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Visual pop-out occurs when a unique visual target (e.g., a feature singleton) is present in a set of homogeneous distractors. However, the role of visual awareness in this process remains unclear. In the experiments reported here, we showed that even though subjects were not aware of a suppressed pop-out display, their subsequent performance on an orientation-discrimination task was significantly better at the pop-out location than at a control location. These results indicate that conscious visual awareness of a feature singleton is not necessary for it to attract attention. Furthermore, the subliminal pop-out effect disappeared when subjects diverted their attention toward a rapid sequential visual presentation task while presented with the same subliminal pop-out display. These results suggest that top-down attention is necessary for the subliminal pop-out effect and that the cognitive processes underlying attention and awareness are somewhat independent.  相似文献   

Pigeon and human subjects searched for one target item amidst a number of identical distractors. Simple line forms were used. The target differed from the distractors only in terms of the presence or absence of a feature (a line or a gap); in some experimental series, the feature was present in the target; in others, the feature was in the distractors. The pigeons pecked at the target; the human subjects either reported the presence of the target or pointed to it with a light pen. The time between display onset and this response was recorded. Varied across experimental conditions were the number of distractors in the display, the nature of the stimulus forms, and certain procedural parameters; five conditions were run with pigeons and three with humans. Under all test conditions, the results from the human subjects replicated the previously reported search-asymmetry effect. That is, search speed was greater and decreased less with display size when the target bore the feature (line or gap) than when the distractors bore the feature; both yes/no and localization-response conditions yielded this effect. However, pigeons failed to show search asymmetry; neither line nor gap in a target facilitated search. The results suggest that early visual processing differs for pigeons and humans, that pigeon features differ from human features, or that search asymmetry was eliminated by the long practice given the pigeons.  相似文献   

Summary Eye movements were recorded during sentence reading to examine the integration of parafoveal text across fixations. Four viewing conditions were used, each affording full view of the directly fixated word: no preview of the spatially adjacent parafoveal word; preview of its beginning trigram; preview of its beginning four letters; or preview of all its constituent letters. The magnitude of parafoveal-preview benefits (the difference between the no-preview condition and the different parafoveal-preview conditions) was examined as a function of the size of the saccade to the parafoveal target and as a function of the subsequent fixation location at the previewed target. The results revealed no effects of saccade size on parafoveal-preview benefits, but large effects of fixation position during the initial target fixation. Furthermore, parafoveal previews were used during the initial target fixation and during subsequent intratarget refixations. The results support a lexical-text-integration hypothesis which posits that lexical information is integrated across interword fixations and intraword refixations.  相似文献   

Contextual cuing refers to the facilitation of performance in visual search due to the repetition of the same displays. Whereas previous studies have focused on contextual cuing within single-search trials, this study tested whether 1 trial facilitates visual search of the next trial. Participants searched for a T among Ls. In the training phase, the spatial layout on trial N=1 was predictive of the target location on trial N. In the testing phase, the predictive value was removed. Results revealed an intertrial temporal contextual cuing effect: Search speed became progressively shorter in the training phase, but it significantly lengthened during testing. The authors conclude that the visual system is capable of retaining spatial contextual memory established earlier to facilitate perception.  相似文献   

Visuo-spatial attention can be directed in a top-down controlled way to search for color targets and it can be captured by color contrasts, regardless of color identity. Here we tested whether participants can both search for a particular color target (e.g., red) and make use of a color-contrast cue that predicted the target's most likely position to direct their attention voluntarily. Our results show that this was impossible for the participants. Results support that top-down search for particular colors is incommensurate with directing attention to just any color contrast. The results are discussed in light of the current debates concerning the roles of color and color contrast for visuo-spatial attention.  相似文献   

