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Emotional crossmodal integration (i.e., multisensorial decoding of emotions) is a crucial process that ensures adaptive social behaviors and responses to the environment. Recent evidence suggests that in binge drinking—an excessive alcohol consumption pattern associated with psychological and cerebral deficits—crossmodal integration is preserved at the behavioral level. Although some studies have suggested brain modifications during affective processing in binge drinking, nothing is known about the cerebral correlates of crossmodal integration. In the current study, we asked 53 university students (17 binge drinkers, 17 moderate drinkers, 19 nondrinkers) to perform an emotional crossmodal task while their behavioral and neurophysiological responses were recorded. Participants had to identify happiness and anger in three conditions (unimodal, crossmodal congruent, crossmodal incongruent) and two modalities (face and/or voice). Binge drinkers did not significantly differ from moderate drinkers and nondrinkers at the behavioral level. However, widespread cerebral modifications were found at perceptual (N100) and mainly at decisional (P3b) stages in binge drinkers, indexed by slower brain processing and stronger activity. These cerebral modifications were mostly related to anger processing and crossmodal integration. This study highlights higher electrophysiological activity in the absence of behavioral deficits, which could index a potential compensation process in binge drinkers. In line with results found in severe alcohol-use disorders, these electrophysiological findings show modified anger processing, which might have a deleterious impact on social functioning. Moreover, this study suggests impaired crossmodal integration at early stages of alcohol-related disorders.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on consumer satisfaction following neuropsychological evaluation. We sought to examine parent satisfaction with neuropsychological consultation following a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in school-age children. We surveyed 71 parents of 8- to 17-year-olds participating in a prospective longitudinal study examining neuropsychological consultation as an intervention for persistent postconcussive symptoms. Children had sustained injuries between 2 and 12 months prior to enrollment. Neuropsychological consultation occurred on average 5 months post-injury. Parent satisfaction data were collected via telephone approximately 4 months after the neuropsychological consultation. The vast majority of parents were quite satisfied with the service (e.g., 94% overall satisfaction rate; 96% rated the service as good or excellent). Satisfaction rates were associated positively with time since injury and negatively with parental education. No other child, parent, or provider variable correlated with satisfaction. The results add to the relatively sparse literature on parent satisfaction with neuropsychological evaluation. A pressing future need in pediatric neuropsychology is to examine the satisfaction of other consumers of the service, including healthcare personnel, educators, and the child patients themselves.  相似文献   

When the bottom halves of two faces differ, people’s behavioral judgment of the identical top halves of those faces is impaired: they report that the top halves are different, and/or take more time than usual to provide a response. This behavioral measure is known as the composite face effect (CFE) and has traditionally been taken as evidence that faces are perceived holistically. Recently, however, it has been claimed that this effect is driven almost entirely by decisional, rather than perceptual, factors ( Richler, Gauthier, Wenger, & Palmeri, 2008). To disentangle the contribution of perceptual and decisional brain processes, we aimed to obtain an event-related potential (ERP) measure of the CFE at a stage of face encoding ( Jacques & Rossion, 2009) in the absence of a behavioral CFE effect. Sixteen participants performed a go/no-go task in an oddball paradigm, lifting a finger of their right or left hand when the top half of a face changed identity. This change of identity of the top of the face was associated with an increased ERP signal on occipito-temporal electrode sites at the N170 face-sensitive component (∼160 ms), the later decisional P3b component, and the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) starting at ∼350 ms. The N170 effect was observed equally early when only the unattended bottom part of the face changed, indicating that an identity change was perceived across the whole face in this condition. Importantly, there was no behavioral response bias for the bottom change trials, and no evidence of decisional biases from electrophysiological data (no P3b and LRP deflection in no-go trials). These data show that an early CFE can be measured in ERPs in the absence of any decisional response bias, indicating that the CFE reflects primarily the visual perception of the whole face.  相似文献   

