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Hu Z  Zhang R  Zhang Q  Liu Q  Li H 《Brain and language》2012,121(1):70-75
Previous studies have found a late frontal-central audiovisual interaction during the time period about 150-220 ms post-stimulus. However, it is unclear to which process is this audiovisual interaction related: to processing of acoustical features or to classification of stimuli? To investigate this question, event-related potentials were recorded during a words-categorization task with stimuli presented in the auditory-visual modality. In the experiment, congruency of the visual and auditory stimuli was manipulated. Results showed that within the window of about 180-210 ms post-stimulus more positive values were elicited by category-congruent audiovisual stimuli than category-incongruent audiovisual stimuli. This indicates that the late frontal-central audiovisual interaction is related to audiovisual integration of semantic category information.  相似文献   

Both semantic and syntactic context constraints can influence word processing at the level of lexical integration. In event-related brain potentials (ERPs), semantic integration is reflected by a negativity around 400 msec (N400), whereas phrase structure assignment and syntactic integration are assumed to be reflected by an early left anterior negativity and a late positivity (P600), respectively. An ERP study is presented in which participants read different types of sentences whose terminal verb was either congruent with the preceding context or incongruent due to a phrase structure violation, a semantic violation, or both. The main finding was that only the pure semantic violation condition, but not the combined semantic and syntactic violation condition, elicited a large N400. The two conditions containing phrase structure violations were predominantly characterized by a P600. Both semantic violation conditions, moreover, displayed a late negativity around 700 msec that overlapped with the P600 in the double violation condition. The absence of an N400 effect for elements that are syntactically as well as semantically incongruent with prior context suggests an early influence of phrase structure information on processes of lexical-semantic integration. The present data are discussed in comparison to previous ERP findings, and a new view of lexical integration processes is proposed.  相似文献   

Consciousness results from three mechanisms: representation by firing patterns in neural populations, binding of representations into more complex representations called semantic pointers, and competition among semantic pointers to capture the most important aspects of an organism’s current state. We contrast the semantic pointer competition (SPC) theory of consciousness with the hypothesis that consciousness is the capacity of a system to integrate information (IIT). We describe computer simulations to show that SPC surpasses IIT in providing better explanations of key aspects of consciousness: qualitative features, onset and cessation, shifts in experiences, differences in kinds across different organisms, unity and diversity, and storage and retrieval.  相似文献   

Identification of a fixated object in a visual display is facilitated by integrating information from a preview of that object in the periphery with information extracted on the subsequent foveal fixation (Pollatsek, Rayner, & Collins, 1984). These experiments investigated the extent to which this integration is dependent on the spatial location of the information remaining constant. Two preview objects were presented in the periphery; Ss fixated that region and named a single target object that appeared in the same spatial location in which one of the two preview objects had been presented. Of primary interest was the facilitative effect when a preview object was identical to the target object as a function of whether they were in the same spatial location. The major finding was that although there was a small effect of switching, there was still a substantial preview benefit even when the location of the identical object switched. In addition, the switching effect did not interact with the level of identity between the preview and target. There was also a preview benefit in conditions in which there were no eye movements and the preview and target objects were at least 5 degrees apart. Thus, the data indicate that the process object identification is relatively insensitive to location information and that object information and location information are coded fairly independently.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a patient, TA, who developed a chronic amnesic-confabulatory syndrome, following rupture of a right internal carotid siphon aneurysm. Our aim was to elucidate as fully as possible the nature of TA's impairment and to test the hypothesis of confabulation as reflecting a dysfunction of Temporal Consciousness, i.e., to become aware of something as part of a personal past, present or future. TA's confabulations were present in answers to questions tapping Temporal Consciousness, i.e., autobiographical episodic memory, orientation in time and place, and foresight of personal future. In contrast, confabulations were not observed in answers to questions tapping Knowing Consciousness, i.e., to become aware of something as a meaning or as an element of impersonal knowledge. In fact, he had normal access to semantic knowledge, including foresight of impersonal future. TA's brain MRI showed lesions involving the right hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, fornix, mammillary bodies, and thalamus. Moreover TA showed sub-cortical lesions involving the caudate and putamen nuclei bilaterally, a lesion site not commonly described in amnesic-confabulatory syndrome. We suggest that this pattern of results is better accounted for within the framework of the Memory, Consciousness and Temporality Theory and reflects a specific distortion of Temporal Consciousness.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to explore the temporal structure of set formation in a complex reaction time (RT) task. On each trial an instruction [I-event] was given telling Ss whether identity of color or form on a separately presented alternative display (A-event) was the dimension relevant on that trial. The A-event consisted of a pattern of four colored forms. The two forms on one side were matched for color and on the other side for form. S’s task was to depress one of two keys. The correct key was homolateral to the matched relevant dimension. The basic independent variable was the time interval separating the I- and A-events (ISI). At short ISIs, RT wasa linear function oflSI with slope equal to -0.5. RT was independent of the order in which the events occurred at short ISIs, although at longer ISIs (3 sec) RT was longer when the A-event followed the I-event. Also, RT was shorter at short ISIs when color was the relevant dimension rather than form. although this difference disappearedat longer ISIs. The results were discussed in relation to information processing models and previous research dealing with partialadvance information.  相似文献   

