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Factors that determine the efficiency of visual selection were investigated in two precued partial-report experiments. There were four selection conditions: acolor condition (e.g., selecting purple letters among blue letters), aclass condition (e.g., selecting letters among digits), aduplex condition (e.g., selecting purple letters among blue digits; that is, the targets differed from the distractors both in color and in alphanumeric class), and aconjunction condition (e.g., selecting purple letters among blue letters and purple digits; that is, the targets differed from the distractors either in color or in alphanumeric class). The efficiency of visual selection was highest in the duplex condition and lowest in the conjunction condition. Thedifference in performance across the different selection conditions within subjects was accounted for by variation in the value of a single parameter of the fixed-capacity independent race model (FIRM) proposed by Shibuya and Bundesen (1988), which assumes independent parallel processing, limitations in both processing capacity and storage capacity, and time-invariant selectivity. By assuming that the factors that determine the efficiency of selection in the color and class conditions also underlie the efficiency of selection in the duplex and conjunction conditions, an extension of FIRM, FIRM+, accounted for therelationship with respect to efficiency of selection among the different conditions.  相似文献   

In the proposed model for partial report, performance reflects the number of targets in a short-term memory buffer. The total number of items (targets, distractors, or extraneous noise) entering the buffer is independent of the number of targets and distractors in the stimulus. Entrance is determined by selective sampling according to a Luce (1959) ratio rule. The model was tested in a variety of conditions with partial reports based on brightness, color, shape, or alphanumeric class. With three parameters, the model accounted for 99% of the variance with number of targets and number of distractors in data obtained by averaging across conditions. Parameter K (number of items entering the buffer) showed little variation with the selection criterion, and estimates for parameter epsilon (total impact of extraneous noise with impact per target as the unit) were rather small. Estimates for parameter alpha (impact per distractor with impact per target as the unit) varied widely across conditions. Parameter alpha is a measure for the efficiency of selecting targets rather than distractors.  相似文献   

Deception has been reported to be influenced by task-relevant emotional information from an external stimulus. However, it remains unclear how task-irrelevant emotional information would influence deception. In the present study, facial expressions of different valence and emotion intensity were presented to participants, where they were asked to make either truthful or deceptive gender judgments according to the preceding cues. We observed the influence of facial expression intensity upon individuals’ cognitive cost of deceiving (mean difference of individuals’ truthful and deceptive response times). Larger cost was observed for high intensity faces compared to low intensity faces. These results provided insights on how automatic attraction of attention evoked by task-irrelevant emotional information in facial expressions influenced individuals’ cognitive cost of deceiving.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, we investigated whether the memory of a location is affected by the occurrence of an irrelevant visual event. Participants had to memorize the location of a dot. During the retention interval, a task-irrelevant stimulus was presented with abrupt onset somewhere in the visual field. Results showed that the spatial memory representation was affected by the occurrence of the external irrelevant event relative to a control condition in which there was no external event. Specifically, the memorized location was shifted toward the location of the task-irrelevant stimulus. This effect was only present when the onset was close in space to the memory representation. These findings suggest that the “internal” spatial map used for keeping a location in spatial working memory and the “external” spatial map that is affected by exogenous events in the outside world are either the same or tightly linked.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of local texture motion on time-to-contact (TTC) estimation. In Experiment 1, observers estimated the TTC of a looming disk with a spiral texture pattern in a prediction-motion task. Rotation of the spiral texture in a direction causing illusory contraction resulted in a significant TTC overestimation, relative to a condition without texture rotation. This would be consistent with an intrusion of task-irrelevant local upon task-relevant global information. However, illusory expansion did not cause a relative TTC underestimation but rather also a tendency towards overestimation. In Experiment 2, a vertical cylinder moved on the frontoparallel plane. Observers judged its TTC with a finish line. The cylinder was textured with stripes oriented in parallel to its longitudinal axis. It was either not rotating, rotating such that the stripes moved towards the finish line (i.e., in the same direction as the contour), or rotating such that the stripes moved away from the finish line. Both types of texture motion caused TTC overestimation compared to the static condition. Experiment 3 showed that the different effects of task-relevant and task-irrelevant texture motion are not a mere procedural effect of the prediction-motion task. In conclusion, task-irrelevant local motion and global motion are neither averaged in a simple manner nor are they processed independently.  相似文献   