When observers are exposed to a distorted face the perceived configuration of a subsequently presented face is altered, a phenomenon called face distortion after-effect (FDAE). We compared the face-related components of the event-related potential (ERP) after adaptation to noise images—veridical and distorted faces. We found large bilateral adaptation effects on the P100 and N170 components that are related to face detection. Moreover, we found smaller adaptation effects on the N170, recorded over the right hemisphere, which can be related to the behavioural distortion after-effect and to face configurations. Our results suggest that the observed ERP adaptation effects are general for various steps of face processing and that the FDAEs similarly to gender after-effects are related to the early face-specific ERP components.  相似文献   

Although socio‐emotional changes are very frequently encountered after traumatic brain injury (TBI), the psychological mechanisms underlying these disorders are still poorly understood. This study aimed to explore the relationships between dysexecutive syndrome (assessed with the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome [BADS]) and socio‐emotional changes assessed by the Iowa scales of personality change (ISPC) in patients with TBI. The BADS was thus administered to 25 patients with TBI and to 25 healthy controls. Simultaneously, a close relative of each patient was given the ISPC in order to assess socio‐emotional changes. Results indicated that patients displayed significantly lower executive performances than controls and experimented significant socio‐emotional changes. The Modified Six Elements Test was the only subtask of the BADS to be significantly related to behavioural changes, and more specifically to externalizing disorders. It is concluded that executive functions, and especially multitasking, encompass processes whereby one can consciously control one's emotional reactions and behaviours.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined the effects of age at injury on the persistence of behavior problems and social skill deficits in young children with complicated mild to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Method: A concurrent cohort/prospective research design was used with repeated assessments of children with TBI (n = 82) or Orthopedic Injury (OI) (n = 114). Parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist, the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions, and the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales or the Home and Community Social and Behavior Scales shortly after injury to assess preinjury functioning, and at an extended follow-up an average of 38 months postinjury. Generalized linear modeling was used to examine the relationship of age at injury to the maintenance of behavior problems, and logistic regression was used to examine the persistence of clinically significant behavior problems. Results: At the extended follow-up, severe TBI was associated with significantly greater anxiety problems relative to the Group OI. With increasing time since injury, children who sustained a severe TBI at an earlier age had significantly higher levels of parent-reported symptoms of ADHD and anxiety than children who were older at injury. Conclusions: Findings suggest that longer-term treatment for behavior problems may be needed after severe TBI, particularly for those injured at an earlier age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Children with attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) show deficient response inhibition. ADHD itself is a common consequence of TBI, known as secondary ADHD (S‐ADHD). Similarity in inhibitory control in children with TBI, S‐ADHD, and ADHD would implicate impaired frontal‐striatal systems; however, it is first necessary to delineate similarities and differences in inhibitory control in these conditions. We compared performance of children with ADHD and those with TBI without pre‐injury ADHD on a stop signal, response inhibition task. Participants were 274 children aged 6–14 years. There were 92 children with ADHD, 103 children with TBI, and 79 typically developing children who served as controls. Among the TBI participants, injury severity ranged from mild to severe. Children with ADHD and TBI showed deficient inhibition. The deficit in children with ADHD was as great as or greater than that in children with TBI, regardless of degree of TBI severity or the presence of S‐ADHD. The finding indicates that TBI results in deficient inhibition regardless of the development of S‐ADHD.  相似文献   

