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Abstract: ‘Sortalism about demonstrative reference’ is the view that the capacity to refer to things demonstratively rests on the capacity to classify them according to their kinds. This paper argues for one form of sortalism. Section 1 distinguishes two sortalist views. Section 2 argues that one of them is false. Section 3 argues that the other is true. Section 4 uses the argument from Section 3 to develop a new response to the objection to sortalism from examples where we seem to succeed in referring even though we get sortal classification wrong, or do not attempt to classify at all.  相似文献   

目前,心理学、生物学、社会学等多个学科都在关注认知老化。文章从生物学的角度,论述了线粒体和认知老化的关系;介绍了线粒体在数量、分布及其能量供应,Ca2+浓度的维持,引发神经细胞凋亡,及线粒体基因等几个方面对认知老化产生的影响;描述了老化过程中线粒体功能失常引起的认知障碍;从而,为后人对认知老化产生机制的深入研究提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Bermúdez  José luis 《Synthese》2001,129(1):129-149
This paper explores some of the areaswhere neuroscientific and philosophical issuesintersect in the study of self-consciousness. Taking aspoint of departure a paradox (the paradox ofself-consciousness) that appears to blockphilosophical elucidation of self-consciousness, thepaper illustrates how the highly conceptual forms ofself-consciousness emerge from a rich foundation ofnonconceptual forms of self-awareness. Attention ispaid in particular to the primitive forms ofnonconceptual self-consciousness manifested in visualperception, somatic proprioception, spatial reasoningand interpersonal psychological interactions. Thestudy of these primitive forms of self-consciousnessis an interdisciplinaryenterprise and the paper considers a range of pointsof contact where philosophical work can illuminatework in the cognitive sciences, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Ian Hacking 《Synthese》2001,126(3):473-515
This paper puts together an ancientand a recent approach to classificatory language, thought, and ontology.It includes on the one hand an interpretation of Aristotle's ten categories,with remarks on his first category, called (or translated as) substancein the Categories or What a thing is in the Topics. On the other hand is the ideaof domain-specific cognitive abilities urged in contemporary developmentalpsychology. Each family of ideas can be used to understand the other. Neitherthe metaphysical nor the psychological approach is intrinsically morefundamental; they complement each other. The paper incidentally clarifies distinct uses of the word category in different disciplines, and also attempts to make explicit several notions of domain. It also examines Aristotle's most exotic and least discussed categories, being-in-a-position (e.g., sitting) and having-(on) (e.g., armour). Finally the paper suggests a tentative connectionbetween Fred Sommers' theory of types and Aristotle's first category.  相似文献   

Prelinguistic cognitive reference comprehension is foundational to language acquisition and higher cognitive functions. However, its ontogenetic origins in the first year of life are currently not well understood. The current study pitted cognitivist against social interactionist views. We worked with infants monthly from 10 to 13 months of age and observed their behavioral search during a reference comprehension task. Our goal was to first establish the age at which infants begin to cognitively expect an occluded object in one of two locations following a communicative pointing cue. We then tested whether infants' cognitive referential expectations would prospectively predict social interaction skills and experiences (as assessed by spontaneous infant and parent pointing) or, conversely, be predicted by social interaction skills and experiences. Results revealed a linear increase in cognitive reference comprehension, with clear above chance performance, individual stability in month-to-month correlations, and a synchronous correlation to referential pointing all emerging at 12 months but not earlier. Regarding developmental predictions, infants' cognitive referential expectations were not predictive of social interaction skills and experiences; on the contrary, they were predicted by social interaction skills and experiences. Findings suggest that a nonverbal cognitive understanding of reference to occluded entities is neither early emerging, hard wired, nor causal to infants' or caregivers' referential pointing. Instead, this foundational skill is predicted by earlier social interaction. Findings are consistent with the view that cognitive reference comprehension develops via a social construction process in the first year of life.  相似文献   

Conclusion We have worked out a small part of a program originally devised by Kaplan which included a clarification of the phrase y intends to demonstrate x. The analysis of demonstrative utterances, combined with a theory of deferred ostensive reference, enabled us to account for a much larger class of utterances (accompained by a relevant gesture) than expected. Regrettably, the analysis forces more questions on us than it answers. Although I have used the term gesture quite freely without providing any sort of explication, there is much more to say about gestures and their relation to speech. Especially questions concerning the ontological nature of gestures (What kind of a thing is a gesture anyway?), their epistemological status (How can we tell gestures apart from other actions?), and their semantic status (What makes a gesture have meaning?) have remained largely unexplored. To my knowledge, no philosopher in the analytic tradition has addressed those issues in any systematic manner.  相似文献   

This study investigated links between three forms of perfectionism and beliefs associated with fear of failure (FF). College students (N = 372) enrolled in physical activity classes completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale and Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory in a single session. After controlling for other forms of perfectionism, only socially prescribed perfectionism (SPP) was strongly associated with beliefs that failure led to aversive interpersonal consequences (i.e., important others losing interest, upsetting important others). Other-oriented perfectionism (OOP) exhibited a weak negative relation with beliefs that failure would lead to devaluation of one’s self-estimate; individuals who held the highest standards for others’ behavior had the weakest beliefs that failure would lead to them devaluing their self-estimate. Self-oriented perfectionism (SOP) was not associated with any beliefs that failure led to aversive consequences; however, when SOP and OOP were simultaneously elevated, they contributed positively to fears of experiencing shame and embarrassment (above and beyond main effects of SPP). Collectively these findings indicated that FF was not ubiquitous with all forms of perfectionism because the specific beliefs about the consequences of failure that underlie different forms of perfectionism varied tremendously. This research was supported in part by a grant from the College of Health & Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

