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Lobo L  Travieso D 《Psicothema》2012,24(1):55-61
One of the most surprising capacities of the haptic system is the ability to estimate different properties of objects, like weight or length, through invariants of rotational mechanics that are accessible via the proprioceptive system. This field of research is called Dynamic Touch. In its classical experimental paradigm, the participant firmly grasps a rod that can be wielded but not seen, and he or she tries to match the hand-held rod's length using another rod that can be seen but not wielded. In the experiment reported here, we focus on the role of the exploratory behavior, restricting the wielding in six conditions that vary both the amplitude and the frequency of movements. Increments in the speed of the movement are shown to increase the accuracy in the haptic estimation. It is argued that these results support the moment of inertia as the best informational candidate, given that it is an invariant property that only emerges when rotational torques are applied. Alternative candidates such as static moment or mass are discarded because they do not depend on differential movements.  相似文献   

A single experiment evaluated human observers’ ability to discriminate the shape of solid objects that varied in size and orientation in depth. The object shapes were defined by binocular disparity, Lambertian shading, and texture. The object surfaces were smoothly curved and had naturalistic shapes, resembling those of water-smoothed granite rocks. On any given trial, two objects were presented that were either the same or different in terms of shape. When the “same” objects were presented, they differed in their orientation in depth by 25°, 45°, or 65°. The observers were required to judge whether any given pair of objects was the “same” or “different” in terms of shape. The size of the objects was also varied by amounts up to ±40% relative to the standard size. The observers’ shape discrimination performance was strongly affected by the magnitude of the orientation changes in depth - thus, their performance was viewpoint dependent. In contrast, the observers’ shape discrimination abilities were only slightly affected by changes in the overall size of the objects. It appears that human observers can recognize the three-dimensional shape of objects in a manner that is relatively independent of size.  相似文献   

Earlier studies suggested that the calibration of actions is functionally, rather than anatomically, specific; thus, calibration of an action ought to transfer to actions that serve the same goal (Rieser, Pick, Ashmead, & Garing, 1995). In the present study, we investigated whether the calibration of perception also follows a functional organization: If one means of detecting an information variable is recalibrated, are other means of detection recalibrated as well? In two experiments, visual feedback was used to recalibrate perceived length of a rod wielded by the right hand; the recalibration was found to transfer to length perception with the left hand. This implies that calibration in perception is organized functionally rather than anatomically, and supports the general view that calibration applies to functional systems.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have revealed age-dependent differences in perception by dynamic touch. In the present study, we examined whether the capacity to learn deteriorates with aging. Adopting an ecological approach to learning, the authors examined the process of attunement--that is, the changes in what informational variable is exploited. Young and elderly adults were trained to perceive the lengths of unseen, handheld rods. It was found that the capacity to attune declines with aging: Contrary to the young adults, the elderly proved unsuccessful in learning to detect the specifying informational variables. The fact that aging affects the capacity to attune sets a new line of research in the study of perception and perceptual-motor skills of elderly. The authors discuss the implications of their findings for the ongoing discussions on the ecological approach to learning.  相似文献   

Ss wielded an occluded L-shaped rod and attempted to perceive the direction in which the rod was pointing with respect to the hand. The pattern of the rod's different resistances to rotation in different directions, quantified by the inertia tensor, changes systematically with the rod's orientation. Perception of orientation by wielding is possible if the tissue deformation consequences of the rod's inertia tensor are detectable. It was shown that perceived orientation was a linear function of actual orientation for both free and restricted wielding and for rods of different-size branches. The eigenvectors of the inertia tensor were implicated as the basis for this haptic perceptual capability. Results were discussed in reference to information-perception specificity and its implications for effortful or dynamic touch.  相似文献   

We investigated whether anticipated speed of locomotion through an aperture influences perception of whether an object can be carried through that aperture. Participants reported whether they would be able to carry objects through an aperture (a) if they were to attempt to walk through the aperture and (b) if they were to attempt to run through the aperture. Furthermore, they did so when the object was held but not seen and when the object was seen but not held. In general, perception was influenced by object width and by anticipated speed but not by perceptual modality. Perceptual boundaries occurred at smaller object widths when participants anticipated running through the aperture than when they anticipated walking through the aperture. The results build on work showing that perception of affordances is influenced by kinetic potential as well as geometric properties and that perception may be supported by the detection of modality-neutral stimulation patterns.  相似文献   