Service members (SMs) who sustain traumatic brain injury (TBI) during deployment have increased risk for mental health issues. Mental health treatment can be challenging in military settings where treatment seeking is often stigmatized. Adequate care relies on accurate interpretations of SMs’ verbal accounts of distress, but little is known about how SMs, embedded in a culture that values resilience and self-reliance, relay emotional distress. We performed qualitative analyses of recordings from a telephone-based intervention with 25 SMs who sustained deployment-related mild TBI (mTBI) to elucidate thematic and dialectal patterns. Consistent with our expectations, SMs rarely used explicit depressive terms while discussing their emotional distress. More prevalent was language suggestive of an overarching theme of loss of control, whereby SMs’ stress, anxiety, and anger were often attributable to SMs’ perceptions that they had incomplete jurisdiction over their own lives. This study may help mental health providers improve engagements with SMs and Veterans, preventing misunderstandings and even improper diagnoses or referrals that could result from a strict reliance on the more customary expressions of distress.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of emotional content on encoding and retrieval processes. Event-related potentials were recorded in a source recognition memory task. During encoding, a posterior positivity for positive and negative pictures (250-450 ms) that presumably reflects attentional capturing of emotionally valenced stimuli was found. Additionally, positive events, which were also rated as less arousing than negative events, gave rise to anterior and posterior slow wave activity as compared with neutral and negative events and also showed enhanced recognition memory. It is assumed that positive low-arousing events enter controlled and elaborated encoding processes that are beneficial for recognition memory performance. The high arousal of negative events may interfere with controlled encoding mechanisms and attenuate item recognition and the quality of remembering. Moreover, topographically distinct late posterior negativities were obtained for the retrieval of the context features location and time that support the view that this component reflects processes in service of reconstructing the study episode by binding together contextual details with an item and that varies with the kind of episodic detail to be retrieved.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are significantly impaired on emotion recognition tasks. In this study, the relationship between neuropsychological functioning and emotion recognition was examined in 11 individuals with moderate to severe TBI and a control group of 13 individuals matched for age,sex, and education. Emotion recognition stimuli were from Ekman and Friesen's pictures of facial affect. The group with TBI showed neuropsychological deficits consistent with those commonly found following moderate to severe TBI. The group with TBI also identified significantly fewer emotion recognition stimuli than the control group.The number of correctly identified emotion recognition stimuli was significantly correlated with measures of verbal cognitive processing in the group with TBI. These findings suggest that the role of left hemisphere brain mechanisms in the recognition of facial (nonverbal)emotion may be more important than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Selective learning (SL) is the ability to select items to learn from among other items. It requires the use of the executive processes of metacognitive control and working memory, which are considered to be mediated by the frontal cortex and its circuitry. We studied the efficiency with which verbal items of greater value are selectively learned from among items varying in value in 14 children ages 8-15 years who had sustained severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and in 39 typically developing age-matched children. We hypothesized that children with TBI would be disproportionately compromised in selective learning efficiency in contrast to memory span when compared to normally developing children. The results supported our hypothesis, as children with TBI performed significantly worse than controls on a measure of selective learning efficiency, but the two groups performed similarly on a measure of word recall within the same task. Furthermore, the effect of TBI on performance was demonstrated to take place at the time of encoding, rather than at retrieval.  相似文献   

Observational learning is an important mechanism for cognitive and social development. However, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying observational learning in children are not well understood. In this study, we used a probabilistic reward‐based observational learning paradigm to compare behavioral and electrophysiological markers of individual and observational reinforcement learning in 8‐ to 10‐year‐old children. Specifically, we manipulated the amount of observable information as well as children's similarity in age to the observed person (same‐aged child vs. adult) to examine the effects of similarity in age on the integration of observed information in children. We show that the feedback‐related negativity (FRN) during individual reinforcement learning reflects the valence of outcomes of own actions. Furthermore, we found that the feedback‐related negativity during observational reinforcement learning (oFRN) showed a similar distinction between outcome valences of observed actions. This suggests that the oFRN can serve as a measure of observational learning in middle childhood. Moreover, during observational learning children profited from the additional social information and imitated the choices of their own peers more than those of adults, indicating that children have a tendency to conform more with similar others (e.g. their own peers) compared to dissimilar others (adults). Taken together, our results show that children can benefit from integrating observable information and that oFRN may serve as a measure of observational learning in children.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the degree to which the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) measure overlapping vs. distinct constructs in pediatric patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), and to examine the demographic and injury correlates of such constructs as well as those of cognitive test performance. A total of 100 parents completed the BRIEF and the CBCL within 1 to 12 months after the injury of their child. Groups were contrasted based on the presence vs. absence of impairment on, respectively, the BRIEF and the CBCL. Exploratory maximum likelihood factor analysis was used to evaluate latent constructs. Correlates of the various factor scores were evaluated through regression analysis and contrasted with those of a test of verbal learning and memory.The results revealed that the BRIEF and the CBCL disagree about the presence vs. absence of impairment in about one quarter of cases. A prior history of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was associated with an increased likelihood of impairment on both the BRIEF and the CBCL, whereas prior outpatient psychiatric treatment was associated with the increased likelihood of selective impairment on the CBCL. Latent constructs manifested themselves along cognitive regulation, emotional adjustment and behavioral regulation factors. Whereas premorbid characteristics were the exclusive correlates of these factors, performance on a test of verbal learning and memory was negatively affected by intracranial lesions on neuroimaging.It is concluded that the BRIEF and the CBCL offer complementary and non-redundant information about daily functioning after pediatric mild TBI. The correlates of cognitive test performance and parental behavior ratings after such injuries are different and reflect a divergence between premorbid and injury-related influences.  相似文献   

