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Our study explored whether the characteristics of pretreatment trauma narratives could be used as indicators of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity before treatment. We also studied whether pretreatment characteristics could predict treatment efficacy. Although several studies suggest that fragmentation, proportion of internal events, and length in trauma narratives are associated with PTSD symptomatology, there are contradictions in the findings. Given the differences in trauma response between men and women, we considered the potential influence of gender. Before beginning a cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment, 66 participants verbally recounted their traumatic event during a diagnostic interview. After treatment, 48 participants once again provided a trauma narrative. PTSD symptom severity was assessed using the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale. Linear regression analyses revealed that none of the pretreatment characteristics predicted treatment efficacy. Furthermore, the length of the trauma narrative was the only pretreatment characteristic that correlated with pretreatment PTSD symptomatology. This suggests that more severe symptomatology is associated with shorter narratives. We only found a significant gender difference in narrative length, which was longer in women than in men. Our findings not only highlight the need for additional research on the link between trauma narratives and PTSD symptomatology, but also stress the necessity of considering gender in this field of research. This could allow for enhanced treatments to target gender-specific needs, thus leading to more individualized care for PTSD patients.  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of psychological outcomes to war on response to subsequent natural disaster. Participants were 312 military personnel, 66% of whom saw Gulf War duty. All were exposed to the 1992 Hurricane Andrew. Troops were compared on reported traumatic events, hurricane impact responses, and psychological symptoms in subgroups defined by war or no war exposure prior to hurricane and by presence or absence of war-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Data were gathered in face-to-face clinical assessments. War trauma prior to hurricane was associated with more reported traumatic events, greater fears for safety during the hurricane, and heightened psychological symptoms. Troops with preexisting war-related PTSD showed more adverse psychological hurricane sequelae and reported more traumatic events, higher depression, anxiety, anger, PTSD symptoms, and physical symptoms, and lower self-esteem than those free of diagnoses. Results point to the negative influence of exposure to one traumatic event on the experience of and response to a subsequent stressor.  相似文献   

Previous research found associations between experiencing specific posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and use of specific substances among combat veterans, women exposed to domestic violence, and an inpatient sample; however, research has not utilized a college sample when considering this association. This study assessed trauma history, PTSD symptoms, alcohol use, and nonexperimental use of depressants, stimulants, opioids, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and steroids in college students. Results indicate unique associations between the PTSD symptom cluster of reexperiencing and use of depressants, avoidance/numbing with use of depressants and opiates, and hyperarousal with use of opiates. Further, the individual subclusters of behavioral avoidance and emotional numbing were associated with use of depressants and avoidance was associated with hallucinogen use. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined child abuse and community violence exposure as potential risk factors in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms following exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV). In a community sample of 51 primarily low-income women who had experienced IPV, childhood exposure to child abuse made a unique contribution to PTSD symptom severity from subsequent IPV. Community violence also accounted for variance in PTSD symptom severity, but in the opposite direction, with individuals exposed to community violence reporting lower levels of PTSD symptoms from IPV. These findings suggest the need for further research to identify which factors related to community violence exposure might inoculate individuals against the development of PTSD following IPV exposure.  相似文献   