Object knowledge refers to the understanding that all objects share certain properties. Various components of object knowledge (e.g., object occlusion, object causality) have been examined in human infants to determine its developmental origins. Viewpoint invariance--the understanding that an object viewed from different viewpoints is still the same object--is one area of object knowledge, however, that has received less attention. To this end, infants' capacity for viewpoint-invariant perception of multi-part objects was investigated. Three-month-old infants were tested for generalization to an object displayed on a mobile that differed only in orientation (i.e., viewpoint) from a training object. Infants were given experience with a wide range of object views (Experiment 1) or a more restricted range during training (Experiment 2). The results showed that infants generalized between a horizontal and vertical viewpoint (Experiment 1) that they could clearly discriminate between in other contexts (i.e., with restricted view experience, Experiment 2). Overall, the outcome shows that training experience with multiple viewpoints plays an important role in infants' ability to develop a general percept of an object's 3D structure and promotes viewpoint-invariant perception of multi-part objects; in contrast, restricting training experience impedes viewpoint-invariant recognition of multi-part objects.  相似文献   

Subjects wielded occluded rods, with or without attached masses, and reported the distances reachable with their distal tips. Experiments 1–3 compared wielding about the wrist, the elbow, and the shoulder. Experiments 4 and 5 compared free wielding, using the whole arm, with wielding only about the wrist. The two comparisons, respectively, were of spatial and temporal variations in the rod’s rotational inertia. Perceived extent was found to be constant in both comparisons. This constancy was tied to the inertia tensorI ij defined about a point that remains a fixed distance from the object during wielding—an invariant of the spatially and temporally dependent patterning of mechanical energy impressed upon the tissues of the body. Discussion focused on the reciprocal action and perception capabilities of multisegmented limbs, the tensorial relations in the neurobiology of dynamic touch, and the strategy of understanding perceptual constancy through invariants.  相似文献   

Observers can visually track multiple objects that move independently even if the scene containing the moving objects is rotated in a smooth way. Abrupt scene rotations yield tracking more difficult but not impossible. For nonrotated, stable dynamic displays, the strategy of looking at the targets' centroid has been shown to be of importance for visual tracking. But which factors determine successful visual tracking in a nonstable dynamic display? We report two eye tracking experiments that present evidence for centroid looking. Across abrupt viewpoint changes, gaze on the centroid is more stable than gaze on targets indicating a process of realigning targets as a group. Further, we show that the relative importance of centroid looking increases with object speed.  相似文献   

This study examined the development in the detection of maximum eigenvalues and static moment as invariants, through a task of perceiving rod length without visual information by haptic touch. 34 participants ages 6 to 83 years participated in the experiment. Their exploratory behavior and perceptions of rod length were analyzed by age group (Children: 6 to 12 years old; Young Adult: 21 to 25 years old; Middle Age: 31 to 56 years old; and Older: 65 to 83 years old). A behavior analysis indicated that use of vertical swinging increased for the Young Adult group and decreased with age for the Older group, whereas Children frequently held the rod without wielding. Analysis showed that, by age, differences in coefficients on the maximum eigenvalue and static moment were parallel with an exploratory behavioral change. Finally, the effect of different exploratory behaviors on length perception was discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects wielded an object, hidden from view, and reported the orientation in which the object was positioned in the hand. The object consisted of a stem with two branches forming a V attached perpendicularly to the stem’s distal end. The branches were differentially weighted so that the same spatial orientation of the object was associated with different orientations of its principal (symmetry) axes or eigenvectors. Perceived orientation was found to be dependent on the eigenvectors of the object’s inertia tensor, computed about the point of rotation in the wrist, rather than on its spatial orientation. The results underscore the significance of the inertia tensor to understanding the perception of spatial properties by dynamic touch.  相似文献   

Subjects wielded an object, hidden from view, and reported the orientation in which the object was positioned in the hand. The object consisted of a stem with two branches forming a V attached perpendicularly to the stem's distal end. The branches were differentially weighted so that the same spatial orientation of the object was associated with different orientations of its principal (symmetry) axes or eigenvectors. Perceived orientation was found to be dependent on the eigenvectors of the object's inertia tensor, computed about the point of rotation in the wrist, rather than on its spatial orientation. The results underscore the significance of the inertia tensor to understanding the perception of spatial properties by dynamic touch.  相似文献   

