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Collective action has been studied by social psychologists for over a century. Social network sites such as Facebook have further extended the ability of individuals to instigate social, political and organizational change, and provide a new context in which to study collective action. Drawing on social identity theory (SIT), self‐categorization theory (SCT) and uses and gratifications theory (UGT), this study explores the role of individuals’ group identification, social identity gratifications (SIG) and Facebook group use intensity on their willingness to participate in collective actions instigated through a Facebook group. Members of a Facebook group representing a cause against management completed an online survey (N = 406). Factor analyses reveal that motivations based on psychological affiliation with the group explained the most variance for Facebook group use. Moreover, compared to Facebook group use intensity, SIG were the stronger mediator between group identification and willingness to participate in collective action. The study demonstrates the utility of blending concepts from SIT, SCT and UGT to explore how socially motivated uses of the media can predict collective actions.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the concept of an incidence matrix of communications can be used to define the entropy of a finite scheme. The properties of the entropy function are examined and the function is found to be best interpreted as a total expected participation index. Data is presented showing the relationship between structural centrality and the new total expected participation index. In general, as the network becomes more centralized the smaller the value of the participation index and as the network becomes more structurally decentralized the greater the participation index.This research was supported in part by Ford Foundation Grant 1-40055 to the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Institute of Technology for Research in Organizational Behavior.The author wishes to acknowledge the aid of Terry B. Marbach in the preparation of data.  相似文献   

Relationship education programs have been shown as an effective way to increase relationship functioning. There is less known about how process factors, such as alliance with the leader or group dynamics, affect outcomes in these interventions. We examined group cohesion and alliance with the leader in a relationship education program tailored for individuals. Specifically, we examined whether participants' ratings (n = 126) of the group cohesion and alliance with the leader were associated with changes in relationship adjustment, relationship confidence, and communication quality from pre‐ to postintervention. The results demonstrated that participants' perceptions of the cohesion among the members in their relationship education group, but not the leader–participant alliance, made a significant contribution to the changes in participants' relationship functioning. These results suggest that the group dynamics among the members in the group are important ingredients in relationship education. Implications for relationship programs are provided.  相似文献   

青少年期亲子冲突与亲子亲合的发展特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王美萍  张文新 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1196-1198
采用整群随机抽样法,运用亲子冲突与亲子亲合问卷对684名初一、初三和高二学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)大部分青少年与父母冲突的次数较少,强度较弱,亲合度较高,但也有一小部分青少年与父母关系较紧张。(2)初三青少年与母亲的冲突次数和强度均显著高于初一青少年;随年级增长青少年与母亲的亲合缓慢下降,而与父亲的冲突及亲合发展均较稳定。(3)青少年与父母的关系在某些方面存在子代性别和父代性别的主效应及交互作用。  相似文献   

Inpatient group psychotherapy is affected by the time-limited nature of hospitalization. Although the brevity of treatment has been viewed by some as detrimental to patient improvement, other aspects of the treatment setting promote cohesion and allow group members to confront the threatening fears of separation and loss which likely prompted hospitalization. Separation issues are accentuated by the time parameters and the continual terminations of patients and staff. Unplanned terminations are seen as disruptive to the group process.  相似文献   

Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) can be used to analyze the teaching-learning process. By representing the teaching-learning process with a stochastic network, it is possible to use a topology equation for a closed network to obtain some parameters for the total teaching-learning process. To illustrate the techniques, two examples concerning a basic calculus course are given. In addition, the relation to the familiar Markovian learning models is indicated.  相似文献   

Social network analysis: A methodological introduction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Social network analysis is a large and growing body of research on the measurement and analysis of relational structure. Here, we review the fundamental concepts of network analysis, as well as a range of methods currently used in the field. Issues pertaining to data collection, analysis of single networks, network comparison, and analysis of individual-level covariates are discussed, and a number of suggestions are made for avoiding common pitfalls in the application of network methods to substantive questions.  相似文献   

