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The present study investigated the human ability to discriminate the size of 3-D objects by touch. Experiment 1 measured the just noticeable differences (JNDs) for three tasks: (1) discrimination of volume without availability of weight information, (2) discrimination of volume with weight information available, and (3) discrimination of surface area. Stimuli consisted of spheres, cubes, and tetrahedrons. For all shapes, two reference sizes were used (3.5 and 12 cm(3)). No significant effect of task on the discriminability of objects was found, but the effects of shape and size were significant, as well as the interaction between these two factors. Post hoc analysis revealed that for the small reference, the Weber fractions for the tetrahedron were significantly larger than the fractions for the cube and the sphere. In Experiment 2, the JNDs for haptic perception of weight were measured for the same objects as those used in Experiment 1. The shape of objects had no significant effect on the Weber fractions for weight, but the Weber fractions for the small stimuli were larger than the fractions for the large stimuli. Surprisingly, a comparison between the two experiments showed that the Weber fractions for weight were significantly larger than the fractions for volume with availability of weight information. Taken together, the results reveal that volume and weight information are not effectively combined in discrimination tasks. This study provides detailed insight into the accuracy of the haptic system in discriminating objects' size. This substantial set of data satisfies the need for more fundamental knowledge on haptic size perception, necessary for a greater understanding of the perception of related properties, as well as of more general perceptual processes.  相似文献   

This paper described a pilot study and two follow-up experiments, using a device developed in the laboratory to study the human fingertip's discrimination and memory for softness perception. According to the pilot study, soft objects were easier to identify than hard ones. When subjects touched objects, the number of times seemed to be from 2 to 6. For most, the touch frequency ranged from 0.3 to 1.3 Hz. In Exp. 1, the method of constant stimuli was used to study the human fingertip's stiffness difference threshold for haptic perception. The estimated difference threshold averaged over 24 subjects was 33 N/m. And, the stiffness difference thresholds for most people were in the range of 20 N/m to 40 N/m. In Exp. 2, the haptic memory span was discussed according to the recall experiment. Human haptic memory span lay between three and four items.  相似文献   

Ninety-two subjects, schoolchildren and undergraduate and postgraduate students, took part in a series of experiments on the haptic perception of curvature. A graded series of surfaces was produced using piano-convex lenses masked off to produce curved strips that could be explored without using arm movements. Thresholds were measured using the constant method and a staircase procedure. Experiments 1 and 2 yielded data on the absolute and difference thresholds for curvature. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the effective stimulus for curvature is represented by the overall gradient of a curved surface. Using this measure, it was shown that the present absolute thresholds for curvature are lower than those previously reported. In Experiment 4, absolute thresholds were compared using spherical and cylindrical curves: the results showed that, at least with the narrow strips used, the type of curvature does not exert a significant influence on performance. In Experiment 5, the subjective response to curvature was assessed using a rating procedure. Power functions are reported, although the relationship between stimuli and responses had a strong linear component. This suggests that haptically perceived curvature may be a metathetic rather than a prothetic continuum.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken into whether haptic comparison of curvature and of shape is influenced by the length/width ratio of the hand. For this purpose three experiments were conducted to test the curvature matching of curved strips (experiment 1), the curvature matching of cylindrically curved hand-sized surfaces (experiment 2), and the shape discrimination of elliptically curved hand-sized surfaces (experiment 3). The orientation of the stimuli with respect to the fingers was varied. The results of the two matching experiments showed that a given curvature is judged to be more curved when touched along the fingers than when touched across the fingers. The phenomenal flatness along and across the fingers was found to be different and subject dependent. The results of the shape-discrimination experiment showed that the orientation of ellipsoidal surfaces influences the judgments of the shapes of these surfaces. This influence could be predicted on the basis of results of the second matching experiment. It is concluded that similar mechanisms underlie the (anisotropic) perception of curvature and shape. For the major part the trends in the results can be explained by the length/width ratio of the hand and the phenomenal flatnesses.  相似文献   

The horizontal-vertical illusion consists of two lines of the same length (one horizontal and the other vertical) at a 90 degree angle from one another forming either an inverted-T or an L-shape. The illusion occurs when the length of a vertical line is perceived as longer than the horizontal line even though they are the same physical length. The illusion has been shown both visually and haptically. The present purpose was to assess differences between the visual or haptic perception of the illusions and also whether differences occur between the inverted-T and the L-shape illusions. The current study showed a greater effect in the haptic perception of the horizontal-vertical illusion than in visual perception. There is also greater illusory susceptibility of the inverted-T than the L-shape.  相似文献   

Curvature discrimination of hand-sized doubly curved surfaces by means of static touch was investigated. Stimuli consisted of hyperbolical, cylindrical, elliptical and spherical surfaces of various curvatures. In the first experiment subjects had to discriminate the curvature along a specified orientation (the discrimination orientation) of a doubly curved surface from a flat surface. The curvature to be discriminated was oriented either along the middle finger or across the middle finger of the right hand. Independent of the shape of the surface, thresholds were found to be about 1.6 times smaller along the middle finger than across the middle finger. Discrimination biases were found to be strongly influenced by the shape of the surface; subjects judged a curvature to be more convex when the perpendicular curvature was convex than when this curvature was concave. With the results of the second experiment it could be ruled out that the influence of shape on curvature perception was simply due to a systematic error made by the subject regarding the discrimination orientation.  相似文献   