脑内乙酰胆碱与认知活动的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脑内细胞外乙酰胆碱(ACh)的变化主要反映胆碱能神经元的活动,皮层和海马等脑区的ACh主要来源于基底前脑胆碱能神经元的纤维投射。应用微透析等技术在体检测清醒、自由活动动物认知过程中脑内乙酰胆碱的含量,可以研究ACh与特定行为反应和认知活动之间的关系。研究发现当机体需要对新刺激进行分析时,在学习与记忆、空间工作记忆、注意、自发运动和探究行为等认知活动中,基底前脑胆碱能神经元被激活,脑内ACh的释放也随之改变。结果提示脑内胆碱能递质系统活动与认知过程密切相关  相似文献   

第二次认知革命与社会建构论的产生   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
第二次认知革命是后现代主义的革命。它的直接结果是促进了社会建构论的产生。社会建构论主张(1)知识是建构的,建构是社会的建构,而不是个体的建构。(2)人格、态度、情绪等心理现象并不存在于人的的内部,而是存在于人与人之间,是文化历史的产物。(3)语言并非是具有确定意义的透明的媒介,语言是先在的,规定了思维的方式。(4)没有超越历史和文化的普遍性知识,我们对于心理现象的理解是受时间、地域、历史、文化和社会风俗等制约的。(5)心理学家应该关注话语的作用,话语分析是心理学的基本研究方法。  相似文献   

空间参照框架是个体表征空间方位的方式, 按照表征中心的不同分为自我中心和环境中心两种参照框架。长期对某一参照框架的持续激活可以形成对该空间参照框架的偏好, 不仅会影响个体的神经元结构, 还会对认知机能产生重要影响。偏好环境中心参照框架会增加海马及其附近脑区的灰质, 而偏好自我中心参照框架会增加尾状核的灰质。海马灰质体积增大会增强正常人的空间记忆能力。持续激活环境中心参照框架的个体会增加海马灰质体积, 从而降低患老年痴呆的风险。未来研究应关注, 地域差异、城乡差异等环境差异在空间参照框架与认知机能关系中的影响机制, 并进一步收集空间参照框架训练在老年痴呆病人中干预效果的实证证据。  相似文献   

The nature of perceptual demonstratives, the ‘that F’ component of judgments of the form ‘that F is G’ based on perceptual input, has been a topic of interest for many philosophers. Another related, though distinct, question concerns the nature of demonstrative judgments based not on current perceptual input, but instead derived from memory. I argue that the account put forward by John Campbell fails to adequately account for memory-based demonstrative thought.  相似文献   

Conceptualism in the philosophy of perception is the doctrine that perceptual experiences have a fully conceptualized content. Conceptualists have laid particular emphasis on the role demonstrative concepts play in experience, in order to deal with the objection that experiences are fine-grained. Normal perceivers, they point out, are able to form fine-grained demonstrative color concepts for the specific shades they perceptually discriminate. Recently, however, Sean Kelly (2001b: ‘Demonstrative concepts and Experience’, The Philosophical Review 110 (3), 397–420.) has argued that, in order to possess a particular demonstrative concept, a perceiver must be able to re-identify things which fall under that concept. Since normal perceivers typically fail at such re-identification, he concludes, they do not in fact possess demonstrative concepts for the specific shades of color they experience. In response to Kelly’s attempt to resurrect the objection from the fineness of grain of experience, I argue that his defense of this Re-identification constraint (i) is not as intuitive as it might seem, (ii) is ill-motivated, and (iii) appears to rest on a conflation between different kinds of concepts.  相似文献   

The current article provides an overview of the papers included in this special issue on the cognitive and self-regulation aspects of perfectionism and their implications for treatment. Themes expressed in these papers include the association between perfectionism and deficits in cognitive self-management, the significant link between distress and automatic thoughts reflecting the need to be perfect, the importance of examining mediators and moderators of the association between perfectionism and psychological distress, and the specific role of perfectionism in suicidal tendencies and self-harm. It is also argued that certain core features of perfectionism and its associated correlates tend to impede treatment progress. Central factors associated with perfectionism that have a deleterious impact on treatment progress include the fear of failure and fear of embarrassment and exposure, a punishing orientation toward the self, pessimism and hopelessness about the possibility of recovery, and a rigid adherence to unrealistic goals and standards, including goals for treatment and recovery. We describe case studies illustrating treatment resistance among perfectionists and we reiterate the growing need for empirical research on the efficacy of clinical interventions designed for perfectionists. This article was supported by major research grants from Health Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to the first two authors, and a Canada Research Chair in Personality & Health awarded to the first author.  相似文献   

阅读发展相关的认知技能:汉语和英语的比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对英语和汉语阅读获得所需要的认知技能及发展性阅读障碍儿童认知缺陷的研究进行了回顾。分析表明阅读发展所需认知资源表现出了跨语言的一致性,都要求有充足的学习与记忆能力和正常的视觉正字法技能,语音和语义知识表征足够精细;阅读障碍儿童的主要认知缺陷也表现出了跨文字的一致性,都包括语音缺陷和一般的学习与记忆问题。然而儿童所面临的语言文字特性会影响到阅读技能获得的难易和发展性阅读障碍的表现  相似文献   

国家的振兴靠经济,经济的振兴靠企业,企业的振兴靠管理。对中国的实际情况来说,企业管理的出路在“法制”,这就需要提高全民的重“法”意识,从根本上改变我国重“礼”轻“法”的社会倾向。在企业管理中,就是要树立依“法”管理企业的思想,按照市场经济的客观要求,建立健全管理制度,以制度规范和约束企业及员工的行为,使现代企业管理走向理性和成熟。为此,我们有必要重温历史,研究和借鉴以韩非为代表的法家管理思想。  相似文献   

Demonstrative thought and psychological explanation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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