Olson, Bell, and Portner ( 11 ) have recently developed a measure of family adaptability and cohesion (The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales). This study is a critical evaluation of the construction of the cohesion subscale of this instrument. Included is a partial replication of the original work of Olson et al. ( 11 ). Some problems with this subscale and its construction are pointed out, and a subset of the original items is presented and discussed. Some implications of these results for the conceptualization of the nature of family cohesion are also discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examine the relationships between forgiveness, family cohesion, and alcohol. In Study 1 (N= 190), participants reported lower levels of trust and forgiveness for family members who misuse alcohol. In Study 2 (N= 141), the authors present a model demonstrating family cohesion and trait forgiveness related to state forgiveness of an alcohol‐misusing family member. State forgiveness was related to trust in that family member and, subsequently, higher levels of perceived misuser drinking refusal efficacy.  相似文献   

Subjects read and recalled 12 short texts in a memory recall experiment. The order in which subjects recalled the propositions in the text was recorded. A causal network analysis of each text was then done in order to determine how the propositions in each text were causally related. In addition, an episodic memory network analysis of each text was done in order to represent the original order of propositions presented to each subject in the experiment. The human text recall data were then analyzed using a new statistical methodology known as thetemporal Markov field (TMF) approach, which makes explicit probabilistic predictions about the ordering of propositions in human subject recall protocols in terms of the causal network and episodic memory network analysis of a given text. Samples from the TMF probability model were then used to generate synthetic protocol data using half of the human subject data. Statistics computed with respect to the remaining half of the human subject data and the synthesized protocol data were qualitatively similar in many respects. Relevant discrepancies between the human protocol data and synthesized protocol data were also identified.  相似文献   

Movements are time-dependent processes and so can be modelled by time-series of coordinates: E.g., each articulation has geometric coordinates; the set of the coordinates of the relevant articulations build a high-dimensional configuration. These configurations--or "patterns"--give reason for analysing movements by means of neural networks: The Kohonen Feature Map (KFM) is a special type of neural network, which (after having been coined by training with appropriate pattern samples) is able to recognize single patterns as members of pattern clusters. This way, for example, the particular configurations of a given movement can be identified as belonging to respective configuration clusters, where the sequence of clusters to which the time-depending configurations belong, characterizes the process as a 2-dimensional trajectory. The advantages of this method are that: the high dimensionality of the original processes is reduced to two dimensional trajectories, the clusters are automatically determined by the network, and all data for further analyses can automatically be transferred into a data base. Thus, the processes can either be visualized and analysed by an expert or again processed by further automatic analysing tools, as has been done with similarity matrices. The disadvantage is that a KFM-training needs a huge amount of information, which normally is not available from experiments. However, the Dynamically Controlled Network DyCoN (a special type of KFM) makes it possible to reduce the amount of original training data substantially--e.g., by adding stochastically generated ones. Currently, DyCoN is used in several projects in order to generally support analyses of processes in sport. It should be emphasized that the presented approach is not meant to improve the understanding or to develop models of human movement but to give a survey of the advantages and methodological aspects of net-based movement analysis.  相似文献   

Students' relationships with peers and teachers strongly influence their motivation to engage in learning activities. Ethnic minority students, however, are often victimized in schools, and their educational achievement lags behind that of their majority group counterparts. The aim of the present study was to explore teachers' multicultural approach within their classrooms as a possible factor of influence over students' peer relationships and motivation. We utilized the novel methodology of estimating psychological networks in order to map out the interactions between these constructs within multicultural classrooms. Results indicate that a multicultural approach is directly connected to student motivation for both ethnic majority and minority students. Social integration within peer groups, however, seems to be a possible mediator of this relationship for the ethnic minority students. Due to the hypothesis generating nature of the psychological network approach, a more thorough investigation of this generated mediation hypothesis is called for.  相似文献   

军事单位团队凝聚力的理论研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军事单位团队凝聚力是与作战效能紧密相关的因素。文章首先回顾了其理论的发展脉络,指出团队凝聚力是一个多维度的加工分类系统,继而介绍了常用的研究手段和测量方法,最后提出了应用性的建议和对未来研究的展望  相似文献   

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