to subtle and obvious items of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Wiener's original development of subtle and obvious subscales, Seeman's support for the concept of subtlety, and Duffs arguments concerning empirical versus face validity are discussed. Later research exploring demand characteristics are then reviewed, such as the paradoxical relationships under differing instruction sets and population issues. The work from Auburn University researchers on the development of a 5-point subtlety scale, the interaction with personality factors, and individual scale research is critiqued.  相似文献   

Effects of employing standard adult and age-appropriate norms on the profile elevation, patterning and classification of adolescent patients' MMPI profiles were examined. More elevated and more often psychotic profiles were obtained with adult norms. Some sex differences were observed, but patient race was not an important source of profile variation.  相似文献   

A promising approach to understanding the processes involved when subjects respond to personality items is provided by the investigation of the causes of inconsistent responses when subjects answer the same item on two occasions. Among these causes are the properties of the item. Previous item research focused almost exclusively on properties which are not highly specific to the item, such as endorsement rate (ER) and social desirability scale value (SDSV). Although past studies found that items with ‘extreme’ SDSVs and/or ERs elicit fewer inconsistencies, these studies ignored more item-specific properties such as item content and item ambiguity. The present study demonstrates that contrary results regarding consistency may be obtained when more item-specific properties are taken into consideration. These results are interpreted as evidence that certain kinds of item content can increase the indecision and conflict that characterize some subjects' response processes.  相似文献   

An experimental design is outlined which allows the probability of an item being learned to be related to the number of presentations of that item. The results of an experiment of this design are considered in relation to the hypothesis that learning is a single trial occurrence. The results are found to support neither the single trial hypothesis nor the incremental hypothesis. A “dual factor” hypothesis is put forward and considered in relation to these and other experimental findings. The scoring procedures employed allow consideration of the response learning and the associative phases of paired associate learning. It is suggested that the response learning phase may be explained by the single trial hypothesis and the associative phase by the dual factor hypothesis.  相似文献   

On a multiple-choice test in which each item hask alternative responses, the test taker is permitted to choose any subset which he believes contains the one correct answer. A scoring system is devised that depends on the size of the subset and on whether or not the correct answer is eliminated. The mean and variance of the score per item are obtained. Methods are derived for determining the total number of items that should be included on the test so that the average score on all items can be regarded as a good measure of the subject's knowledge. Efficiency comparisons between conventional and the subset selection scoring procedures are made. The analogous problem ofr > 1 correct answers for each item (withr fixed and known) is also considered.The authors are grateful to M. Aitkin, C. Coombs, F. Lord, and the reviewers for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

A multiple-answer multiple-choice test item has a certain number of alternatives,any number of which might be keyed. The examinee is also allowed to mark any number of alternatives. This increased flexibility over the one keyed alternative case is useful in practice but raises questions about appropriate scoring rules. In this article a certain class of item scoring rules called thebinary class is considered. The concepts ofstandard scoring rules and equivalence among these scoring rules are introduced in the misinformation model for which the traditional knowledge model is a special case. The examinee's strategy with respect to a scoring rule is examined. The critical role of a quantity called the scoring ratio is emphasized. In the case of examinee uncertainty about the number of correct alternatives on an item, a Bayes and a minimax strategy for the examinee are developed. Also an appropriate response for the examiner to the minimax strategy is outlined.Research partially supported under Grants N00014-67-A-0314-0022 from the Office of Naval Research and GS-32514 and MPS 75-07539 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Presenting items multiple times during encoding is a common way to enhance recognition accuracy. Under such conditions, older adults often show an increase in false recognition that counteracts benefits of repeated study. Using a false-memory paradigm with related study items and related lures, we tested whether repetition within the same encoding task or repetition across two different encoding tasks would be more beneficial to older adults’ memory discriminability. Results showed that, compared to items not repeated at study, items repeated in the same context and items repeated across different contexts showed improvements in memory discriminability in both young and older adults. This improvement was primarily reflected in improved recollection responses for both age groups across both repeat study conditions, as compared to no repetition. Importantly, the results demonstrated that repetition can be used to successfully mitigate age-related deficits by increasing memory discriminability and without incurring a cost of false recognition specific to any one age group.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed which permits the weighting of responses of test items on the I. B. M. scoring machine on the initial scoring, heretofore impossible. This is done by making the length of the response lines on the answer sheet longer or shorter as weights are needed. It is anticipated that this method will prove useful wherever differential weighting serves to increase the validity of tests.  相似文献   

The MMPI was administered to 29 college students under standard and ideal-self instructions in order to determine whether or not there is agreement as to what constitutes favorable adjustment. A profile analysis of the ideal-self responses yielding an intraclass correlation of .62 (p < .001). This result substantiates previous studies suggesting that an identifiable profile exists. Items changed between the self and ideal administrations were analyzed for their social favorability, interpretive ambiguity, obviousness, and scale membership. The first three factors were found to significantly influence responding under the ideal-self set. Implications of such item changes and of ideal-self profile were discussed.  相似文献   

A recently suggested revision of Efron's bootstrap algorithm for small bivariate samples discards bootstrap samples having fewer than 3 distinct points in order to prevent degeneracies in Pearson'sr. Examples are given showing that this approach may severely underestimate the variance of sample moments when sample sizes are very small. This paper should have appeared in the September 1984 issue, however, due to some unknown reason the final stages of the publication process were not completed. We regret any inconvenience to the authors and our readers.—Editors. This research was supported by NIMH grant number 37188.  相似文献   

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