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An eye-movement theory of induced motion was compared to one based on object-relative displacement as modified by adjacency. Two lines moving in opposite directions served as the inducing stimuli, and a stationary target could be placed in one of three positions: adjacent to the top line, midway between the lines, or adjacent to the bottom line. In the fixation condition, the observer was instructed to fixate the stationary target during each of the three target placements. In the tracking condition, the subject was instructed to follow with his eyes one of the moving lines when the target was in each of its placements. Adjacency determined the results in both conditions, suggesting that eye movements do not cause induced motion.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that spontaneous saccades localized towards blank regions of space during memory storage and recall improve memory for items at the saccade locations. In the present study, we examined whether a recognition advantage can be observed when a single, exogenously directed saccade occurs during memory maintenance. We manipulated whether participants made a saccade to an item’s previous location or maintained fixation, as well as whether tested items reappeared in their original location or not. The results of three experiments showed that visual recognition was better after a saccade to the location of a probed object than after no saccade or after a saccade to the location of a non-probed object, so long as saccades went to the to-be-tested location more often than chance. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that eye movements can elicit an item-specific recognition advantage in visual working memory.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate which visual cues induce participants to encode a non-human motion stimulus in their motor system. Participants performed reach-to-grasp actions to a target after observing a dot moving in a direct or higher-arcing path across a screen. Dot motion occurred in the presence of a meaningless (scrambled human model) stimulus, a still human model, or a human model performing a direct or exaggeratedly curved reach to a target. Our results show that observing the dot displacement causes motor contagion (changes in the height of the observer’s hand trajectory) when a human form was visually present in the background (either moving or still). No contagion was evident, however, when this human context was absent (i.e., human image scrambled and not identifiable). This indicates that visual cues suggestive of human agency can determine whether or not moving stimuli are encoded in the motor system.  相似文献   

Eye movements in natural behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classic experiments of Yarbus over 50 years ago revealed that saccadic eye movements reflect cognitive processes. But it is only recently that three separate advances have greatly expanded our understanding of the intricate role of eye movements in cognitive function. The first is the demonstration of the pervasive role of the task in guiding where and when to fixate. The second has been the recognition of the role of internal reward in guiding eye and body movements, revealed especially in neurophysiological studies. The third important advance has been the theoretical developments in the fields of reinforcement learning and graphic simulation. All of these advances are proving crucial for understanding how behavioral programs control the selection of visual information.  相似文献   

Thirty nonconservers from first- and second-grade classrooms, 15 of whom had received perceptual/attentional training, were tested on four Piagetian conservation tasks (number, length, and continuous quantity solid/liquid) presented on 16 mm movie film with taped instructions. Eye movements were recorded during the response period for each task. Subsequent analyses of eye-movement patterns showed clear differences between the training and control groups. Trained conservers showed more visual exploratory activity and less perceptual centration than control group subjects. Moreover, the eye-movement patterns of trained conservers closely approximated those shown by natural (i.e., untrained) conservers in previous studies. The findings were discussed in terms of possible cognitive structural changes resulting from conservation training.  相似文献   

The present study related visual processing, as indicated by eye movements, to performance accuracy on coincidence-anticipation tasks. Three age groups were tested on a coincidence-anticipation task and their eye movements recorded. Three levels of response were administered under three levels of stimulus speed. A MANOVA indicated that both eye tracking and coincidence-anticipation varied among the age groups and with stimulus speed, although in different directions. Eye tracking error decreased with increasing age but only the coincidence-anticipation response accuracy of the youngest group appeared to be less accurate than that of the adults. Eye tracking error also decreased with decreasing stimulus speed but coincidence-anticipation performance was least accurate at the slow speed. Coincidence-anticipation error was the major contributor to performance differences with changes in the type of response.  相似文献   

