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人类迅速高效识别语音情绪变化的神经生理机制仍是一个未解之谜。本研究试图通过对被试内隐加工语音情绪变化的即时脑电数据做时域和频域分析, 揭示语音情绪变化加工的神经生理机制。结果发现语音情绪变化诱发N2/P3复合成分, theta频段能量增加和试次间相位相干系数(ITC)增大, beta频段能量降低和ITC增大。这些神经生理指标受情绪变化模式的调节, 情绪变化越激烈, 诱发N2/P3复合成分的潜伏期越早, theta能量和相位变化更强烈。这些结果说明语音情绪变化加工是一个变化检测与整合的过程, 该过程主要由theta和beta频段能量和试次间相位的变化来实现。  相似文献   

决策研究领域日益重视情绪的作用,情绪的认知评估理论、道德情绪理论及动机维度模型等新兴情绪观使研究者对决策机制的认识不断深化,出现了解释情绪在各类决策中作用机制的理论成果:情绪浸润模型、风险决策感知与评估双系统模型、情绪即社会信息模型、神经情感决策理论。未来尚需加强作用机制的验证研究,从情绪具身角度进行思考,基于知情交互的角度整合理论体系,重视神经生理机制理论及模型建构。并简要分析了理论成果的启示。  相似文献   

人声是人类听觉环境中最熟知和重要的声音, 传递着大量社会相关信息。与视觉人脸加工类似, 大脑对人声也有着特异性加工。研究者使用电生理、脑成像等手段找到了对人声有特异性反应的脑区, 即颞叶人声加工区(TVA), 并发现非人类动物也有类似的特异性加工区域。人声加工主要涉及言语、情绪和身份信息的加工, 分别对应于三条既相互独立又相互作用的神经通路。研究者提出了双通路模型、多阶段模型和整合模型分别对人声的言语、情绪和身份加工进行解释。未来研究需要进一步讨论人声加工的特异性能否由特定声学特征的选择性加工来解释, 并深入探究特殊人群(如自闭症和精神分裂症患者)的人声加工的神经机制。  相似文献   

张亮  孙向红  张侃 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1133-1138
自然环境中人类情绪信息的交流是依靠多个感觉通道实现的,多通道整合是情绪加工的基础。近年来的行为学、电生理学与神经成像的研究表明,情绪信息的加工具有跨通道自动整合的特点,它发生在认知加工的早期阶段,与颞上回、颞中回、海马旁回和丘脑等脑区密切相关。不同情绪的整合既有共同的神经基础,又有各自独特的加工区域。情绪信息的整合机制还可能与加工类型及注意资源有关。在未来研究中,实验的标准化、动态化、自然化有助于提高研究的准确性和研究间的可比性,而对特殊群体的研究,以及综合研究情绪加工与注意等其他认知过程则有助于我们进一步探索多通道整合的神经机制。  相似文献   

音乐与情绪诱发的机制模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐与情绪关系的讨论正处于行为层面描述向认知及神经机制研究的初探阶段.线索一致性模型、音乐期待模型、协同化理论和多重机制模型分别从音乐线索、听者认知、音乐与听者互动关系及多重整合角度对音乐诱发情绪的过程做出了解释.当前分歧集中于三方面:(1)音乐诱发情绪是否必须以认知为中介;(2)诱发过程是一般领域还是特殊领域;(3)诱发情绪的机制是多元还是单一.文章提出确定概念同质、借助多指标测量和思考机制关系等解决思路,并阐明了此领域的研究趋势.  相似文献   

史汉文  李雨桐  隋雪 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2696-2707
情绪标签词直接表达情绪状态, 而情绪负载词本身不表达情绪状态, 但能引发个体的情绪反应。通过对情绪标签词和情绪负载词的相关研究综述发现, 情绪标签词与情绪负载词的加工优势存在不一致的结果; 任务需求、语言类型和词汇特征是导致情绪词类型效应不一致的主要原因; 情绪标签词与情绪负载词的加工差异可以通过语义表征的具身假说、密度假说进行解释。未来研究应深入考察情绪标签词与情绪负载词加工差异的原因; 考察两种词在句子和语篇水平的加工差异; 提供能够直接解释情绪词类型效应的理论假说; 对比中英双语者加工中文和英文情绪标签词和情绪负载词的差异; 采用神经成像技术继续探查情绪信息与语义信息加工的神经机制。  相似文献   

高功能自闭症(High-Functioning Autism, HFA)个体智力正常, 但也面临着严重的社会功能障碍。对威胁性情绪面孔的注意偏向与HFA个体社会功能的发展密切相关。梳理相关研究发现, HFA个体在自动加工阶段和情绪目标参与阶段, 不存在威胁性情绪面孔注意偏向; 而在任务与情绪无关的控制加工阶段, 存在威胁性情绪面孔注意偏向。针对HFA个体威胁性情绪面孔注意偏向的理论解释主要有杏仁核理论、强烈世界理论和执行功能理论等。神经生理机制方面, HFA个体对威胁性情绪面孔的注意偏向可能与其异常的皮下及皮层通路功能有关, 同时可能会受5-羟色胺系统基因及催产素水平等的影响。未来研究可在综合考虑研究方法及个体因素的基础上, 进一步探究其加工特征及神经生物机制, 着力开发科学有效的干预策略。  相似文献   