Two processes have been hypothesized to underlie improvement in perception: attunement and calibration. These processes were examined in a dynamic touch paradigm in which participants were asked to report the lengths of unseen, wielded rods differing in length, diameter, and material. Two experiments addressed whether feedback informs about the need for reattunement and recalibration. Feedback indicating actual length induced both recalibration and reattunement. Recalibration did not occur when feedback indicated only whether 2 rods were of the same length or of different lengths. Such feedback, however, did induce reattunement. These results suggest that attunement and calibration are dissociable processes and that feedback informs which is needed. The observed change in variable use has implications also for research on what mechanical variables underlie length perception by dynamic touch.  相似文献   

Four experiments addressed the relevance of the eigenvaluesI k of the inertia tensor for perceiving length by dynamic touch. Experiments 1–2 focused on the consequences of limiting variation in the minimum eigenvalueI 3. Both revealed that perceived length is a function ofI k . Whether the contribution ofI 3 is detected, however, depends on the range of values that characterize a particular object set. Experiments 3–4 considered the relationship between an independent index of a rod’s diameter, which does not affectI k , and actual manipulation of a rod’s diameter, which does affectI k . Whereas the former appeared as satisfaction of implicit instructions to alter reports of perceived length, the latter entailed actual differences in perceived length in accordance withI k . Results are discussed with respect to the links among actual length, perceived length, andI k , as well as, in particular, how these links guarantee that perceived length is in the range of actual lengths.  相似文献   

The current study tested whether the perception of angry faces is cross-culturally privileged over that of happy faces, by comparing perception of the offset of emotion in a dynamic flow of expressions. Thirty Chinese and 30 European-American participants saw movies that morphed an anger expression into a happy expression of the same stimulus person, or vice versa. Participants were asked to stop the movie at the point where they ceased seeing the initial emotion. As expected, participants cross-culturally continued to perceive anger longer than happiness. Moreover, anger was perceived longer in in-group than in out-group faces. The effects were driven by female rather than male targets. Results are discussed with reference to the important role of context in emotion perception.  相似文献   

The current study tested whether the perception of angry faces is cross-culturally privileged over that of happy faces, by comparing perception of the offset of emotion in a dynamic flow of expressions. Thirty Chinese and 30 European-American participants saw movies that morphed an anger expression into a happy expression of the same stimulus person, or vice versa. Participants were asked to stop the movie at the point where they ceased seeing the initial emotion. As expected, participants cross-culturally continued to perceive anger longer than happiness. Moreover, anger was perceived longer in in-group than in out-group faces. The effects were driven by female rather than male targets. Results are discussed with reference to the important role of context in emotion perception.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have revealed that both mechanical context and feedback determine what mechanical invariant is used to perceive length by dynamic touch. In the present article, the authors examined how these two factors jointly constrain the informational variable that is relied upon. Participants were to judge length while wielding a rod or while holding it stationary. In two experiments, it was tested whether perceptual learning effects in the wielding condition transferred to the holding condition and vice versa. There was an asymmetry in transfer across mechanical conditions: Improvements in the holding context transferred to the wielding condition, but not vice versa. Examining the individuals’ exploitation of mechanical variables, we found that, after feedback, participants changed in information usage in both mechanical conditions. For many participants, these changes were not confined to the mechanical context in which the feedback was provided. Indeed, feedback in one mechanical context brought about changes in information usage that often manifested themselves in the other mechanical condition. The authors explore the implications of these findings for research on perceptual learning in dynamic touch and the salience hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested whether a variation in an acoustic property of the target object or in the familiarity of the partner through a variation in the duration of social contact before demonstration elicits a variation in 9-month-old infants’ imitation. Results showed that infants’ imitation was facilitated by the presence of a sound but was not enhanced by an increase in the familiarity of the model.  相似文献   

We provide experimental evidence that perceived location is an invariant in the control of action, by showing that different actions are directed toward a single visually specified location in space (corresponding to the putative perceived location) and that this single location, although specified by a fixed physical target, varies with the availability of information about the distance of that target. Observers in two conditions varying in the availability of egocentric distance cues viewed targets at 1.5, 3.1, or 6.0 m and then attempted to walk to the target with eyes closed using one of three paths; the path was not specified until after vision was occluded. The observers stopped at about the same location regardless of the path taken, providing evidence that action was being controlled by some invariant, ostensibly visually perceived location. That it was indeed perceived location was indicated by the manipulation of information about target distance—the trajectories in the full-cues condition converged near the physical target locations, whereas those in the reduced-cues condition converged at locations consistent with the usual perceptual errors found when distance cues are impoverished.  相似文献   

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