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Many laboratory studies have demonstrated an age effect on episodic memory which is in contrast with the preservation of semantic memory. The aim of this study was the assessment of age effects on autobiographical memory according to the length of the retention interval, taking into account the episodic and semantic components. A total of 52 subjects, aged between 40 and 79, were divided into four age groups. They were tested with a sophisticated autobiographical questionnaire consisting of two tasks, one involving the recall of semantic information and another the recall of episodic events. Results revealed that episodic recall deteriorated more with age and retention interval than semantic recall. These data, gathered using an ecological test, confirm age differences demonstrated by laboratory tests on the episodic-semantic distinction. Furthermore, the profile of results obtained for the recall of specific detailed events, and analysed according to age of encoding, confirms the distribution of episodic memories across the lifespan, as modelled by Rubin, Wetzler, and Nebes (1986) with the cue-word technique.  相似文献   

Episodic and semantic remote autobiographical memory in ageing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many laboratory studies have demonstrated an age effect on episodic memory which is in contrast with the preservation of semantic memory. The aim of this study was the assessment of age effects on autobiographical memory according to the length of the retention interval, taking into account the episodic and semantic components. A total of 52 subjects, aged between 40 and 79, were divided into four age groups. They were tested with a sophisticated autobiographical questionnaire consisting of two tasks, one involving the recall of semantic information and another the recall of episodic events. Results revealed that episodic recall deteriorated more with age and retention interval than semantic recall. These data, gathered using an ecological test, confirm age differences demonstrated by laboratory tests on the episodic-semantic distinction. Furthermore, the profile of results obtained for the recall of specific detailed events, and analysed according to age of encoding, confirms the distribution of episodic memories across the lifespan, as modelled by Rubin, Wetzler, and Nebes (1986) with the cue-word technique.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that accounts of occasions of eating followed by adverse symptoms (i.e. perceived food intolerance) would contain greater detail when based on recall of actual events, using episodic memory. Where accounts lacked detail it was hypothesized that recalled events were based on knowledge about food intolerance, without personal experience of a plausible incident. These hypotheses were tested by categorizing the contents of interviews of respondents to a randomized survey of the electorate in the Birmingham area, who attributed one or more adverse symptoms to one or more foods. The majority of interview records provided evidence for semantic memory rather than recall of actual episodes of food ingestion followed by symptoms(s). Vagueness of recollection correlated negatively with patho‐physiological plausibility of the perceived food intolerance. Greater detail and specificity in accounts of food‐symptom episodes was positively correlated with plausibility. Rareness of food‐symptom(s) contingencies also correlated with detail and specificity in accounts of episodes and with plausibility of food intolerance. Detail and specificity of accounts of the eating of foods followed by symptoms, when coupled with rareness of the contingency of that food being followed by those symptoms, may prove to be a better predictor of physically diagnosed food intolerance than plausibility by patho‐physiological criteria alone. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although bilinguality has been reported to confer advantages upon children with respect to various cognitive abilities, much less is known about the relation between memory and bilinguality. In this study, 60 (30 girls and 30 boys) bilingual and 60 (30 girls and 30 boys) monolingual children in three age groups (mean ages 8.5, 10.5 and 12.5 years) were compared on episodic memory and semantic memory tasks. Episodic memory was assessed using subject-performed tasks (with real or imaginary objects) and verbal tasks, with retrieval by both free recall and cued recall. Semantic memory was assessed by word fluency tests. Positive effects of bilingualism were found on both episodic memory and semantic memory at all age levels. These findings suggest that bilingual children integrate and/or organize the information of two languages, and so bilingualism creates advantages in terms of cognitive abilities (including memory). Some sex differences were also found in episodic memory but not in semantic memory. This episodic memory difference was found with younger children.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between semantic and episodic memory as they support lexical access by healthy younger and older adults and individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, we were interested in examining the pattern of semantic and episodic memory declines in AD (i.e., word-finding difficulty and impaired recent memory) vis-à-vis more preserved remote memories. We administered a picture naming task in which the episodic period of the pictures and whether the pictured items were unique to one period or commonly used across periods were varied. Groups of younger adults (N=40), healthy older adults (N=20) and older adults with AD (N=18) were asked to name drawings of objects in four conditions: dated unique, contemporary unique, dated common, and contemporary common. The results indicated that all participants named items that were common to both episodic periods more successfully than items unique to one period. An interaction was observed such that the healthy older and AD groups were more successful in retrieving names of objects presented in the dated compared to contemporary unique conditions, whereas the younger adults showed the reverse pattern. These results indicate that naming ability is affected both by the cumulative frequency of using an item over a lifetime and by when an item was first acquired. The findings support a theoretical stance which proposes an enduring reciprocal link between semantic and episodic memory. This theoretical relationship has practical implications for the development of intervention strategies when interacting with persons who have AD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to replicate and extend previous work demonstrating selective impairment of semantic, but not episodic, memory in late versus early onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). Measures of episodic and semantic memory were administered to 12 pairs of patients; early (less than or equal to 62) and late (greater than or equal to 68) onset pairs were matched on dementia severity and education. As hypothesized, the groups did not differ on the three episodic memory measures but did on two of three semantic memory measures. In conjunction with prior research, these findings indicate that late onset AD is characterized by more profound impairment on measures of semantic processing.  相似文献   