Four experiments are presented in which printed texts are read for their meaning. Some of the texts were mutilated by altering the size of selected letters. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, the number of words mutilated per passage and the number of letters changed per word were both manipulated. In all three experiments, reading was slowed as a function of the number of words changed per passage, while the number of letters changed per word had a much smaller effect. The interaction between the number of words and number of letters changed was not significant in any of the experiments. It is difficult to explain these results merely in terms of changes in the discriminability of letters. In Experiment 2 all uppercase text was used, which argues against an explanation in terms of supraletter features such as word envelope. We propose an explanation in terms of visual attention and the perceptual grouping required prior to feature recognition. The last experiment supports this explanation through the counterintuitive finding that adding letters of intermediate size can improve legibility by allowing grouping processes to associate large and small letters as belonging to the same word object.  相似文献   

People often fail to recall the second of two visual targets presented within 500 ms in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). This effect is called the attentional blink. One explanation of the attentional blink is that processes involved in encoding the first target into memory are slow and capacity limited. Here, however, we show that the attentional blink should be ascribed to attentional selection, not consolidation of the first target. Rapid sequences of six letters were presented, and observers had to report either all the letters (whole-report condition) or a subset of the letters (partial-report condition). Selection in partial report was based on color (e.g., report the two red letters) or identity (i.e., report all letters from a particular letter onward). In both cases, recall of letters presented shortly after the first selected letter was impaired, whereas recall of the corresponding letters was relatively accurate with whole report.  相似文献   

Results recently reported by Driver, McLeod, and Dienes (1992) are used to contrast three accounts of visual search—in particular, their mechanism for easy conjunction search. In the Driver et al. study, the target was defined by a conjunction of form and movement; the key manipulation was phase in both target and nontarget motion sets. Mechanisms working separately on each display element (inhibition from nontarget features, facilitation from target features) are unable to explain large effects of phase, since this is defined only by relationships between one element and another. As implemented in the guided search model of Cave and Wolfe (1990), local suppression between similar elements is also unable to account for the results. More promising is an approach based on perceptual grouping: Elements moving in phase can be selected (target motion) or rejected (nontarget motion) as a group. Rather than a bias against elements that are similar to or grouped with their neighbors, there is a bias to treat grouped elements together.  相似文献   

A two-stage interpretation of the processes underlying tachistoscopic partial report performance is suggested. It is assumed that partial report is mediated by two kinds of visual store (a sensory store and a short-term store) and by two processing operations (selection and naming). In Experiment I, the accuracy and latency of two types of partial report (report by location and report by colour) were compared for cue stimulus-test stimulus intervals ranging from --500 ms to + 500 ms. It was concluded that selection by colour takes longer than selection by location; an explanation in terms of differential decay of attributes in the sensory store was rejected. In Experiment II, cue stimulus delays of 0, 150 and 300 ms were employed, and a backward masking stimulus followed the cue stimulus with a delay of 200, 300, 400 or 600 ms. The amount of masking depended on the cue stimulus-masking stimulus interval, rather than on the test stimulus-masking stimulus interval. It was concluded that selection operates on the sensory store and that backward masking can affect the naming of a stimulus representation which is residing in the visual short-term store.  相似文献   

When representing visual features such as color and shape in visual working memory (VWM), participants also represent the locations of those features as a spatial configuration of the locations of those features in the display. In everyday life, we encounter objects against some background, yet it is unclear whether the configural representation in memory obligatorily constitutes the entire display, including that (often task-irrelevant) background information. In three experiments, participants completed a change detection task on color and shape; the memoranda were presented in front of uniform gray backgrounds, a textured background (Exp. 1), or a background containing location placeholders (Exps. 2 and 3). When whole-display probes were presented, changes to the objects’ locations or feature bindings impacted memory performance—implying that the spatial configuration of the probes influenced participants’ change decisions. Furthermore, when only a single item was probed, the effect of changing its location or feature bindings was either diminished or completely extinguished, implying that single probes do not necessarily elicit the entire spatial configuration. Critically, when task-irrelevant backgrounds were also presented that may have provided a spatial configuration for the single probes, the effect of location or bindings was not moderated. These findings suggest that although the spatial configuration of a display guides VWM-based recognition, this information does not necessarily always influence the decision process during change detection.  相似文献   