Military deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan are associated with increased risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and relationship impairment. Unfortunately, the perceived stigma associated with seeking deployment-related behavioral health care in military settings has been a significant barrier to care. Historically, active-duty military service members involved in same-sex intimate relationships have experienced further stressors and barriers to care related to additional stigma and lack of social support. Prior federal regulations excluded sexual minorities from openly serving in the military, thereby limiting the available behavioral health services for same-sex couples. Since this ban was lifted after the repeal of the U.S. policy known as "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" in 2010, gay and lesbian service members have increased opportunities to obtain behavioral health care. One therapy that is newly available to sexual minority military couples is Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy (CBCT), which effectively addresses co-occurring PTSD and relationship dysfunction. This case study illustrates the use of CBCT for the treatment of deployment-related PTSD in a same-sex active-duty military couple. After completing all 15 CBCT sessions, the couple reported clinically meaningful changes in the service member’s PTSD symptoms, which was maintained at the 2-month follow-up. The results of this case study indicate that CBCT for PTSD can have positive treatment outcomes with military same-sex couples. Further clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(5):1251-1264
Research demonstrates consistent associations between symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and reductions in interpersonal functioning. Moderators of this association, however, remain relatively unexplored. The current study aimed to examine the extent to which aspects of empathic responding may influence the relation between PTSD symptom dimensions and interpersonal functioning in students exposed to significant trauma. Participants (N = 94, 85.1% female, 86.2% White/Non-Hispanic) completed an initial screening to assess for trauma exposure and associated symptoms of PTSD. Interpersonal functioning and dimensions of empathic responding were measured using a series of self-report and lab-based tasks. Hierarchical regression models provided evidence for a consistent association between post-trauma arousal-reactivity and reductions in interpersonal functioning. Results also indicated a moderating effect of affective empathy (β = −.37, p = .010, f2 = .086). Simple slopes and Johnson-Neyman plots identified an association between arousal-reactivity and functioning at low (β = 1.57, p < .001, f2 = .301) versus high (β = .31, p = .417, f2 = .008) levels of empathic response to a positively valenced film. Results offer preliminary support for a potential buffering effect of affective empathy on interpersonal functioning in individuals reporting chronic, trauma-related symptoms.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(5):863-875
Prior work implicates sleep disturbance in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the majority of this literature has focused on combat veteran men, and limited work has examined links between sleep disturbance and PTSD symptoms in sexual assault survivors. This is a notable gap in the literature, as sexual trauma is disproportionately likely to result in PTSD and is more common in women. We sought to examine the relations between subjective sleep disturbance, sexual assault severity, and PTSD symptoms in a sample of sexual assault survivors with PTSD (PTSD+), without PTSD (PTSD-), and healthy controls. The sample (N = 60) completed the Insomnia Severity Index and prospectively monitored their sleep for 1 week using the Consensus Sleep Diary. The sexual assault survivors also completed the Sexual Experiences Survey and PTSD Checklist-5. Results of group comparisons found that the PTSD+ group reported significantly higher insomnia symptoms, longer sleep onset latency, more nocturnal awakenings, and lower sleep quality compared to the healthy control group and higher insomnia symptoms compared to the PTSD- group. Results of regression analyses in the sexual assault survivors found that insomnia symptoms and number of nocturnal awakenings were significantly associated with higher PTSD symptoms, and sexual assault severity was significantly associated with higher insomnia symptoms, longer sleep onset latency, and lower sleep quality. These findings highlight specific features of sleep disturbance that are linked to trauma and PTSD symptom severity among sexual assault survivors.  相似文献   

A history of childhood trauma exposure has been linked to the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in adulthood following new exposure. Unhealthy coping behaviors that could develop or be utilized in response to early trauma could lend themselves to psychological issues in adulthood. Emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies in relation to stressful duty-related situations are examined as indirect pathways through which childhood trauma exposure could be associated with duty-related posttraumatic stress symptoms in 911 telecommunicators (N = 808). Multiple mediation models revealed that 3 of the 4 emotion-focused coping strategies, but not the problem-focused strategies, functioned as significant mediators in the association between childhood exposure and duty-related posttraumatic stress symptoms. Pairwise comparisons showed that self-controlling and escape-avoidance strategies were the strongest pathways of the indirect childhood trauma exposure–posttraumatic stress symptoms association. Implications of results regarding coping in response to new traumatic events in adulthood and potential research and intervention directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study assesses associations between multiple experience of traumatic events (polyvictimization), PTSD symptoms (PTSS) and psychiatric symptoms in early adolescence, and explores the mediating roles of attachment orientations and perceived social support in the associations between polyvictimization, PTSS and psychiatric symptoms. In 2001, a representative national sample of 390 Danish eighth-graders (M = 13.95, SD = .37) completed validated self-report questionnaires. Polyvictimization was related to higher PTSS and psychiatric symptoms. Importantly, polyvictimization was significantly linked to high attachment anxiety, which was linked with low perceived social support, which in turn was linked with high PTSS levels and psychiatric symptoms. Polyvictimization might have dire consequences in early adolescence. An individual's high attachment anxiety might be connected with lack of perceived social support, which should be seen as a possible psychological distress mechanism subsequent to exposure to a number of potentially traumatic events.  相似文献   

Individual differences in cognitive processes and coping behaviors play a role in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the large numbers of combat-exposed service members returning from the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND) conflicts, exploring individual differences in cognitive-affective processes is important for informing our understanding of PTSD etiology and early intervention in military samples. The present study examined the unique main and interactive effects of negative posttrauma cognitions (i.e., negative beliefs about self [NS], the world [NW], and self-blame [SB]) and coping strategies (i.e., positive behavioral, positive cognitive, avoidant coping, and social and emotional coping) on PTSD diagnosis within 155 (Mage = 30.7, SD = 4.48) OEF/OIF/OND combat trauma-exposed Veterans recruited from an ongoing study examining the effects of combat trauma and stress reactivity. In the final, stepwise logistic regression analysis, avoidant coping, but no other coping strategy, was significantly positively related to PTSD diagnosis in the initial step. Higher levels of NS, but not NW, were significantly associated with having a PTSD diagnosis, whereas SB was associated with decreased likelihood of PTSD, above and beyond coping strategies. A significant interaction effect was found between NS and positive cognitive coping, such that greater positive cognitive coping weakened the relationship between NS and PTSD. Examining and addressing coping behaviors and negative thoughts of self jointly may benefit assessment and intervention approaches in a combat-trauma population.  相似文献   

