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Recent developments in CBT emphasize the promotion of psychological flexibility to improve daily functioning for people with a wide range of health conditions. In particular, one of these approaches, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), has been studied for treatment of chronic pain. While trials have provided good support for treatment effectiveness through follow-ups of as long as seven months, the longer-term impact is not known. The present study of 108 participants with chronic pain examined outcomes three years after treatment completion and included analyses of two key treatment processes, acceptance of pain and values-based action. Overall, results indicated significant improvements in emotional and physical functioning relative to the start of treatment, as well as good maintenance of treatment gains relative to an earlier follow-up assessment. Effect size statistics were generally medium or large. At the three-year follow-up, 64.8% of patients had reliably improved in at least one key domain. Improvements in acceptance of pain and values-based action were associated with improvements in outcome measures. A “treatment responder” analysis, using variables collected at pre-treatment and shorter term follow-up, failed to identify any salient predictors of response. This study adds to the growing literature supporting the effectiveness of ACT for chronic pain and yields evidence for both statistical and clinical significance of improvements over a three-year period.  相似文献   

Psychosocial treatments for chronic pain are effective. There is a need, however, to understand the processes involved in determining how these treatments contribute to behavior change. Control and acceptance strategies represent two potentially important processes involved in treatment, although they differ significantly in approach. Results from laboratory-based studies suggest that acceptance-oriented strategies significantly enhance pain tolerance and behavioral persistence, compared with control-oriented strategies. There is a need, however, to investigate processes of acceptance and control directly in clinical settings. The present study investigated the effects of three brief instructional sets (pain control, pain acceptance, continued practice) on demonstrated physical impairment in 74 individuals with chronic low back pain using an analogue experimental design. After controlling for baseline performance, the pain acceptance group demonstrated greater overall functioning on a set of 7 standardized physical tasks relative to the other two groups, which did not differ from one another. Further, the acceptance group exhibited a 16.3% improvement in impairment, whereas the pain control group worsened by 8.3% and the continued practice group improved by 2.5%. These results suggest that acceptance may be a key process involved in behavior change in individuals with chronic pain.  相似文献   

A causal analysis of chronic pain and depression   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
There is considerable controversy in the literature regarding the extent to which chronic pain and depression are associated and the possible causal relationship of such an association. The present study examines these issues with a sample of 243 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were mailed questionnaires for six waves of data collection. The results indicated that RA patients experience higher levels of depressive symptomatology than community samples. Using a two-latent-variable, cross-lagged design, covariance structural modeling was conducted on self-report measures of pain and depression over 6-month intervals. Results most strongly supported a causal model in which pain predicts depression during the last 12 months of the study.  相似文献   

Explored the distribution and temporal patterning of daily pain reported by 47 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for 75 consecutive days. Approximately half the pain series were significantly positively skewed, trended significantly across the recording period, or both. One fourth of the sample had relatively painful "outlier" days that clustered together. Most series displayed a significant autocorrelation in pain intensity across successive days even when the series were detrended. Patients with more active disease had pain that was more intense but more predictable from day to day and reported fewer painful outlying days and briefer episodes of atypically severe pain. Patients describing themselves as more depressed on the Center for Epidemiological Stress Depression Scale also reported more intense pain across the recording period, independent of their level of disease activity and disability. Implications for daily process studies of RA pain are discussed.  相似文献   

The topic of pain acceptance can be clinically difficult to raise in a respectful way. This article introduces a method of managing the topic of pain acceptance in daily clinical practice: The clinical pain acceptance Q-sort. The Q-sort procedure comprises 13 small cards with printed statements concerning pain acceptance on the one side, score numbers on the other side. The procedure involves the patient handling and prioritizing the statements in a personally meaningful order. Both quantitative and qualitative use of the tool is possible. The method has a three-fold outcome: (1) topics of pain acceptance are presented in a multi-faceted way for the chronic pain patient, (2) an approximate assessment of the level of pain acceptance issues is offered to the clinician, and (3) good opportunities for a therapeutic discussion on pain acceptance are made available. The clinical pain acceptance Q-sort procedure may positively contribute to daily clinical work with pain acceptance in a straightforward way. The method provides options for assessment of pain acceptance, for better understanding of the patient, and for clinical training in psychological pain management.  相似文献   

This study examined how a previous episode of depression is related to daily pain and reactions to pain among individuals with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome. Seventy-one women with fibromyalgia (including 30 who were previously depressed) rated their pain and mood 3 times daily for 30 days. Each night, participants rated the extent to which they responded to pain by catastrophizing, how much control they had over that day's pain, their ways of coping with pain that day, and the effectiveness of their coping efforts. Multivariate multilevel regression models revealed that after controlling for neuroticism and current depressive symptoms, formerly depressed and never-depressed individuals differed in how they coped with increased pain and in how they appraised the efficacy of their coping efforts. Formerly depressed participants who also reported more current depressive symptoms showed a greater decline in pleasant mood on more painful days than did formerly depressed participants who were experiencing fewer current depressive symptoms. These findings illustrate how a history of depression can be captured in the dynamics of daily life.  相似文献   