Lateral interference and perceptual grouping in visual detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Escoffier N  Tillmann B 《Cognition》2008,107(3):1070-1083
Harmonic priming studies have provided evidence that musical expectations influence sung phoneme monitoring, with facilitated processing for phonemes sung on tonally related (expected) chords in comparison to less-related (less-expected) chords [Bigand, Tillmann, Poulin, D’Adamo, and Madurell (2001). The effect of harmonic context on phoneme monitoring in vocal music. Cognition, 81, B11–B20]. This tonal relatedness effect has suggested two interpretations: (a) processing of music and language interact at some level of processing; and (b) tonal functions of chords influence task performance via listeners’ attention. Our study investigated these hypotheses by exploring whether the effect of tonal relatedness extends to the processing of visually presented syllables (Experiments 1 and 2) and geometric forms (Experiments 3 and 4). For Experiments 1–4, visual target identification was faster when the musical background fulfilled listeners’ expectations (i.e., a related chord was played simultaneously). In Experiment 4, the addition of a baseline condition (i.e., without an established tonal center) further showed that the observed difference was due to a facilitation linked to the related chord and not to an inhibition or disruption caused by the less-related chord. This outcome suggests the influence of musical structures on attentional mechanisms and that these mechanisms are shared between auditory and visual modalities. The implications for research investigating neural correlates shared by music and language processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Which motor actions are preferred to replace an initially planned but momentary not executable action? Previous research (Khan, Mourton, Buckolz, Adams, & Hayes, 2010, Acta Psychologica) suggests that anatomical constraints seem to be a major determinant for such choices: For example, participants more frequently chose to respond with the finger homologous to the prepared one. We argue that in this case finger homology is confounded with action effect similarity, and action effects have been ascribed a crucial role in action selection. We report two experiments. Experiment 1 replicated the results obtained by Khan et al. In Experiment 2, we introduced visual action effects in the paradigm. Results from this experiment clearly point to a role of effect similarity in addition to mere finger homology status for the choice frequency effect.  相似文献   

The study attempted to distinguish automatic grouping processes from top-down processes in a visual perceptual task in 30 patients with schizophrenia and 30 matched controls. Participants decided whether 7 figures were all different or whether 2 adjacent figures were identical. The distance between figures was manipulated to produce 3 separated pairs of figures, the targets belonging to either the same pair (within-group trials) or different pairs (between-groups trials). As controls, patients benefited from proximity for grouping. Top-down processes were explored by manipulating the proportion of within-group and between-groups trials in 3 experimental blocks. In patients, response times (RTs) decreased for within-group trials when within-group trials were more frequent, indicating that performance was correctly adapted to the type of block. Unlike controls, however, this RT decrease was not accompanied by a cost for between-groups trials. Ocular movement recordings revealed that controls were able to focus on between-groups regions selectively when between-groups trials were more frequent, whereas patients were unable to do so. The authors suggest that top-down processes allowing the construction of a selective representation of between-groups regions are impaired in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

In studies of iconic memory using the bar-probe task, subjects see a brief display of target letters and are probed by an arrow to report one of them. According to the classic early-selection account, subjects use the probe to select material for perceptual analysis from a precategorical (iconic) memory, but according to late-selection theories, subjects first identify the letters and then use the probe to select one letter for report from the set of categorized items. Pashler (1984) based his test for the locus of selection on a manipulation of display quality in previewed displays. He presented a target for 200 msec and then added a probe, together with the target, for an additional 150 msec. Reducing the target’s stimulus quality increased response latency. If the subjects identified the characters before the probe appeared and then selected an item for report, the clarity of the original array should not have affected response latency. Hence, Pashler concluded that his subjects used the probe to select from a precategorical store (early selection). Pashler’s experiment did not force subjects to rely on memory of the target; hence, although his experiment documented a situation in which subjects used early selection, it did not rule out late selection in studies of information persistence. We replicated Pashler’s findings and, using his logic, showed that when subjects are forced to rely on memory of the target, they select from a categorized store.  相似文献   

Differences in the timbre of sounds in a sequence can affect their perceptual organization. Using a performance measure, Hartmann and Johnson (1991) concluded that streaming could be predicted primarily by the extent to which sounds were passed by different peripheral channels. However, results from a rating task by Dannenbring and Bregman (1976) suggested that sounds in the same spectral region (passed by the same peripheral channels) can be allocated to different streams. In Experiment 1, it was found, using an interleaved melody task, that target sounds could be selected from distractors in the same spectral region more easily when they differed in timbre. This finding might result from primitive stream segregation or schema-driven selection, but not from peripheral channeling. In Experiment 2, a rhythm discrimination task was used, requiring the sounds to be integrated for good performance. Differences in timbre impaired performance, indicating the occurrence of primitive stream segregation.  相似文献   

A major issue in visual scene recognition involves the extraction of recurring chunks from a sequence of complex scenes. Previous studies have suggested that this kind of learning is accomplished according to Bayesian principles that constrain the types of extracted chunks. Here we show that perceptual grouping cues are also incorporated in this Bayesian model, providing additional evidence for the possible span of chunks. Experiment 1 replicates previous results showing that observers can learn three-element chunks without learning smaller, two-element chunks embedded within them. Experiment 2 shows that the very same embedded chunks are learned if they are grouped by perceptual cues, suggesting that perceptual grouping cues play an important role in chunk extraction from complex scenes.  相似文献   

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