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If two images are shown in rapid sequential order, they are perceived as a single, fused image. Despite this, recent studies have revealed that fundamental perceptual processes are influenced by extremely brief temporal offsets in stimulus presentation. Some researchers have suggested that this is due to the action of a cortical temporal-binding mechanism, which would serve to keep multiple mental representations of one object distinct from those of other objects. There is now gathering evidence that these studies should be reassessed. This article describes evidence for sensitivity to fixational eye and head movements, which provides a purely spatial explanation for the earlier results. Taken in conjunction with other studies, the work serves to undermine the current body of behavioral evidence for a temporal-binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Neurologically normal individuals exhibit strong leftward response biases during free-viewing perceptual judgments of brightness, quantity, and size. When participants view two mirror-reversed objects and they are forced to choose which object appears darker, more numerous, or larger, the stimulus with the relevant feature on the left side is chosen 60-75% of the time. This effect could be influenced by inaccurate judgments of the true centre-point of the objects being compared. In order to test this possibility, 10 participants completed three visual bisection tasks on stimuli known to elicit strong leftward response biases. Participants were monitored using a remote eye-tracking device and instructed to stare at the subjective midpoint of objects presented on a computer screen. Although it was predicted that bisection errors would deviate to the left of centre (as is the case in the line bisection literature), the opposite effect was found. Significant rightward bisection errors were evident on two of the three tasks, and the leftward biases seen during forced-choice tasks could be the result of misjudgments to the right of centre on these same tasks.  相似文献   

The classical visual latency explanation of the Pulfrich phenomenon is generalized to allow for the possibility that the visual system uses velocity information from motion detectors to compensate for spatial lag due to time lag, in identifying the instantaneous position of a moving object. The results of the reported experiment verify one consequence of the generalized version: the elliptical apparent path is skewed away from the filtered eye. The results suggest also that the extrapolation factor increases with visual latency and that there is a different extrapolation factor for each eye when the eyes are illuminated unequally.  相似文献   

People who explain why ambiguous faces are expressing anger perceive and remember those faces as angrier than do people who explain why the same faces are expressing sadness. This phenomenon may be explained by a two-stage process in which language decomposes a facial configuration into its component features, which are then reintegrated with emotion categories available in the emotion explanation itself. This configural-decomposition hypothesis is consistent with experimental results showing that the explanation effect is attenuated when configural face processing is impaired (e.g., when the faces are inverted). Ironically, although people explain emotional expressions to make more accurate attributions, the process of explanation itself can decrease accuracy by leading to perceptual assimilation of the expressions to the emotions being explained.  相似文献   

The classical visual latency explanation of the Pulfrich phenomenon is generalized to allow for the possibility that the visual system uses velocity information from motion detectors to compensate for spatial lag due to time lag, in identifying the instantaneous position of a moving object. The results of the reported experiment verify one consequence of the generalized version: the elliptical apparent path is skewed away from the filtered eye. The results suggest also that the extrapolation factor increases with visual latency and that there is a different extrapolation factor for each eye when the eyes are illuminated unequally.  相似文献   

A variant of a line bisection test was devised. Patients with unilateral visual neglect and control subjects were asked to perform the test, which consisted of two subtasks: a verbal and a manual task. The verbal task was newly designed and did not require manual responses from the subjects. The manual task was similar to conventional line bisection tasks. This paper reports and discusses the results obtained from each task and their correlations. This technique is compatible with bedside examinations, does not require a complex apparatus, and provides useful data for the assessment of unilateral visual neglect.  相似文献   

Mather G 《Perception》2000,29(6):721-727
A texture pattern devised by the Japanese artist H Ouchi has attracted wide attention because of the striking appearance of relative motion it evokes. The illusion has been the subject of several recent empirical studies. A new account is presented, along with a simple experimental test, that attributes the illusion to a bias in the way that local motion signals generated at different locations on each element are combined to code element motion. The account is generalised to two spatial illusions, the Judd illusion and the Z?llner illusion (previously considered unrelated to the Ouchi illusion). The notion of integration bias is consistent with recent Bayesian approaches to visual coding, according to which the weight attached to each signal reflects its reliability and likelihood.  相似文献   


Representing spatial information is one of our most foundational abilities. Yet in the present work we find that even the simplest possible spatial tasks reveal surprising, systematic misrepresentations of space—such as biases wherein objects are perceived and remembered as being nearer to the centers of their surrounding quadrants. We employed both a placement task (in which observers see two differently sized shapes, one of which has a dot in it, and then must place a second dot in the other shape so that their relative locations are equated) and a matching task (in which observers see two dots, each inside a separate shape, and must simply report whether their relative locations are matched). Some of the resulting biases were shape specific. For example, when dots appeared in a triangle during the placement task, the dots placed by observers were biased away from certain parts of the symmetry axes. But other systematic biases were not shape specific, and seemed instead to reflect differences in the grain of resolution for different regions of space. For example, with both a circle and even a shapeless configuration (with only a central landmark) in the matching task, observers were better at discriminating angular differences (when a dot changed positions around the circle, as opposed to inward/outward changes) in cardinal versus oblique sectors. These data reveal a powerful angular spatial bias, and highlight how the resolution of spatial representation differs for different regions and dimensions of space itself.


