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When representing visual features such as color and shape in visual working memory (VWM), participants also represent the locations of those features as a spatial configuration of the locations of those features in the display. In everyday life, we encounter objects against some background, yet it is unclear whether the configural representation in memory obligatorily constitutes the entire display, including that (often task-irrelevant) background information. In three experiments, participants completed a change detection task on color and shape; the memoranda were presented in front of uniform gray backgrounds, a textured background (Exp. 1), or a background containing location placeholders (Exps. 2 and 3). When whole-display probes were presented, changes to the objects’ locations or feature bindings impacted memory performance—implying that the spatial configuration of the probes influenced participants’ change decisions. Furthermore, when only a single item was probed, the effect of changing its location or feature bindings was either diminished or completely extinguished, implying that single probes do not necessarily elicit the entire spatial configuration. Critically, when task-irrelevant backgrounds were also presented that may have provided a spatial configuration for the single probes, the effect of location or bindings was not moderated. These findings suggest that although the spatial configuration of a display guides VWM-based recognition, this information does not necessarily always influence the decision process during change detection.  相似文献   

Two studies investigate the nature of representations in spatial working memory, directly addressing the question of whether people represent the configuration information above and beyond independent positional information when representing multiple sequentially presented locations. In Experiment 1, participants performed a location memory task in which they recalled the location of objects that were presented sequentially on a screen. Comparison of participants' data with simulated data modelled to represent independent positional representation of spatial locations revealed that participants represented the configural properties of shorter sequences (3 and 4 locations) but not of longer ones (5 and 7 locations). Experiment 2 employed a sequential recognition task in which participants were asked to judge whether two consequently presented spatial sequences were identical. These experiments confirmed sensitivity to configural properties of spatial sequences.  相似文献   

黄羽商  曹立人 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1222-1234
通过考察构成视觉客体构型的两种因素在视觉工作记忆任务中的影响, 探讨了构型对视觉工作记忆绩效的作用机制。采用变化觉察实验范式, 在构型朝向不变和旋转两种条件下, 系统地控制构型中的客体相对方位和整体几何形态两种因素的变化, 考察其对视觉工作记忆绩效的影响。实验结果显示, 无论构型朝向不变还是旋转, 只要客体相对方位保持一致, 工作记忆绩效就可以维持较高水平, 而几何形态没有表现出显著作用。上述发现提示构型客体相对方位是构型影响视觉工作记忆绩效的主要因素。  相似文献   

We investigated whether the representations of different objects are maintained independently in working memory or interact with each other. Observers were shown two sequentially presented orientations and required to reproduce each orientation after a delay. The sequential presentation minimized perceptual interactions so that we could isolate interactions between memory representations per se. We found that similar orientations were repelled from each other whereas dissimilar orientations were attracted to each other. In addition, when one of the items was given greater attentional priority by means of a cue, the representation of the high-priority item was not influenced very much by the orientation of the low-priority item, but the representation of the low-priority item was strongly influenced by the orientation of the high-priority item. This indicates that attention modulates the interactions between working memory representations. In addition, errors in the reported orientations of the two objects were positively correlated under some conditions, suggesting that representations of distinct objects may become grouped together in memory. Together, these results demonstrate that working-memory representations are not independent but instead interact with each other in a manner that depends on attentional priority.  相似文献   

The present study systematically examined the role of attention in maintenance of spatial representations in working memory as proposed by the attention-based rehearsal hypothesis [Awh, E., Jonides, J., & Reuter-Lorenz, P. A. (1998). Rehearsal in spatial working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 24(3), 780-790]. Three main issues were examined. First, Experiments 1-3 demonstrated that inhibition and not facilitation of visual processing is often observed at the memorized location during the retention interval. This inhibition was caused by keeping a location in memory and not by the exogenous nature of the memory cue. Second, Experiment 4 showed that inhibition of the memorized location does not lead to any significant impairment in memory accuracy. Finally, Experiment 5 connected current results to the previous findings and demonstrated facilitation of processing at the memorized location. Importantly, facilitation of processing did not lead to more accurate memory performance. The present results challenge the functional role of attention in maintenance of spatial working memory representations.  相似文献   