Biological plausibility is an essential constraint for any viable model of semantic memory. Yet, we have only the most rudimentary understanding of how the human brain conducts abstract symbolic transformations that underlie word and object meaning. Neuroscience has evolved a sophisticated arsenal of techniques for elucidating the architecture of conceptual representation. Nevertheless, theoretical convergence remains elusive. Here we describe several contrastive approaches to the organization of semantic knowledge, and in turn we offer our own perspective on two recurring questions in semantic memory research: (1) to what extent are conceptual representations mediated by sensorimotor knowledge (i.e., to what degree is semantic memory embodied)? (2) How might an embodied semantic system represent abstract concepts such as modularity, symbol, or proposition? To address these questions, we review the merits of sensorimotor (i.e., embodied) and amodal (i.e., disembodied) semantic theories and address the neurobiological constraints underlying each. We conclude that the shortcomings of both perspectives in their extreme forms necessitate a hybrid middle ground. We accordingly propose the Dynamic Multilevel Reactivation Framework—an integrative model predicated upon flexible interplay between sensorimotor and amodal symbolic representations mediated by multiple cortical hubs. We discuss applications of the dynamic multilevel reactivation framework to abstract and concrete concept representation and describe how a multidimensional conceptual topography based on emotion, sensation, and magnitude can successfully frame a semantic space containing meanings for both abstract and concrete words. The consideration of ‘abstract conceptual features’ does not diminish the role of logical and/or executive processing in activating, manipulating and using information stored in conceptual representations. Rather, it proposes that the materials upon which these processes operate necessarily combine pure sensorimotor information and higher-order cognitive dimensions involved in symbolic representation.  相似文献   

The time course for accessing short-term memory representations on the basis of item, phonological, and semantic information was measured with a speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) variant of a recognition probe task. Subjects studied 5-word lists and then judged whether a test word (1) was in the study list (item judgment); (2) rhymed with a word in the study list (rhyme judgment); or (3) was a synonym of a word in the study list (synonym judgment). Analysis of the SAT retrieval functions demonstrated that judgments based on phonological and semantic information were slower and less accurate than judgments based on composite item representations. The slower retrieval dynamics for rhyme and synonym judgments suggest that judgments based on component properties of the memory trace are mediated by either a generate or recall process distinct from the parallel or direct-access mechanism used in item judgments.  相似文献   

There is a broad consensus that the hippocampal system plays a critical role in the encoding and retrieval of 'episodic' memories. Recent findings and computational modeling explicate the representational requirements of encoding episodic memories, and suggest that the idiosyncratic architecture of the hippocampal system and its interactions with cortical circuits are well-matched to the representational problems it must solve in order to support the episodic memory function. These findings also shed light on the nature of consolidation, identify the sorts of memories that must remain encoded in the hippocampal system for the long-term, and help delineate the semantic and episodic memory distinction.  相似文献   

This study tested and refined a framework that proposes a mechanism for retrieving alternative causes and disabling conditions (Cummins, 1995) during reasoning. Experiment 1 examined the relation between different factors affecting retrieval. The test revealed high correlations between the number of possible alternative causes or disabling conditions and their strength of association and plausibility. Experiment 2 explored the hypothesis that due to a more extended search process, conditional inferences would last longer when many alternative causes or disabling conditions were available. Affirmation of the consequent (AC) and modus ponens (MP) latencies showed the hypothesized pattern. Denial of the antecedent (DA) and modus tollens (MT) inferences did not show latency effects. The experiment also identified an effect of the number of disabling conditions on AC and DA acceptance. Experiment 3 measured efficiency of disabler retrieval by a limited time, disabler generation task. As predicted, better disabler retrieval was related to lower acceptance of the MP and MT inferences.  相似文献   

Episodic memory and the hippocampus: it's about time   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several recent studies have sought to develop animal models of episodic memory, the capacity to recollect unique personal experiences. However, these studies have not yet provided unambiguous evidence that this capacity is based on recollection of the learning episodes. A recent study that examined memory for the ordering of events within unique experiences, and demonstrated a critical and selective role for the hippocampus, suggests a new and promising model for neurobiological analyses of episodic memory.  相似文献   