加工流畅性在近二十年来引发了大量的研究,这些研究对人们深入了解认知-情绪的相互作用机制很有价值,与决策、直觉、审美等领域的研究也有密切的关系。流畅性-归因模型和流畅性-情绪联结模型是解释加工流畅性效应的两个竞争模型,笔者分析与评价了这两个模型的观点与证据,提出了建立双系统模型的初步设想,并对未来如何根据双系统模型的观点进一步开展加工流畅性的作用机制研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

双加工指的是直觉加工和分析加工。随着对双加工转换和协作机制研究的不断深入,情绪逐渐成为影响双加工的重要变量。但情绪如何影响两类加工仍存在争议,且研究视角的不同也使情绪在双加工中的作用不够明晰。为此,从情绪效价和情绪唤醒度视角来阐明情绪对双加工的影响机制很有必要。现有证据表明,积极情绪和高唤醒情绪往往都会促进直觉加工,而在消极情绪和低唤醒情绪下个体则倾向于采用分析加工。未来研究可以从情绪对特定双加工模型影响的验证、情绪唤醒与双加工的关系、情绪领域的新进理论成果和情绪负荷下优化双加工的策略方面继续探索。  相似文献   

面孔、语音情绪信息的整合加工是社会交往的重要技能, 近年来逐渐引起心理学、神经科学研究的关注。当前研究较为系统地考察了双通道情绪信息整合加工的行为表现和影响因素, 也很好地回答了“何时整合”与“在哪里整合”两个认知神经科学关注的问题, 但对“面孔、语音情绪信息能否整合为一致情绪客体?双通道情绪信息在大脑中如何整合为一?”两个关键问题都还缺乏系统研究。因此, 本项目拟系统操纵面孔、语音刺激的情绪凸显度和任务要求, 引入动态面孔-语音刺激以增加外部效度, 综合运用行为和电生理技术, 从多角度挖掘数据, 特别是引入神经振荡(时频、相干)分析, 系统考察动态性面孔和语音情绪信息是否能整合成一致情绪客体, 并在神经振荡层面探明双通道情绪信息整合的机制。  相似文献   

Emotion theories commonly postulate that emotions impose coherence across multiple response systems. However, empirical support for this coherence postulate is surprisingly limited. In the present study, the authors (a) examined the within-individual associations among experiential, facial behavioral, and peripheral physiological responses during emotional responding and (b) assessed whether emotion intensity moderates these associations. Experiential, behavioral, and physiological responses were measured second-by-second during a film that induced amusement and sadness. Results indicate that experience and behavior were highly associated but that physiological responses were only modestly associated with experience and behavior. Intensity of amusement experience was associated with greater coherence between behavior and physiological responding; intensity of sadness experience was not. These findings provide new evidence about response system coherence in emotions.  相似文献   

Positive emotions are evoked on seeing one's favorite person. To investigate the psychological and physiological responses accompanying these positive emotions, we simultaneously recorded various parameters such as the mood state, heart rate, skin conductance level (SCL), serum levels of catecholamines, and proportions of T cells and natural killer (NK) cells among the lymphocytes while participants viewed films featuring their favorite persons. The participants reported that they felt better and invigorated; in addition, SCL and proportion of NK cells in peripheral blood increased significantly, and these physiological changes were positively correlated. These results suggest that positive emotions elicited on seeing a favorite person may lead to psychological and physiological activation and, more importantly, may promote health.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bone (Proverbs 17 : 22; New International Version)  相似文献   

使用音乐诱发情绪是有效且特殊的诱发方式。本文对音乐诱发情绪的自我报告测量、心理生理测量和功能神经成像测量进行了系统的梳理,并阐述了一种基于音乐特定模型的情绪测量方法。文章从音乐刺激的选择、听者特征以及情境特征三方面对影响音乐情绪测量的因素进行了总结。并为保证测量的准确性进一步提出确定理论模型一致性、结合多元方法、利用有效刺激材料、认真考评情境和参与者特征等解决思路,并阐明了此领域的研究趋势。  相似文献   

孙五俊  姜媛  方平 《心理科学》2021,(1):230-236
摘 要 积极和消极情绪的同时体验,即混合情绪,是生活中常见的情绪状态。健康应对的共激活模型、情绪动态模型和积极比模型一致认为混合情绪与心理健康之间呈现非线性的关系,适当的混合情绪有利于个体在困境中全面加工和整合信息,寻求意义,获得控制感,进而实现健康应对和心理症状改善,获得幸福感。未来研究应关注对非线性关系的精确描述;低压力或非压力情境下混合情绪的意义;进一步研究混合情绪促进心理健康的内部机制和影响因素。  相似文献   