为了考察汶川地震后青少年的创伤暴露程度、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)、父母依恋和同伴依恋与物质滥用之间的关系,采用创伤暴露程度问卷、儿童创伤后应激障碍症状量表、父母与同伴依恋问卷和物质滥用问卷对汶川县和茂县的1435名中学生进行调查,选取有物质滥用的青少年354名作为本研究的对象。结果发现:创伤暴露程度可以直接正向预测作用物质滥用。不过,在创伤暴露与物质滥用直接关系之间加入PTSD、父母和同伴依恋之后,创伤暴露程度对物质滥用的直接预测作用不再显著,并且创伤暴露程度不能通过同伴依恋预测物质滥用,也不能通过PTSD经同伴依恋对物质滥用发挥多重中介作用;但创伤暴露程度能通过PTSD正向预测物质滥用,可以通过父母依恋负向预测物质滥用,并且创伤暴露程度还可以通过PTSD经过父母依恋对物质滥用发挥正向的多重中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:考察大学生的抑郁情绪与成人依恋的关系方法采用流调中心用抑郁量表和成人依恋量表,对河南某高校随机抽取的288名大一至大四的学生进行了调查,并进行有关的统计分析。结果:大学生的抑郁情绪在性别与年级的交互作用上差异显著;大学生成人依恋的不同类型对其抑郁情绪有影响,其中,拒绝型和恐惧型的大学生在抑郁情绪上有显著差异。结论:拒绝型与恐惧型成人依恋在大学生的抑郁情绪上有显著差异,不同年级和性别之间的抑郁情绪有显著交互作用。  相似文献   

Latinx immigrants experience substantial disparities in mental health treatment access, particularly for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The availability of brief, flexible interventions in Spanish may assist in reducing these disparities. Written Exposure Therapy (WET) is a five-session PTSD intervention that appears as effective as longer, gold-standard interventions, but has yet to be tested among Latinx immigrants. To test the acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of WET, 20 Spanish-speaking, Latinx immigrants conducted structured interviews at pretreatment, were offered WET, and completed posttreatment structured interviews. Open thematic coding of pre- and posttreatment interview questions examined perceived barriers and benefits of WET. Quantitative components examined symptom change across PTSD (PCL-IV-C) and depression (PHQ-9). Quantitative results indicated clinically meaningful and statistically significant change in PTSD symptoms using intent-to-treat analyses (Mdiff = 17.06, SDdiff = 9.97, range = 0–29, t(15) = 6.84, p < .001). Open thematic coding identified four barrier-related themes and three benefit-related themes at pretreatment. At posttreatment, three barrier-related themes and two benefit-related themes were identified. Qualitative results largely suggested that perceived barriers were common to other PTSD interventions (e.g., exposure components). Only one participant identified barriers specific to WET. Results suggested WET may reduce PTSD symptoms among Latinx immigrants. WET also appeared to be acceptable and primarily viewed as beneficial among this population. WET is a promising intervention with Latinx immigrants and warrants further testing larger trials, including testing implementation strategies that may improve access to care.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):64-79
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an effective treatment for children impacted by trauma, and non-offending caregivers play an important role in this treatment. This study aims to identify correlates of four caregiver variables that have been identified as predictors of child outcomes in TF-CBT: support, cognitive-emotional processing, avoidance, and blame/criticism. Audio recorded sessions were coded from a community effectiveness trial of TF-CBT that included 71 child-caregiver dyads participating in the trauma narration and processing phase of treatment. Regression analyses were conducted to examine caregiver trauma history and child baseline symptoms (internalizing, externalizing, and posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD] symptoms) as predictors of caregiver behavior during the trauma processing sessions. Caregivers who reported exposure to more trauma types exhibited more in-session avoidance and also processing during the trauma processing phase of treatment. Child symptoms at baseline did not predict caregiver in-session behaviors. Bivariate correlations were used to investigate concurrent associations between mean levels of in-session caregiver behaviors and in-session child distress (negative emotion, hopelessness, negative behaviors). More caregiver blame/criticism was associated with more in-session child distress on all three measures. Caregiver avoidance was associated with more child negative emotion and hopelessness. Findings may help identify therapeutic targets when working with caregivers to promote change and enhance TF-CBT outcomes.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine the effects of attachment, social support and resilience on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in people living with HIV/AIDS. One hundred fifty-two HIV+ adults in China were investigated. The results suggested that attachment anxiety had a significant direct effect on PTSD symptoms and impacted PTSD symptoms indirectly though associations with social support and resilience. Attachment avoidance could also be considered a distal risk factor of PTSD symptoms via the mediation of social support and resilience. The findings highlight the importance of identifying trauma and PTSD symptoms in people affected by HIV/AIDS and suggest that people with attachment anxiety and low social support resources might be at high risk for PTSD.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(4):656-672
Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), broadly, is one of the leading evidence-based treatments for youth with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Generally, few culturally adapted TF-CBT interventions have been examined among war trauma-affected populations in low- and middle-income countries. Using a randomized clinical trial design, a total of 48 war trauma-exposed women in Iraq, Mage (SD) = 32.91 (5.33), with PTSD were randomly assigned to either TF-CBT or wait-list control (WLC) conditions. The intervention group received 12 individual weekly sessions of a culturally adapted TF-CBT intervention. Significant reductions in PTSD symptom severity were reported by women in the TF-CBT condition from pre- to posttreatment. Women in the TF-CBT condition reported significantly greater reductions in PTSD symptoms compared to WLC at 1-month follow-up. Additionally, levels of depression, anxiety, stress, and use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies were significantly lower in the TF-CBT condition at posttreatment and 1-month follow-up, compared to the WLC condition. Women in the TF-CBT condition also reported significant improvements in various domains of quality of life at posttreatment and 1-month follow-up. This clinical trial provides preliminary cross-cultural support for the feasibility and efficacy of TF-CBT for the treatment of PTSD symptoms among women in non-Western cultures. Future directions and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