The authors examined episodic and semantic contributions to 2 salient features of older adults' autobiographical recall: the reminiscence bump and the retention effect. Forty well-educated and healthy older men (mean age = 72.5 years; SD = 1.1) recalled personal memories in response to a series of cue words. They also categorized each memory as something they remembered from the past (R response) or they knew had happened in the past (K response) and indicated their ages when each memory occurred. The authors assumed that R and K responses reflected the operation of the episodic and semantic memory systems, respectively. Results showed a reminiscence bump and a retention effect for both R and K responses. The authors discuss the implications of this finding concerning the purported bases of the reminiscence bump and the retention effect as well as the notion that aging is more likely to effect episodic memory than semantic memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments asked whether subjects could retrieve information from a 2nd stimulus while they retrieved information from a 1st stimulus. Subjects performed recognition judgments on each of 2 words that followed each other by 0, 250, and 1,000 ms (Experiment 1) or 0 and 300 ms (Experiments 2 and 3). In each experiment, reaction time to both stimuli was faster when the 2 stimuli were both targets (on the study list) or both lures (not on the study list) than when 1 was a target and the other was a lure. Each experiment found priming from the 2nd stimulus to the 1st when both stimuli were targets. Reaction time to the 1st stimulus was faster when the 2 targets came from the same memory structure at study (columns in Experiment 1; pairs in Experiment 2; sentences in Experiment 3) than when they came from different structures. This priming is inconsistent with discrete serial retrieval and consistent with parallel retrieval.  相似文献   


The semantic priming task is a valuable tool in the investigation of semantic memory impairments in patients with acquired disorders of language. This is because priming performance reflects automatic or implicit access to semantic information, unlike most other tests of semantic knowledge, which rely on explicit, voluntary access. Priming results are important for two main reasons: First, normal priming results may be observed in patients who perform poorly on other semantic memory tests, enabling us to distinguish between loss of, or damage to, information in semantic memory, and voluntary access to that information. Second, we can investigate the detailed pattern of loss and preservation of different types of semantic information, by charting the priming effects for different kinds of words, and different kinds of semantic relations between primes and targets.

We discuss the use of the priming task in this context, and address some of the theoretical and methodological criticisms that have been raised in connection with use of the priming task to address these issues. We then describe two recent studies in which we have employed semantic priming tasks, along with other more traditional methods, to investigate specific questions about the semantic memory deficits of three patients.  相似文献   

Two models are considered for how people verify explicitly quantified sentences, such as All fathers are parents and Some fathers are parents. The models share the same second stage, but have different first-stage mechanisms. In the Predicate Intersection Model, suggested by Meyer (1970), the first stage involves a serial, self-terminating search among names of categories that intersect the predicate category. In the Feature Comparison Model (Smith, Shoben & Rips, 1974a), the first stage involves evaluating the overall relatedness between the subject and predicate categories by comparing their semantic features. To test the models, three reaction time experiments required subjects to verify statements quantified by Some or All. In the first experiment, the semantic relatedness of categories in false Some-statements was varied. Contrary to predictions of the Predicate Intersection Model, related categories increased reaction time for both true and false Some-statements. While the first experiment revealed that All-statements took longer to verify than comparable Some-statements, the second experiment demonstrated that the All-Some difference can be eliminated by presenting both statement types in the same block of trials, also disconfirming the Predicate Intersection Model. Finally, Experiment III examined the meaning of Some-statements in more detail by having subjects interpret the quantifier Some as “some but not all.” With this interpretation, Some-statements took longer to verify than All-statements. Overall the results support the Feature Comparison Model.  相似文献   

The ability to imagine hypothetical events in one’s personal future is thought to involve a number of constituent cognitive processes. We investigated the extent to which individual differences in working memory capacity contribute to facets of episodic future thought. College students completed simple and complex measures of working memory and were cued to recall autobiographical memories and imagine future autobiographical events consisting of varying levels of specificity (i.e., ranging from generic to increasingly specific and detailed events). Consistent with previous findings, future thought was related to analogous measures of autobiographical memory, likely reflecting overlapping cognitive factors supporting both past and future thought. Additionally, after controlling for autobiographical memory, residual working memory variance independently predicted future episodic specificity. We suggest that when imagining future events, working memory contributes to the construction of a single, coherent, future event depiction, but not to the retrieval or elaboration of event details.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that spatial context is a powerful reminder that can trigger memory updating (Hupbach, Hardt, Gomez, & Nadel in Learning & Memory, 15, 574–579 2008). In the present study, we asked whether the familiarity of the spatial context modulates the role of spatial context as a reminder. Since context familiarity can be easily manipulated in children, we chose 5-year-olds as study participants. In two experiments, we demonstrated robust memory-updating effects in children. Spatial context triggered incorporation of new information into old memories only when the context was unfamiliar. In highly familiar spatial environments (children’s homes), spatial context did not initiate memory updating. Other reminders (the experimenter and a reminder question) became highly effective in familiar contexts. These findings shed further light on the specific conditions that trigger memory updating and support the view that the mechanisms underlying it are similar in children and adults.  相似文献   

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