The multiple state theory of working memory suggests that representations are divided into two states: focused-on active representations and accessory memories held for later use. Here we tested two competing hypotheses regarding the neurocognitive mechanisms responsible for this separation: (1) that accessory memories undergo inhibition or (2) that accessory memories are amplified less than active representations. We explored whether accessory memories undergo affective devaluation, a known index of the involvement of inhibition in a visual task. On each trial participants memorized four items, were cued to focus on one, and then completed a visual search or an affective evaluation task. While search distractors matching the colour of an active item slowed search, those matching an accessory memory did not, replicating previous findings that only active items guide search. Also, accessory items were affectively devalued compared to baseline and active items, supporting the hypothesis that accessory memories undergo inhibition.  相似文献   

Auditory and visual spatial working memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A series of experiments compared short-term memory for object locations in the auditory and visual modalities. The stimulus materials consisted of sounds and pictures presented at different locations in space. Items were presented in pure- or mixed-modality lists of increasing length. At test, participants responded to renewed presentation of the objects by indicating their original position. If two independent modality-specific and resource-limited short-term memories support the remembering of locations, memory performance should be higher in the mixed-modality than in the pure-modality condition. Yet, memory performance was the same for items in both types of list. In addition, responses to the memory load manipulation in both modalities showed very similar declines in performance. The results are interpreted in terms of object files binding object and location information in episodic working memory, independently of the input modality.  相似文献   

Location and binding in visual working memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visual working memory (VWM) wa sexplored separatelyfor features and for their binding. Features were better recognized when the probes retained the same binding as in the original display, but changing the locations had little effect overall. However, there were strong interactions of location with binding and with matching or new features, suggesting that, when objects are attended, features and locations are spontaneously integrated in VWM. Despite this, when the locations arechanged, features can also be accessed with little decrement, perhaps from separate feature maps. Bindings, on the other hand, are more vulnerable to location changes, suggesting that locations play a central role in the early maintenance and retrieval of bound objects as well as in their initial encoding, at least when verbal coding is prevented. The results qualify past claims about the separation of locations and objects in VWM.  相似文献   

We examined the aftermath of accessing and retrieving a subset of information stored in visual working memory (VWM)—namely, whether detection of a mismatch between memory and perception can impair the original memory of an item while triggering recognition-induced forgetting for the remaining, untested items. For this purpose, we devised a consecutive-change detection task wherein two successive testing probes were displayed after a single set of memory items. Across two experiments utilizing different memory-testing methods (whole vs. single probe), we observed a reliable pattern of poor performance in change detection for the second test when the first test had exhibited a color change. The impairment after a color change was evident even when the same memory item was repeatedly probed; this suggests that an attention-driven, salient visual change made it difficult to reinstate the previously remembered item. The second change detection, for memory items untested during the first change detection, was also found to be inaccurate, indicating that recognition-induced forgetting had occurred for the unprobed items in VWM. In a third experiment, we conducted a task that involved change detection plus continuous recall, wherein a memory recall task was presented after the change detection task. The analyses of the distributions of recall errors with a probabilistic mixture model revealed that the memory impairments from both visual changes and recognition-induced forgetting are explained better by the stochastic loss of memory items than by their degraded resolution. These results indicate that attention-driven visual change and recognition-induced forgetting jointly influence the “recycling” of VWM representations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the fate of information that was previously stored in visual working memory but that is no longer needed. Previous research has found inconsistent results, with some showing effective release of irrelevant information and others showing proactive interference. Using change detection tasks of colors or shapes, we show that participants tend to falsely classify a changed item as "no change" if it matches one of the memory items on the preceding trial. The interference is spatially specific: Memory for the preceding trial interferes more if it matches the feature value and the location of a test item than if it does not. Interference results from retaining information in visual working memory, since it is absent when items on the preceding trials are passively viewed, or are attended but not memorized. We conclude that people cannot fully eliminate unwanted visual information from current working memory tasks.  相似文献   

In verbal memory, similarity between items in memory often leads to interference and impaired memory performance. The present study sought to determine whether analogous interference effects would be observed in visual working memory by varying the similarity of the to-be-remembered objects in a colour change detection task. Instead of leading to interference and impaired performance, increased similarity among the items being held in memory led to improved performance. Moreover, when two similar colours were presented along with one dissimilar colour, memory performance was better for the similar colours than for the dissimilar colour. Similarity produced better performance even when the objects were presented sequentially and even when memory for the first item in the sequence was tested. These findings show that similarity does not lead to interference between representations in visual working memory. Instead, similarity may lead to improved task performance, possibly due to increased stability or precision of the memory representations during maintenance.  相似文献   