Eye movements of skilled and less skilled readers were monitored as they read sentences containing a target word. The boundary paradigm was used such that when their eyes crossed an invisible boundary location, a preview word changed to the target word. The preview could either be identical to the target word (beach as a preview for beach), a homophone of the target word (beech as a preview for beach), an orthographic control (bench as a preview for beach), or an unrelated consonant string (jfzrp as a preview for beach). Consistent with prior research, skilled readers obtained more preview benefit from the homophone preview than from the orthographic preview. The less skilled readers, however, did not show such an effect. The results indicate that less skilled readers do not use phonological codes to integrate information across eye movements. Indeed, the results also indicate that less skilled readers do not show normal preview benefit effects.  相似文献   

Eye movements and scene perception.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Research on eye movements and scene perception is reviewed. Following an initial discussion of some basic facts about eye movements and perception, the following topics are discussed: (I) the span of effective vision during scene perception, (2) the role of eye movements in scene perception, (3) integration of information across saccades, (4) scene context, object identification and eye movements, and (5) the control of eye movements. The relationship of eye movements during reading to eye movements during scene perception is considered. A preliminary model of eye movement control in scene perception is described and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Does intentional car following capture visual attention to the extent that driving may be impaired? We tested fifteen participants on a rudimentary driving simulator. Participants were either instructed to follow a vehicle ahead through a simulated version of London, or were given verbal instructions on where to turn during the route. The presence or absence of pedestrians, and the simulated time of the drive (day or night) were varied across the trials. Eye movements were recorded along with behavioural measures including give-way violations, give-way accidents, and kerb impacts. The results revealed that intentional car following reduced the spread of search and increased fixation durations, with a dramatic increase in the time spent processing the vehicle ahead (controlled for exposure). The effects were most pronounced during nighttime drives. During the car-following trials participants were also less aware of pedestrians, produced more give-way violations, and were involved in more give-way accidents. The results draw attention to the problems encountered during car following, and we relate this to the cognitive demands placed on drivers, especially police drivers who often engage in intentional car following and pursuits.  相似文献   

When presented with a sequence of visual stimuli in rapid succession, participants often fail to detect a second salient target, a phenomenon referred as the attentional blink (AB; Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992; Shapiro, Raymond, & Arnell, 1997). On the basis of a vast corpus of experiments, several cognitive theories suggest that the blink results from a discrete structuring of attention, sampling information from temporal episodes during which several items can access encoding process (Wyble, Bowman, & Nieuwenstein, 2009; Wyble, Potter, Bowman, & Nieuwenstein, 2011). The objective of this work is to explore the AB when multiple items are presented at the fovea during ocular movements. The authors reasoned that each fixation may cohesively form an episode and hence expected that the blink may vanish within a single fixation. In turn, they expected saccades to accentuate episodic borders and hence shorten the regime of interference when 2 targets are presented fovealy in successive fixations. Evidence is provided in favor of this hypothesis, showing that the blink vanishes when both targets are presented in the core of a single fixation (far from the saccadic boundaries) and that it recovers more rapidly in successive fixations. These studies support current views that episodes should have an effect on the AB and provide evidence that eye movements play an important role in the formation of episodes.  相似文献   

Tchalenko J 《Perception》2007,36(8):1152-1167
As part of an investigation into real-world drawing, eye movements and eye-hand interactions have been recorded for twenty subjects of varying drawing experience drawing simple straight and curved lines and a square. Two modes of eye-hand behaviour were observed. In the first, named 'close pursuit', fixations closely followed the pencil with a sequence of small saccades. In the second, named 'target locking', a stable fixation was made on the end-point of the line throughout the entire drawing action. Depending on subject and type of line, close pursuit, target locking, or a combination of these modes was used regardless of previous drawing experience. The results are discussed in terms of the role of the eye in the control of the movement trajectory of the hand.  相似文献   

J M Findlay  W H Hotopf 《Perception》1985,14(4):387-391
Extraction of the location of a target in the visual periphery is a fundamental visual process which may be manifested both in conscious judgments of location, such as decisions about alignment, and in the processing required to execute an eye movement to a peripheral target. In both cases, location judgement is affected by the neighbouring visual configuration. An experiment is reported in which the amplitude of saccadic eye movements has been measured to study the effect of a configuration consisting of a single 'induction line'. The results demonstrate systematic effects of this line on the size of the saccade which are closely similar to those previously found in an alignment task.  相似文献   

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