Memory for location of a dot inside a circle was investigated with the circle in the center of a computer screen (Experiment 1) or with the circle presented in either the left or the right visual field (Experiment 2). In both experiments, as in Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Duncan’s (1991) study, the task was to relocate the dot by marking the remembered location. When errors in angular and radial estimates were considered separately, it was found that, in both experiments, the angular locations of estimates of the dots’ positions regressed toward different locations inside each quadrant of the circle; the radial locations of the estimates of dots’ positions tended to regress toward locations near the circumference. These variations in the direction of bias appeared to reflect a general shift of estimates toward the upper left arc of the circle. The second experiment replicated the preceding effects but also revealed that the regressions within quadrants of angular values were stronger after right visual field than after left visual field presentations. We interpret the dissociation between visual fields as evidence that memory for categorical spatial relations (Kosslyn, 1987) is more dependent on left-hemisphere than on right-hemisphere processing.  相似文献   

Four eyetracking experiments examined whether semantic and visual-shape representations are routinely retrieved from printed word displays and used during language-mediated visual search. Participants listened to sentences containing target words that were similar semantically or in shape to concepts invoked by concurrently displayed printed words. In Experiment 1, the displays contained semantic and shape competitors of the targets along with two unrelated words. There were significant shifts in eye gaze as targets were heard toward semantic but not toward shape competitors. In Experiments 2–4, semantic competitors were replaced with unrelated words, semantically richer sentences were presented to encourage visual imagery, or participants rated the shape similarity of the stimuli before doing the eyetracking task. In all cases, there were no immediate shifts in eye gaze to shape competitors, even though, in response to the Experiment 1 spoken materials, participants looked to these competitors when they were presented as pictures (Huettig & McQueen, 2007). There was a late shape-competitor bias (more than 2,500 ms after target onset) in all experiments. These data show that shape information is not used in online search of printed word displays (whereas it is used with picture displays). The nature of the visual environment appears to induce implicit biases toward particular modes of processing during language-mediated visual search.  相似文献   

In high-order object areas, face-selective areas prefer centrally presented stimuli, whereas building-selective areas prefer peripherally presented stimuli (Levy et al., 2001). We investigated whether this eccentricity bias was also evident in visual working memory. In Experiment 1, we found that working memory performance for faces decreased towards the periphery while the performance for buildings remained unchanged across different eccentricities. To rule out the possibility that lower level features influence these results, we manipulated the spatial frequency of faces and buildings (Experiment 2) and the spatial layout information of the buildings (Experiment 3). In both of the experiments, we replicated the results of Experiment 1, even when these lower level features of stimuli were controlled. Consistent with previous findings, the current results suggest that each object category is processed in a different manner depending on the eccentricity. This eccentricity bias is likely the result of how the high-order object areas represent different object categories.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that patients with visual extinction can show enhanced awareness of contralesional stimuli that match the contents of working memory [Soto, D., & Humphreys, G.W. (2006). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 103, 4789–4792]. Here we investigate whether these effects extend to cases where the working memory cue is verbal rather than visual (Study 1), and we show that non-spatial cues can overcome problems in spatial disengagement in patients, and this can affect the first eye movement made in search (Study 2). We discuss the implications of the data for understanding the relations between the cueing of attention from visual and conceptual information held in working memory and the cueing of spatial attention, and for understanding the relations between non-spatial and spatial biases in selection.  相似文献   

Attentional control settings have an important role in guiding visual behaviour. Previous work within cognitive psychology has found that the deployment of general attentional control settings can be modulated by training. However, research has not yet established whether long-term modifications of one particular type of attentional control setting can be induced. To address this, we investigated persistent alterations to feature search mode, also known as an attentional bias, towards an arbitrary stimulus in healthy participants. Subjects were biased towards the colour green by an information sheet. Attentional bias was assessed using a change detection task. After an interval of either 1 or 2 weeks, participants were then retested on the same change detection task, tested on a different change detection task where colour was irrelevant, or were biased towards an alternative colour. One experiment included trials in which the distractor stimuli (but never the target stimuli) were green. The key finding was that green stimuli in the second task attracted attention, despite this impairing task performance. Furthermore, inducing a second attentional bias did not override the initial bias toward green objects. The attentional bias also persisted for at least two weeks. It is argued that this persistent attentional bias is mediated by a chronic change to participants’ attentional control settings, which is aided by long-term representations involving contextual cueing. We speculate that similar changes to attentional control settings and continuous cueing may relate to attentional biases observed in psychopathologies. Targeting these biases may be a productive approach to treatment.  相似文献   