A critical issue in the field of clinical neuropsychology is the idea that emotional or pain-related factors may compromise the validity of neuropsychological assessment. In this study, 53 individuals suffering from mild traumatic brain injury related to motor vehicle accident injury completed commonly used measures of emotional and pain-related functioning. A battery of commonly used neuropsychological tests, assessing attention, learning and memory, language, visuospatial and visuomotor functions, speeded processing, fine-motor skill, and symptom validity, was administered concurrently. Findings revealed a significant and negative correlation between anxiety and impaired delayed verbal memory, suggesting that as anxiety increased, delayed verbal memory decreased. The results otherwise provided little support for the idea that emotional or pain-related factors are detrimental to neuropsychological test performance following mild traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition that even a minor blow to the head can have serious consequences on physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social well-being. Previous studies have indicated that such changes may in turn have a dramatic effect on the ability of university students to carry out their studies. This survey measured the prevalence of mild traumatic brain injury in a nonclinical population of 1,075 university students from all disciplines. In addition to surveying the nature, cause, and sex distribution, it further investigated the relationships between the physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social repercussions of the incidents. Results replicated earlier findings and indicated a prevalence rate of mild traumatic brain injury of 34.9% (n = 375). Moreover, significant correlations were found among the physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social changes reported by the students, suggesting a cluster of symptoms associated with such incidents. Altogether, these results suggest that even currently enrolled and active university students may face unique and subtle challenges related to a mild traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

IntroductionMild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can impact gait, with deficits linked to underlying neural disturbances in cognitive, motor and sensory systems. Gait is complex as it is comprised of multiple characteristics that are sensitive to underlying neural deficits. However, there is currently no clear framework to guide selection of gait characteristics in mTBI. This study developed a model of gait in chronic mTBI and replicated this in a separate group of controls, to provide a comprehensive and structured methodology on which to base gait assessment and analysis.MethodsFifty-two people with chronic mTBI and 59 controls completed a controlled laboratory gait assessment; walking for two minutes back and forth over a 13 m distance while wearing five wirelessly synchronized inertial sensors. Thirteen gait characteristics derived from the inertial sensors were selected for entry into the principle component analysis based on previous literature, robustness and novelty. Principle component analysis was then used to derive domains (components) of gait.ResultsFour gait domains were derived for our chronic mTBI group (variability, rhythm, pace and turning) and this was replicated in a separate control cohort. Domains totaled 80.8% and 77.4% of variance in gait for chronic mTBI and controls, respectively. Gait characteristic loading was unambiguous for all features, with the exception of gait speed in controls that loaded on pace and rhythm domains.ConclusionThis study contributes a four component model of gait in chronic mTBI and controls that can be used to comprehensively assess and analyze gait and underlying mechanisms involved in impairment, or examine the influence of interventions.  相似文献   