In three experiments, I examined whether prior knowledge of a target feature dimension is useful for guiding spatial attention to the target in a variety of tasks: visual search (Experiments 1A and 1B), texture segregation (Experiment 2), and visual enumeration (Experiment 3). Experiment 1A used a simple search task and found that reaction times for blocks in which a target was defined within a single feature dimension were shorter than those for blocks in which a target was defined across dimensions (within-dimension facilitation; WDF). Intertrial facilitation (ITF; Müller, Heller, & Ziegler, 1995), a dimension-based priming effect from one trial to the immediately following one, was also observed. Both WDF and ITF disappeared when the same stimuli were used under a compound search task (Experiment 1B), in which participants responded to an attribute of the target in a feature dimension different from its defining dimensions. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that WDF and ITF are not necessarily contingent upon each other: In a texture discrimination task, only WDF was found; in an enumeration task for six or seven targets, only ITF was found. These results show that the two forms of dimension weighting, WDF and ITF, are mediated by different mechanisms. WDF was eliminated when focal attention to targets was required, suggesting that feature-based modulation is limited as a source for controlling spatial attention (Kumada, 1999). ITF was correlated with type of response, suggesting dimension-specific response mechanisms (Cohen & Shoup, 1997).  相似文献   

Saccadic eye movements are required to bring different parts of the visual world into the foveal region of the retina. With each saccade, the images of the objects drastically change their retinal positions—nevertheless, the visual world appears continuous and does not seem to jump. How does the visual system achieve this continuous and stable percept of the visual world, despite the gross changes of its retinal projection that occur with each saccade? The present paper argues that an important factor of this type of space constancy is formed by the reafferent information, i.e., the visual display that is found when the eyes land. Three experiments demonstrate that objects present across the saccade can serve as landmarks for postsaccadic relocalization. The basic experimental manipulation consisted of a systematic displacement of these landmark objects during the saccade. The effectiveness of the landmarks was determined by analysing to what degree they modify the perceived shift of a small saccade target that was blanked for 200 ms during and after the saccade. A first experiment studied the spatial range where objects become effective as landmarks. The data show that landmarks close to the saccade target and horizontally aligned with the target are specifically effective. The second experiment demonstrates that postsaccadic localization is normally based on relational information about relative stimulus positions transferred across the saccade. A third experiment studied the effect of a prominent background frame on transsaccadic localization; the results suggest that background structures contribute only little to transsaccadic localization.  相似文献   

It has long been debated whether or not a salient stimulus automatically attracts people’s attention in visual search. Recent findings showed that a salient stimulus is likely to capture attention especially when the search process was inefficient due to high levels of competition between the target and distractors. Expanding these studies, the present study proposes that a specific nature of visual search, as well as search efficiency, determines whether or not a salient, task-irrelevant singleton stimulus captures attention. To test this proposition, we conducted three experiments, in which participants performed two visual search tasks whose underlying mechanisms are known to be different: orientation-feature search and Landolt-C search tasks. We found that color singleton distractors captured attention when participants performed the orientation-feature search task. The magnitude of this capture effect increased as search efficiency decreased. On the contrary, the capture by singleton distractors was not observed under the Landolt-C search task. This differential pattern of capture effect was not due to differences in search efficiency across the search tasks; even when search efficiency was controlled for, stimulus-driven capture of attention by a salient distractor was found only under the feature search. Based on these results, the present study suggests that in addition to search efficiency, the nature of search strategy and the extent to which attentional control is strained play crucial roles in observing stimulus-driven attentional capture in visual search.  相似文献   

In 7 experiments, the authors explored whether visual attention (the ability to select relevant visual information) and visual working memory (the ability to retain relevant visual information) share the same content representations. The presence of singleton distractors interfered more strongly with a visual search task when it was accompanied by an additional memory task. Singleton distractors interfered even more when they were identical or related to the object held in memory, but only when it was difficult to verbalize the memory content. Furthermore, this content-specific interaction occurred for features that were relevant to the memory task but not for irrelevant features of the same object or for once-remembered objects that could be forgotten. Finally, memory-related distractors attracted more eye movements but did not result in longer fixations. The results demonstrate memory-driven attentional capture on the basis of content-specific representations.  相似文献   