The initial categorization of complex visual scenes is a very rapid process. Here we find no differences in performance for upright and inverted images arguing for a neural mechanism that can function without involving high-level image orientation dependent identification processes. Using an adaptation paradigm we are able to demonstrate that artificial images composed to mimic the orientation distribution of either natural or man-made scenes systematically shift the judgement of human observers. This suggests a highly efficient feedforward system that makes use of “low-level” image features yet supports the rapid extraction of essential information for the categorization of complex visual scenes.  相似文献   

Stimuli associated with positive rewards in one task often receive preferential processing in a subsequent task, even when those associations are no longer relevant. Here we use a rapid reaching task to investigate these biases. In Experiment 1 we first replicated the learning procedure of Raymond and O'Brien (2009), for a set of arbitrary shapes that varied in value (positive, negative) and probability (20%, 80%). In a subsequent task, participants rapidly reached toward one of two shapes, except now the previously learned associations were irrelevant. As in the previous studies, we found significant reach biases toward shapes previously associated with a high probable, positive outcome. Unexpectedly, we also found a bias toward shapes previously associated with a low probable, negative outcome. Closer inspection of the learning task revealed a potential second factor that might account for these results; since a low probable negative shape was always paired with a high probable negative shape, it was selected with disproportionate frequency. To assess how selection frequency and reward value might both contribute to reaching biases we performed a second experiment. The results of this experiment at a group level replicated the reach-bias toward positively rewarding stimuli, but also revealed a separate bias toward stimuli that had been more frequently selected. At the level of individual participants, we observed a variety of preference profiles, with some participants biased primarily by reward value, others by frequency, and a few actually biased away from both highly rewarding and high frequency targets. These findings highlight that: (1) rapid reaching provides a sensitive readout of preferential processing; (2) target reward value and target selection frequency are separate sources of bias; and (3) group-level analyses in complex decision-making tasks can obscure important and varied individual differences in preference profiles.  相似文献   

The effect of saccades on visual localization was tested before, during, and after the eye movements. After saccades, localization errors were much less than the distance that the eyes had moved. It is argued that these results demonstrate that extraretinal feedback affects visual localization. The results also suggest that the feedback is related to acceleration rather than to position. Implications for inflow and outflow theories are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial representations in the visual system were probed in 4 experiments involving A. H., a woman with a developmental deficit in localizing visual stimuli. Previous research (M. McCloskey et al., 1995) has shown that A. H.'s localization errors take the form of reflections across a central vertical or horizontal axis (e.g., a stimulus 30 degrees to her left localized to a position 30 degrees to her right). The present experiments demonstrate that A. H.'s errors vary systematically as a function of where her attention is focused, independent of how her eyes, head, or body are oriented, or what potential reference points are present in the visual field. These results suggest that the normal visual system constructs attention-referenced spatial representations, in which the focus of attention defines the origin of a spatial coordinate system. A more general implication is that some of the brain's spatial representations take the form of coordinate systems.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that political attitudes are influenced by an information‐processing factor – namely, a bias in the content of everyday explanations. Because many societal phenomena are enormously complex, people's understanding of them often relies on heuristic shortcuts. For instance, when generating explanations for such phenomena (e.g., why does this group have low status?), people often rely on facts that they can retrieve easily from memory – facts that are skewed toward inherent or intrinsic features (e.g., this group is unintelligent). We hypothesized that this bias in the content of heuristic explanations leads to a tendency to (1) view socioeconomic stratification as acceptable and (2) prefer current societal arrangements to alternative ones, two hallmarks of conservative ideology. Moreover, since the inherence bias in explanation is present across development, we expected it to shape children's proto‐political judgments as well. Three studies with adults and 4‐ to 8‐year‐old children (= 784) provided support for these predictions: Not only did individual differences in reliance on inherent explanations uniquely predict endorsement of conservative views (particularly the stratification‐supporting component; Study 1), but manipulations of this explanatory bias also had downstream consequences for political attitudes in both children and adults (Studies 2 and 3). This work contributes to our understanding of the origins of political attitudes.  相似文献   

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