In a series of five experiments, we studied the effect of a visual suffix on the retention in short-term visual memory of both individual visual features and objects involving the binding of two features. Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2 involved suffixes consisting of features external to the to-be-remembered set and revealed a modest but equivalent disruption on individual and bound feature conditions. Experiments 3A and 3B involved suffixes comprising features that could potentially have formed part of the to-be-remembered set (but did not on that trial). Both experiments showed greater disruption of retention for objects comprising bound features than for their individual features. The results are interpreted as differentiating two components of suffix interference, one affecting memory for features and bindings equally, the other affecting memory for bindings. The general component is tentatively identified with the attentional cost of operating a filter to prevent the suffix from entering visual working memory, whereas the specific component is attributed to the particular fragility of bound representations when the filter fails.  相似文献   

Visual working memory (VWM) refers to the ability to encode, store, and retrieve visual information. The two prevailing theories that describe VWM assume that information is stored either in discrete slots or within a shared pool of resources. However, there is not yet a good understanding of the neural mechanisms that would underlie such theories. To address this gap, we provide a computationally realized neural account that uses a pool of shared neurons to store information about one or more distinct stimuli. The binding pool model is a neural network that is essentially a hybrid of the slot and resource theories. It describes how information can be stored and retrieved from a pool of shared resources using a type/token architecture (Bowman & Wyble in Psychological Review 114(1), 38–70, 2007; Kanwisher in Cognition 27, 117–143, 1987; Mozer in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 15(2), 287–303, 1989). The model can store multiple distinct objects, each containing binding links to one or more features. The binding links are stored in a pool of shared resources and, thus, produce mutual interference as memory load increases. Given a cue, the model retrieves a specific object and then reconstructs other features bound to that object, along with a confidence metric. The model can simulate data from continuous report and change detection paradigms and generates testable predictions about the interaction of report accuracy, confidence, and stimulus similarity. The testing of such predictions will help to identify the boundaries of shared resource theories, thereby providing insight into the roles of ensembles and context in explaining our ability to remember visual information.  相似文献   

How does visual working memory (WM) store the binding between different features of a visual object (like colour, orientation, and location), and does memorizing these bindings require additional resources beyond memorizing individual features? These questions have traditionally been addressed by comparing performance across different types of change detection task. More recently, experimental tasks such as analogue (cued) recall, combined with analysis methods including Bayesian hypothesis testing and formal model comparison, have shed new light on the properties of WM. A significant new perspective is that noise in neural representation limits the precision of recall, and several recent models incorporate this view to account for failures of binding in WM. We review the literature on feature binding with a focus on these new developments and discuss their implications for the interpretation of classical findings.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated an interaction between eye gaze and selected facial emotional expressions, whereby the perception of anger and happiness is impaired when the eyes are horizontally averted within a face, but the perception of fear and sadness is enhanced under the same conditions. The current study reexamined these claims over six experiments. In the first three experiments, the categorization of happy and sad expressions (Experiments 1 and 2) and angry and fearful expressions (Experiment 3) was impaired when eye gaze was averted, in comparison to direct gaze conditions. Experiment 4 replicated these findings in a rating task, which combined all four expressions within the same design. Experiments 5 and 6 then showed that previous findings, that the perception of selected expressions is enhanced under averted gaze, are stimulus and task-bound. The results are discussed in relation to research on facial expression processing and visual attention.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

Influential models of visual working memory treat each item to be stored as an independent unit and assume that there are no interactions between items. However, real-world displays have structure that provides higher-order constraints on the items to be remembered. Even in the case of a display of simple colored circles, observers can compute statistics, such as mean circle size, to obtain an overall summary of the display. We examined the influence of such an ensemble statistic on visual working memory. We report evidence that the remembered size of each individual item in a display is biased toward the mean size of the set of items in the same color and the mean size of all items in the display. This suggests that visual working memory is constructive, encoding displays at multiple levels of abstraction and integrating across these levels, rather than maintaining a veridical representation of each item independently.  相似文献   

Executive processes in visual and spatial working memory tasks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether greater attentional resources are required for consolidating two features (e.g., color and orientation) than for consolidating one feature (e.g., color) in visual working memory (WM). We used a dual-task procedure: Subjects performed a WM task and a secondary probe task, sometimes concurrently. In the WM task, subjects decided whether two displays (containing one to four objects composed of one or two features) were the same or different. In the probe task, subjects made a speeded discrimination response to a tone. Performance in both tasks was impaired when they were performed concurrently; however, performance costs in the tone task were not greater for multi- than for single-feature conditions (when the orientation and conjunction conditions were considered). Results suggested that equivalent attentional resources were necessary for consolidation of single-orientation or multifeature items.  相似文献   

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