Four experiments tested the hypothesis that bilateral symmetry is an incidental encoding property in vision, but can also be elicited as an incidental effect in touch, provided that sufficient spatial reference information is available initially for haptic inputs to be organized spatially. Experiment 1 showed that symmetry facilitated processing in vision, even though the task required judgments of stimulus closure rather than the detection of symmetry. The same task and stimuli failed to show symmetry effects in tactual scanning by one finger (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 found facilitating effects for vertically symmetric open stimuli, although not for closed patterns, in two-forefinger exploration when the fore-fingers had previously been aligned to the body midaxis to provide body-centered spatial reference. The one-finger exploration condition again failed to show symmetry effects. Experiment 4 replicated the facilitating effects of symmetry for open symmetric shapes in tactual exploration by the two (previously aligned) forefingers. Closed shapes again showed no effect. Spatial-reference information, finger movements, and stimulus factors in shape perception by touch are discussed.  相似文献   

It is still unclear how the visual system perceives accurately the size of objects at different distances. One suggestion, dating back to Berkeley’s famous essay, is that vision is calibrated by touch. If so, we may expect different mechanisms involved for near, reachable distances and far, unreachable distances. To study how the haptic system calibrates vision we measured size constancy in children (from 6 to 16 years of age) and adults, at various distances. At all ages, accuracy of the visual size perception changes with distance, and is almost veridical inside the haptic workspace, in agreement with the idea that the haptic system acts to calibrate visual size perception. Outside this space, systematic errors occurred, which varied with age. Adults tended to overestimate visual size of distant objects (over‐compensation for distance), while children younger than 14 underestimated their size (under‐compensation). At 16 years of age there seemed to be a transition point, with veridical perception of distant objects. When young subjects were allowed to touch the object inside the haptic workspace, the visual biases disappeared, while older subjects showed multisensory integration. All results are consistent with the idea that the haptic system can be used to calibrate visual size perception during development, more effectively within than outside the haptic workspace, and that the calibration mechanisms are different in children than in adults.  相似文献   

Psychophysical functions for perceived roughness, relating ln (magnitude estimate of roughness) to ln (groove width), were obtained for blind and sighted participants in virtual reality using the PHANToM force feedback device. The stimuli were sinusoidal surfaces with groove widths between 0.675 mm and 20.700 mm. Group functions showed a similar nonlinearity to those obtained in physical reality using rigid probes (Klatzky, Lederman, Hamilton, Grindley, & Swendsen, 2003; Lederman, Klatzky, Hamilton, & Ramsay, 1999). Individual functions gave a different picture. Of 23 total participants, there were 13 with wholly descending linear psychometric functions, 7 with quadratic functions similar to the group function, and 3 with anomalous functions. Individual power law exponents showed no significant effects of visual status. All analyses gave a power law exponent close to -0.80. The implications for theories of roughness, methodologies of data analysis, and the design of haptic virtual reality interfaces are considered.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated observers' ability to compare naturally shaped three-dimensional (3-D) objects, using their senses of vision and touch. In one experiment, the observers haptically manipulated 1 object and then indicated which of 12 visible objects possessed the same shape. In the second experiment, pairs of objects were presented, and the observers indicated whether their 3-D shape was the same or different. The 2 objects were presented either unimodally (vision-vision or haptic-haptic) or cross-modally (vision-haptic or haptic-vision). In both experiments, the observers were able to compare 3-D shape across modalities with reasonably high levels of accuracy. In Experiment 1, for example, the observers' matching performance rose to 72% correct (chance performance was 8.3%) after five experimental sessions. In Experiment 2, small (but significant) differences in performance were obtained between the unimodal vision-vision condition and the two cross-modal conditions. Taken together, the results suggest that vision and touch have functionally overlapping, but not necessarily equivalent, representations of 3-D shape.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that heaviness perception for a freely wielded nonvisible object can be mapped to a point in a three-dimensional heaviness space. The three dimensions are mass, the volume of the inertia ellipsoid, and the symmetry of the inertia ellipsoid. Within this space, particular combinations yield heaviness metamers (objects of different mass that feel equally heavy), whereas other combinations yield analogues to the size-weight illusion (objects of the same mass that feel unequally heavy). Evidence for the two types of combinations was provided by experiments in which participants wielded occluded hand-held objects and estimated the heaviness of the objects relative to a standard. Further experiments with similar procedures showed that metamers of heaviness were metamers of moveableness but not metamers of length. A promising conjecture is that the haptic perceptual system maps the combination of an object's inertia for translation and inertia for rotation to a perception of the object's maneuverability.  相似文献   