Saccadic eye movements cause displacements of the image of the visual world projected on the retina. Despite the ubiquitous nature of saccades, subjective experience of the world is continuous and stable. In five experiments, we addressed the mechanisms that may support visual stability: matching of pre- and postsaccadic locations of the target by an internal copy of the saccade, or retention of the visual attributes of the target in short-term memory across the saccade. Healthy human adults were instructed to make a saccade to a peripheral Gabor patch. While the saccade was in midflight, the patch could change location, orientation, or both. The change occurred either immediately or following a 250-ms blank during which no visual stimuli were available. In separate experiments, subjects had to report either whether the patch stepped to the left or right or whether the orientation rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. Consistent with previous findings, we found that transsaccadic displacement discrimination was enhanced by the addition of the blank. However, contrary to previous findings reported in the literature, the feature change did not improve performance. Transsaccadic orientation change discrimination did not depend on either an irrelevant temporal blank or a simultaneous irrelevant target displacement. Taken together, these findings suggest that orientation is not a relevant visual feature for transsaccadic correspondence.  相似文献   

In three experiments, I examined whether prior knowledge of a target feature dimension is useful for guiding spatial attention to the target in a variety of tasks: visual search (Experiments 1A and 1B), texture segregation (Experiment 2), and visual enumeration (Experiment 3). Experiment 1A used a simple search task and found that reaction times for blocks in which a target was defined within a single feature dimension were shorter than those for blocks in which a target was defined across dimensions (within-dimension facilitation: WDF). Intertrial facilitation (ITF; Müller, Heller, & Ziegler, 1995), a dimension-based priming effect from one trial to the immediately following one, was also observed. Both WDF and ITF disappeared when the same stimuli were used under a compound search task (Experiment 1B), in which participants responded to an attribute of the target in a feature dimension different from its defining dimensions. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that WDF and ITF are not necessarily contingent upon each other: In a texture discrimination task, only WDF was found; in an enumeration task for six or seven targets, only ITF was found. These results show that the two forms of dimension weighting, WDF and ITF, are mediated by different mechanisms. WDF was eliminated when focal attention to targets was required, suggesting that feature-based modulation is limited as a source for controlling spatial attention (Kumada, 1999). ITF was correlated with type of response, suggesting dimension-specific response mechanisms (Cohen & Shoup, 1997).  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated whether the control of reflexive saccades is subject to central attention limitations. In a dual-task procedure, Task 1 required either unspeeded reporting or ignoring of briefly presented masked stimuli, whereas Task 2 required a speeded saccade toward a visual target. The stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between the two tasks was varied. In Experiments 1 and 2, the Task 1 stimulus was one or three letters, and we asked how saccade target selection is influenced by the number of items. We found (1) longer saccade latencies at short than at long SOAs in the report condition, (2) a substantially larger latency increase for three letters than for one letter, and (3) a latency difference between SOAs in the ignore condition. Broadly, these results match the central interference theory. However, in Experiment 3, an auditory stimulus was used as the Task 1 stimulus, to test whether the interference effects in Experiments 1 and 2 were due to visual instead of central interference. Although there was a small saccade latency increase from short to long SOAs, this difference did not increase from the ignore to the report condition. To explain visual interference effects between letter encoding and stimulus-driven saccade control, we propose an extended theory of visual attention.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1998,13(3):369-386
There are two popular frameworks for the study of visual attention. Treisman's Feature Integration Theory focuses on the effortful process of binding together the multiple attributes of an object. Posner's Visual Orienting Theory emphasizes the movement of an attentional spotlight across space. Although both aspects are undoubtedly important in any visual search task, it is not clear how each of these aspects changes with age. We tested observers aged 6, 8, 10, 22, and 72 years on visual search tasks designed to isolate these factors. No age-related differences were found in single- or double-feature discrimination, attention movement to a single item, or search for a single-feature target among distractors. Two age-related changes were found: (1) young children were less able than either young adults or seniors to search for targets defined by a conjunction of features, and (2) both children and seniors were less able than young adults to move attention voluntarily from item to item. This implies that feature integration and voluntary movement of attention have different trajectories over the lifespan.  相似文献   

