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In one experiment, pigeons were taught to discriminate airflow by having availability of reinforcement signalled by its presence and extinction signalled by its absence. After they reached criterion, some were trained on a discrimination reversal. Others were trained on an intradimensional discrimination with a low airflow velocity associated with reinforcement and a higher airflow velocity associated with extinction. All discriminations were learned rapidly, indicating that airflow velocity can function as a discriminative stimulus. In the second and third experiments, naive pigeons were trained to discriminate the presence of a compound stimulus (one of three tonal intensities paired with one of three airflow velocities) from its absence. These pigeons were subsequently given a component stimulus test during extinction on four stimulus values; the two training values, the tone alone, and the airflow alone. High or moderate velocity airflow controlled more responding than any of the three tone intensities. However, low velocity airflow controlled more responding only when a low intensity tone was employed.  相似文献   

Two short-term memory experiments examined the nature of the stimulus suffix effect on auditory linguistic and nonlinguistic stimulus lists. In Experiment 1, where subjects recalled eight-item digit lists, it was found that a silently articulated digit suffix had the same effect on recall for the last list item as a spoken digit suffix. In Experiment 2, subjects recalled lists of sounds made by inanimate objects either by listing the names of the objects or by ordering a set of drawings of the objects. Auditory suffixes, either another object sound or the spoken name of an object, produced a suffix effect under both recall conditions, but a visually presented picture also produced a suffix effect when subjects recalled using pictures. The results were most adequately explained by a levels-of-processing memory coding hypothesis.  相似文献   

Observers were required to detect double jumps of a diffuse light spot jumping in a circular pattern and more intense noise pulses in a pulse train. Seven groups performed at different combinations of stimulus and signal frequencies, higher signal frequency/stimulus frequency ratios, and lower stimulus frequencies. Stimulus frequency was a more potent determiner of performance than signal frequency, and performance was not invariant within a given signal frequency/stimulus frequency ratio. Correlations of dependent measures were also examined.-Results are discussed with reference to various theories of vigilance behavior.  相似文献   

Reaction time (RT) to the second of two stimuli presented in rapid succession was examined as a function of the intensity of the first stimulus (S1). It was found that the delay in RT2 was greater following a dim first stimulus than following a bright first stimulus. The magnitude of this increase corresponded to the difference in RTs to the two intensity levels of S1. These results support the prediction of a single channel model of response selection. Examination of mean first RTs revealed a general elevation in latency of RT. However, since this increase was not influenced by the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) or by the intensity of the second stimulus (S2), and since the same increase was found on “catch trials“ where no S2 was presented, this increase is considered to be a function of change in set in the double response situation.  相似文献   

Stimulus materials were varied in three ways to assess the effect on performance of problems involving implicational rules. The three factors were natural versus arbitrary relationship between the terms of the problem, concrete versus abstract problem material and order of the presentation of the terms in the rules. The natural relationship condition facilitated performance compared with the arbitrary relationship condition. This difference was explained in terms of differential cognitive load. A significant interaction between materials and order factors was attributed to semantic differences in the rules.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possibility that results of within-subjects studies tend to be design-specific. In a study of impression formation 3×3 row-by-column designs were presented to two groups of judges. The first design (standard-design) included high. Medium, and low levels of the independent variables. The second design (comparison design) included a high/medium/low variation of one independent variable and a high/medium/high variation of the second variable. The judges were asked to reproduce informations. They received relevant informations (which should be reproduced) and additional informations (which were irrelevant for their task). The pattern of results is different within the two designs. While the standard-design reveals a significant main effect for the relevant information, the comparison-design reveals an additional interaction effect between relevant and irrelevant information. The results are attributed to the fact that the design itself is a stimulus.  相似文献   

Timing performance becomes less precise for longer intervals, which makes it difficult to achieve simultaneity in synchronisation with a rhythm. The metrical structure of music, characterised by hierarchical levels of binary or ternary subdivisions of time, may function to increase precision by providing additional timing information when the subdivisions are explicit. This hypothesis was tested by comparing synchronisation performance across different numbers of metrical levels conveyed by loudness of sounds, such that the slowest level was loudest and the fastest was softest. Fifteen participants moved their hand with one of 9 inter-beat intervals (IBIs) ranging from 524 to 3125 ms in 4 metrical level (ML) conditions ranging from 1 (one movement for each sound) to 4 (one movement for every 8th sound). The lowest relative variability (SD/IBI < 1.5%) was obtained for the 3 longest IBIs (1600–3125 ms) and MLs 3–4, significantly less than the smallest value (4–5% at 524–1024 ms) for any ML 1 condition in which all sounds are identical. Asynchronies were also more negative with higher ML. In conclusion, metrical subdivision provides information that facilitates temporal performance, which suggests an underlying neural multi-level mechanism capable of integrating information across levels.  相似文献   

The relation between hue discrimination and stimulus luminance was investigated. It was found that discrimination was best at the highest luminance and deteriorated at the lowest, except in the yellow region.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, a high rate of responding (chain pulling) of a stimulus monkey was established as a visual positive discriminative stimulus for the operant behavior (bar pressing) of an observer monkey. The terminal performance of the observer under conditions in which a high rate of response of the stimulus monkey alternated in a variable temporal arrangement with a zero rate of response of the stimulus monkey (negative discriminative stimulus) was essentially the same as when nonbehavioral stimuli are correlated with the availability of reinforcement. By manipulating the schedule of reinforcement to change the rate of responding of the stimulus subject without changing its rate of reinforcement, Exp. 2 showed that the effective behavioral stimulus for the observer was the rate of chain pulling by the stimulus subject. A novel intermediate rate of responding by the stimulus monkey resulted in an intermediate rate (generalization) on the part of the observer during an extinction test. These experiments demonstrated that the rate of responding of one organism can function as a discriminative stimulus to control the rate of responding of another organism; and that the rate of responding is similar to other physical stimuli in terms of discrimination and generalization.  相似文献   

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