How is semantic information from different modalities integrated and stored? If related ideas are encountered in French and English, or in pictures and sentences, is the result a single representation in memory, or two modality-dependent ones? Subjects were presented with items in different modalities, then were asked whether or not subsequently presented items were identical with the former ones. Subjects frequently accepted translations and items semantically consistent with those presented earlier as identical, although not as often as they accepted items actually seen previously. The same pattern of results was found when the items were French and English sentences, and when they were pictures and sentences. The results can be explained by the hypothesis that subjects integrate information across modalities into a single underlying semantic representation. A computer model, embodying this hypothesis, made predictions in close agreement with the data.  相似文献   

Lateralization of object-shape information in semantic processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zwaan RA  Yaxley RH 《Cognition》2004,94(2):B35-B43
An experiment was conducted to examine whether perceptual information, specifically the shape of objects, is activated during semantic processing. Subjects judged whether a target word was related to a prime word. Prime-target pairs that were not associated, but whose referents had similar shapes (e.g. LADDER-RAILROAD) yielded longer "no" responses than unassociated prime-target pairs, suggesting that shape information had been activated. A visual-field manipulation showed that, in right-handed subjects, this effect was localized in the left hemisphere. This finding is consistent with behavioral, brain imaging, and lesion data, which suggest that object shape at the category level is represented in the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigating the patient M.S.'s semantic memory are reported. Experiments 1 and 2 involved a category-membership decision task, in which M.S. was asked to determine whether a noun was a member of a specified semantic category. His performance in Experiment 1 was impaired for nouns from living categories in comparison with nouns from nonliving categories, and this impairment was especially marked for nouns of low typicality. Experiment 2 demonstrated an equivalent pattern of very poor performance to nouns of low familiarity from living categories. In Experiment 3 the effect of a category label on lexical decision was examined, using category labels as primes preceding nouns or pronounceable nonwords. Facilitation from related category label primes was found for typical and untypical members of living and nonliving semantic categories. These findings demonstrate that M.S. has impaired knowledge of the structure of living semantic categories when explicit access to this information is required (Experiments 1 and 2), but that some form of preserved category structure can be demonstrated in tasks which assess this implicitly (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

The role of attention in temporal integration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Visser TA  Enns JT 《Perception》2001,30(2):135-145
When two visual patterns are presented in rapid succession, their contours may be combined into a single unified percept. This temporal integration is known to be influenced by such low-level visual factors as stimulus intensity, contour proximity, and stimulus duration. In this study we asked whether temporal integration is modulated by an attentional-blink procedure. The results from a localisation task in experiment 1 and a detection task in experiment 2 pointed to two separate effects. First, greater attentional availability increased the accuracy of spatial localisation. Second, it increased the duration over which successive stimuli could be integrated. These results imply that theories of visible persistence and visual masking must account for attentional influences in addition to lower-level effects. They also have practical implications for use of the temporal-integration task in the assessment of group and individual differences.  相似文献   

Children's comprehension of the semantic rules for temporal prepositions was investigated. The temporal prepositions werein, on, andat. Lech's (1969) semantic analysis was used as the framework for the study. The contextual property [(x)]→TIM[PERI] with its related constraints indicates the ill-formedness of phrases like* in noon,* on January and* at Saturday. Correct usage of these prepositions is based on the implicit distinction between time with or without duration (period versus moment). Comprehension differences among the prepositions, based on semantic differences were hypothesized, as well as developmental differences across age levels. Thirty-five children at each of three levels (kindergarten, grades 2, and 4) in Experiment 1, and 24 grade 4 children in Experiment 2, judged the appropriateness of sentences containing temporal prepositions and attempted to revise the ill-formed sentences. Significant developmental differences were observed. Kindergarten children could not discriminate between well- and ill-formed sentences; second grade children could discriminate but could not identify the reason for their discrimination, nor could they revise the ill-formed sentences. Fourth grade children could discriminate and identify or revise the ill-formedness. Ability to revise the prepositions was found to be related to cognitive developmental level. None of the children in either experiment were able to articulate the periodicity-moment temporal distinction which provides the basis for the semantic constraints. The awareness of semantic rules for temporal prepositions may be relatively late in developing, perhaps between the ages of 8 and 10 years. An advanced awareness of these rules may develop considerably later.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects studied lists of categorized words and then were tested for recognition of those words. Response time for a test word was speeded whenever the immediately preceding test word was from the same category. This was true even for test words (lures) from categories never studied. Thus it is argued that semantic information not present at the time of study affected retrieval. This finding is discussed with respect to the distinction between episodic and semantic memories.  相似文献   

The reason for the emergence of consciousness of filial piety is that parental care could activate reciprocal filial piety. Parental care and filial piety are two supplementary phenomena caused by the same time consciousness. Phenomenology neglects consciousness of filial piety because it lacks the thinking that sees the fundamental “meaning of time” in the intersection of “past” and “future”. The consciousness of filial piety can only be really constituted by a human being’s personal experience. “Frustrations in personal life” and “breeding of children for oneself” are two occasions for an adult to fight against the separating effect of individualized consciousness and regain awareness of filial piety. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Beijing Daxue Xuebao 北京大学学报 (Journal of Peking University), 2006, (1): 14–24  相似文献   

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