Current approaches to emotion recognition do not address the fact that emotions are dynamic processes. This work concerns itself with the development of a cognitive architecture for modeling the dynamics of emotions with specific focus on a gray-box model for dynamic emotion intensity estimation that can incorporate findings from appraisal models, specifically Scherer’s Component Process Model. It is based on Dynamic Field Theory which allows the combination of theoretical knowledge with data-driven experimental approaches. A user study is conducted applying the proposed model to estimate intensity of negative emotions from physiological signals. Results show significant improvements of the proposed model to common methodology and baselines. The flexible cognitive architecture opens a wide field of experiments and directions to deepen the understanding of emotion processes as a whole.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among cardiovascular responses indicative of challenge and threat states, self-efficacy, perceived control, and emotions before an upcoming competition. Using a repeated-measures design, 48 collegiate athletes talked about an upcoming competition (sport-specific speech task) and the topic of friendship (control speech task), whilst cardiovascular responses (heart rate, preejection period, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance) were collected and self-report measures of self-efficacy, perceived control, and emotions completed. Findings showed that participants with a physiological threat response reported higher levels of self-efficacy and excitement. Further, none of the other emotions or the cognitive appraisals of challenge and threat predicted cardiovascular patterns indicative of either a challenge or threat state. Thus, cardiovascular responses and self-report measures of self-efficacy, perceived control, and emotions did not correlate in the manner predicted by the theory of challenge and threat states in athletes. This finding may reflect methodological aspects, or that perhaps highly efficacious individuals believe they can perform well and so the task itself is more threatening because failure would indicate under-performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a mechanism to model the influence of agents’ internal and external factors on the emotional evaluation of stimuli in computational models of emotions. We propose the modification of configurable appraisal dimensions (such as desirability and pleasure) based on influencing factors. As part of the presented mechanism, we introduce influencing models to define the relationship between a given influencing factor and a given set of configurable appraisal dimensions utilized in the emotional evaluation phase. Influencing models translate factors’ influences (on the emotional evaluation) into fuzzy logic adjustments (e.g., a shift in the limits of fuzzy membership functions), which allow biasing the emotional evaluation of stimuli. We implemented a proof-of-concept computational model of emotions based on real-world data about individuals’ emotions. The obtained empirical evidence indicates that the proposed mechanism can properly affect the emotional evaluation of stimuli while preserving the overall behavior of the model of emotions.  相似文献   

Social schemata of peripheral changes in emotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Psychophysiological research failed to establish consistent physiological patterns differentiating emotion. Recent data showed that people verbally report experiencing peripheral changes that differ among emotions. The present studies tested the hypothesis that these reports originate in social schemata. Study 1 showed that Ss' reports of peripheral changes experienced during actual emotion do not differ from those defined in social schemata. Studies 2 and 3 showed that these schemata are similar across cultures. Overall, these data suggest that (a) people can directly access schemata about peripheral changes in emotion, (b) people are likely to do so when they believe to be reporting actual memories of such changes, and (c) the specific patterns revealed by past research may reflect prototypical knowledge of emotion. Finally, the data highlight the various peripheral patterns as they exist in schematic knowledge of emotion.  相似文献   

邹迪  李红  王福顺 《心理科学进展》2022,30(9):2020-2033
唤醒是衡量机体清醒程度和做出反应前准备程度的指标, 其水平可从睡眠到觉醒的连续体上变化, 具有独特的生理机制与神经回路。由于唤醒与情绪关联密切, 唤醒度这个概念常被认为等同于情绪强度, 但情绪强度实际上是唤醒和效价的和向量。受到Lazarus提出的“刺激”定义情绪思想的启发, 对唤醒的内含和心理机制进行了探析, 发现对不符合预期刺激出现的紧急准备是唤醒系统的主要功能, 预期性相关机制是唤醒的重要认知加工机制。其它因素(刺激属性、个体差异等)可能存在以下影响唤醒的原因:改变处理刺激时所需的资源量、影响预期机制。未来研究可从心理唤醒与生理唤醒的关系、唤醒的测量方法、唤醒度与情绪强度的关系、人类临床精神疾病的唤醒特征等角度推动唤醒的基础和应用研究。  相似文献   

Periods of bond formation are accompanied by physiological and emotional changes, yet, little is known about the effects of falling in love on the individual's physiological response to emotions. We examined autonomic reactivity to the presentation of negative and positive films in 112 young adults, including 57 singles and 55 new lovers who began a romantic relationship 2.5 months prior to the experiment Autonomic reactivity was measured by Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) to two baseline emotionally neutral films, two negative films, and two positive films. Results demonstrated that RSA in singles decreased during the presentation of negative emotions, indicating physiological stress response. However, no such decrease was found among new lovers, pointing to more optimal vagal regulation during the period of falling in love. Autonomic reactivity, indexed by RSA decrease from the positive to the negative films, was greater among singles as compared to lovers, suggesting that love buffers against autonomic stress and facilitates emotion regulation. Findings suggest that vagal regulation may be one mechanism through which love and attachment reduce stress and promote well-being and health.  相似文献   

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