采用创伤暴露程度问卷、生活事件量表、安全感量表、情绪调节策略问卷和修订后的DSM-5的PTSD核查表对汶川地震8.5年后的1156名中学生进行调查,考察其重复创伤暴露、安全感和认知重评与PTSD之间的关系。结果发现,在控制初次地震暴露后,重复创伤暴露可以直接正向预测PTSD,也可以通过确定控制感和人际安全感分别间接地正向预测PTSD,还可以通过人际安全感经认知重评的多重中介作用来正向预测PTSD。不过,重复创伤暴露不能直接经过认知重评对PTSD发挥显著的预测作用,也不能通过确定控制感经认知重评来对PTSD发挥显著的多重间接预测作用。  相似文献   

Growing acknowledgement that adverse childhood experiences are widespread and can threaten healthy development has led to advocacy for schools to systematically incorporate trauma-sensitive practices and policies. While the background and training of school psychologists would seem to make them the ideal professionals to lead such work, little is known regarding their preparedness to engage in these school-based practices. The current pilot study examines the experiences, education and training, confidence and competence, current and desired roles, and perceived barriers and supports of school psychology trainers, trainees, and practitioners to engage in trauma-informed practices within schools. Results indicated that high majorities reported scant knowledge or competencies across domains of professional practice considered essential to trauma-informed care delivery. Findings and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(2):170-181
There is growing evidence that change in distress is an indicator of change during Prolonged Exposure (PE) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, temporal sequencing studies investigating whether change in distress precedes PTSD symptom decline are lacking. These studies are essential since the timeline between indicators of change and treatment outcome is a key assumption for mediation. The aim of the present study was to assess the temporal relationship between within- and between-session change in subjective distress and PTSD symptom decrease. We analyzed session data from 86 patients with PTSD. Data were analyzed using dynamic panel models. We distinguished temporal effects (within-persons) from averaged effects (between-persons). Results regarding the temporal effect showed that within-session change in subjective distress preceded PTSD symptom improvement while the reversed effect was absent. Averaged within-session change in subjective distress was also related to PTSD symptom improvement. Results regarding the temporal effect of between-session change in subjective distress showed that it did not precede PTSD symptom improvement. Averaged between-session change in subjective distress was related to PTSD symptom improvement. This study provides evidence for within- but not between-session change in subjective distress as indicator of change during PE. We also found that the way of modeling potential indicators of change affects results and implications. We recommend future studies to analyze mediators during treatment using temporal rather than averaged effects.  相似文献   

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