We investigated the influences of surface texture, thermal conductivity, and compliance on the haptic perception of the volume of small cubes. It was hypothesized that an object containing highly salient material properties would be perceived as larger in volume than the same object without these properties. Blindfolded subjects were asked to explore pairs of cubes differing in their material properties and to select the one with the larger volume. The results showed that, counterintuitively, a smooth cube was perceived as being significantly larger than a rough cube of the same physical volume, with average biases of about 19 %. Furthermore, cubes with a higher thermal conductivity were perceived as significantly larger than cubes with a lower thermal conductivity (average bias of about 7 %). In addition, the magnitude of the bias in this condition was not changed by increasing or decreasing the temperature of the test objects, suggesting that the effect of thermal conductivity could not be attributed directly to the heat flow. Finally, a hard cube was perceived as significantly larger than a soft cube of equal physical volume, with an average bias of about 25 %. These results reveal that the studied material properties have significant and consistent influences on the haptic perception of volume. The observed biases provide an indication of the levels at which the processing of haptic information on volume and material properties occurs.  相似文献   

Adult subjects learned to identify bars differing in orientation. The bars were presented either tactually or haptically. In the first experiment, learning was followed by a transfer test with body posture changed by 90 deg. That is, if subjects originally learned with body upright, the transfer test was carried out with body reclined. Results of the transfer test indicated original learning of the tactually presented bars was done with respect to a body reference system and original learning of the haptically presented bars was done with respect to an environmental or gravity based reference system. In the second experiment, learning was followed by a transfer test using both a change of body posture and a change of stimulus modality from tactual to haptic or vice versa. Performance in this transfer test is interpreted in terms of a conceptual mediation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the ability of older and younger adults to perceive the three-dimensional (3D) shape of object surfaces from active touch (haptics). The ages of the older adults ranged from 64 to 84 years, while those of the younger adults ranged from 18 to 27 years. In Experiment 1, the participants haptically judged the shape of large (20 cm diameter) surfaces with an entire hand. In contrast, in Experiment 2, the participants explored the shape of small (5 cm diameter) surfaces with a single finger. The haptic surfaces varied in shape index (Koenderink, Solid shape, 1990; Koenderink, Image and Vision Computing, 10, 557-564, 1992) from -1.0 to +1.0 in steps of 0.25. For both types of surfaces (large and small), the participants were able to judge surface shape reliably. The older participants' judgments of surface shape were just as accurate and precise as those of the younger participants. The results of the current study demonstrate that while older adults do possess reductions in tactile sensitivity and acuity, they nevertheless can effectively perceive 3D surface shape from haptic exploration.  相似文献   

Large systematic deviations in the haptic perception of parallelity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kappers AM 《Perception》1999,28(8):1001-1012

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - We used a haptic enumeration task to investigate whether enumeration can be facilitated by perceptual grouping in the haptic modality. Eight...  相似文献   

Visual and haptic perception of postural affordances in children and adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study compared how children and adults perceived affordances for upright stance when information was available either visually or haptically. 12 adults (mean age=26.5 years) and 13 children (mean age=4.5 years) examined an adjustable wooden platform that was randomly set at five different degrees of inclination (17, 22, 27, 33, 39). In the haptic condition, a masking curtain excluded vision of the platform and the surface was explored with a hand-held, wooden dowel. Results showed that for both children and adults there was closer agreement between perceptual judgments and action capabilities in the visual condition. Children overestimated their ability to stand on the steeper slopes, took equal amounts of time to make their judgments across all slopes, and were equally confident in their judgments across all slopes. In contrast, adults were more accurate than children at judging the affordances for upright stance, took longer to respond close to the actual action boundary, and were less confident close to the action boundary. Furthermore, adults took longer to respond and were less confident in the haptic condition whereas children had similar response times and were equally confident in both conditions. These important differences between adults and children in the perception of a basic affordance are discussed with reference to the coupling between perception and action at different phases of the lifespan and to the factors that might influence the organization of this coupling. Finally, implications are drawn for the prevention of accidents and the promotion of basic motor competence in children.  相似文献   

Four-month-old infants were allowed to manipulate, without vision, two rings attached to a bar that permitted each ring to undergo rotary motion against a fixed surface. In different conditions, the relative motions of the rings were rigid, independent, or opposite, and they circled either the same fixed point outside the zone of manipulation or spatially separated points. Infants' perception of the ring assemblies were affected by the nature of the rotary motion in two ways. First, infants perceived a unitary object when the felt ends of the object underwent a common, rigid rotary motion; perception of object unity was stronger in this condition than when the ends underwent either independent or opposite rotary motions. Second, infants perceived two distinct objects when the felt ends of the objects underwent independent rotary motions that centred on distinct fixed points. Perception of the distinctness of the objects was less clear when the ends underwent opposite or independent rotary motions that centred on a common fixed point. These findings provide the first evidence that infants are sensitive to rotary motion patterns and can extrapolate a global pattern of rigid motion from the distinct, local velocities that they produce and experience at their two hands.  相似文献   

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