Past research has found evidence for face and emotional expression processing differences between individuals with Asperger's syndrome (AS) and neurotypical (NT) controls at both the neurological and behavioural levels. The aim of the present study was to examine the neurophysiological basis of emotional expression processing in children and adults with AS relative to age- and gender-matched NT controls. High-density event-related potentials were recorded during explicit processing of happy, sad, angry, scared, and neutral faces. Adults with AS were found to exhibit delayed P1 and N170 latencies and smaller N170 amplitudes in comparison to control subjects for all expressions. This may reflect impaired holistic and configural processing of faces in AS adults. However, these differences were not observed between AS and control children. This may result from incomplete development of the neuronal generators of these ERP components and/or early intervention.  相似文献   

This study examined how children use word order and animacy cues to determine the agent of the action in an on-line sentence-comprehension task. The subject group included 15 children, 5-12 years old, with brain injury incurred prior to the age of 2 months; 12 had left hemisphere (LH) damage and 3 had right hemisphere (RH) damage. The comparison group included 141 children, 5-10 years old, who were at the appropriate grade for age. The task required children to listen to sentences composed of two noun phrases (N) that varied in terms of animacy and a verb phrase (V) and then to indicate the agent of the action. Three word orders were presented: NVN, VNN, and NNV. Measures included the proportion of trials in which the first noun was selected (choice) and reaction time. Word order and animacy significantly influenced choice. The effect of subject group approached significance for choice. Word order and age influenced reaction time. The children with LH injury and two children with RH injury showed a developmental delay in choosing the appropriate N as agent; one child with RH injury had mature responses. The overlapping performance of children with LH and RH injury suggests that delays in the development of sentence comprehension strategies are more likely related to reliance on a smaller than usual neural network rather than to congenital specialization of the LH.  相似文献   

The prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms following childhood traumatic brain injuries (TBI) were examined using data drawn from a prospective longitudinal study. Participants included 38 children with severe TBI, 51 with moderate TBI, and 55 with orthopedic injuries (OI). Assessments occurred shortly after injury (baseline) and at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Children completed the Child Depression Inventory (CDI). Parents rated depressive symptoms using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBC), with baseline ratings reflecting premorbid status. Assessments also included measures of children's neurocognitive functioning and the family environment. The three groups did not differ overall in self-reported symptoms on the CDI, but did display different trends over time. The three groups did not differ on parent ratings of premorbid depressive symptoms on the CBC, but parents reported more depressive symptoms in the TBI groups than in the OI group at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Child and parent reports were correlated for children in the TBI groups, but not for those in the OI group. Depressive symptoms were related to socioeconomic status in all groups. Socioeconomic status also was a significant moderator of group differences, such that the effects of TBI were exacerbated in children from more disadvantaged homes. Although self-reports of depressive symptoms were related inconsistently to children's verbal memory, parent reports of depressive symptoms were unrelated to IQ or verbal memory. The findings suggest that TBI increases the risk of depressive symptoms, especially among more socially disadvantaged children, and that depressive symptoms are not strongly related to post-injury neurocognitive deficits.  相似文献   

Acquired social disinhibition refers to a debilitating behavioural syndrome commonly reported after a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and is characterized by inappropriate social behaviour, often described as immaturity and insensitivity towards others. These behaviours can have enduring effects on the social capability of the individual and their relationships with others. However, research into socially disinhibited behaviour after TBI has been thwarted by a lack of consensus in the literature on definition and measurement. This review provides an overview of our current understanding of the definition, measurement, prevalence, associated outcomes, neuropathology, and underlying mechanisms of social disinhibition after TBI. In addition, suggestions are made for future research to further our understanding of this syndrome with the eventual aim of rehabilitating problematic behaviours. It is concluded that an improved understanding of what causes disinhibited behaviour after TBI will be necessary for the development of effective treatment strategies aimed at the rehabilitation of underlying impairments.  相似文献   

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