Attention, the mechanism by which a subset of sensory inputs is prioritized over others, operates at multiple processing stages. Specifically, attention enhances weak sensory signal at the perceptual stage, while it serves to select appropriate responses or consolidate sensory representations into short-term memory at the central stage. This study investigated the independence and interaction between perceptual and central attention. To do so, I used a dual-task paradigm, pairing a four-alternative choice task with a visual search task. The results showed that central attention for response selection was engaged in perceptual processing for visual search when the number of search items increased, thereby increasing the demand for serial allocation of focal attention. By contrast, central attention and perceptual attention remained independent as far as the demand for serial shifting of focal attention remained constant; decreasing stimulus contrast or increasing the set size of a parallel search did not evoke the involvement of central attention in visual search. These results suggest that the nature of concurrent visual search process plays a crucial role in the functional interaction between two different types of attention.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined possible relationships between the spatial focus of attention and the rapid resumption of a visual search following a brief interruption. In Experiment 1, we tested the role of involuntary (exogenous) spatial orienting to one region (quadrant) of a search display; in Experiment 2, we tested the role of voluntary (endogenous) spatial orienting to the same region; and in Experiment 3, we tested the role of voluntary orienting to the specific location in which the target item appeared. All three experiments indicated that spatial orienting speeds correct responding and greatly increases the probability of search success in the look immediately following the presentation of a spatial cue. However, these benefits of spatial cues were also shown to be completely independent of the rapid resumption effect, which depends on observers’ forming a perceptual hypothesis about a target in one look, but being unable to confirm that hypothesis until a second one (Lleras, Rensink, & Enns, 2005).  相似文献   

Subject-performed tasks (SPTs; i.e., carrying out the actions during study) improve free recall of action phrases without enhancing relational information. By this mechanism, items pop into a person's mind without active search, and this process especially extends the recency effect. The authors demonstrated the existence of the extended recency effect and its importance for the SPT recall advantage (Experiments 1 and 2). Carrying out the action and not semantic processing caused the effect (Experiment 3). The extended recency effect was also not a consequence of a deliberate last-in, first-out strategy (Experiment 4), and performing a difficult secondary task (an arithmetic task) during recall reduced memory performances but did not influence the extended recency effect (Experiment 5). These data support the theory that performing actions during study enhances the efficiency of an automatic pop-out mechanism in free recall.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported in which 60 younger children (7–8 years old), 60 older children (10–11 years old), and 60 young adults (18–25 years old) performed a conjunctive visual search task (15 per group in each experiment). The number of distractors of each feature type was unbalanced across displays to evaluate participants’ ability to restrict search to the smaller subset of features. The use of top-down attention processes to restrict search was encouraged by providing external aids for identifying and maintaining attention on the smaller set. In Experiment 1, no external assistance was provided. In Experiment 2, precues and instructions were provided to focus attention on that subset. In Experiment 3, trials in which the smaller subset was represented by the same feature were presented in alternating blocks to eliminate the need to switch attention between features from trial to trial. In Experiment 4, consecutive blocks of the same subset features were presented in the first or second half of the experiment, providing additional consistency. All groups benefited from external support of top-down attention, although the pattern of improvement varied across experiments. The younger children benefited most from precues and instruction, using the subset search strategy when instructed. Furthermore, younger children benefited from blocking trials only when blocks of the same features did not alternate. Older participants benefited from the blocking of trials in both Experiments 3 and 4, but not from precues and instructions. Hence, our results revealed both malleability and limits of children’s top-down control of attention.  相似文献   

The saccadic reaction times (SRTs) in the overlap, no-overlap, and gap conditions of 2.5- to 12-month-old infants and adults were measured. In the overlap condition, the SRTs of younger infants were over 600 ms longer than those of older infants, whereas the SRTs in the gap condition of the younger infants were 300–350 ms, much faster than reported hitherto, and were shortened only by about 100 ms. The results indicate that the oculo-motor system and attention process for disengagement in the gap condition mature earlier than the attention process for disengagement in the overlap condition.  相似文献   

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