Researchers have alternately suggested selective attention, impaired stimulus filtering, and affective language deficiency models as accounting for multiple somatic complaints in persons with chronic pain disorder. The purpose of the present study was to establish the comparative usefulness of these three models for explaining somatic focus in a chronic pain population. Nine chronic pain patients evidencing high somatic focus (somatizing chronic pain patients), 10 chronic pain patients evidencing low somatic focus (nonsomatizing chronic pain patients), and 10 healthy control subjects were administered a computerized version of the emotional Stroop test as a test of these models. A total of 105 pain-, depression-, and neutral-content words were used as Stroop test stimuli. Stroop test color-naming response latencies were submitted to a two-way Group × Word Type mixed-model ANOVA, with Word Type as the repeated measure. Results reveal that neither the selective attention model nor the affective language deficiency model adequately explain Stroop test performance in somatizing chronic pain patients. Findings provide tentative support for the impaired stimulus filtering model, with somatizing chronic pain patients evidencing similar Stroop test response delays across all words. These results suggest that chronic pain sufferers misinterpret bodily sensations. Findings are discussed in terms of a bilevel approach for treatment of somatizing chronic pain patients that would include assisting the patient in accurate appraisal and interpretation of physical symptoms.  相似文献   

Although patients with chronic pain are often psychologically distressed, it has been difficult to determine whether this distress is an antecedent of chronic pain or whether it is caused by the experience of living with chronic pain. The aim of this investigation was to develop a method that would allow individuals who are at risk for the development of chronic pain to be studied before their pain has become chronic. Patients with acute herpes zoster were assessed with demographic, medical, pain, and psychosocial measures. Pain was assessed in follow-up interviews at 6 weeks and 3, 5, 8, and 12 months after these initial assessments. There were no significant differences between patients who developed short-term herpes zoster pain and patients who did not develop short-term pain for any of the measures at the initial assessment, except for one measure of pain intensity. Patients who developed chronic herpes zoster pain, however, had significantly greater pain intensity, higher state and trait anxiety, greater depression, lower life satisfaction, and greater disease conviction at the initial assessment than patients who did not develop chronic pain. In discriminant analyses, disease conviction, pain intensity, and state anxiety each made a unique contribution to discriminating patients who did and who did not develop chronic pain. This study demonstrates the feasibility of investigating psychosocial antecedents of the development of chronic pain by prospectively examining the longitudinal course of herpes zoster.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the role of during treatment changes in pain anxiety in the relation between during treatment changes in pain acceptance and chronic pain outcomes. Participants included 45 (15 women) adults (Mage = 50.42, SD = 7.69) who were HIV positive and experienced chronic pain. They were offered 12 weekly, 90-min group CBT sessions to increase understanding about chronic pain and to improve coping skills. Four hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine the mediating role of treatment changes in pain anxiety in the relation between treatment changes in pain acceptance and chronic pain outcomes. Results suggest that increases in pain acceptance during treatment were associated with decreased levels of pain anxiety during treatment, as well as decreases in pain-related impairment at treatment completion. Furthermore, decreases in pain anxiety during treatment were associated with decreases in pain-related impairment at treatment completion. Finally, treatment changes in pain anxiety were found to partially mediate the association between treatment changes in pain acceptance and pain-related impairment at treatment completion. Results are discussed within the context of better understanding the processes of change within a CBT model for chronic pain patients.  相似文献   

This paper critiques the research on distress in spouses of chronic pain patients and includes a review of two studies of spouses conducted at the Miriam Hospital Chronic Pain Research Unit. The clinical implications of this research are discussed and case material is presented to illustrate the role of spouse distress in the treatment of patients with chronic pain. Future directions for research in this area are recommended.The research conducted at the Miriam Hospital Chronic Pain Research Unit was supported by the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Administration of the National Institute of Mental Health, Small Grants Program, Grant No. 1 R03 MH39257001A1.  相似文献   

This prospective study of children with recurrent abdominal pain (N=133; ages 8--15 years) used path analysis to examine relations among dispositional pain beliefs and coping styles, cognitions and behavior related to a specific pain episode, and short- and long-term outcomes. Children believing they could not reduce or accept pain appraised their episode-specific coping ability as low and reported passive coping behavior. Dispositional passive coping had direct effects on both episode-specific passive coping and long-term symptoms and disability. Accommodative coping (acceptance and self-encouragement) was associated with reduced episode-specific distress, which itself predicted reduced depressive symptoms 3 months later. Results suggest that coping-skill interventions for children with chronic pain should target reductions in passive coping and consider the potential benefits of accommodative coping strategies.  相似文献   

Psychological factors have an impact on subjective pain experience. The aim of this study was to explore the occurrence of alexithymia and Early Maladaptive Schemas in a sample of 271 first visit chronic pain patients of six pain clinics. The patients completed the study questionnaire consisting of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale‐20, the Finnish version of the Young Schema Questionnaire short form‐extended, the Beck Depression Inventory‐II, and pain variables. Alexithymic patients scored higher on Early Maladaptive Schemas and had more pain intensity, pain disability and depression than nonalexithymic patients. Both alexithymia and depression correlated significantly with most Early Maladaptive Schemas. The co‐occurrence of alexithymia, Early Maladaptive Schemas and depression seems to worsen the pain experience. Screening of alexithymia, depression and Early Maladaptive Schemas may help to plan psychological treatment interventions for chronic pain patients.  相似文献   

Relation between catastrophizing and depression in chronic pain patients   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The relation between catastrophizing, depression, and pain was examined in 125 chronic pain patients. The Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ; Rosenstiel & Keefe, 1983) assessed patients' use of cognitive and behavioral strategies to cope with chronic pain. A significant association between catastrophizing and depression was found. In order to address questions of measurement redundancy, 6 clinical psychologists rated the degree to which items on the CSQ reflected depressive symptomatology. All items contained in the Catastrophizing subscale were rated by all psychologists as being reflective of symptoms of depression and were removed from the CSQ. When this subscale was excluded, none of the remaining CSQ subscales were significantly related to depression. The discussion addresses the interpretive difficulties that arise from hypothesizing mediating relations between variables that are conceptually and operationally confounded.  相似文献   

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